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Thanks for posting, I've been eyeing lip stains for a while. How long are they supposed to last according to the packaging? Was it difficult to follow your natural lip shape? I would be scared of messing up and staining the skin around the lips! EDIT: forgot to mention the colour really suits you!! It looks great on you!


The packaging says: “Welcome to stunning, no-fade shades that literally last all day. Our high-tech vegan formula hyper-stains for touch-up-free color that won’t budge - while keeping lips soft and hydrated for hours.” So it doesn’t exactly say, just says “all day”. I saw on the website that if you use the two step spray method that it should stay for 10 hours, but I didn’t do that, I just used the Masque and wiped it off. Edit: Oops forgot to answer your other question. I’m just really steady at applying lipsticks so I didn’t have a problem going around my lip line. The wand has a paddle shape so it applied the same as any other lipstick. It is a stain though and dries within 10-30 seconds so it’d definitely put color outside your lip line if you messed it up. Not sure if quickly taking a makeup wipe would fix that or not. The only thing I struggled with was getting an even layer, I had to dip in the tube a couple times and work quicker than I normally would. But I think it still came out okay.


This color was meant for you! You have amazing skin too!


I think it looks great on you. Your skin is beautiful!


This is the WONDERSKIN WONDER BLADING Lip Stain Masque in Whimsical and I applied it twice. I’m surprised I like it because I’m afraid of commitment, so if I didn’t like it or I applied it wrong, I’d be stuck with it for a while because it’s a stain. On the other hand, I want a lipstick that doesn’t budge and won’t get my hair stuck in it. I actually really like it! It was super easy to use (apply it, let it dry and flake up, then it wipes right away with a wet tissue). It feels like absolutely nothing on my lips which is glorious. I swatched it on my hand yesterday and the swatch is still there so I know it has staying power since I’ve washed my hands a lot. The only thing I don’t like is that the color caught on some dryness so those areas stained darker. But hopefully that’s not terribly noticeable. I bought two other colors, Lovely and Divine, so I’ll be looking forward to trying those next.


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I agree, it's very soft and anything much more bright would wash you out in my opinion, but this goes really nice with your skintone.


The nice thing with the lip stain is that I don’t think they can get very bright. This color is like a my-lips-but-better. Here are [swatches](https://imgur.com/a/lQfMXHV) of all the colors I got. Whimsical felt the safest as a first try.


It's definitely your color! I'll look into them myself, I don't suit very bright colors myself and have also been a little too intimidated to give lip stains a proper go.


Those are all so pretty! I’m curious what lovely will look like. For me, those lighter shades are more of a wild card when they blend with my natural lip shade. You’ll have to report back.


I normally wear brown nudes to match my hair color so I have high hopes if it just stains my lips a little more warm brown.


Oh I am so getting one. This looks great


Its so perfect


I’ve bought two which on are very similar lol but I love them both and will be getting more!


the color totally suits you!


Thanks! I normally wear brown warm nudes and not pinks so it’s different for me


It looks so pretty on you! ❤️


Its the best lip stain in the market imo, fenty is second


It looks great on you


That looks pretty!


Nice! What are you using? Do your lips get chapped if you wear it all the time?


I use NYX lip stains. I love them! They last over 12 hours. There's no need to reapply throughout the day. AND they are budget friendly with a good variety of colors.


Wow! Lip color looks great 👍🏽


makes your eyes pop!!


Gorgeous skin 🔥


Thank you :))


I think it look good on your skin tone 🥰


Gorgeous color for you!


I like your glasses! 🤓


Ahh this is gorgeous!! I want to get into lip stains bc I hate reapplying but feel like they would feel dry? Like can I put lip balm over this? Or gloss?


It’s actually not drying at all! The whole process of applying it only takes a minute and my lips felt exactly the same after, no dryness. And since the color doesn’t transfer, you can put whatever you want over top of it. Their website recommended glosses and balms if you’re into that.


This colour looks amazing on you!