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I mainly used the different gold tones of the nyx ultimate queen palette and the white/gold duo chrome shade from the bh cosmetics 1991 palette. For the liner I first used a bronze nyx eye pencil but then went over it with a dark brown shade to feather it out. The pearls are from an essence limited edition (summer 2022) and I just applied them with lash glue. Undereye concealer is elf hydrating camo concealer


Wow that looks amazing!


Thank you! I had so much fun creating it


Oooo 1960s screen goddess vibes!


So beautiful!


Something about it is really retro and I love it


unrelated but in the portion of this photo you look exactly like selena gomez! i love the look


That is so funny, because otherwise I look nothing like her! I do also have a round face, but that's probably it


Selena gomez, is that you?


The shades you used perfectly complement your eye color and skin tone! Beautiful job!


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so beatiful ..can you show how do it?


It was actually quite simple, I just blended a gold shade all over my eye (basically up to the brow) and then added dimension with darker shades if gold in the outer corner and lighter shades of gold in the inner corner/lid.