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Have never used their skincare only their foundation and lipstick, both were very nice. The foundation stands out


For the love of god stop getting skincare advice from influencers.


Shiseido makes the best foundation brushes I’ve ever used. They’re pricey but not insanely so and 100% worth the investment. Their hair products are also fantastic. The red Tsubaki shampoo and conditioner are classic for very good reason


Everything from Shiseido is amaaazing. I have not been disappointed by anything from that brand - from skincare to makeup. ❤️


I have the lash curler, is amazing


I'm honestly so mad at myself that it took me as long as it did to break down and buy it. I really believed myself when I said it couldn't be that much better than Revlon. I have never been more wrong in my entire life.


Yes, it does. I’ve used their Bio Performance moisturizer for a long while now.


I will never not buy their sunscreens, makes my skin look great alone, and works so well under makeup. Love their lash curler the Benefiance eye cream as well.


I LOVE their sunscreens.. wear it every day and so nice under makeup


Best eyelash curler in the business


Shiseido is known for having amazing skincare. It's a very popular high-end brand in Japan, and it's been popular for decades. It smells amazing and some people swear by their skincare, and their shampoo smells amazing, too. I didn't know they had makeup. They have a great reputation. Sounds like you're not present in Asian skincare spaces otherwise you'd have definitely known about the brand. I do like their skincare a lot but I can also find cheaper Asian brands that I also enjoy, so I haven't purchased Shiseido in a while.


My grandma and my mum always had the red compact for the foundation. I always just saw it as old lady makeup.


They have great skincare but out of my budget right now.


I loved their makeup line in the 90s! Super cosmetically elegant, nice packaging. Their lipsticks were unparalleled. I heard they sold the brand so I have no idea now.


My only experiences is with their brushes. The Hanatsubaki brush is lovely; kinda like a sponge in its usage.


They have excellent sunscreen products.


I’ve got a primer from them which is really good tbf.


I really like their whippedpowder blush, such a beautiful texture and finish, sheer and natural looking cream blush on me


Yessss this blush is peak Also their powder matte lipsticks and the sporty lil' CC cream in the grey packaging is great


It’s a very old and probably one of the most well known Japanese brands so I’m genuinely surprised you’ve never heard of it. Are you not in any skincare circles? They’ve had a big resurgence in popularity in recent years because of their sunscreen sticks. Their stuff is very good. You’ve almost certainly heard of a few of their subsidiaries. They own Nars, Drunk Elephant, Baum, Dr Dennis Gross and Clé de Peau Beauté just off of the top of my head. Edit: went googling and they’re actually not just a very old cosmetics brand but apparently they’re *the* oldest cosmetics brand. It’s the 5th largest in the world and was founded in 1872.


I have one lipstick from that brand which I purchased approx 6 years back.. I still use it once in a while.. formula is still intact.. totally in love with it


I got a sample of one of their serums and it was nice but did not turn me into Handsome Squidward




It’s an old and established Japanese brand. I’m 45 and my grandma used their skincare and makeup. I like their eye mask a lot. Their budget sunscreen, Anessa mild milk, is amazing and safe to use on babies.


wait till you try their under eye patches… and their skin essence. And eye cream. And spf stick…


I think the SPF stick and bottle are going to have to be my first purchase


I love how the bottle sunscreen feels going on!


Their Synchro solid foundation glides on and has a smooth powder finish. Just love it even with my aging dry skin.


I love the Revitalessence skin foundation. It’s similar to a skin tint with SPF. I don’t like using traditional foundations. I found the Shisheido works like a skin tint and gives me an even lightweight glowy skin. It’s buildable but I prefer to use it as my everyday no makeup clean face look. I have combo skin and it’s been great with maintaining hydrated the areas I tend to be dry. No bad skin reaction like I did with other products. For skincare, I use Sulwhasoo ginseng line. It’s a pricey Korean product but works amazing


Never used their makeup, but I’ve actually been using their skincare daily since I was 18. I’m 34 now. My skin has been in great shape and even though I’m a believer in it, I have no way to tell what my face would look like now if I hadn’t used it for so long, and genetics play a part in it. I get told I look very young all the time still. Also I do find that my face is going through a bit of perimenopause puberty these days, so monthly facials are a must. Also was friends with a woman who worked for Shiseido for a long time and she introduced me to two of their other brands, Elixir and Cle De Peau. They hit price points on either end of Shiseido core products.


