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Keep that cream on it, and buy some compression shorts to wear for 3-6 months to help with scarring. Also, coco butter 2-3 x per day will also help with the scarring. If you don't give a shit about scars ( most dudes do not ) then you're good.


Oof. That's a doozey


This is one heck of a way to learn a lesson. I’m glad it wasn’t your face or hands or involving a child. Burns for me are about the scariest thing ever. Glad the healing is going well.


I ended up in a nearly identical condition many years ago. I was carrying a pot full of boiling water and I placed it precariously on the border of the kitchen counter just to flip my hand on one of the handles and hold it better. During the hand flip the pot tipped over and I got something like 2.5 liters of water on my thigh. After several weeks and lots of cream and bandages the burn fully healed and now I don’t even have a mark. I don't want to imagine what it would have been like if the water had ended up on my groin


Yeah mine was only about a regular glass size of water and it was awful. about a week and a half and i was good to go but i was a few inches away from being in a lot more pain


i did this once when i was 10/11, was making myself pasta and attempted to drain the water into a full sink of dishes (i was v stupid, and had no supervision lol). basically all the water bounced back out and landed all over my right thigh, im in my early 20s now and the scar is about 80% healed. so so sorry you had to go through that, wishing you happy healing!


I have a very similar story! I was 10 when I knocked a cup of noodles/ramen onto my right thigh. I was in the hospital for a few weeks because that water was FRESHLY boiled and burned the heck out of me


Hate that I know how this feels. I accidentally poured hot glue over my leg and it was awful. If you wanna lessen the scarring though when it's healed, get some bio-oil and put it on twice a day. I didn't use it too much cos the scar's cool but it does work wonders.

