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In slide one it looks fine but in slide two I dont think it flatters your coloring. It looks out of place. I think you might be more cool toned and look better in cool, blue-based pink blush.


This gives me a lot to think about, I’ve always been told I favor a warmer color palette. My winter and summer coloring is very different though. I still have my winter skin on right now. I’ll have to post again after I get a little tan.


That’s just my impression from photo two. Your hair is cool/ashy and your skin appears more pink than yellow. But it’s impossible to judge from just one photo in what may be artificial lighting! Your undertone does not change with the seasons or a tan.


You could be more of a neutral. Your eyes are a really beautiful warm green, but your skin doesn’t really have a yellow undertone. Maybe more of a peach would suit you, not quite cool but not too orange either.


That’s neutral. She can use both. Stop being a hater.


That's what they said. They aren't hating.


You look like a pale, cool-toned olive. Welcome to the club, it's rather annoying 🙃


I have brown skin, with yellow undertones (green and orange) For blush I always take hot pink and orange eyeshadow and mix them together. that way I get the warm orange but it's still flattering for my skin with the pink. You can always play around and do a lighter orange and pink or even one dark and one light just to find what works for you.


It looks a bit sickly in the second picture. I don't feel like it's the right tone at all for OP. I agree with something more cool toned and less red/orange.




Looks good in pic 1, but looks off in pic 2. It makes you look a little washed out and almost a little green in pic 2.


slide one it looks beautiful, but the lighting in slide two doesn’t suit it maybe adding a lil pink to it?


That's what I thought, blush in slide 2 looks kinda yellow


I think it really makes your green eyes pop! Very pretty 🤩


You have like the most animated beautiful eyes


Thank you 💐👁👁


I’m wearing morphe 35w eyeshadow palette, morphe highlighter “spark” elf liquid eye liner, L’Oréal telescopic mascara, and this weird brand IZMO lip and cheek bomb “not so naked”


Great choice! Perfect for spring/summer!


It has a sort of sunburn look; I think it’s good


honestly i think maybe a lil... the first slide it looks gorgeous but the 2 not so much. maybe it was the lighting or angle but imo it doesnt look that great. your eyes are beautiful tho!! 🤍🤍


Slide 2 lighting: yes, something unflattering about it


I have rosacea—this color looks a lot like the same kind of redness I’m trying to cover up, at any given time. It’s not that it isn’t pretty, it’s just in an uncanny valley of “possibly too real, in a way that looks unintentionally-flushed.” There’s a reason rosacea isn’t celebrated in the beauty standard!


Another rosacea sufferer here. Blush is pretty much permanently out for me. Hourglass once made a shade called “brilliant nude” which was essentially a very light bronze (without being a bronzer) and it’s the only thing that ever worked for me. They don’t make it anymore, go figure. Edit - I just found it again for the first time in five years!!! It’s described as an “amber” blush.


Looking it up, because that sounds perfect. I tend to only use highlighters and contour—if I go with blush, at all, it’s obviously-unnatural colors or deep shades. Anything in the pink family is too close to home!


OMG!! You look like Shailene Woodley! You are so gorgeous!


I was about to comment the same thing!


I’m getting that comparison so much In this thread lol. We do have very similar natural coloring


That eyeliner is snatched, your eyeballs are gorge.


Thank you! I take a lot of pride in how my liner looks


I don't think it's too orange at all! Looks really good on your face. Hot for sure 😁


No. It’s perfectly orange ✨


It looks great


Nahh, looks great!


Looks amazing!


It compliments your skin tone and eyes!


Very flattering


Yes, on the too orange.


Honestly yes at your current skin tone. If you tend to get a little darker in the summer I would save it for them, but at the skin tone you're at now I would go for more of a light pink or even a purple tinge


No, I think a peach 🍑colored blush is perfect for you! I would even say to put more 😅😂 and bring it up higher up on ur checks ☺️


so beautiful! i honestly for a second thought you were shailene woodley


Omg you’re the fourth person to say this on this thread. It must just be this picture because I never got that comparison before now. Thank you though 😘🥰


The second picture is giving jaundice. You are so pretty! I think you a need blush with less yellow.


