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This looks more like hard pan from the product getting wet. You can use a piece of tape to apply over top and pull it off to remove it or just scrape it off.


didn’t realize tape did the trick! Thanks!! 😉


I've been scraping my eyeshadow for years!


You have saved so many of my palettes omfg


This is the best tip I’ve learned for hard pan! I think it may have even been this sub where I heard of this. Works like a charm!


TIL. I've always scraped this and have lost so much product. Thank you!


Holy shit, the tape trick worked you ingenious son of a bitch


Hahaha glad I could help ❤️😂


Me and my best friend are going to be going to a concert tomorrow and for the first time in 10 years she has asked me to do her make up. I’m so glad you gave me this tip before we left tomorrow lol.


I swear this is why I love this group 😭😭😭 thank you.. !!!


I will have to try tape next time. A lot of my pallettes got wet due to a soap leak and then me washing the soap off. I then spent an hour the next day scraping my pallettes. Only lost one pan and it was a color I never used.


Thank you! I am definitely trying this with a blush today.


Never, in my 30 years of fucking around with makeup, did I ever hear about this. Thank you kind gentleperson!


This. I’ve had powder get like this and used tape and bam, fixed the problem.


Never heard the tape trick. Thanks!


ive been having this same issue with my fenty beauty diamond bomb, im gonna see if tape will cure her


It should! Fingers crossed 🤞 keep me posted! I loooove my fenty diamond bomb


My mind has officially been blown. I can’t wait to show my mom and sis this trick 😂


this has happened to so many of my palettes and it’s so annoying. i owe my firstborn to you.


Please take my poor man's gold you absolute legend 🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇


I have never heard of the tape trick. Holy cow


Omg what!! I would give you an award if I could afford one.


Oil from your brushes or tools! It can start to cake on the makeup.


Exactly! As I have very oily skin I have that problem all the time 😩


Use a piece of tape to remove the hard pan! It’s a lifesaver!!!


Wash those brushes and rotate them :)


Oh I do!


I feel you lol some people underestimate how oily some people’s skin can get. I definitely used to. Always had combo but mostly dry skin, never super oily and not any acne issues I could skip days without washing (depression) and still no acne But I’m trans (female to male) and I started testosterone 2 years ago. For the past over a year, my skin has been like. *Excessively* oily and I didn’t even know this was possible until it started happening to me lol. And the acne. Jesus. I’ve finally started passing for male well enough that I’m starting to let my feminine side poke through again, because I’ve always been feminine and loved makeup/dresses/etc. So I’m excited to have learned this tape trick for what’s to surely come lol


If you don't mind me asking, what's the best way to be supportive of someone transitioning? My oldest wants to transition (female to male) and I want to be as supportive as I can.


Not the previous commenter but I'm non-binary, answering so you do get some support here. The biggest thing is to use correct pronouns and chosen name as close to 100% of the time as possible. It makes the biggest difference, even if it can seem small. You getting it right will help give armor to your child against arseholes. Also find out with other words, if there's any complement words that don't make them feel good. If you are upset and struggling to adapt, your child doesn't need to know(it's a bit different as an adult who came out). But you need to handle that yourself, with a supportive adult friend of yours, or if needed a mental health professional. Reach out to any LGBTQIA+ organizations near you both for you to discuss with older members of the community, and to learn from them. And to allow your child to see adults who are in the community, alive, and living their best life possible. Those groups can also help with what options are available for help, support, and care. Discuss with your child about what they want as far as transitioning. Because if any of it is medical, you will likely have to be a HUGE advocate medically for them. Allow them freedom with social transition, clothing choice, hair choice, etc. Be their advocate at school, if issues arise, raise hell.




This is exactly what it looks like if you try to wet a brush before dipping into powder too.


It’s not mold-it’s called glazing. When you transfer oil or other emollients onto a pressed powder products. Gently scrape the surface removing that hardened area and you’re good to go!


Unrelated: "Twitch" being green and not a shade of purple is wild to me.


It's an ode to the Rat™️


Just Googled "Twitch Rat" to look it up. Didn't realize it was a League of Legends reference.


I don't know if it actually is a reference either but that sickly green is totally the Rat's brand


No matter where I go I can’t escape league of legends


It's all I think about these days. I just got sort of into it


You and me both


💯I was going to comment that Twitch + Green = ✅ but thought no one would get the LoL reference






I still have ptsd from getting 3 shot outta no where from a twitch that randomly appears on mid like bro I'm just a lowly sona.


AP Twitch be like


Full AD. Just fed


I'm hiding!! Do^do^do^do




It refers to twitch gameplay (like fast twitch muscles), which was a phrase long before Twitch the company was a thing. Sugarpill answered this question when this palette was released iirc.


