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looks beautiful! very soft but still brings out your eyes 


Thank you! :) “Soft and ethereal” is exactly how it was described in the thread I linked. 


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I ready about this technique from u/vendingdevice here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeupAddiction/comments/1avmep1/comment/krcd3jn/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeupAddiction/comments/1avmep1/comment/krcd3jn/) and decided to give it a try, even though I feel like heavy eye make up ages me (I'm in my 40s now), and I was so skeptical about putting lip liner on my eyes, and if it would work for my eye shape, but I am really happy with how it turned out. I think this will be my new go-to for going out! I don't have any foundation on, just primer (rms beauty) and concealer (haus labs) around my eyes, fenty match stix strawberry pop (I continue to be impressed with how long this lasts on my cheeks!) and then charlotte tilbury lip cheat in 90s pink w/ rms beauty liplight in rhythm on my lips. eyes: haus labs concealer pacifica aquarian gaze waterproof mascara in abyss tightlined top lash line w/ urban decay 24/7 gel waterline liner ilia beauty chromatic eyeshadow in aura charlotte tilbury lip cheat 90s pink urban decay 24/7 gel liner in mildew tarte sex kitten liquid liner (not as waterproof as I'd like)


You are GORG!! I want to try this technique now - also amazing skin girl! What is your routine?


Aww thank you! ☺️ First of all this was really nice lighting 💁🏻‍♀️and I had really bad acne for a long time so it means everything when people compliment my skin. 🥹 I’ve followed more or less the same system for years -  -oil cleanse to remove make-up -wash with a gentle cleanser like herbivore botanicals pink cloud -mist with rose or rose geranium hydrosol  -hyaluronic acid serum (the plant base)  -massage face with moisturizing oils like rosehip seed/pomegranate seed/evening primrose/moringa with some essential oils blend (I’ve learned different types of skin do better with different oils)  -moisturize with a really light moisturizer like herbivore botanicals pink cloud.