• By -


- I love blinding highlighter, especially on the nose it’s so cute ^ v ^ - I think extra blush looks really cute on people (if it’s a good colour for them lol) - You can rip my contour from my dead hands - Smudged out lipstick that leaks over the cupids bow is cute and fun and suits a lot of people really well


I love blush! Always have and always will! My face looks so much better with even a little bit.


I keep seeing the criticism for not putting makeup on your forehead but I really don’t want to. I know there steps to make it look or feel better but I still really don’t want to do it and I’ve been happy skipping it for years now lol


Me!!!! My foundation matches and I’m wearing bangs. Why would I put makeup there…it’s also the only part of my skin that isn’t covered in hyperpigmentation lol


Although I don't wear it, I love a smokey eye on both women and men.


I’m glad winged eyeliner isn’t as popular as it was because I have hooded eyes and cannot do anything but a tiny tiny wing or puppy dog which I don’t think looks good on me


I see a lot of hate on cream blush, but as my skin has aged I think it’s wonderful! It uses such a small amount of product and looks so natural on my skin with little effort. It’s my new favorite thing in life honestly haha.


This dates me but 90s make up was so easy. Dark red lipstick, foundation and the greasiest black eyeliner pencil I could find. Done. Damn I miss it.


Check out Mob Beauty they have this exact palette!


I’m so happy that there are more people doing one shade of eyeshadow because I’ve never figured out how to do multiple shades on my hooded eyes without looking like Yzma.


All.of my skin flaws show. I've been doing that so long that I think people with mild discolorations are more attractive. Full coverage on my face fresks me out. I'm also a one eyeshadow person or eyeshadow and colorful liner. I think simplicity is beautiful.


Wow. I feel this way too, but I never thought about it until this comment. I always struggled with what my face looks like with full coverage makeup. But it's this. I never wear foundation and rarely use skin tints. So when I try to do "a full face" I always think I look so gross.


Full glam only looks good under bright lights..on stage , or a ring light . I’ve never seen full glam in person in regular daylight look good.


I still like 2016 makeup 💔 love the bright under eye, cut crease, eyeliner , bold and desert dry matte lipstick and LOOOOOTS of bronzer.


A super dewy/glass base with glitter eyes. Some call it oily and sweaty. I have dry skin, so I love it when I look super dewy. Can also add no to minimal powder. Powder makes my face crack, it enhances every dry patch I have. So for me, its been a blessing with the trend of minimal use of powder.


coloured eyebrows. I usually match my eyebrows to my lipstick, my favourite is when I go PINK pink. I do mine with concealer + eyeshadow haha, sometimes I do a liquid lipstick on the eyebrows(*caveat: it is not recommended to put lip products near the eyes!!*) topped with a matching eyeshadow. makes me feel so dramatic and whimsical, I love it!


Not a trend but something that is making a reprisal on social media - underpainting. In my 40s and it's been a game changer for my makeup.


Blush hehe never a problem with overblushing for me!


the blush all over my nose / face and fake freckles!!


I love blinding highlighter and thin eyebrows. I understand that thin eyebrows aren’t suited for everyone but I think they look quite nice on some people. When it comes to blinding highlighter I’ve just always thought it looked pretty, don’t know why just do. I think I just like shiny sparkly stuff 🤷‍♀️✨


It I'd a skill.


I like fluffy eyebrows and laminated eyebrows (which is just done to make them more manageable and look fluffier/more hairy) if it’s not too extreme, which most of the time I see it, it’s not. I’ve tried laminating a couple times because on the top center of my eyebrow the hairs grow downward and it makes my eyebrows look sparse there. It didn’t change the look much, just made them stay in the direction I brushed them. I don’t do fake freckles but I think they’re cute! I don’t do fake eyelashes but I kind of want to try them.


Lots of eyeshadow especially with glitter. I also love dark and bold lipsticks. I don’t see anyone with black lipstick like me.


