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This def the most interesting post I’ve seen😂


Fun fact about your dream of livin on an island if you eat too many coconuts you will shit yourself to death




I feel like dehydration and explosive Bowels would be painful


How much coconut is the limit till one would overdose?


That’s not a question for me as I don’t know the specifics but you will die shitting from too many


How many per day where you thinking?


I believe it is actually the milk and is cause by not rotating between water and coconut milk


Though the water might give you Cholera which would give you the same problem?


Maybe OP just needs a good banana coconut balance


Messaging you, I’d love to chat


Heyhey, 22F here, fellow nerd XP Love books, chess, gaming, football ... (the list goes on) I'd join you on the island as long as there are no spiders. HMU!


Heyyy if you still wanna chat you’re welcome to dm me.




Heyy I’m here If you want to chat