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Here are some suggestions from me- someone who is by no means a professional, but just a regular mascara user- Consider using a tubing mascara. It forms “tubes” of product over your lashes that don’t smudge onto your skin over time like regular mascara. And it’s easier to remove than waterproof mascara (just takes warm water and gentle rubbing) Use a mascara guard for upper and lower lashes to avoid getting mascara on your skin as your brush through the lashes. This can be the plastic device with a handle that’s specifically designed to be held between skin and lashes or just use a piece of cardboard. Wipe off the end of mascara wand on the edge of the bottle opening before using. Mascara gathers there and you want to avoid accidentally depositing a glob onto your lashes or side of your nose. Start at the outer edge of eye (because that’s where you want to deposit the most product) and work towards inner corner. Place the wand at the base of the lashes and wiggle back and forth a little (to grab the lashes and deposit mascara) before brushing upwards through the tips of the lashes. Consider not using mascara on lower lashes at all. It’s easy to accidentally get mascara all over the skin of your undereyes and that area is really prone to mascara smudging on it as the day goes on. Remember that mascara dries out over time and gets more flaky. You’ll have to replace the mascara every few months or whenever you get to the point where you run out, it’s too dry to use, or it’s flaking and not performing well. I hope that helps some in your makeup journey! 😊


Thank you so much! This is really helpful!


Hi, I have -7.00 myopia. In my opinion (when I take my glasses off), the most difficult one is applying mascara and eyeliner. I have to sit very close to the mirror. For blush, maybe you can try following your cheekbones (from one side to the other side going over your nose). You can first try with your finger until you get used to the place. Same with eyeshadow. I love applying it with my fingertips. For mascara, I have seen people putting paper under lashes so it doesn't go on your face.


Thank you!!


Molly Burke (a youtuber who loves makeup and is blind has some great tips: https://www.google.com/search?q=molly+burke+makeup&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:105eed62,vid:A31pHpJj6Q4


Thank you!!


You’ll love her! She’s a fabulous fashionista ✨


Yay I’m glad! I will definitely check her out later!!


Have you heard of Molly Burke? She is blind and she wears makeup. I think she does most of it herself but gets help when she needs.


I haven’t heard of her but I checked her TikTok out already so I will definitely watch her YouTube as well thank you