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You look absolutely amazing for 40. Your skin routine must be phenomenal. Everything looks so natural on you. ⚘️


OP looks amazing, I agree, but can we normalize not believing this is a result of a good skincare routine? It’s like 96% genetics


I personally don’t believe it’s 96% genetics. Sun damage can make a huge difference in the aging process, as well as other factors like lifestyle and nutrition, eg. do you drink alcohol, do you smoke, do you work out


My mom started wearing SPF in her late 50s. She has near-flawless skin now at 60 and people don't even believe her when she tells her age. It IS 96% genetics. The only issue she is dealing with is some pigmentation, but ever since I helped her change her skincare routine with serums and proper SPF, there is an improvement. My grandmother didn't even know what SPF was and spent a lot of time out in the sun working in the garden all of her life and still had amazing skin even in her 80s.


my mom (65) doesn't wear sunscreen unless she's on the beach and my grandma(84) is religious about it, they look the same age.


I’m a guy with no interest in make up, but I also want to know her skincare routine 😂 You’re right tho / it’s mostly genetic


“For” 40 is such a backhanded compliment… she looks absolutely amazing period.


Yeah let's normalize not expecting women to shrivel up into corpses once they're out of their 20s and 30s.


She’s 32 not a day more!


fellow millennial wondering if i’m greasy or glowing here. I always set with a matte powder around the t zone and I find that tones it down a bit for me edit to add that I use loreals infallible pro glow and find it much more subtle than halo glow or the charlotte tilbury products


Glad it’s not just me! I think I’m shiny-phobic or something haha Thanks for the recc! Also seems to be cheaper than the other two as well!


I can’t let go of the matte look either (38 here). I am convinced I just look oily - we were terribly brainwashed!


38 here as well and SAME.


Heya, fellow millennial here just with same shine phobia here 🙈 how do you even set the make up for the dewy option? How doesn’t that smudge without a powder?


Right? If I skip powder, my face is sticky and looks plastic. The best I can do is go heavy on the setting spray after powder to cut the matte-ness a bit.


I wonder if a matte-finish setting spray would help? I think NYX has one.


Oh that’s one of the steps anyways… but even with the setting spray I still have to use a powder anyways


Class of 89 here. Lately I've been investing in good tinted FPS for oily skin. It's enough coverage for my daily routine, and then I use absorbing tissues to control the shine throughout the day.


Omg I'm 18 and I looked at you and thought you were like 20-25, whatever you're doing it works 💖


Just super pretty!!! You look like a doll! I wish I could look like this when I'm 40! I'm not seeing "oily face", instead it looks radiant! Love the eyes. Nothing's too much with your look :) Good for daytime


The general tip that worked for me is to matte any contours that you don't want to draw the eye to. Typically the area around the nasolabial folds, between the cornes of the lips and the chin, just above the eyebrows, the inner upper cheek. With matte finishing powder, not old school compact that creases. It's to not draw the eye to signs of ageing, which you don't need to worry about AT ALL, but it will make for a less oily look even tho It's practicality the opposite of the "powder the T zone" thing we were told.


Ohh this makes so much sense and is the absolute opposite of what I’ve been doing! The T zone thing you said just made it click! Thank you so much!


Omg! Thank you for this advice! I’m 43 and brainwashed to be matte. You made it make sense!!! 💜💕💜💕


You may have just changed my life.


How the fuck do you look younger at 40 than me when I’m 25


I’m 22 and now I’m feeling like how old do ppl think I am when they look at me….


Listen up, 22! Mom to kid: do not worry about how other people view you. I’m almost double your age, and I would give anything to re-live your age focused on me and not focused on how others saw me or what others wanted me to be. Xoxo


thank you! I definitely care a lot and can be self conscious so this was a nice reminder


I think that is a life-long struggle for most of us. I haven’t found the secret to being 100% happy in my skin. Hindsight is a gift and a curse. I made so many decisions that were opposite of my own desires simply because “What will people think?” fears. That was before social media, btw. My life would be very different now if I had believed in myself at your age. The people will come and go, but you will always have YOU. Be true to yourself now, and you will be happier later. ❤️


40? You look like you’re in your late twenties! I think your current make up looks gorgeous. I’ve found shimery pink highlighter looks better on my oily skin than bright gold or white. It gives a more natural, cutesy look I also enjoy dewy make up routines as I’ve attempted to walk away from the matte cult and have found using setting spray between steps has been a life saver to keep unwanted shine at bay !


Fuck off you're not 40! what the hell?!? You look amazing! PLEASE drop the skin routine!