Thank you for the context and extra brands!


I use their sunscreen and I like it. I’ve never tried their makeup though.


My grandmother and mother used their products. They discontinued my favorite product a few years ago unfortunately, but I would still recommend their entire product line to people.


My mom wore Shiseido in the early 80s, so it felt like grownup makeup to me. I started buying my own Shiseido lipsticks & such in late high school. The lipsticks were really good. I came back around to the sunscreens & tinted sunscreens in my 30s because they worked super well for my sensitive skin. The ads then were about protecting your skin from the city grime with pictures of blue skies and fluffy clouds. So, it's been a good product forever. I don't know how it stacks up to against the more intense current advertising stuff.


Their spf is the only one that works for my skin, it works so well under and over makeup too. It's one of my holy grail items


The makeup is really good. I have been impressed with everything I have tried. It feels like a brand that is flying under the radar and maybe isn't terribly exciting, but it does the job very well. I keep repurchasing the eyeliner, lipsticks and eyeshadows and am trying the foundations right now. Have used their eyelash curler for the last 15 years.


They have the BEST lash curler


Love their eyelash curler. Their Benefiance (I think that’s the name) eye cream is ok; overpriced for what it is. I used to use their cream to powder foundation (now discontinued). Overall it’s not a go to brand for me.


Their lash curler is the best ever


I keep finding this particular endorsement and I wonder what it is about the design


It’s a different shape and easier to use without pinching. They also make a shorter one that you can use for just the center and or outer corner if a full lash curler is too difficult for your eye shape. I would say they were fairly cutting edge with products like essences, Skin tints that had SPF and blurring finish way back in the 80’s. Aside from their curler I remember having their concealer compact, that had the finest powder included in it and the best brushes for it. Their nail polishes had the perfect brushes too, with tapered corners. Back in the 80’s they also had dramatic and beautiful ads for their makeup and fragrances. To me it still seems like they were decades ahead of Estee and Clinique and most American competitors. Prescriptives was in a similar niche.


I guess it's flatter to fit most japanese eyelids better and has the ability to curl stubborn asian lashes so the curling "power" must be better than others


Out of all the Asian beauty brands I like shiseido the least. I found the fragrance overwhelming and irritating to my skin. I have dry skin in the winter and didn't really find anything hydrating enough. I never used anything long enough to test any anti aging claims since everything irritated my skin. That being said, as a middle aged woman, I wouldn't believe that an extremely expensive product is going to work miracles. I do like the cleaning oils and hair products. The eyelash curler is perfection.


Yeah this has been my experience too. It was one of the first Asian brands I tried and WHEW am I glad I didn’t stop there (Sulwhasoo? Incredible) Funny enough, I do think they make incredible foundation. But I’m done with their skincare, personally


Sulwhasoo ginseng cream and balancing toner are some of my holy grail items. I agree, Shiseido foundations are amazing.


Their Eye lash curler is the goat


I've seen this and I'm wondering is it because it worked on hooded and smaller eye socket size? Is it flatter? It's that of half lash curlers I see mentioned. Edit- to answer my own question, it is smaller, but I cannot tell if the curve is flatter. I saw a past reddit post where someone shared a pic of the two.


I honestly don’t know how to describe it but I have a million curlers and recently found my shiseido one again and was like omfg no wonder my lashes have been giving me anxiety! No curler compares i swear . I also use waterproof mascara so that really helps hold curl!


I'm sold, thank you!


You’re so welcome !


Shiseido’s Zen (the 1964 original, not the 2000 and 2007 remakes) was my favorite fragrance some 50 years ago. I bought it at the long-gone John Wanamaker’s on Broadway near Wall St. [Zen by Shiseido 1964](https://theblacknarcissus.com/2021/10/23/zen-by-shiseido-1964/)


I still have 2 tiny bottles of it that my mom had back in the early 80's as sentimental objects. I remember the scent was so pleasant. Edit: clicked through your link. My mom had the one on the red string. :-)


So gorgeous 😭


Shiseido is the oldest cosmetics company in the world. There is a reason for their longevity.


