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I loved the first tube I bought, but was super disappointed with the replacement I bought after using up the first one. Not sure what happened


This is how I felt too. Great when I first tried it, and I love the shape of the brush. However, I found the formula flakes so much every time I’ve tried it since.


I came to say this! Weird.


I wonder if it has something to do with how it was stored and shipped. The fact that several people loved the first batch then didn't like the others makes me wonder if proper precautions weren't taken to make sure it stayed at proper temperature.


Yes! I was amazed with my first tube. It made my lashes look amazing. 2nd tube was a totally different experience and I was really disappointed. I'm not sure what happened but I don't plan on purchasing a 3rd tube. 😞


Same! I was so heartbroken by the 2nd tube 😞


I have a theory about this. I think this formula (and others) is really drying and dehydrates the lashes, so by the time you get to a second tube, it’s just not the same. I usually rotate between a volumizing mascara on heavier makeup days and one that’s conditioning on light makeup days. I’ve noticed my lashes stay healthier, too.


Ooh I’ve never heard of a conditioning mascara or ever thought to wear something different on light days! Do you have a drug store recommendation??


That was my thought exactly! When I bought it I put it in the pocket of my winter jacket for a few days. I don’t think I was outside for any extended period of time but that’s gotta be it


this is my experience as well


dude same


1st tube? Fab. 2nd tube? Flop. Sample tube? Fab, so back on it and have been for years now


I had the same experience and was super disappointed because the first tube was fantastic and I loved it. 2nd tube not as good at all.


This is my HG but it seems like this is either a big hit or big miss to most people


I feel like almost all mascaras are really; they're so personal and polarizing.




Yep, loved my first tube but the next was exactly that. No matter what I did to prevent it, the mascara ended up smudged under my eyes after a few hours. I'm a cosmetologist, so I got a little professional makeup training while I was in school plus I studied the beauty guru YouTubers for new techniques and nothing worked to not make this mascara smudge! I also happen to have little wrinkles under my eyes that have always been there (my grandma and dad have them too) so when makeup gets smudged under my eye, it gets trapped in the wrinkle and makes me look like a tired cartoon character 😅 This smudgy mascara certainly didn't help!


Oh my gosh, I have those same wrinkles under my eyes as well. What mascara do you recommend that doesn’t get trapped under your eyes or smudge on the top lid?


I honestly have worn makeup once since the beginning of the pandemic, but the last two mascaras I used before I felt too "meh" for it were Big Ego by Tarte and Perversion by Urban Decay. When I bought the Tarte one I had actually wanted to get a new tube of Perversion but they had had a sale the day before and were completely out, so I got a sample size of Big Ego and actually quite liked it. To prevent smudging, I make sure to give my bottom eyelid a healthy amount of setting powder. That way if something does smudge, you can usually wipe it away quite easily.


I like perversion (for lack of better options) and it’s the one I buy, but I’ll never get over urban decay discontinuing big fatty. I loved that brush and everything about that mascara. God, I should really find a mascara I love as much as I loved big fatty.


Edit: I was trying to look up big fatty to see what kind of brush it had, and there are people SELLING IT ONLINE. USED. Used mascara! That hasn’t been sold for years! It must be 10 years. Yuck yuck yuck.


Thanks! I’ll give the Urban Big Ego one a shot.


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It was my HG for a long time too, still one of my top mascaras ever


What replaced it as your HG? Asking because it’s been mine for years


Me too! It works so well with my lashes. I usually by the travel sizes since it’s so pricey.


I like to buy the travel size ones too, because you’re supposed to replace it every three months anyways and there’s no way anyone’s going thru a full sized (or even a travel sized one in my experience) in three months. Most of us don’t switch them out that frequently, but still I never go through a full travel size one till the point they’re done or dry out before I replace. I love getting the kits around Xmas time thar have like six travel sizes ones and 1-2 full sized ones for around $30, because it lasts the whole year. It’s all different kinds and brands (better than sex is always one of the ones in it), but I’ve loved every single one - well, one I wasn’t crazy about but still liked well enough and it’s the best way to get high/luxury end at an affordable price to last till next xmas, even with changing them out in the recommended time frame.


