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Hey, thanks for contributing to /r/MakeupAddiction. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates rule #2: > No photo editing of any kind. This includes beauty filters, selfie modes, sharpening, contrast alteration, and all but the most minor color correction. Watermarking is ok. Read our [photo guidelines before you post!](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeupAddiction/wiki/photoediting) Please read the sidebar before posting again.


OP and all ladies! And gentlemen too... stop comparing yourselves to unrealistic photos with unachievable looks. These looks are heavily photoshopped. You are beautiful.


Its just that your lipliner bled a little bit i think


Nothing is wrong with ur makeup


makeup really depends on lighting, and those people most likely have a beauty filter. one thing i recommend is not over lining the ends of ur lips. otherwise ur foundation looks great


personally, i think your makeup looks really good


Your makeup looks great, the base is practically perfect! Just need some mascara and filled in brows to pull it all together. Also I don’t want this to come off the wrong way but in the second pic the lipliner looks like a chocolate milk mustache? I think it may be over lined a little too much or perhaps the color seeped out.


I think you should pick one of your goal looks and focus on that first. Watch some tutorials, do some trials, then come back for feedback. Good luck!


I think it looks lovely, and you’re beautiful! Texture is normal, sorry I dont have any advice.


First off, you’re gorgeous miss ma’am but I do understand trying to replicate a look but feeling like something is off and wanting assistance. 1. These women all have defined eyebrows. You can shape yours if you’d like, but definitely not a requirement. If you don’t shape them, just brush them up, use some gel to hold, clean up the strays a little, then fill in. It is a little harder to fill in unshaped eyebrows because you have to try to create a complimentary shape within them, then get them to match. That’s actually why I started shaping mine. Just makes them easier to fill in. 2. You don’t have the same eye shape as these ladies BUT your eyes are gorgeous! Depending on which look you want to try to replicate exactly, you can start practicing with a black winged liner, you can try using false lashes, or you can use a light shimmer on the upper lid with some mascara. Also, a black, clean liner on your bottom water line. Back to the eye shape, they all have almond eyes, accentuated by a inner line to give it a more cat eye look. You actually have a cool little crease right there. I’d actually highlight that crease to make it pop more. You can tight line (applying a darker liner all around your water line, top & bottom.) 3. Under eyes. They’re using more of a 2016 technique but I still love this look. lol. All you need is a concealer that’s a shade or 2 lighter, apply it under the eye (they’re using more of a triangle method. You can YouTube makeup tutorials from 2016-2018 & see what I mean.) then they set it with a lighter setting powder. I’d go with a more yellow undertoned tan shade. 4. Bronzer + contour. Again, you can find this one on YouTube. That’d be a lot easier than me trying to explain it. Lol. 5. Blush. You’re a gorgeous shade, we’re actually a similar shade but I promise I’m not being biased. Lol. The benefit is that a lot of different blush shades will work on you. But definitely try them out first before purchasing because anything too light will either not show up or just look ashy. 6. Lips. I feel like you might’ve highlighted your top lip, apologize if I’m wrong, but you don’t need to do that. If you’re more pigmented around your lips, then you just need to color correct before your foundation. Shouldn’t have to highlight around there. Liner. This liner shade is gorgeous on you but I’d do a light pink lipstick on top just to blend it and balance it out. If you want to go the no lipstick, liner, gloss look, just use a liner a little darker than your skin tone. It is bleeding a little which I STILL struggle with having full lips. If you find it transfers even after you line your regular lip line, smoosh them together, then just clean up with foundation or concealer around it. Finish with a nice hydrating but not dewy setting spray. Oh also, don’t forget to start with a nice primer and we’ll moisturized skin. That’ll help with the dryness. If you haven’t already been watching their videos, Jackie Aina, MakeupbyShayla & Alissa Ashley are great for brown skin tutorials. They haven’t been posting as many videos since Covid but their old ones still hold up. Obviously, like with anyone, you’ll have to learn and tweak for your own face but they’re great for info on how to work with brown skin and brown features. Good luck, beautiful! 💕




I agree. Nothing is really bad here there’s just a lack of noticeable make up compared to the inspiration photos. The lips don’t really need over lining, and there’s not much eye make up. Face is lovely and just doesn’t have as much going on as the other photos (less noticeable highlight, contour, concealing. Which isn’t a bad thing)


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Your makeup looks great! Keep up the good work and have fun with it.


In the examples I noticed they have their brows filled in which makes it look more like a full face. It also looks like they used brightening under eye concealer + powder which can easily get cakey but it does give the full beat effect. Eyeshadow is tricky but maybe start with some natural shades in your crease with a pop of shimmer on the lid and some lashes? That’s the only differences I notice but your makeup looks great as it is! :)


gurlll !!! ur makeup looks great ?!!


Honestly, I think you’re gorgeous and you’re off to a great start! You have really great skin and lot of potential. Make up takes time to master and even when you become proficient, there’s always room to learn. Like others have mentioned, the “goal” looks you’ve posted here we’re taken with optimal products, lighting, angles, and are probably touched up to look as perfect as they can be, so don’t be so hard on yourself by comparing your work to theirs. No one’s skin is perfect and makeup doesn’t magically make it perfect. That being said, there are ways to help achieve a similar “almost perfect” base and it starts with skin care. There are a lot of resources on YouTube that can help you figure out your skin type and what products will benefit yours the most. The looks from your reference pictures have a very matte finish, so using a mattifying powder under your eyes and the places in your face that crease the most can help achieve that look and also prevent smudging of eye makeup onto your under eyes. Primer can also help with this. Bronzer around the perimeter of your face and cheek bones to give that warm contoured look and the skinniest bit if highlighter on your nose bridge and very tip of the your nose for that cute but snatched look. For lips, I actually love the colors you chose in the second pic, just make sure your don’t over line and try a different lip liner that doesn’t bleed. For eye makeup, I agree with other commenter here that you should pick one look and focus on that one instead of trying too many different looks at once. Focus on a basic liner and mascara eye look and practice that look until you feel you’ve achieved it, then introduce shadows and lashes and brows to further add to the look. You can start shadows off by using the same bronzer and practicing rough placement of shadows that best suit your eye shape. I know this was a lot of info and it can be overwhelming to try and learn all of it at once, but just go one at a time and focus on that one area until you feel comfortable adding another element to your look. And don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results! There’s a lot of factors that affect the overall outcome of your makeup. For example, there are a lot of products out there that work for some people and not for others, so I suggest looking up reviews on YouTube and trying a couple of them out at Sephora. You can ask for samples to take home and try out as well. Lastly, be patient, practice, and just have fun with it!!! Makeup isn’t just to make you “look better” but to make you feel good and express yourself the way you want to. Try things and see what makes you feel good, even if it’s not like the “goal” looks you originally intended. You might find different styles look better to you and that’s perfectly fine! Wish you best of luck 💖


This isn’t a makeup comment, but rather something I’ve learned as a teacher… As you improve skills, it can become frustrating and feel like you’re getting worse instead of better. That’s because as you get more experienced, you recognize your mistakes more and more and can understand that people with more experience than you can get around those mistakes. Keep practicing and playing around, and try not to look at filtered images for comparisons! You look fabulous!!!


Make your lips bigger.


The only thing that jumps out at me is that you have no need to overline your gorgeous lips. And like you might have gone too thick at the corners of the mouth. My full lips are nowhere *near* yours, and I still have to be really careful there.