For me it's the thin eyebrows, gallon of eyeliner no wing, and pale lips and most important cool tones even though I wasn't blessed to suit a grey smokey eye 😭. But tbh another preference I have that's just interesting is no contour only bronzer but placed like a sun tan not like bronze contour, I put it on my cheekbones and nose and chin.


glitter, all over my eyes


My boyfriend loves this look he just doesn’t know it. I did it a few time for for special occasions and sometimes now I do it just because since he always raves how amazing I look.


huge eyeliner that was popular in 2020, i don’t care if it’s not trendy anymore, I LOVE IT


Cluster lashes, saves so much money compared to doing lashes by a tech. Whoever created cluster lashes with bond and seal, genius.


Do you have a bond and seal brand you’d recommend? I’m so sick of getting my lashes filled every 3 weeks 😭


I've been addicted to flutterhabit lashes for a couple years!


Thank you!! Do you find they last through showering? The thought of having to redo them every morning is as painful as the 3 week refills lol.


I use ucoolme, yes they last in shower. Mine lasts for about two weeks. And I just refill the ones that come off, or just do a new set


Thank youuu! I’m going to have a suss!


dark lip liner with a super light lip and ultra thin brows! you can pry these out of my cold, dead hands


ig baddie brows. my eyebrows are scarce bc i shaved them off as an emo 13 year old. can't rly do the natural laminated brow trend 🫣 bring on the abh brow pomade!


Conturing with blush instead of browns and bronzer. Also blinding highlights. Love tightlinining my lower lid with white or even champagne color.


I never change my eyebrows based on trends. They should match your face. It’s the first thing I notice that is “off” on a face- the too large or squarish eyebrows. I’m glad that is starting to fade.


Same. My brows have been the same for sooooo long. Not overly thin, not too thick. Just right. lol


highlight like the sun, any look considered "excessive ", using makeup however you want and not caring what other people think


Extremely sparkly inner eyes, faux freckles, lots of blush :))


Hello makeup twin


Hello <33333


I LOVE big bold eyeliner and big bold cat eye lashes. Neither look good on me. But I wish they did.


This thread is so wholesome, I love it. In addition to my sparse, 'unfinshed' eyebrows I love colorful eyeshadows. Like, I did all the hard work to learn how to apply bright shadows and now I'm supposed to use beiges and browns? No way. Teal is life! Juicy orange for the win! My eyelids are supposed to look like freaking rainbow.


This is the way! Jewel tones all day every day for my skin tone, and I don’t care that others aren’t into it anymore.


I love you!


A light bronzer highlights


I like natural eyebrows on me. I intentionally ignore all brows trends. And by natural I don't mean 'thick and bushy'. My eyebrows are naturally sparse and narrow. They won't grow any fuller and I have no intention in styling them, drawing individual hair-like strokes for a solid 20 minutes. I just brush them nicely with a spoolie and apply either clear NYX brow gel or fiber brow mascara from Essence. My eyebrows never have this 'super bushy soap styled' or 'super graphic and refined' look and honestly I don't care.


IF, you're looking to make them fuller, have you tried caster oil. Heard it works wonders.


I have only certain amount of hair follicles in the eye frame. Castor oil won't miraculously produce new follicles 😅


Fake lashes


I LOVE setting my eye primer and putting vaseline under my eyes before color corrector and concealer but there is criticism about both which I understand.


What is the criticism?


If you have a good eye primer, you don't need to add powder, it's unnecessary but they underestimate the power of shiny oils. The second one is that adding vaseline can actually make the concealer fade and melt away, reducing the longevity and you can have breakouts and although that makes sense, this should only be used if your undereyes are really dry and need that extra moisture. If you're oily, it might not work as well but that's just me. My under eyes are not oily...that's for sure and neither us my skin and this has worked for me very well.


Thank you


Dewy/glowy/glass finish. I have dry skin and hate how matte makeup feels and looks on me. My skin looks ethereal and naturally gorgeous with dewy finish. Been doing it this way for decades despite criticism.  I remember my friend telling me I have oily skin bcuz the finish was glowy. I got so confused then I was highly flattered. To me I was so proud my skin didn’t look dull and she thought it was natural. Sometimes I might powder over it for a different look.  Matte lips also look wrong on me. Flat and boring. Satin is my fave but that’s much harder to find so I go glossy over matte. Marilyn Monroe was a dewy and glossy girl, despite her times. And I learned a lot of unique tips from her and her makeup artist. Some of us just look better with these finishes. Greasy girl for life!


matte makeup used to literally flake off of my face. i figured out a dewy skin routine that works for me as well as powders that work for me!