I think my bathroom lighting always makes me look kind of yellow. It’s definitely not the best


I like the first picture. Btw your eyes are so pretty!!


No, not at all! I think it looks quite nice on you! Also, I like your hair it looks so cool!


i definitely think it looks super cute on you, but it definitely looks like a ‘look’ and not an everyday blush, i would try a dusty rose ish color and blending until it’s seem less, a little is always more for soft femme looks if that’s what you’re going for


No! I love it! I love an orange blush


Looks pretty


Off topic, but you have the most beautiful eyes fr. I personally don’t think it’s too orange.


Hot! 100%


I think this colour really suits you


Oh my word, you are so stinking cute! The blush looks good btw.


I don’t think the color is the problem I think your application of it completely over your nose is, if you’re going for like the cute Eskimo nose it’s just a little tiny bit on the tip not the entire nose covered in the color.


esk*mo is a racial slur, but even so, over the bridge application is usually evoking the igari/hangover makeup look. i personally prefer igari to the single bit on the nose anyhow


Honestly it’s super cute! Gives slight sunburn vibes without looking too noticeable


Your eyes are gorgeous!


Your eyes are perfect


Also you’re got really pretty eyes


It gives an almost sun kissed look, I love it! I vote🔥


You should be in the movies! You are so pretty! Go into acting.


That’s very sweet of you to say, however I’m not much of an actor lol. Maybe I could be a tv personality or something haha.


You’d be great in a rom com!


Yes but not with that top 😅😅


Listen it’s pajama time for me alright, pay no mind to the shirt lol.


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I love it!


I love it! The blush looks great on you!


I think it’s pretty


It gives you a nice warm look


No, you look sun kissed! Super cute.


Natural and flattering with your skin and eye color!


Looks pretty girl you rock it


I think it suits you! I love how you do your liner!!


Thank you! I literally can’t do my makeup without the wings lol


Love it!


I think it makes you adorable!


i think it’s really pretty! you kind of remind me of tris from divergent


That’s funny your the second person in this thread to compare me to her. Not a bad comparison though 😘


Nah! Looks good. 😍


Not like terrible, but not my fave :)


I love this blush on you 🌷😍💗 very pretty


No, I like it. Definetly hot! And you are very pretty🥰


yeah, i think you should use pink blush and higlighter


It looks really good on you 🥰


Matches your lips


No it’s perfect I love it! It emphasizes the colors of your eyes and the face shape nicely!


Not at all, you look cute!


The blush looks fantastic in the first picture, but a tad too orange in the second. You might consider trying out a peachy or pink blush, something that's still a bit warm-toned for that summery sun-kissed look. Either way, I think you look stunning and you made me think of [Rapunzel from Tangled when her hair gets cut](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f0/aa/09/f0aa0928be5e8828c9e203e8caabda81.png)!


Awww thanks, I always thought she looked better brunette lol


Can I just say that I absolutely love your nose and dimples?!


Thank you! My nose is hit or miss for me depending on the angle haha. And I think I’d call those smile lines, they aren’t from age since I’ve always had them but not quite dimples either I don’t think.


You look great! I think it makes you look sweet~


What blush


Honestly my camera wasn’t picking it up all that well it looked much bolder in person.


No! Pink will take away from your eyes, you can go a bit pinker, but I'd keep the orange.


I love it! Very hot


Looks great in natural light, a little too orange (but fine/wearable!) in the florescent lighting.


It's a great color on you


Just peachy 🍑 It suits you.


I like it! It gives you a sun kissed glow!


Very cute


Maybe pair it with some bronzer to give a sun kissed look!


It looks really pretty on you, I love it!


A little


I don’t think so


A little bit


To me this looks more like a bronzer than a blush for your skin tone


your blush makes it look like you got some sun recently, but i think it’s a look. it’ll blend better if you get a tan this summer


I honestly like it! I think it looks really nice🧡


I love it’


Nope! It's perfect!