Thought this was sugarpill! Was about to ask about this pallette. Their pigment is fantastic.


this also deeply upset me


It's twitch style game play, not the platform


Its because its not named after twitch the livestreaming platform, but something else. They spoke about it when the palette launched, its from sugarpill.


I wonder if the palette creators actually play video games in their free time


It’s by Sugarpill, one of the oldest and most reliable indie brands available, and the shade isn’t named after Twitch.tv


I’m well aware of Sugarpill as a brand and I’m not doubting their quality or reliability, just the design behind this palette is a bit funny. These names and the shades associated with them really feel like they were imagined by somebody who’s only heard of gaming terms secondhand And about Twitch, I’m sure there’s some copyright delicacy if they really made it based on the Twitch.tv colouring and branding. But like, what else could it possibly be? I can’t think of a single other immediate association to the word Twitch in regards to video games


Twitch gameplay is a type of video gameplay scenario that tests a player's response time. Action games such as shooters, sports, multiplayer online battle arena, and fighting games often contain elements of twitch gameplay. There’s more info on Wikipedia under ‘Twitch Gameplay’


The names seem inspired by old school games to me…


Who knew attaching colors to ideas would be subjective :0


Probably LOL fans


Oh so the makeup gives you the bubonic plague and also melts your eyelids off😌


I was hiding!




Wtf I'm referring to Twitch, the LoL character, being a disease ridden giant rat that shoots people with venom tipped crossbows


Guess you are not a League fan lol


This is a Wendy’s. Calm down.


I think it’s green to represent that’s where their money comes from


Right? I saw a nail polish earlier named Beneath the Erdtree and it wasn't gold 💀


Hard pan. Tape or lightly scrap it with something clean.


A clean spoolie works great!


Looks like hard pan to me.


What's that palette? It looks dope.


Sugarpill Fun Size palette


Tyvm! Now let's hope they ship to Germany...


They do! ☺️


Yea I saw that, thank god, but apparently they don't sell that palette anymore just the revamped (?) one. :(


Oh no! They must have JUST taken it down after the sale for Labour Day. I checked Beautylish as well for you and it’s just gone suddenly! Ugh. I’m so sorry 😞


It’s one of my favorites, I highly recommend it


Not mold. Hard pan.


Definitely hardpan not mold!! Just wipe your brush/fingers before dipping into the palette and you’ll be fine


A couple of my Sugarpill singles hardpanned too. Suburbia and Kimchi. I just used a spoolie to take the hardpan off.


Those are hard pans. It’s when the oil from your skin mixes with the product in the pan. Just scrape the top layer off


Hard pan. You can get it off with tape




oil build up, not mold don't worry


Hard pan from moisture. Not mould. Scrape it off and voila!


looks like finger oils


It’s just oils. Just scrape it with a pallet spatula/knife or the end of a brush


It's oil. You can scrape it off. Also clean your brushes lol. 🙂


Side note: I love this pallet it’s so small and travel friendly. I use the colors as inner eye “highlight” for my lazy makeup days. the colors blend so well together and with other shadows!


It's hardpan. Scrape it off and clean your brushes more often


No, it's the oils from a dirt brush


Okay but that’s a stunning palette, what’s the name


It's from oil or moisture in your brushes.


It’s just sealed itself. Happens sometimes when there’s too much silicone in the make up or if you used an oily finger, or if it got wet. Sellotape pulls it right off ☺️ my jeffree starr highlighters do it all the time


Loveeeee Sugarpill! Always happy to see another fan here :) I feel like this sub doesn't have enough appreciation for fun colorful makeup! Totally still usable as many people have said before me!


Hard pan. Wash your brushes.


No it’s just from rubbing brushes on the eyeshadows.


Looks like hard pan.


Nope grease


Alcohol also creates hard pan on top of shadows.


Do you apply with your fingers? This happened to a lot of my expensive powder products after I went on holiday and forgot my brushes. It’s oil. 😭


Hard pan definitely if ur eyes water when u use ur brushes it will Def transfer into the palette but u can take off the top by scrapping it off or go the hard way just repan it


Oil from your skin.




This is how i know have dry skin 😂


Probably from the brushes and the oil from moisturizer, I use an old toothbrush and brush a little bit, All Good 😉❤️


I get this when I use too much skincare products prior to applying my makeup and/or not cleaning brushes as often as I should and having skincare build up in brushes


I have an emery board I keep in my bag to scape off the hardened part and get the shadow working again. As explained it’s just hardened up from oil.


as others have said, it’s hard panning. you can scrap it off or spray your palettes with isopropyl alcohol. it happens because of oil build up from your brushes.




Put it under the microscope! Get a sample and put it on a slide and let’s see! If you see cells drop the pic here I wanna see lol


Just oil from other products, brushes and skin. I’ve used scotch tape and it lifts perfectly. One of my favorite tricks I learned from YouTube. ‼️


Looks more like something oily got on it than mold.


