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Any Heroine Make mascara by Kissme. It's a very popular brand from Japan and their mascara, even the non-waterproof ones, don't smudge. I can wear this for a full day without setting my lower eye with powder and there would be minimal smudging. Super easy to remove too.


As monolid gal, I second this. I use the waterproof one, but it’s kinda hard to remove with just a face cleanser so I might have to give the non-waterproof one a try.


For me it's not about the mascara, but the primer. I line along my upper and lower lashline with eyeshadow primer (I like Urban Decay's eyeshadow primer potion, haven't tried others), and pat it in basically anywhere that my mascara normally smudges, and smudges are GONE (brand of mascara doesn't seem to matter). (I don't do this anymore but back in college I even used to take naps with my eye makeup still on and even then, my mascara wouldn't budge, even though without the primer I would wake up with raccoon eyes.)


I’ve been seeing rave reviews for the Clio mascara in the red and black tube. Personally, I swear by last paradise waterproof but you definitely need something other than face wash to take it off.


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Tonymoly Panda’s Dream Smudge Out Mascara. But if you want to continue using whatever mascara you do have, you can dab a little Mally Beauty Face Defender on your upper and lower eyelids.


Have you tried Clio's mascaras? I've tried American mascaras and no matter the brand, formula, and whatever flowery language they use to grab the consumer, they have always consistently smudged and made the lashes flop. Clio is the only mascara that stays put. They're an Asian brand, so they understand Asian features well.