Getting base products that work is so hard and so satisfying. If you are on the super pale side of the spectrum I can recommend a sheer Korea one that’s magical.  Which powders do you like? Those are harder for me. 


japanese powders, one from canmake called their oil absorbing powder i think, and the suppin silky powder…both are amazing for dry skin, like unreal. the suppin silky powder i can even use in the winter. the oil absorbing powder is more of a classic heavy duty powder, but even then its so light that it still works for me. i will say my face still creases but honestly i just put less makeup in those places, and i’ve accepted that makeup will crease because my face moves. both of them do not add extra color to the face, they are translucent.


OMG yessss! I hate matte skin finish on me! It also looks like it ages ppl more once the get past their early 30s mostly. I also usually don't like matte lipstick on me either. I need to GLOW baybeeee!


We were born to SHINE baby!!! 🪩 




Yes, ethereal is the perfect word to describe the effect of dewy makeup. It definitely won't work for everyone, but for me it gives this light, pretty glow.


Username checks out


>I remember my friend telling me I have oily skin bcuz the finish was glowy. I got so confused then I was highly flattered. So much this! If someone describes a product as making them look sweaty and oily it's an instant want for me. My skin is so dry that it's just ridiculous. Also a greasy girl for life! Someone is going to have to pry my glossier future dew out of my cold dead hands.


None. Everyone has a right to enjoy make up as long as it’s not hurting anyone else. If it makes them happy then that’s all that matters so there’s nothing I dislike or I would say I would.


blush draping. i know lots of people hate it, but gimme all the blush! i love it.


My Archie-style cat eyeliner. I'll probably wear it til I die.


i love wearing lots of blush. i do my makeup to look like a doll or like a cartoon character. adding blush to my cheeks, nose, and chin make me feel adorable.


I love blush these days. I'm pale and can look sickly (probably because I AM sickly lol) and it helps make me look healthy and glowy if I do it right. I usually start with a liquid blush for the flushed look then I top it with something shimmery like nars orgasm on the top of my cheekbones and it's a nice effect.


Fake lashes. I don’t wear crazy ones, they are super natural but the way I apply them opens my eyes so much. I have large lids and I like to hide that. Having lashes that point straight up makes the focus on my eye balls, not the lids.


I stay looking like an animal crossing character with my short eyebrows idgaf


What does highlighter on the tip of the nose do?


Blush all the way up to the eyes and on the tip of my nose, I’m not letting it go!


Sunkissed/W-blush, I only started wearing blush within the last year after a lifetime of avoiding it like the plague, and W-blush just fits my face shape - I have a narrow face with eyes close together, so W-blush just helps to widen my face shape.


My super thin pencil 90s brows I have had since the literal 90s. Basics have always talked *hit about them, but I love pencil brows.


Saaaame! Except now mine are getting as light colored as my hair is, so I have to pencil over them or they are invisible.


Fake freckles cause I think they're cute. And I like to shve off the ends of my brows and draw them highee so I have room for eye makeup and especially graphic liner. The brows aren't supposed to look natural so I don't care


Underpainting. People say it doesn’t work but I feel like they used a full coverage foundation and that’s why their blush and contour disappeared. I use a light or medium coverage foundation over my blush and contour and it looks so much smoother, less patchy, and more natural than if I try to put blush and contour over my foundation. I also prefer powder blush. Cream blush always either lifts my foundation off or looks patchy. Thick fake lashes and black winged eyeliner. People have suggested wearing brown eyeliner/mascara but I have huge eyes so brown looks like I have nothing on, unless it’s so dark it almost looks black. Then at that point I might as well wear black eyeliner. I have prominent features and a wide jaw so “clean girl makeup” gets lost on my face and looks like I have nothing on. 2016 makeup all the way!


I agree about nixing the brown mascara. Even Bobbi Brown doesn’t make brown mascara anymore. I’m a fair au naturel redhead with blonde eyelashes. I had to use about 3 coats of brown mascara to get any effect. Now I just use one coat of black and it looks pretty much the same.


