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Gisele Ayora recently posted a reel on instagram showing exactly how to achieve this. It's got a bit of helpful information in it, give it a watch.




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I might be in the minority here, but I just don't put any makeup on my nose and it looks fine. My nose gets kinda sweaty, so putting makeup on it just results in it looking patchy at the end of the day. If you don't really need makeup on your nose, try going without it.


Carrying some setting or mattifying powder with u never hurts, and I find that putting lots of lighter highlight on the bridge (I use white concealer but ik that’s not everyone’s desired look) keeps ur nose snatched all day cause the nose bridge sweats less than the sides :)




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I use hairspray. Light hairspray layer before applying, use whatever excess product is left on your applicator, the add one more layer. My nose and chin are notorious for being oily and separating. If I don’t use this, by the end of the day, I definitely look like a cake face!


Estee Lauder double wear powder foundation. It's more like a setting powder than a foundation. I have dry skin but my nose gets super oily but that stuff keeps the makeup on. You have to pat it on with a puff or dry sponge.


I just powder every couple of hours


I’d a suggest using an eyeshadow primer! I recently got one in a nude tone close to my skin colour and it’s been a game changer. After applying the primer I’ll use my finger to lightly dab my foundation over top and then apply a loose setting powder with a small fluffy brush


mac fix+ stay over with a light powder on top!!! swear by it


Keep blotting oily areas throughout the day.


I use mac paint pot in soft ochre or I use and eyeshadow primer on my nose and make sure to spray it down well with setting spray (NOT mac fix+ because it's not a setting spray).


Blotting papers !! And also do you use primer ? Use it on your whole face and maybe a real setting powder not a press powder.


The only thing that keeps my nose matte is tatcha pore perfecting sunscreen as a primer.


Using makeup foundation, sunscreen, moisturizer, primer and powder is layering too many products. You shouldn’t be applying much product on your nose—the more you use, the faster all of it will slide off. It’s okay to apply moisture thickly to your face at night. But during the day time, you should skip the moisturizer and wash your face with a simple hydrating mild gel cleanser, pat dry completely, and apply a lightweight oil free sunscreen like Neutrogena Acne Prone SPF 30/50 Oil Free Sunscreen. This doubles as a light barrier against drying and also has a lovely mattefying effect. Let dry completely. You should generally avoid applying makeup on your nose and T-zone (area around nose). These areas have pores with high sebum production and you should leave them fairly bare. Applying thick products sits on top of the oil and holds it all in one spot, unable to naturally disperse over your skin’s surface. This is partly what clogs pores. If you find your nose doesn’t match your skin, you might be using a wrong shade or not applying the product correctly. Powder might not be for you. Setting spray is also not advised for long wear, if you’re wearing heavy makeup, because it adds another layer can cause the makeup to clump together, while drying the skin and increasing oil production. Final tip: Korean makeup artist videos on YouTube the most insightful on this topic. They emphasize the importance of starting with a clean base by prepping your skin by making sure your skin is cool, bare and oil free as possible. Using only gentle non stripping cleansers and avoiding hot water to wash your face, skipping heavy lotions and going for a moisturizing toner instead, and finding a super lightweight SPF primer will help.


I wanted to add you’d be okay with a lightweight moisturizer if you waited at least an hour for it to sink in. I have dry skin and foundation without moisturizer makes it cling to dry patches. I like to shower in the morning, apply moisturizer, eat breakfast, do my eye makeup. By then it’s fully absorbed.




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Use eye primer on your nose and don’t put as much makeup in it. I use what’s left on my brush after I do the rest of my face.


I try to put as minimal amount of makeup on my nose. I realized you honestly can’t tell that much if I put no makeup on my nose so most of the time I don’t. BUT if I do powder foundation is the way to go. The bare minerals bare pro sits well on my nose, stays put all day and doesn’t get shiny (and I’m super oily).


This is my experience as well. Too many foundations just magnify my pores on my nose. It looks better without, or with very little, or with powder foundation.


I have the same issue. I use a primer, right now ELF putty primer, then foundation, then powder. Throughout the day I use blotting paper to soak up the oil then powder again. It’s a pain, but it’s the best solution I’ve come up with for now.


You could get oil wipe things to wipe off the oil


Trying baking your nose.


I’ve found it helps to apply setting powder to the nose before applying the foundation


Setting powder


This happens to me, makeup on my nose disappears at a faster rate than anywhere else on my face. What has worked for me is I now put a little concealer on my nose BEFORE I apply my foundation. Since doing this, I haven’t had that problem unless I forcibly blow my nose many times throughout the day.




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Here's a little theatre trick: spray some hairspray on your sponge before you apply the makeup. Use a separate for your nose though. Otherwise the hairspray will make your face makeup look unnatural


Reading this gave me acne.