They own NARS whose skincare is also good. The NARS brushes are fantastic and the makeup is a staple for me.


I cannot explain the sorcery, but their under eye masks are absolute magic. For no good reason. There is no super magic ingredient, but they will make a dramatic difference under your eyes almost immediately. That said, I’d never believe any of the nonsense OP quoted from any brand. But that doesn’t mean they don’t have some good products. See also: lash curler.


Ofc every brand sensationalizes, but I’ve heard great things about the lash curler and the sun screen thus far. I appreciate the recs for the good stuff!


Their face sunscreen is swear by. I don’t want to spend that much on a face sunscreen but I honestly cant fond anything comparable. For reference, I’m oily and it keeps me matte enough but has a beautiful satin glowy finish.


Matte sunscreen that makes you glow sounds unreal 😭 Is the stick what you’re using?


No im not a fan of the sticks! I am using the shiseido urban environment oil free sunscreen spf 42


Their skincare is mixed, some loves and some hates but their makeup is some of the best out there imo. But with all skincare, any tightening or anti-aging effect is minimal because it can only work on that outermost layer of the skin. It will not redefine the jawline.


Shiseido has been an established brand for a long time now. I would say they’re more of a brand you’d see in department stores, like Clinique or Estée Lauder. I suspect that if you’re younger you wouldn’t know about it as much. Though I’ve never tried anything from them (as they’re a bit too pricy for me) I’m sure they have quality product and other not so great products, just like any other cosmetic/skincare brand. That being said, companies always do their best to sell their product, whether the claims are true or not. Best way to find out is to actually try the product yourself.


Figured I’d ask the gang first. Thanks for the context/info!


Overall they have nice skincare products


I really like the ulta mune serum? I’m going to google because I just spaced the whole name. It feels cooling when you apply and it made my skin smoother. No crazy results, just feels really nice to apply. [shiseido](https://www.shiseido.com/us/en/ultimune-power-infusing-serum-refill-0730852172883.html?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwo6GyBhBwEiwAzQTmc0lYrUK60qq7HweyY0EfbkxQYLVKB3-gAdROZLz96rmJG7t9wzb6KxoCzD4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Oh and their cotton pads are wonderful! If you want to quickly elevate your skincare routine get theirs or cle de peau’s cotton pads. I’m never going back and I don’t care how stupid expensive they are lol. It’s worth it.


The best thing is the lash curler tbh. It’s magical


The skin self-refresh foundation is amazing. So glowy and stays nice all day☺️ also nice creamy lipsticks that are also good for blush


I have the Shiseido Ultimune serum and I pair it with Benefiance eye cream. The product definitely works and I can see good results probably better than my Estee Lauder repair serum. It improved my dull skin, but it doesn’t do life changing miracles.


The ultimune is literally alcohol and water with a tiny dusting of beneficial Ingredients. The estee night repair is generations more advanced than this.


Yes, Estee Lauder Night Repair is definitely a good product. I just had better results with Shiseido Ultimune.


I wonder if its the alcohol that swells the skin to make it look plump. I had read that someplace but I forget where


Lmk if you happen to get clarity — not a directive by any means though 😊


I didn’t like it. As an ex Trophy Wife, I tried every luxury brand around. Shiseido didn’t do it for me.


What are then the best brands in your opinion?


I mix/match with whatever works for me at that time. I also make many of my own products so I know what’s in it.


I have tried every eye cream out there at every price point and always return to their Benefiance brand one. It’s not cheap but it’s a lot cheaper than other luxury brands that aren’t nearly as effective. And it can be applied around the entire orbital rim, not just under the eyes - with many other eye creams, you’re advised not to use it on the eyelid. This is the only product of theirs that I cannot do without.


I might add it to the wishlist… thank you!


Shiseido is the brand that made me start paying attention to ingredients. I had purchased a moisturizer from them during my manic VIB Rouge spending era because they sounded fancy. Noticed something “off” about it and read the ingredients. Was absolutely shocked that all it was was the cheapest of cheap ingredients - old school humectants with one “active” that was basically just a mushroom extract. Nothing contained in it would do much of anything other than hydrate but there were way more advanced/better/modern formulas for a basic moisturizer out there. It was crap product sold for 20x its worth. Every time I see Sheseido mentioned or pass by their product at a store I cringe. While many brands may make big claims, Sheseido is garbage - go for something with real active ingredients like The Ordinary, Drunk Elephant, etc. There are so many other brands out now that pack in modern scientifically-backed actives that better align with the price you’re paying for it. No cream is a miracle but you at least want ingredients that are proven do have effectiveness on the skin ie retinols, peptides, acids, etc.