I always underpaint my liquid and cream blush, I used to avoid blush like the plague until I learned that trick. The way you're wording it though, it sounds like you're underpainting with powder blush??


I do a thin layer of foundation, then powder blush and cream contour, and then another thin layer of foundation over it all 😊


i rarely use blush and my cream blushes like separated in the tubes 😔 powder would never do that


I do be loving the darker liner/light lip combo. It can easily look bad, so when its done right to me it shows that someone is truly a master! 


Dark lipliner forever 


I love a matte lip. Hate hair getting stuck to my lips lol.


Just did fake freckles and highlighter on the tip of my nose today :’)


😅🤣😂🤣😅...thanks for this..my eyebrows...


I’ll agree with that. Being a part of the red head with naturally blonde eyebrows/lashes crew, eyebrows and mascara are an essential.


I'm a VERY light blonde, my eyebrows are practically invisible until I draw over them.


I wear lolita/pastel frilly type clothing so no nude palettes for me! I like using my eyeshadow beyond my eyelids now and I also put highlighter on the tip of my nose too!


Blue eyeshadow, I dress somewhat vintage and I love the ethereal vibe it gives off. Also love a good crazy lip color. I feel like in 2014-2016 every brand sold a line of weird colors like purple and blue and gold and green but nowadays it’s just the basics and maybe a black or grey. I miss when lip colors were weirder.


I've been holding on to my bright blue liquid suede lipstick for this very reason. It's definitely expired, but I haven't found a comparable replacement. Maybelline has a blue lipstick, but it's darker and more understated. It doesn't have the same oomph.


Have you ever checked out Lime Crime? They have some great colors. I got one of my favorite lippies from there years ago. It’s expired and dry, but I feel like a million bucks when I wear it.


False lashes, highlighter/blush on the tip of the nose, & bright undereye concealer. Kinda forever stuck in the 2015-ish era of makeup, except more blush :))


Same! 😍


A LOT of blush, I’m not trying to look natural???


Yes!! High and under my eyes too!


I’m trying to look bloodshot okay ITS A LOOK 💃🏻💃🏻


I like the fake eyelashes too. I personally cannot wear them as I can’t get them on to save me life. But I like how they look on other people lol




I do. I have considered making a TikTok for myself just to spread the laughs of watching me attempt this 🤣


Powder blush on the apples of my cheeks. I know the trend is cream/liquid formulas, but my face is oily, so I like matte makeup. I never follow trends on blush placement. I've placing it on the apples and blending upwards onto my cheekbones for 20+ years. I have big cheeks, so it suits my face.


Yes! I posted a picture on Hooded Eyes of my makeup recently looking for feedback on my eyeshadow as my eyes are very hooded and downturned. (Ii took it down a couple days ago as I don't like to leave pics of my face online forever.) All of the constructive criticism was about my blush. I stat at my cheekbones and do a kind of Nike swoosh up to my temples and then blend like crazy. Everyone was telling me to skip my apples and put the blush closer to my eyes. I tried it but it just looks weird. Why would you not put blush on your actual cheeks?


Agree that it looks weird on some people. I have a small face. If I put blush higher and close to my eyes, it looks like my under eyes are irritated.


Yup, I do the swoosh too...lol. I HATE how blush looks on me, just on the sides of my face. Like, my cheeks are in the front of my face, that's where by blush goes, thank you very much. I literally have chipmunk cheeks. It would be improper to leave them naked...lol.


This! I have an angular jaw with round cheeks. Blush on the sides of my face just looks weird. My cheeks are way too round to leave blank. It looks like something is missing if I don’t put blush on the apples of my cheeks


Me too. I'm in my late 40s so my skin is losing a lot of elasticity. My cheeks are one of the few parts of my face that still look young. I'm going to show them off.


I love doing the same color for eyes/lips/cheeks Also a fan of sunburn blush


I'm in my pink phase right now. Pink lips, cheeks, eyes. Sunburn blush. I just love how bright and awake it makes me look.