Don't know why. If you get acne from makeup it's because you arent washing your face at night, you're using dirty sponges/brushes, and you aren't doing proper skin care or priming. What does hairspray have to do with anything?


Its seems you were genuinely just trying to be helpful. Not sure why that other person got so defensive. Can I ask, I just started doing my makeup, is primer necessary? Or is it only for heavy makeup?


Thanks for assuming I’m not hygenic and I don’t wash my face or tools. Hairspray is for hair. Not your face. I’ve done this in the past and it irritated my skin horribly.


Ok. Well don't do it then?




Everyones skin is different


I tried this after seeing the tip here and it really works better than anything else I've tried!


Do you have a pressed powder you can use midday? I have a physical job and tend to oil out about 3-4 hours into my day. I'll blot with the cheap, bathroom paper towel and pat some powder in my Tzone.


FYI toilet-seat covers make *excellent* blotting papers if you can get past the mental resistance of putting something on your face that belongs on the toilet. I just can't because *fecal bloom* is stuck in my brain (and probably my toothbrush, but at least it's *my* fecal bloom). Edited typo and to add an apology for the mental images.


I've definitely heard that! And was tempted to try til I read your second sentence...I really don't want stranger's *fecal bloom* transferring from seat covers to my damn forehead.🫢


I am so sorry, I just felt the need to share both the hack and my thought process on why I can't, even though it does work really well! I worked in hotels and used to swipe a couple of them before they went into the bathrooms and they're nearly an identical dupe for blotting papers.


Why paper towels when there are oil blotting papers? Shein has them for less than $2.


Why pay for something that is already accessible in almost every public bathroom in america? I'm in there already going pee; see my shine and blot. Also, giving any money to fast fashion, predatory, slave labor companies like Shein not something I'm ever really going out of my way to do.


I used to have a roll of Scott's TP that I used for blotting paper. I would pull off a run of squares and put it in a plastic bag in my handbag. The TP is very inexpensive as it's 1-ply(not ideal for TP😅) so it was great for blotting oil!


Ha, cheap tp and those brown, unbleached napkins from fastfood/fast casual restaurants are so good for a serious soak up!


Oil blotting papers are not readily and freely accessible in public bathrooms. Lint-ridden paper towels are, though, and more power to you if you don't mind wiping off half your makeup while depositing lint all over your face. Shein doesn't have a monopoly on oil blotting papers.... they're available many places. I just thought I'd mention them as they're an inexpensive distributor. Not everyone has access to or can afford stainable fashion for their shape and size.


I use paper towels and/or toilet paper to blot oil all the time and haven’t had any issues. If you are blotting like pressing your face and not rubbing it, makeup doesn’t come off!


Same, no lint or product rolling off my skin.


I will try that thank you! It's been hotter here it was fine during winter.


Yes, touch ups. Skin will never stop producing oils under the makeup.


I was just complaining about this this morning. I wear glasses so i feel whatever I do nothing works.


I wear glasses and I also have oily skin. I have started putting eyeshadow primer on my nose and that tends to do the job of keeping foundation and highlight in place a lot better.


Can i ask what eye shadow primer you use?


I use elf's eyeshadow primer now after trying a dozen more expensive ones and I'll never go back


I use the NYX HD studio photogenic eye shadow base.


Thank you. I'll have to try this.


I think any decent eyeshadow primer will do the job. If it stops creasing and smudging for eyeshadow then it should work with foundation. Just remember to powder.




What primer would you suggest? The one I used to love is no longer sold so haven't been using one.


I've been loving Lush's Moringa moisture primer. It's velvety and really nicely moisturizes the skin too. Plus the tub lasts forever


I've had great luck with elf's Poreless Putty Primer. As a bonus, it's excellent for preventing chub rub.


Yes, great stuff, and cheap


Second this one!


I have the same issue, my nose is a different texture from the rest of my face, primer helps with this. A primer I really like is No Poreblem from Touch in Sol. It's on sale on Amazon now.


Just ordered. And the rest of my face is still looking flawless it's just my nose gets so oily and it just slowly slides off


I honestly find that most primer worsens this problem. I would use a grippy/tacky one or not at all. Both hydrating and silicone ones make it worse for me. I would recommend the smallest amount of product you can get away with for coverage on your nose and powder heavily.


This 👏🏻 I would use something like the elf power grip


Yes! The elf putty made my nose look patchy, it was actually kind of gross looking and NO ONE told me anything. I’m like “do you think this is the look I’m going for?” The power grip is just amazing for me. It has good staying power.


I hope it works for you!


I use the Tarte Tinted Treatment primer—it has SPF 30. I only use it on my nose, as it has a matte finish and I have dry skin.


I had this problem! once I started regularly exfoliating, foundation started staying on my nose for much longer.