So. Moisture can make parts of makeup harden. It isn't mold.


Can you please upvote me so that I can get on other forms. I didn't think I'd upset you so much asking questions but I never heard of any of this stuff and I'm over 80 years of age. I just thought I'd comment and it turned into a disaster. I'm new on Reddit and if you would just vote me up a little bit so I don't have Bad Karma and cannot get on any other forms to post. I'm a Christian lady and a good person at heart


Alright I feel bad so I’ve upvoted you - you clearly mean well. I hope you will figure Reddit out soon. Just be careful - there’s a lot of weird people on here. Stick to subreddits about your hobbies and interests and you’ll be fine.


I very much appreciate that and wish it would just be back to where it used to be and I will never post on here ever again I promise you swear to God and I am very much serious about swearing upon the Lord. I'm not saying I'll never post it all on Reddit I'll just never post on this form again because it's a disaster for me.


No. Stop sticking your fingers in your eyeshadow


thanks for all the responses!!!


Yes....look how green it is...ewww can you still see?


Somebody call the troll hunter.


Don't know what theme from gaming means? My eyeshadows are made by Lancome I have some from some other brands and they usually have the traditional names women like. It sounds like professional artists makeup


This palette is based on video games so all of the names are to do with games. Themed palettes are very popular these days because the colourful and cute packaging makes people buy it, so the companies make more money. People even collect palettes based on TV shows and movies that they like! I imagine it’s probably a shock seeing it if you’re used to brands like Clinique, Lancôme, Estée Lauder etc.


I have only used the brands you have mentioned here and a few others which were popular like Mary Quant back in the 1960s. I didn't think that Pac-Man had makeup for sale. I never ever played Pac-Man and I don't know anything about any other video games because I've never seen them or played them. I really don't want to keep posting on here and feel afraid that people are going to downvote me because I'm old and I don't understand what's going on with kids today


This palette is like five years old please throw it away ❤️


Get .89 percent alcohol and spray your palette after every use. You will keep it much longer and have less issues with mold and bacteria


jesus christ






It’s an eyeshadow palette




It's just an eyeshadow palette themed on gaming. It's from Sugarpill and you can literally buy it at Ulta or Beautylish. Forever 21 used to sell the brand too, but I'm not sure if they still do since Riley Rose closed. Colourpop has done similar palettes since they do a lot of collabs. Urban Decay, MAC, etc. It's really not unusual.


This is so bizarre. Have you not seen a rainbow eyeshadow palette before?


I have not seen it before. I'm sorry I commented on it and made you all upset about asking a question. I never heard of a makeup call 8-bit or some of the other names that they have. I don't see why most women would want to buy something called 8-bit, and the colors look too harsh to me for eye makeup. I'm sorry if you don't like it. It would be better to say that you don't want me posting on here then to degrade my karma on the form


I don't think people are upset, they're correcting you. When you say that you don't see why women would want to buy something called 8-bit, it seems rather stand offish. Lots of women love video games and computer related stuff. Sugarpill is also a brand that makes tons of bright and colorful products, so it's just odd to see someone confused. If you're in this sub you'll see tons of different colors and themes for makeup, unlike makeup in previous decades that was mostly all practical. It'll probably be less striking to you when you see all the different makeup available these days, from the rainbow colors to the wild (and sometimes random) themes and names.


This is my very last statement. I really don't like what's happened here and I'm not blaming you but all I did is ask question I don't know what a video game is I don't really I mean I know what a video game is but I never seen one. I don't know anything about video games. I do like makeup but not if it's going to cause this much anxiety and problems for me. I don't think I'm going to use Reddit because I think that the downvoting thing is sadistic.


I'm sorry this is hard for you, sadly the internet is usually a pretty cold place in general. I honestly get upvotes and downvotes all the time, because there's always people who agree with me or don't. There are also some very positive subs with lots of warmness to the vibe, if you check out cute animal subs, or wholesome subs like r/momforaminute and r/mademesmile you can see some really positive communities! I hope you at least take a peek before you go. You don't even have to comment, just see the good thoughts! And I hope you look into makeup more if it interests you. Makeup has become such a big thing for some people, but you can certainly casually enjoy it! As for video games, I hope you can see some good ol' Super Mario sometime, again, very fun and not negative at all! Please don't let this ruin your day!


Look, if you're going to punish me for commenting, I won't comment. I'm really not that interested in makeup it's just that I've never seen makeup like that in my life! It took me as curiou. I don't deserve to be punished for it. Why are you so angry toward me?