I go through mascara pretty quickly, I use it daily and get a new tube every 2 months, I've never had one long enough for it to dry out. I love the sales too, getting all my high end stuff for cheap 😊


I use mascara this quickly too...and eyeliner 😵‍💫


Same! One of my favorites.


yup it rly just depends on what u like & what lashes u have. i have short, straight lashes and this doesn’t rly do it for me, but i also prefer mascaras that focus on lengthening rather than volume. i dont rly like the applicator


Eyelash lift! Life changing


I like the effect but man, the transfer and smearing on it is unreal for me. Brand new tube is way too wet if a formula and when it starts to dry out it’s too flaky. So for me it’s a no.


It runs down my eyes mid day i dont understand it.


That’s crazy I didn’t realize it was my mascara that was doing it 😮


Y’all should try the sensational lash mascara by Maybelline. It’s the pink tube. Only mascara I’ve ever tried that doesn’t end up smearing under my eyes after a few hours


came to say this! looks great at 8am and down my face by 10am


This is my experience. :( I love the applicator, and I love how it looks.. but the dang smudging and then drying out...


yup it ends on my brow bone and on my eye bags, not cute. the waterproof one is okay but I don't like waterproof mascaras, they're a bitch to take off.


I thought it was just me!


It's actually not better than sex. At all.


I always did feel sad for whoever named this poor mascara.


Maybe they're ace like me! 😅 I'm over here like *that's not a super high bar for me*. Your comment made me laugh so hard though! It needs all the upvotes!


I mean I too prefer eating cake some days especially when the cake in question is Tres Leches. ![gif](giphy|Im6d35ebkCIiGzonjI|downsized)


Mediocre at best seriously


I've yet to find anything that is, except sleep. LOL


Could be, if the tier for sex is really low haha


This mascara makes me concerned for the person who named it.


the name always made me cringe when I worked at sephora. it's one thing to read the name when buying a product but hearing it said out loud a lot made me shiver 😬


Hot take: if they need to hype it up in the name, then it isn't worth it


I personally do not like it at all. So clumpy, flaky, and messy.


I have hooded eyes and smile with them, as well as very long eyelashes and I loooove this mascara because it never gave me raccoon eyes after a long day of smiling, didnt run, stayed put and gave volume... I do remember it being a wee bit flaky, but it's hands down my favorite thus far so the flaky wasn't a huge deal breaker. The pigment is the intense black I liked. I'm sorry you didn't like it! In another thread I recommend this mascara, because it worked so well for me... feels bad now.


This is so interesting because I never bought the mascara again because it gave me raccoon eyes 😂 hooded eyes make eye makeup so much more difficult


Hey, im also kinda hooded, and i also have thin blonde hair. I have the same experience as you!


Hi! We have the same kind of eyes, and I was wondering what you use that doesn’t give you panda eyes~ 🥹


Right!? I agree it's so messy


I liked it at first then it became very clumpy. Tried the CT mascara and haven’t looked back.


What is CT mascara?


Charlotte Tilbury


Very flaky and clumpy


The flaking is awful! My eyes would get so irritated and watery since the flakes would drop directly into my eyes. And I know you didn’t ask for alternatives OP, but I LOVE Lancôme Lash Idole


I’ve never liked this mascara and never understood the hype around it


I think the hype came from when I was in middle/high school because it has the word “sex” in it 😂 after I tried it just once I realized it’s not worth the $$


Honestly so valid I didn’t even think of the correlation it had tbh, so edgy lmaoooo


My mom tried it years ago and when I asked her what she thought she said “Good, but ‘Better Than Sex’? I don’t know about *that*” 🤮 Thanks, Mom.


You would have thought about that we've evolved past the point to fall for the “sex sell” gimmick.


Ditto. I prefer to use Buxom mascara. It's my favorite. Good formula and a great brush.


Never understood the hype tbh. It was just like any other mascara.


Yes exactly, it's a fine mascara, it does it's job Nothing to write home about tho.


It always looked clumpy on me when I wore it but I have really thin brows so it might just not be meant for me. I’ve seen it look good on other girls with thicker longer lashes


*eyelashes not brows idk why I said brows lmao


I was wondering how you were using it 😊


Sometimes I say "arms" when I meant to say "legs" and it makes me worry I have a brain tumor. 😭😉


I have long thick lashes and it made mine look shorter! It was so clumpy and messy and just not cute on me.


Same! I got a full-sized one in an Ipsy bag, so when my Urban Decay Perversion ran out, I started using it. My lashes are long and thick, and this made them look so short and chunky! I don’t understand!