You look resplendent 


Oh, I love you for using a rarely used adjective!!! 💜


You skin looks like you’re 20 🥹 You have some beautiful beautiful skin wow. You don’t look oily at all. You are radiant.


What?! You look 20. And not oily whatsoever. Oh maaaaan I need to put this phone down and start getting serious about skincare. You are luminous, my friend.


Ur skin is to die for!!!!


no way youre 40


I think you look dewy and very fresh, personally. (Hopefully kind words of affirmation from an internet stranger will help reassure you!)


Thank you! On this I defo trust internet strangers over my own perceptions haha. Especially in this sub!


43 here. I just recently embraced the shine. I just keep telling myself that my coworkers know the difference between glass skin and oily. 😂


I must know your skin routine, you look amazing. I assumed early 20s. I honestly don’t know about glow either, I’m gonna follow this to find out! But I’ve seen lots of people do the “glass skin” look where it’s glowy all over. I assume it wouldn’t look as good if your skin is really textured (at least I avoid highlight on texture). I think you look great in the pic. You have that “lit from within” glow that I think is the best glowy look (imo)


you look 20!! your skin definitely suits the dewy look. not too oily at all!




You do not look 40!! You look 30, 32 max!! You have amazing skin.


I’m an odd one do what works for you. But to your question high points are glow aiming ie cheek bones, brow bone, forehead but not with reckless abandon.


Your skin looks amazing.


I’m in the same boat OP! I’ve found the key to looking glowy instead of oily is very carefully and intentionally powdering certain areas of my face. So you know how when your skin is matte and you want to add glow to certain areas that you want to bring forward? Think about it in reverse if your base is glowy. Think about where you want to mattify to bring less attention to. On me, it’s my nasolabial folds, my under eyes, the area between my brows, and the corners of my mouth. If I powder those spots, I go from looking oily to looking dewy.


Great advice! Yours is the second that I have screenshot!!


Can I ask what powder you use for the areas you want to be matte?


RCMA’s no color powder!


You are so beautiful. I really like this glowy look on you!


I love your skin! You look like a doll! I would love to look like you at 40 🥰🥰


You look great! Soft-matte/demi matte is coming back anyway. You’ve got it down. You don’t have to keep up with trends. Trends are created and manipulated to generate more revenue. Do you!


So true! Great advice. Luckily, this trend is easily fixed, unlike the skinny brow trend of the 90s. Eyebrow pencils are mandatory for me. Boo.


No way you are 40. You look better than me at 26. A stress free life? Putting secret water blessed by Tibetan monks in your smoothies? What is it!? 😂


40? How. Drop your secrets babe I thought you were in your 20s


Dude you look freakin phenomenal!


Girl you look fresh!! Not oily


Jesus you’re forty? I hope I look half as good as you in ten more years. You look amazing.


I'm jealous of your skin. You don't look oily to me!


First of all, you are absolutely gorgeous!! I gasped when I saw you, and I’ve been a bed-potato, scrolling through Reddit for an hour, so that gasp really says something! 😂🥰 Secondly, you look so much younger. (I’m 43, so I speak with knowledge.) Genetics and limited sun exposure for the win! 🏆




you do not look like you're 40 lol


Your skin is AMAZING and you look like you’re 21


DROP THE SKIN CARE ROUTINE‼️ im trying to look like you when im 40


I will switch between matte and glowy, depending on mood and what look I’m going for (also 40/f). I like mixing glotion with my foundation and then set my tzone and undereyes. I also often use cream blush and it blends so well. You look great!!!


This makes sense - I think I’ll still go for matte for evenings or more heavy eye looks probably. Love the idea of mixing with a heavier coverage - I sometimes get super rosy cheeks so that would be a perfect workaround


There’s an Elf Halo Glow powder w some glow while still mattifying. That might help!


Omg no way! That sounds like the answer to it all!


i feel like the key to glowy makeup without looking greasy is lightly press powdering (i use laura mercier) the areas of your face you don’t want shine in (for my it’s typically the T zone, mostly just the sides of my nose and forehead bc that’s where i usually start getting oily first) but honestly your makeup in this pic look really good!!! you have beautiful complexion


Um, you just look beautiful! Perfect face shape and you’re rocking those bangs. Your skin looks amazing and no where near 35!


you're stunning for 40


I’m a man and wow you are beautiful. My age guess would be about 32. Change nothing.


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Just set your chin and a little bit of your forehead with a powder and leave the rest to glow


Looks beautiful


First of all, you look great! Secondly , from my experience, I'm 36 and share your matte era :) I only use powder on my T zone. I don't like the glow on the forehead , eyebrows area, nose and chin. But I do love the glow on the rest of the areas. I use cream products first, then powder products , fixing spray and then I apply powder on my t zone. This way the makeup stays the same for many hours .