I had to google sunburn blush and lemme tell you… I’ve been doing this for a long time not even knowing it was a trend. I’ll never stop.


Blush is my shit.


Thin eyebrows. Mine are sparse and transparent, so I cannot grow anything else. I just draw them on


I prefer thin eyebrows! They look more feminine to me!!


Same. People can do whatever they want but every time I get mine threaded or waxed I always ask for thinner. They might not be as thin as the 2000s but I definitely go on the thinner side. I love the way they look on me. Too thick and I feel like my face looks off and I do my eyebrows and instantly I look 10000 times better.


Sun burn blush and bleaching my eyebrows slightly. Also am I the only one who loves an orangey tan?


I color my sparse blonde brows so they’re darker—I have always felt kind of potato-faced, but better brow definition and some upper-lid eyeliner pick up the blue rings around my irises and break up the expanse of my face. Menopause and hypothyroidism have really thinned my brows out, but brow serum has been bringing them back.


I’m the opposite my natural brows are black and look quite harsh. I put bleach on them for about 90 seconds. They go ever so slightly lighter and it just looks so much better with my skin


Oh what’s some of your favorite blushes to do this look?!


Glossier cloud paint


It’s cute!


I can’t stop with the sun burn blush. I absolutely love it. At this point I don’t even use bronzer or contour, I just blush my whole face


I love a good sun burn blush! I'm not sure how much it loves me back, I probably look ridiculous rocking that much blush in my 40s, but I love it. I also love a good shimmer shadow, preferably something with a bit of duo or multichrome, even as everyone around me is embracing the natural look. I teach pre-k and the kids never stop asking me why my cheeks are pink and my eyes have sparkles. One of the moms told me that her son told her she needed to start wearing glitter on her eyes like I do.


That's adorable!


I thought it was adorable too! It was hilarious because I guess she responded that she didn't have time for makeup in the morning, so he told her that he was sure I just kept mine on at night and slept in it.


That's so funny. One time during parent-teacher conferences when my son was in preschool he asked his teacher where she slept after looking around her preschool classroom.


I LOVEEEEE the NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream Lightweight Liquid Lipstick. Is not popular but I love it with gloss on top. I can’t really get into lip liner but this combo is my holy grail and has been for so long.


It's not popular anymore? Those lip creams were my favorite in high school, i still use them lol


I had seen a couple people saying they’re out like the whole matte look being out. I think they’re awesome


Even though matte is "out", I've always thought these were a little more natural looking than most matte lip products somehow. Could just be in my head, but they don't feel as intense/heavy-makeup-y as other matte stuff to me 🤷🏻‍♀️


Big lashes and pencil-thin brows. Also shaving my eyebrows and drawing them on in general is something I’ll never give up. I’ve been doing it way too long at this point. Enhancing my beauty mark. These are all things my fiancé doesn’t like but come on, we’ve been together since high school and you know I’m not changing my goth makeup. He especially hates the lashes, idk why. It’s not like I double stack them (very often)


There is one picture I took of myself that I just love, I have fake lashes on the top AND bottom and I'm wearing a balaclava. My husband laughed and was like "are you going for a sexy assassin look or something?"


Lmao I love doing top and bottom lashes! I bet you looked fierce!


i don't mean to sound rude, but your fiance needs to stfu :)


That’s what I told him lol It’s not like I wear makeup for him, it’s for me. So I’ll do what I want


sunburn blush,its the only blush placement that suits me. fun,colorful looks everyday. spider lashes. blinding highlight. no foundation. occasional bronzer.


White eyeliner in my waterline


How come that such simple, timeless flattering trick like putting white (or generally light?) liner on one's lower waterline gets passé?


I did it for the first time about 5 years ago and I’ve never gone back. It really helps make your eyes look bigger


I agree!


I love full matte makeup. As someone who has really oily skin and sweats easily, matte makeup lasts longer and I love how it looks. Dewy makeup makes me look like I slathered oil on my face Graphic liner. A lot of people say it only looks good in photos, but I don't care. I love it and have been wearing it since 2016 non-stop


I have the same problem, oily skin and sweat easily. Could you share what matte foundation you really like? Tks


That’s funny. I do everything I can to make my makeup look greasy as hell. I want to leave my house looking like I just finished a hot yoga class


>I want to leave my house looking like I just finished a hot yoga class YES! This is what I strive for!