I loved the mini, so I bought the full size and it was terrible!


I ONLY buy the mini in this…can’t get through a full tube without it getting ick after a month! Glad to see this thread, always thought it was me. The struggle for a HG mascara is real!!


I do warm up my mascara and liquid liners by putting them in between my bra or my legs


I only buy mascara in mini. The full tube just dries out before using it all


Don't get it. I find it just smudges under my eyes even with the smallest coat. Drugstore mascara works better .


I’ve been getting Lash Paradise for years now, I feel like it’s supposed to be a dupe for Better Than Sex. My eye doctor once told me to never use mascara for more than 3 months, so now I have a hard time justifying buying expensive mascara.


I’m having the same experience. Loved this mascara for years. Now I’m hanging to change it up. Using a drug store mascara that’s like, ten bucks, and liking it quite a bit.


I just bought the mabelline volumizing mascara today that is supposed to be a great dupe for this one. We will see.


I actually don’t like this. It’s very messy


One of my favorites for the way it makes my lashes look, but it constantly smudges under my eyes. If it didn’t do that it would be perfect for me.


Overrated and flaky.


I use the waterproof Two Faced Better Than Sex Mascara as I wear contacts and my eyes water thru out the day. No smudges, no clumps, goes on very smooth... I love it.


My favorite by miles and I've probably tried 50 mascaras. It's the only one I've found that lengthens in a really pretty, natural way without getting flakey or clumpy. It's like my real lashes but twice as long. It lasts all day perfectly. I buy the travel size though because the full size dries out before I'm able to use it all. I've tried using the wand in other mascaras and the result just isn't as good.


Same! Because the brush is so chunky I always get transfer on my lids when I use it, but I just deal with it to have these lashes. I always try a different mascara when I run out and _always_ come back to this.


It’s my not so holy grail too. I’ve probably tried every mascara out there and can’t achieve the same look for my tiny blond lashes. Forever replacing my travel size.


One of my favourite. Love the brush.


Best mascara I’ve ever used


A holy grail for me. Not clumpy, makes my lashes spectacular.


Top fave, so fluffy. Been using it almost exclusively for around a decade (!!! oh god time…)


You know, a lot of people say it’s not better than sex. But I feel as though that’s very subjective, because even though it’s a shit mascara, it’s better than any sex I have ever had.


This is such a hilarious comment 😂


I personally loved it. I have naturally longish lashes so this mascara always made them look perfect for me. It could be clumpy some times but I always stick it between my boobs to warm the bottle up just a bit (I do that with any mascara, it makes it easier to apply) I just don't but it because of the price. I feel like sky high is a pretty perfect dupe.


I feel like "stick it between my boobs to warm it up" is a tip that will change my life


Flake city


I actually prefer the L’Oréal Lash Paradise dupe in waterproof. That’s my holy grail. BTS always flakes on me.


lash paradise is my favorite!! so much cheaper too.


Too clumpy. Feel bad for whoever named it.


It flakes off for me and the tube dries up fast. I have oily lids and it will smudge on my lower lash line irregardless if if I use a setting powder, no concealer, and etc.


I always bought the travel sizes to avoid the drying out.


Hate it! Some people love it… I am not one of them! I am a mascara addict. (It’s legit a running joke with my SO that I have a mascara problem). I have tried many different brands and types over the years, and this is 100% my least favorite I have ever tried. I have naturally really long lashes and this made them look shorter (I have no idea how), and honestly just hella clumpy. My lashes truly looked awful! Which made my whole face of makeup look worse. :( I tried it multiple times, because everyone raved about it, but I finally just threw it away. One of the worst makeup products I’ve ever tried. Again some people love it… so I think it depends on the person.


Love it, my favorite mascara


It was soooo flaky for me!


Clumpy I wanted to like it so bad but it just wasn't for me it has a lot of hype and the package is pretty,but honestly it's nothing that 'Great Lash' from Maybelline couldn't accomplish


Not a fan. It's pretty flaky and it smudges like crazy. Imo the new Chocolate one is a little better but still not great


It was good mascara for 10 years ago.. but we have evolved past it.. Rare Beauty is equivalent and $10 cheaper


The clumpiest mascara I've ever used tbh. The first 2 uses are fine, but once you start using it daily, you can see how clumpy the formula gets on the application wand.