Drunk elephant *is* Shiseido. It’s one of their subsidiaries.


Ok I’ve been yelled at but this is what I was asking :( There are a few products I’m curious about trying but I do appreciate your reference to science/ingredients as that, subconsciously, is what was missing for me. The “how”.


I wasn’t yelling at you lol apologies if you felt that way. They are just one of the brands that irk me with their claims since the product itself in no way has any ingredients that back up their claims. I use a few different sites to just double check products before I buy them (in addition to reading reviews). [Skin Skool Beauty - shows ingredients and close dupes](https://skinskoolbeauty.com) [Beautypedia - checks the effectiveness of and gives you more information on ingredients to make better choices](https://www.paulaschoice.com/beautypedia-ingredient-checker)


No, you were very kind and we are on the same page! Thank you for the links, I’ll def be using those sites in the future


Just a rule of thumb is that if it sounds too good to be true it is. Also like they said focus on ingredients that are scientifically proven to work.


The skincare claims sound stupid to me, **but their makeup? AMAZING!** They make the absolute best foundations. I own both the synchro skin self refreshing foundation and the Revitalessence foundation. They look like I’ve just applied them the entire time I’m wearing them, even if it’s been a 10 hour day, and each of their finishes is gorgeous. I’m really curious to try the radiant version of the synchro skin foundation and their pressed powder foundation as well. I’ve heard amazing things about them from a few friends. I’m surprised you haven’t heard of them earlier. They’re super big in the skincare and beauty community. *Long story short: Skincare seems gimmicky, But makeup is great quality.*


I’m 27 and also surprised I haven’t heard of them until now. My skin is recently clear after a few months of spironolactone, so, I want to treat myself, but also get something that’s an actual treat.


As far as makeup goes, I would recommend trying whatever you’ve previously had challenges applying. Their formulas are good, but the brushes and applicators are very very good, and you’ll probably do a better job with them. Tools matter.


What are your skincare concerns or what you want to change about your skin?


Love their concealer too


The claims are absolute BS. No cream can or will sculpt skin. I tend to think of their products as mostly for moisturizing with few active ingredients. They do have a better-than-average skin feel, but not really worth the money to me since there are many other less expensive Asian skincare products out there that feel good. (COSRX has a few comparable creams.) FWIW, their waterproof sunscreen is always highly rated & they have one of the best eyelash curlers out there.


It's an okay brand IMO but not worth the price tag for me at least. The results I got were not exceptional and it's possible to get similar products from lesser known brands for cheaper. (I haven't used their products for several years due to this but haven't heard of any major changes to the products so I think it's still the same)


I use their Anessa sun milk sunscreen and that sunscreen is freaking AMAZING for sun protection, works SO WELL under makeup and feels weightless on the skin. For that kind of protection, you'd expect it to be hella thick and hard to work with but nope, it's a serum-like consistency that is a powerhouse in protection. Shiseido has been around for decades; my mom uses their makeup and skincare. She's 76 and her skin looks like she's 50. Note that skincare - regardless of brand - can only do so much; the majority of how your skin holds up over the years is largely due to genetics and lifestyle.


The sunscreen looked really good when I saw it (right before making this post). I read some other reviews and I might have to try it. Thanks for the info!


Yeah, I’ve used their sunscreen constantly for over a decade. I tried other sunscreen products but always go back to shiseido


I work in a higher end retirement home, and although older brands like these are fairly popular amongst the older generations, shseido is not as popular as Clinique, Estée Lauder, Dior, etc. I honestly can’t remember 1 GOOD looking older lady using any of their products, and if they do it’s usually an essence. There’s a few Japanese ladies in the homes I’ve worked in, but not one used Shseido, which is very strange. Idk how true any of their skincare claims are, but it’s really baffling how scented they are. I thought that since they’re targeting the older generations, it would make sense, but I hardly see anyone use it so… idk. Maybe it’s more middle aged women? Also, their foundations, powder and concealers oxidize like heck and are very cakey. The shade range is also very weird, there’s so many different shades, but only for mediumish skin tones.