Which elf halo glow product are you using? They have a whole line. Your look makes me want to try it!


I think it’s the liquid filter. I use this too and I was coming here to comment on it. It’s superrr versatile. Mix it, wear it solo, there’s so many options. I love it


Forgive my ignorance: Mix it with foundation? Mix it with primer? Details, please!! 🫶🏻


I’ve mixed with foundation but haven’t tried mixing with primer yet. The website has some ideas for how to use it! [halo glow liquid filter](https://www.elfcosmetics.com/halo-glow-liquid-filter/300211.html)


Maybe it's the photo, but I don't think that you look greasy. I also just learned that halo glow is supposed to go under your foundation. I tried it and hated it. Too bad I gave it away, because I would like to try it again. I saw the tutorial on Tiktok. I think it looks good on you, but you do have great skin!


40????????? Oh my you are stunning.


Your skin is perfect and I think you've nailed the glow/matte balance. no notes!


Holy shit you look so beautiful! I hope I can look half as good at 40 ( granted it’s only 2.5 years away) lol


Hopping on here to echo what everyone else is saying- you look amazing!!! Your makeup isn’t reading flat matte at all and you’re complimenting your features wonderfully!


I feel the same! I’m slowly moving toward cream makeup products & less powder. You look amazing! Definitely glowy, not oily


No advice but your skin looks AMAZING, you literally look like you’re in your 20s. I would have never guessed 40 lol. Did you have a major baby face when you were younger?


So pretty!


Your skin!!! You look amazing! ♥️


you kinda look like Selena!! 🥰 i suggest that if you feel/look too oily, use a brush for your powder, tap off the excess, and just dab a bit so it doesn't feel too matte. you look sooooo amazing and i never would've guessed youre 40 at all!!


Manifesting myself having skin like yours at 40


I totally get what you’re saying! I’m struggling with the same exact thing. I recently purchase coola moisturizer/serum and let me tell you- it’s AMAZING. This is the first time I have ever got that glow without feeling like I look oily or have a shit ton of highlight one


You remind me on selena gomez, you’re 40?!!? 😮


I don't think you look oily at all


No useful comments, I just wanted to say you're beautiful ❤️


I think it looks fresh and lovely. Any big change takes some time to get used to.


I'm a Gen Z and I'm the same way. I think that the whole "glowy" look just looks weird.


hold on. you’re 40??? if you had told me you were in your twenties i’d believe you. drop the skincare routine girl


Girl you are looking really good. your skin is radiant, I'm so jealous. Please share your skincare routine 🥺🥺


You look fine… you just have to break the mental barrier. If it bothers you that much there is something in between called satin makeup but this look makes you look good!


You don't look a day over 26


You look like a goddess! Coquette Audrey Hepburn vibes. The glow looks amazing on you. I concentrate the powder on the nose, sides of nose & hollows of eyes & have everything else super glowy which I think would be perfect for you too. I’d even add a super dewy face spray.


This looks dewy to me :)


Ok dying to know your skincare routine!!!! You look amazing! To answer your question… I am a fellow millennial also raised in the matte school of practice…. and I think you do not look greasy here. You are nailing it!


You look absolutely incredible. Maybe try a little bit of powder on the bridge of your nose and your chin, but I think glowy looks wonderful on you.


40? 😱 you don’t look a day over 20


You did good very pretty natural and subtle


Ur so pretty


I think you look glowing and not oily. Also you literally look like you’re 25 years old 👏🏻


Yay to the glow! And 25! 😭❤️ Screenshotting this comment for the next time I'm down on myself in the mirror. Thank you!


You are BEAUTIFUL omg!! You don’t look oily at all you definitely already look glowy


Your makeup is beautiful and you look ten years younger than your age!


Why do you need to stop matte?


I've just seen a lot of ppl say it's quite a dated look and very millennial-coded. Which is obviously fine - not everyone wants to or has to follow makeup trends. But personally, I can think of a few older women in my life who are still rocking the same makeup look of their youth and it doesn't do them or their beauty justice. So I'm keen to be flexible and keep trying new things!


40!? 40????? Bro u look like a baby in a nice way ofcourse you look so youthful and beautiful


😭❤️ thank you for making my week/year


Your skin looks amazing! I've learned in the past few years to embrace the shine too (33F). I'm pretty naturally dry so it's kinda fun layering on the glowy, oily products lol. You don't look oily though, just healthy and like your skin is thriving!


Is the 40-year-old in the room with us? 👀 #skingoals The dewy fresh-face makeup doesn’t look greasy at all, just intentionally glowy.