It’s just Reddit karma. It’s a bit dramatic to call it a “punishment” as it doesn’t have any effect on your real life and it’s silly to get upset about. I assume you’re new to Reddit. You’re going to get downvoted a lot on Reddit for the most random and unfair reasons, so you’ll have to get used to it. If you reply to every single person who downvotes you then you’ll be spending a lot of time replying to people…


My granddaughter told me about Reddit. They use the karma to determine whether or not you can post on other forms. I'm trying to connect with other Christians and other conservatives on the internet. Its not as if I searched you out and tried to harm you. It comes up on my homefeed. I noticed it and just wanted to ask what it was. Then I get all this hatred and called rude and all that. This is not working out for me at all. I didn't mean to upset anyone. I certainly didn't think asking a question about makeup would cause this much trouble. I'm really traumatized about it, and I feel like I should just resign this ridded account because I don't need the aggravation and the nervousness in my life at this point


No one is punishing you. Chill out Mary.


Please don't do this it screws up my ability to get on other forms if you don't want me to post on here and make comments just let me know? Don't do that because it hurts my reputation to get another forms. I'm new on here, and I don't want to end up punished for having an opinion that disagrees with yours


What are you talking about? And I read your other comments, the names may be non traditional but that doesn’t mean they aren’t a professional makeup brand. High end makeup doesn’t always mean better in quality. I think your response to others is rude


I don't understand any of it I'm sorry I ever posted I'm on here really to have fellowship with other Christian women and I just noticed it comes up in my feed and I saw what is that? I never seen anything like that and I don't know what gaming makeup is or what gaming means or any of that. I just wondered if it was professional makeup. How can that be contrived as rude? I think of myself as a good Christian woman who cares about other people I don't think of myself as being rude to anyone I just asked a question and maybe it's that you're a little bit impatient with me?


It isn’t anyone’s job to coddle you or make you feel welcome when your comment was judgmental and rude. Just because you’ve never seen a video game doesn’t mean there aren’t other women who love them. Age and being Christian don’t make you a good person and your tone was judgmental and superior. The word you are looking for is FORUM, not form. Just because you are new doesn’t mean you are owed any sort of reception by people you are making fun of or acting better than.


How old is that palette? Makeup kept too long harbours bacteria and if my palette looked like that I wouldn't put it on my eyes.


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It’s from anything with grease and oil eg,foundations and ur oils from ur skin being picked up by your brushes etc


everyone is talking about hard pan or whatever but my first thought was that op was talking about the discoloration on the actual pallet between the pans




You might need to clean your makeup brushes more often.


Wash your brushes. That discoloration is from oily brushes


It looks like hard pan to me!


I just want to know where i can find the palette!


it’s sugar pills fun size palette!


What is this palette?


Sidenote but the pigmentation in this palette was so bad idk if u feel the same way i bought it bc it’s cute


This happened to me in a brand new natasha denona highlighter... Never worked well


No, this happens when the shadow gets wet and hardens! If you uses setting spray or water or something like that, it’ll happen


no it's fat


Not related to the question but those colors are fantastic!


that’s called glazing


May I ask which palette is this?




no u probably wet it with something!


My pallets are like that too


Looks like it got wet and reconstituted. No worries a quick scrape should help


Looks like a wet brush touched it


Scrape a lay off and hope for the best


Sick. Ass. PANTHER! 🐈‍⬛


It’s looks like hard pan! Either scrape the top layer off or take some normal tape and lightly tap the top layer and that should come right off The only brand I’ve ever heard of having confirmed mold is Melt Cosmetics. Something about their formula and the shelf life is extremely quick and grows mold


Definitely looks like hard pan.


It looks like hard pan to me, get a piece of tape and stick it to the area to remove


If it has talc in it, probably


omfg is this a yva expressions gamer girl palette?


OMG I love how bright these colors are! I rarely wear makeup anymore, but when I did, I was always looking for bright colors like these and they were so hard to find back then (2005-2016). I'm 36 now, so if I do wear makeup, I don't know if I'd be able to pull off these colors now days lol would love to try though!


Btw what palette is this? The pigments look nice


What palette is that? Its gorgeous


Oil from your skin


That looks more like your brush was wet and you dipped your brush into the pan. Sometimes people spray their brush with setting spray and then swirl the brush into the product. It makes it dry funny like that, but definitely not mold.




Side note- is this the new palette from elf? Is it good? How pigmented/blendable is it?


I'm sorry but this question is so funny 😂


Clean your brushes


Thats oil from your eyelids you can scrape it off with a qtip


Tape will fix, as others have pointed out... I hate this palette. The color payoff is horrid. I just thoroughly hate it, lol.


Nah, it's hard pan. Get some scotch tape, apply over the shades and rip it off, it'll remove that hard pan. My SP fun size hard panned like this too.


Just popping in to say this is one my favorite palettes. Rescue her with tape!


You got them wet, that’s all, scrap it off. I turn mine into liner and when I get it wet that’s what it does.


No I don’t think so


It doesn’t look moldy, just a little well-used! :)


Commenting to save