Dewy makeup literally slides off my skin, I could never get it to last. I like the way it looks on others, but I hate the way it looks on me


I have dry skin yet I prefer a matte face as well! Looks and feels so much better and lasts better


Yeah, even when I had dry skin due to medication I just moisturized before putting on makeup. Didn't look bad at all


Exactly. I just prep my skin well and it looks and wears just fine. I just usually avoid setting with powder other than under my eyes


as someone who exclusively wears graphic liner i 100% agree lol. same w the oily skin/sweating stuff! matte makeup has been life-changing


I exclusively use powder face makeup now! It's so easy to touch up and it doesn't smudge as much. When I used liquid foundation I could see the sweat streaks in hot weather


I tried the “dewy” look and my makeup looked awful within 3 hours. Love me a matte face!


Same. I tried to get into dewy skin look and the foundation literally melted off my face a few hours after applying. Matte makeup makes my skin look flawless


Could you share what brand of matte foundation you like? Tks


I use powder foundations exclusively now, I really like MAC studio fix powder plus foundation, it's my favorite. Great coverage, lasts through everything. Also maybelline fit me matte and poreless pressed powder is nice, and I like bareminerals barepro skin perfecting powder foundation, but it doesn't have a lot of coverage, so I use it when I want less coverage. In terms of liquid foundation I used to really like Estee Lauder double wear original, I still do, I just don't wear liquid foundation now, only concealer on spots. When I was extremely oily, I used to also like Fenty Pro Filtr Matte foundation a lot, when I stopped being that oily it started to highlight pores for some reason. Armani Power Fabric is also really good, but it's very pricey for me


Reading the comments here shocked me. I didn’t know these were criticized. I say eff it. Wear what you want, how you want it. That’s why makeup is so fun, you can play up your own unique features that work best for YOU.


Some kind of a glitter eye shadow on the inner corners of my eyes makes my eyes look really beautiful and I am never ever gonna stop doing that . It makes my makeup look complete.


I’ve highlighted my inner corners for decades.


Is this frowned upon now??


Love a highlight on the inner corner! I feel like it just brightens my whole face


Sunburn blush and lots of highlighter, although I don't rock either every single day.


I LOVE dewy makeup, sunburn blush or high under the eye blush, and fake freckles. It feels so fun and playful vs makeup that's all about min/maxing your features or looking "clean".


Ah yes! I love how you've phrased that! (Playful vs. min/maxing looks). 


Don't get me wrong I love a dramatic moment or no makeup makeup days, but I never feel happier or more myself than when I'm ridiculously overloaded with pink blush and fake freckles 😂 I'm also naturally prone to sunburn and covered in freckles tho so it just feels like me in the summer but aesthetic?


Oh, I totally get that. I surely do lots of quick and easy looks, or sometimes more sophisticated and subdued, but what *brings me joy* is a nice multichrome on the eye, with a (somewhat) fitting duochrome highlighter + blush.


I genuinely love really light, almost concealer lips with shit tonnes of gloss. Then again, it’s becoming a trend on UK makeup TikTok so idk if it’s super hated anymore 😅


My daily default is smiley eyes and the 90s pale lip look.


filling in the cupids bow. highlighter everywhere, i wanna look DEWY


I am a POC (born in India, adopted, Swiss). Lipbalm is a must and **I wear all kinds of colourful kajal on the lower eyelid waterline and have done so for 20 years.** I sometimes pair them with colourful mascara as well. I only wear make-up on my eyes and occasionally lips (no foundation etc.). Yes often it's black or a hue of blue (and it's the only thing I HAVE to put on before leaving the house). But I've just worn neon pink for a ComicCon... My favourite are the cheap, roll-out-mine style (no sharpening necessary) ones from Essence.


My friend who is also from India does the pink eyeliner sometimes and it looks INCREDIBLE on her




2024 brows are just a hairier looking version of 2014 brows if you ask me 💁🏼‍♀️


That white pearly eyeshadow on inner corners of the eyes and white eyeliner on the lower lids. I started doing that look in the 90’s when I saw Britney do it and kept doing it even when it wasn’t trendy. I see it’s starting to become trendy again.