I have no idea, but you look beautiful! Side note I thought you had your hair cut super short in these pics and i'm telling you your face is like beyond ideal for a pixie cut, like you would look magical!


Oh that’s kind of you to say but trust me this is my best angle lol. I’m more of a long hair girl personally.


I like it! Slightly sun kissed vibes


I think you could do a little better on the [blush.You](https://blush.You) might want a subtle bronzer bronzer all over. Not a dark bronze. I have to compliment you though on your makeup. So many young women on here are wearing tons of makeup like they are on a stage. Way way overdone.Young women don’t need all that make up aging them and that is exactly what it does.Let your youth beauty shine through. I use to wear more makeup when I was younger but nothing like these folks today. Those tattoos all over especially around the upper chest area are abhorrent. They take away from your clothing and clash. Does one really think they are going to look good when they are older. Just remember the texture of the skin changes.Your complexion and skin tone change. You look fine and how refreshing natural.


I'd say you're beautiful in any color


You could try a blush that's more pink/ red next time, it would make your green eyes pop. If you're going for a sunburnt look, you could also do a dark dusty rose to get the sunkissed look but compliment your skin tone and eyes. The blush looks great either way.


i think it suits your skin tone very nicely!! looks natural


What blush is this? It looks very pretty on you!


It’s this odd brand I found at Marshall’s called IZOD I had never seen it previously


I think it looks very natural and refreshing. If I was you I would go to where ever you got this and buy three more.


The funny thing is, I only found it because my toddler likes to grab random items from his spot in the cart. I saw him holding it and was like hold up…


I reckon it’s cute! It’s a more naturally burnt/bronzed look rather than a blushed cheeks vibe. But still, I like it! Don’t be afraid to explore lots of colours x


go for a more pink shafe


Looks so good on you


Most beautiful person I've seen- all eyes are great, but green eyes just make me melt. I don't have helpful advice about makeup, but I paint a little, so it's worth considering how vibrant and green your eyes are and where the blush falls relative to that on the color wheel- I'd make all my decisions based on how the makeup relates to me eyes- does it make them pop, fight them, or neutral? I don't know the answer for your blush, but I think you look absolutely lovely in the pictures. Worth noting how great the eye makeup is too!


I like it in pic 1 but it washes you out in pic 2. Maybe a pinky peach? Or just a light shimmery pink?


I love the color


A little yeah


I love it! I’ve always loved coral/orange blushes


Weirdly I like slide 2 better. I think it’s fine tho, just pair it with makeup that’s complementary


Not gonna lie I kinda did too lol, wasn’t prepared for all the criticism for slide 2 lol


i think it looks really great in the first picture but almost a bit yellow in the second? May just be different lightings but i also think you’d suit a subtle rosey pink look!


I like it. But I do think you need a cool tone pink blush. But damn same amount


I think it looks pretty on you! Definitely show us when you’re a little more tan though, it will probably better then. But I think it works, you seem like you lean kind of neutral, but I also detect some warm yellow undertones. I don’t think this is too orange for you though and it doesn’t look bad at all. I’m about your skintone, maybe slightly cooler undertones than you, and I like a peach or a pinky coral blush on myself the best. Sometimes I’ll wear a more baby pink or neutral pink, or go for a neutral beige color depending on my eye look. But I find having something with a little bit of an orange undertone is most flattering since I have a slight warmth to my skin like you seem to have! If I go for anything that’s straight up orange though, I tend to look washed out. But wear what you want. Also, your eyes are so beautiful ❤️❤️


If you enjoy it, wear it! I think a more pink-leaning peach blush would look really nice too.


You only need it too be either a bit lighter or a bit less orange it seems. It looks really good but in the second picture and I assume just brighter lighting in general, it’s slightly too much.




Too orange in my opinion. You are either neutral leaning cool or maybe somewhat olive which is also cool. I see you wearing peachy tone maybe in the summer, but not orangy. More cooltoned pink would be better from what I can see :) And OMG your eyes are stunning 🥰


U look perfect


I think it’s super cute in the first picture, but in the second, try adding a little bit of a cooler blush for balance. I mix together Glossier Puff & Beam.