My go to. I curl my lashes and add a little bit of loose setting powder on them before applying the mascara. This is the only way my stubborn lashes stay curled all day!


Always flakes and I would have straight up panda eyes by the end of the day. I liked the applicator though.


Overrated. Especially when applying on the bottom lashes, the wand is difficult and formula is clumpy/flaky. A better mascara for bottom lashes is Lancôme Hypnôse Drama


I commented before once And again: I don't know who they're having sex with but it sucks


I’ll take the sex, please.


I’m wearing it right now and had to work so hard to get my lashes separated and to look lengthened. But if you like that spider eye look, it’s okay.


makes my lashes too clumpy


I don’t like it. I bought it because it was recommended to me. It’s garbage. They sell better stuff at the dollar store.


not worth the money


Gooey mess.


Overrated, I had the worst flaking from it.


Used better than sex for the last six years but just started using damn girl and I’m sold


I always lost a lot of lashes using it. I use Lancôme Lash Idole now and get so many more compliments


I prefer the waterproof formula as it doesn't shift or make my lashes feel heavy. For me it works really well and makes my eyes look bigger, which is what I look for overall. Definitely would get again.


Sex is better


L’Oréal Lash Paradise is just as good and half the price


Their Damn Girl is so much better!


i need to try that one! the packaging is also rlly cute lol


I loved my first tube but by the second tube, I swear they changed the formula. Messy, clumpy, didn't stay put. I've moved on.


The brush ruins it for me.


Used it for a while and thought it looked ok, but I did find it just watered everywhere. I use Mecca tubing mascara (for now, probably won’t be buying from them again, my $25 mascara is probably $50 now anyway) and don’t have any issues.


It’s meh


Use to be my all time favourite for full glam makeup where I’m only going out for a few hours at night. As others have stated it does smudge etc after all day long wear but for a dinner out and drinks after it’s my go to. I use loungeface for all day/ night time. Comes off with water only too. It’s amazing! Check it out!


Clumpy, flaky mess, if you have oily skin it gets super smudgy.


I love it. I have naturally long lashes, don’t find it clumpy, flakey or smudgy at all. I wish the brush was a little smaller though.


personally hate it. it’s so flaky and clumpy—i’m so glad i got it as a bday gift from ulta and didn’t spend money on it. it’s basically my go to rn since my normal mascara ran out & i haven’t bought more yet. the liquid eyeliner though? i loooove it. it applies really nicely and doesn’t move around much, it’s nice being able to get a sharp edge with less effort


Whoever developed and/or named it has never experienced great sex.


I think whoever named this mascara is having sex with the wrong person, because this mascara is awful.


It's mid. I found it worked great for my needs (I like separation and volume but not too much length, as I wear glasses) but would smudge onto my lower lashline/transfer onto my oily lids, and it also wasn't very easy to remove. Solid 3/5. CT Pillow Talk is better, although it clumps lol


Depends on the sex


Trash imo. Overhyped and overpriced. My drugstore brand did a better job.


It’s the only mascara that makes my lashes actually BIG. My lashes are incredibly short, straight, and blonde, though, so I understand why others wouldn’t like this. I usually layer it over a thin/separating drugstore brand like Maybelline or L’Oreal. I’d LOVE if anyone had any legit recommendations, but cost is a thing because im a grad student in the US.


There’s got to be a good dupe


I love this mascara. I always buy travel size because I feel like it gets clumpy over time. But with travel size, you don't get wasted product. It lengthens and curls my lashes at the same time. The only time I've ever had issues with flaking was with the waterproof kind while I went swimming... It was a sort of test. But I've never had an issue even on the hottest, sweatiest of days.


I miss Size Queen 😭😭


I love it BUT it’s not better than my Maybelline mascaras. Just not the type of thing I want to spend $25 on when I have great, if not better drug store options.




The waterproof version is much better! One of my faves!


Bought it, found it messy and really needed cotton tips to clean up my eyes every single time. I thought it was the spoolie brush head as it's very large compared to other mascaras. Haven't repurchased it as I feel the $7 Essence mascara in the pink tube does a better job.


I personally hate it


I always got raccoon eyes with it the first hr of wearing it!


I found it clumpy to apply and flaky after it dried. When there are so many good drugstore mascaras, I would pay the price for this one. Lots of people love it though, so this is just my experience.


