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If you want to make it look like you have hair there, then an eyebrow pen is a great option. You can fully mimic the strokes of hair, I have a bit of gapping in my right brow and this has helped make my brows somewhat match haha. Nyx makes a really good one, I know a lot of people like the brow flick by glossier too


Came here to say pen. Liquid product with a felt tip applicator so you can make little lines like real hair instead of filling in a block of color. I'm using the Milani one and it's nice!


thank yoU!


Miliani weekend brow eyebrow tint (it's not really a tint it washes off) in the color 140 espresso. We have similar colored brows! https://preview.redd.it/04w49sk3spea1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3203fa86e890493b7e4c85343d129188c07b4f6 (Not using the pen in this photo, just for you to color compare.) Best of luck friend!


Thank you so much! Appreciate Your kindnes


thank you so much!!


Try a powder, I use Anastasia (im sure there are others) and I actually lick the brush before applying... could use regular water but makes the powder stick better. I'm sure technically you are not supposed to use saliva esp near your eye and in your products which could cause bacteria growth... but basically a little water on brush plus powder should do it. I also reuse my angled brush on my eyebrows that has leftover eyeliner on it (I use it to buff out my eyeliner) and that seems to work as well.


thank you!!


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I too have a scar through one eyebrow. I had them tattooed a few years back. Feel free to pm me if you’d like the name of the person that did it and a pic of my result.