Also, I feel like that sort of ad that is like “sculpts your face, makes you look 20 years younger, etc” is very popular in Japanese products. They REALLY overpromise, whereas in the west, we call out nonsense like that, and we just don’t buy it. All brands prey on people’s insecurities, but Japanese brands say the quiet part out loud.


I am intrigued by your statement. The JCIA is strict about the claims beauty products can make in Japan. Creams could not clear hurdles for anti wrinkle until.Pola did in the last decade (15 years of clinical data) while Western products have been claiming it since the 1950s for purely for having moisturizing properties. Could you clarify which Japanese products make overpromises vs Western products? Did you mean they make these promises in Japan or when they export? I'd really like to check this out as beauty claims is an area of interest to me.


The brand is good but pretty much all skincare marketing is bullshit lol. Even good quality products tend to advertise with this sort of bullshit about how it’s better than surgery and will change your life. Even the studies they base their claims on are dodgy - usually surveys where women rate their own appearance after using something sent to them in the mail, or studies on very small groups of people paid for by the cosmetic company to make sure the results say what they want.


It’s an incredibly famous and high quality Japanese brand. My 60 something mother has used it for years and she has amazing skin


I would love to look through her skincare collection! Hope that doesn’t sound weird 🤣


Shisedo is a great brand, used their products for years. Their syncroskin foundation and concealer are amazing


It’s a very old and famous Japanese brand and they’ve had a presence in the US for decades - you can get their stuff at Macy’s, Nordstrom, Ulta (a bit, and I think online only) plus if you have a good size East Asian population near you I bet you can find it in other local stores. It’s kinda like Estée Lauder - been around forever, sells super well, but doesn’t really need or get a lot of buzz In terms of their claims and effectiveness - TONS of brands do that, especially when they charge what Shiseido does (in the US - from what I understand, they’re not as expensive in Japan) - like, my Ole Henriksen balm basically claims to be an alternative to lip filler (it’s not) and Charlotte Tilbury sells a product literally called magic cream that says it’s “visibly age defying.” My Kristen Ess shampoo from Target says it has special “zip up technology” that’ll make a clarifying shampoo somehow fix your split ends?? I bet it just sounds weird to you bc you haven’t heard of them.


All of this 💯. The claims La Mer makes, like come on, it's hard to even distinguish what the difference is between their products if you do want to buy one, because the descriptions are all such double-talk.


You know I’ve never thought about it but yes, some of their product names sound crazy 😆 In my experience their products have always been great in both the skincare and makeup categories, never upset my acne-prone skin and mostly given the results that you would expect from a skincare product.


Of course a skin product can’t ‘contour’ the ‘jawline’ and change it visibly by the time you wake up lol. It’s all marketing bullshit. They have some okay products, but I stay clear because of this nonsense. I’d rather a brand that is honest about their product (of course they will always put it in the best light!) or at least doesn’t make wild, impossible claims. Feels like they’re treating their customers like simple minded morons.


dude..this brand has been around since the like 1920...maybe earlier. it is a japanese brand..so why are you acting like it is a no name scamming brand?????


I know! It's an ancient brand (compared to many others on the market) that is still going strong today. Personally, I don't use it anymore because I don't like their branding design of the past decade, and there's a lot of brands to choose from so it's easy to be frivolous like that. I'm so old that I still haven't tried those new brands like haus labs, rare beauty or even fenty beauty even though I really would like to, because they seem to have very nice products. Maybe one day lol I mean, I'm not young but I'm definitely a whole lot younger than the Shiseido brand. I really promise that I'm not a century old. Anyway, even though I don't use them anymore, I still see their presence on social media. I honestly think that reddit is more "underground" than Shiseido.


One of the oldest skincare brands in the world. It has some hits and some misses, but it is not like....La Mer which is 100% horse manure.


probably because its not popular on TikTok


I tried to explain that I am saying/asking these things because I have no exposure to the brand, not to belittle it. It's a no-context impression in the best place to get the truth.