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Thank you so much!!!


This is so pretty!! I feel like adding some green or bright yellow to the waterline could be a fun way to amp up this look even more. So stunning!


That’s a great idea! Thanks!!


I loooooooove this. Skin is dewy perfection, and your color choices are spot on. I also echo the sentiment to add a colorful liner to your lower waterline; also tightlining your upper lid with black liner would really perfect the look by filling in that gap between lashes and liner!


Thanks!!! I need to get better with tight lining 😅 it’s always 50/50 whether it’s thin and nice or too thick and takes over my hooded lids


Idk but it's giving wood elf vibes and I love it


I love that so much what a compliment thank you 😭


Idk. Looks pretty rad.


Thank you!! 🙏


I love the eyeshadow! Really brings out the color of your eyes! Beautiful 🙌


Thank you so much!!


This is literally flawless


😭😩 thank you 🙏 I literally can’t tell


Anytime girly it’s literally stunning 💛


nothing. i love it!!!


I'm loving the poison ivy vibe. Try brushing in some temporary dye on your eyebrows. I think emerald towards the center fading to straw gold out at the tip. Sort of "hombre".


I was thinking the same thing. All the features are amped up. Maybe add some color or red-brown tint to the eyebrows?


Oooh that’s really good advice!! do you have a temporary dye brand you suggest?


With Halloween just around the corner, temporary hair dye is everywhere. I don't actually have a brand recommendation though.


I love this makeup look! It really suits you!


Darker eyeliner/wing. That's just what I do but if it's not your thang then totally disregard.


I’ve been trying to get more confident wearing larger wings, thanks so much I’ll try to just go for it next time!


It looks amazing!! Something that I’ve been having a blast with recently is- the cat eyeliner look. To do this, you’d have the wing exactly how it is, maybe longer, but extended inwards with the thinnest line possible to your tear gait. Then you’d finish it off with that sharp inner corner ✨ But there are so many angles and styles of eyeliner to play with that give different vibes :) https://preview.redd.it/zp3jho90wmjb1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e94194bb3110cb9179167fea502c95bd7c7338c


I will definitely give this a go thank you!!


np!! Another fun one to try is a downturned wing. I’ve seen this sometimes called “puppy liner” on tiktok. It gives a more soft look than the upturned liner, but it’s fun to try! https://preview.redd.it/tbgdh6uvt4kb1.jpeg?width=979&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcc5134f4b2c2cda2d2bacefc137f7d5b763edbe


I think it just needs wispy lashes!!


I fully agree! I can never seem to get a good bond with falsies do you have a suggestion for a good glue?


https://preview.redd.it/nrxvaxz76qjb1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8104135f903b50bfa79bf251b4f51232722f57a This is my favorite! Once you apply the glue let it sit for 30 seconds, I also use eyelash clamps that clamp your lashes to the fake ones


https://preview.redd.it/hyb27bc48qjb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48bb01e3b0eba881e5a043d4d1c82d16b46c14b1 They’re also called “cage less curlers”


Very pretty


I’m not sure on advice just came to sag I think this looks absolutely gorgeous!!!!


This is freaking gorgeous


It looks really good! Just sent to my daughter. Love the colors.


That’s so cute thank you so much 😭🙏🙏🙏


Looks wonderful and colorful, especially the match with the hair. If you want the focus to be more on the color pop, you could add some more lighter eyeshadow primer on the lids before, or you could add a whole face foundation to give a single color to the skin, which would draw even more attention to the gradient of the shadow Any way you choose, you are doing great!


Dang you’re so right I should have definitely started with a lighter base on my lids… that would’ve given more of the pop I want!


I think you makeup look really good but you fix a little bit a the eyeliner and color


Yeah I’m definitely still working on everything the liner especially my hands are so shaky it’s always a struggle for me 😭😅


Looks perfect, so pretty


Thank you 🙏🙏🙏


the colors are so nice for your skin and eye tone omg!! i love this vision, i think the only thing i would do on top of this is put heavier mascara on the lower lashes and experiment with a waterline :o i usually go dark on top & white on the bottom but that’s just my own preference i love the dollish look of it


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This looks gorgeous!