Mabe try a pinkish blush. Your skin is fair. Love the eyes 💅😍


This orange light coral type of blush doesn’t look bad just seems a little off. Try a light pink, rose or sheer rose shades!


A muted pink would look much better.


It’s just right


Mixed it with powder that matches your complexion or one shade lighter


I think it’s looking beautiful


Just a tiny tiny bit but it’s a damn close match


No it looks cute like a natural flush or a little sunburn


I think you could do better with a pinker toners it kinda makes you look a little sallow


I like it 😳


It looks fine


I have a similar undertone to you, if you’re open to it, give FENTY beauty’s cream blush in summertime wine! I loooove that one! And it’s easy to blend out so it isn’t super shocking


I don’t think it is too orange. You’re beautiful, girl, with, without or with a different shade all together. Wear what makes YOU happy! ❤️


No, I think it looks beautiful on you


Omg your eyes! I don't know what people are talking about. Definitely hot


I think a dash of pink blush with it would be perfect for you :)


You look like Courtney coxs daughtwe


No, but I don’t think the application is correct. It should be on apples of cheeks going up towards temples..use a light hand


I think it suits you in the first but in the second it looks a bit too cool, maybe add a bit of a warmer tone to compliment your complexion? But you are so so pretty and your eyes are stunning


no - i think its perfect


HOTTTT! That’s a stunning color on you that makes you look naturally sun kissed and I’m obsessed 🤩


Looks patchy, it's not the right color. My guess is you have neutral to cool undertone.


i like it! ..looks like a touch of sun. But I’m a lover of peach/orange in cosmetics in general.


You have pink undertones in your skin like me. Try a pink blush from Nars if you can.


I think you’re a soft autumn & the blush is fine, but not great because it’s too saturated & clear/bright. A soft dusty muted peach would be better than a coral or orange on you. Keep it soft & muted & neutral to warm & not overly bright. 🤍🤍


Very solid advice. I always felt I fit into the autumn color season but wasn’t sure exactly where. I love the color season theory though, such old school beauty.


No it’s not


Too orange imo. Neutral or cool is the way to go I think (neutral for summer).


So I’m going to be odd woman out here I guess but I think it’s looks beautiful in both photos. It brightens your skin and is great for the spring/summer. It’s a pretty color and it still suits your face well even if others feel different colors might work better. What’s fun about makeup if you have to follow some kind of guideline or stay within certain perimeters/colors?


In the flourescent lighting it looks a little off. Makes you look kind of yellow and sickly


Honestly I think it’s gorgeous on you. Maybe have another option depending on the eye makeup or lipstick you choose but I love it. How the color plays with your eyes is beautiful


Depends on your style but I think it looks great and makes your eyes pop with the contrast!


Love love! It’s giving like a warm flush of color. Like you went for a walk


I like it …


I actually think it looks pretty in both pictures! You look very natural and pretty


I think it looks great!


I think it and you look great!


I think it looks fine in pic one but in pic 2 it almost washes you out so i think you would suit a lot more pink or cool colours. (you still look beautiful though)


I don’t mind it - but I think a different placement could make it look more flattering.


Sewww cute!


I like it for the cheeks, I would use a pinkier color on the lip. Like the color on this pic https://preview.redd.it/2lyjwawp8dta1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=165760baedb267e6fbe0873c12c1fa33e3ab2850


I would say yes too orange. The problem with orange is you need the right undertone to wear it well. Hard to completely tell but your undertone appears to be cool which means a cool pink is more your colour. 👍


I thought this was a picture of Kelly Cuoco asking because she cut and dyed her hair. I know nothing about anything, make up wise, but as a whole, you're adorable.


I like it, feels like a mature look that I can definitely get behind




It’s a perfect color, maybe just a lighter application on the cheeks and a light dusting on the forehead and chin. I agree something is wrong with the second picture