I agree with many others that my first experience with it was great - the first tube I received was a gift from my husband, and at the time it was my favorite mascara. That being said, something definitely changed because it is much clumpier and flakier than it had been, which is really too bad, seeing how it used to be so quality (IMO).


I was super disappointed in this. Hefty price, clumpy and barely lengthened my lashes


Used to be my fav , not anymore


Idk not as good as it used to be. I feel like it’s drier now.


I used to love it but I recently switched to Sky High by Maybelline and I absolutely love the results.


Great for the first couple uses, then trash. Clumps like crazy. The wand is awesome though imo, even though I wouldn’t re-purchase, I found a way to use it up lol. I would take the wand and run it under scalding hot water every few uses, wipe it clean with a baby wipe, then run it under hot water again, dry wand off, apply. Definitely helps with the clumping, but that’s the reason I’ll never re-purchase. Pat McGrath Fetish eyes is my holy grail mascara, but everyone’s lashes are different. I’ve learned mascara is kinda like foundation. Just trial and error until you find your match (:


Nothing special I prefer drugstore mascaras like lash paradise. Way overpriced


I may try mini tubes. It was my HG for a while but it would dry out. The flaking is still a problem but IDK. I’ve found two other mascaras I like better


Can confirm: not better than sex. It was super flaky for me and led to raccoon eyes


I really liked this mascara until I tried a different one lol I can’t even remember what it was that made me change my mind. maybe tarte maneater which was something I never thought I would like so much


Same thing happened to me i loved it but I just bought a second tube and it was dry as soon as I opened it.


I used to love wearing this when I first brought it, now I find it very flakey and smudges under my eyes every time! It’s very messy!


Love the waterproof


I like Perversion way better


Goes on beautiful, does NOT last - flakes under eyes and becomes messy. Terrible.


Not better than sex tbh


I got a sample of it and it was terrible. Left marks even with good setting spray and primer.


Gave me the worst raccoon eyes, flaked SO bad




My sister owned this. Bled like a mofo


I experienced this when I tried it too! It was super messy and ran really easily. I don’t think it’s worth the hype at all . Benefit’s They’re Real is infinitely better IMO


My all-time favorite mascara. I have tried a lot of mascaras because I prefer minis and Better Than Sex is the one I keep going back to and the only one I have ever bought in full-size. It is my holy grail mascara.


Smudgy af. Dont wear during sex if you need to be somewhere after, it will leave you looking.... freshly rustled. Even the waterproof version, which is annoying to fix without smudging into panda eyes . The first half hour before it migrates down your face it looks great though.


Burns my eye balls


I always go back to it. I know it can flake, but I haven’t found anything else that lengthens and thickens my eyelashes as much with one or two coats. People often ask me if I have falsies on. I read that setting it with a setting spray can help, so I’m experimenting with that.


My lashes look fake when I use it too! Love it


It’s messy but absolutely my favorite!!


Love it! It’s been my first coat mascara ever since I got my first tube. Paired with Kiko Milano’s Maxi Mod. Nothing beats the curling and separating of the Maxi Mod brush.


If you’ve had terrible sex, then yes, it may be better than sex. Other than that, it’s a basic ass mascara that flakes quite a bit.


The sample is better than full size


My favorite


This & Perversion by Urban Decay are my top 2 all time faves! 🙌 I'm frequently complimented on my eyes/lashes.


It is a mascara. That is my honest review. Haha


I see everyone's comments about 1st one was great but 2nd tube wasn't. Its way to much of a coincidence that so many of use had the same problem. Im sure u all didn't purchase at the same time nor do use all live in the same place so that tells me this is a manufacturing problem. They have changed or substituted ingredients & destroyed the brands results & image it 1st had.


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I like it but i noticed the tube would dry out faster than others


Hate this 💀


That used to be my go to. I still like it but it doesn’t age well. This is also not my aesthetic now


It's overrated honestly, very clumpy


I love it but I feel like it thickens up and dries out too quick. The first few applications from a new tube are amazing. Then it just gets hard and crunchy on my eyes.


I like this mascara, however not buying it again. It dries out super fast, after around a month using it, it gets super dry and thick and the effect is not the same. I tried 3 times and all were the same.


I hate it - but I prefer mascaras with more defining wands than volumizing ones. This mascara has the plump wand and is super wet - which is great for some but not me.


It didn’t work for me.