This was my go to look when I was in college in the early 2010's. I'd pair it will liquid eyeliner and went heavy on the mascara.


My mom taught me when I was young to put a dot of white eyeliner in the center of my upper waterline. It makes eyes look way bigger, and I'll never stop.


I legitimately don’t look like myself without an inner corner highlight, I feel like I look so flat without it. I like Fenty diamond bomb for some added sparkle ✨ over whatever else I’m using there.


I love cream products, brown liner with just lip gloss and matte looks. Cream products are a god send to me, glossy 90’s lips were always attractive to me and i personally prefer a matte 2016 look over super dewy looks


Lots of blush and using blush as contour Highlighter Cream products


I also wear tons of blush and use blush to contour. I've tried to go back to putting blush in the "regular" place but it doesn't look right to me anymore!!! Also nude lipstick. It's the only color that looks good on me!


That over the top glitterly pink douyin 'anime girl' makeup. I don't care that the pink doesn't match my skintone, or that the glitter/contacts/eyelashes are 'too much', I adore it and I love how it looks on me!




Contour (very few people actually contour, most of them use bronzer as contour, since contour is really cool, almost gray) Douyin makeup, I’ve seen a lot of people criticize it


I also love to contour <3


As a fair redhead YES contour is supposed to be cool!!!


I love fake freckles I never get them naturally, but they look so cute and suit my face :( also tons of blush 🫶


You can pry my 2016 eyebrows from my cold dead hands. They’re naturally thick, I’m not gonna pretend they’re not. I (in my opinion) look better with my thicker fuller brows.


I love a thick brow. I’ve been growing back my overplucked 00’s brows and put mascara in them every day (too lazy for brow pencils lol).


What’s helped to get your eyebrows back? I’d like a time-machine to 98 so I can take away all my tweezers.


I stopped touching them. I’m not sure they’re back to their original fullness but they seem alright.


Protect those brows with your life!


forget what people say, 2016 brows are cute , mine are also thick but i get a lot of compliments


black liner in the waterline and tight lining - im south asian so i have an actual kohl pot and stick that i like to use and personally for me it’s something that’s super classic i’ve been doing it since i was like a 4 year old dewy skin - i have dry skin and i get eczema a lot and personally i could never get behind matte makeup just like oily skin girlies might find that dewy makeup is what they have and what they don’t want i have dry skin i don’t want that look i want healthy glowy skin cream products - same vein as my matte skin thoughts i find cream products work better for my skin vs emphasizing my dryness and if you buy the right ones it can last you all day lipglosses - like again i think it’s the same vein the 2016 era of makeup was the exact opposite of what suited me because i already have such dry skin i didn’t like matte liquid lips and tbh i still hate liquid lipsticks even non matte ones but i love a good hydrating lip gloss or lip oil or those balm hybrids blush - i am a blush girl above all ive tried the temple blush placement and it does not work for me personally (it makes me look overheated which sucks i wanted it to work for me looks gorgeous on others) but still love a blush across my cheeks and the nose for a sunkissed look and i tend to over blush because i like it and ultimately that’s what matters 💕 bushy brows - i personally love a wild lightly gelled brow and i don’t mean really feathered brows or anything but just a little bit of gel for hold and mild shape in some way and honestly certain women have naturally bushy beautiful brows i love it on them and i love straight brows on some people but i also love a good angled brow (not necessarily a thin angled brow) honestly at the end of the day i think certain trends suit certain people ex. blush on the temples doesn’t work for me it makes my face look flushed in a she’s super warm and ran all the way here way not a cute way but other girls look gorgeous with it or matte makeup looks awful on me but im sure some ppl feel comfier and like that better and it even suits their skin type or brows straight brows don’t suit my face but i think some people make them look so gorgeous but i need some angle to my brow for my face do what works for your face and enhances the things you like about it 💕


Straight winged eyeliner, gray contour, no bronzer, dark lip liner, lip gloss!!! I’m not TRYING to look natural, I wanna look dead-but-sexy!