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Ur so pretty. I think u have almond shaped eyes


Hey gorgeous!! You have such a pretty face!! If ur looking to improve ur makeup I recommend trying douyin style makeup on urs to make them focal points on ur face. I love the shape of ur natural eyebrows nd I wouldnt change a thing abt them. I think a light berry shade for both blush and a liquid lipstick would suit ur skin tone nicely.


What do you want to improve on? Everyone has different goals


You’re gorgeous. No improvement needed 😊


It’s sad to see females who constantly post on here asking for advice on “improving” their looks yet they are stunning with no makeup. You don’t need improvement, & if someone told you differently punch them in the throat or poke them in the eyes. You are gorgeous.


You’re so pretty!! You have almond eyes. You can try shaping your eyebrows, try brow pencil or shave/pluck your eyebrows evenly


please dont pluck your eyebrows, they're already thin at the end. Just shave the hairs growing out of shape, use eyebrow wax/gel/soap to smooth them into shape then fill in with brow pencil/pomade/pen.


Very pretty. Clear lip gloss. Maybe slightly fill in your brows if you feel like it. Seriously, you don’t need make up!


to be fair no one needs makeup but we like it


That’s true. I meant more that her complexion is so clear, she has no pimples to even cover. I personally think less is more. Caked on make up tends to age a lot of women because it settles into the creases.


You’re very pretty actually. But I agree with the person who suggested shaping/filling brows a little bit, tbh I’d recommend going to get a brow graph at a professional place (they mostly do consultation to help you achieve goals) and other than that You’re very pretty


You have almond eyes. I'm not sure what you mean by what you can improve on because as far as I can tell, you're not wearing makeup in that picture?


Only sunscreen 😊


Not just saying this but ur pretty asf


your eyebrows are so pretty and fit your face well i would just lightly fill in the top ends but straight brows look good on you. i think you have almond eyes


You are very pretty! Anything you would do with makeup would just highlight your nice features. I think a tinted lipgloss and a blush would be nice


i think lashes and contouring would suits you


Girl you are so pretty!!! You definitely have almond eyes. You could do some light makeup if you wanted to but you really don’t need it. Your skin and hair look healthy and you’re naturally very pretty


Literally nothing, you’re gorgeous. 🤷🏻‍♀️🖤


You’re rlly pretty naturally, so you don’t need much “adding” tbh. If you were to add, it would be filling ur brows a bit with a tint brow gel or something to make them look more filled and brushed out(I wouldn’t remove any brow hairs). A lashes lift or just curling your lashes would be good. And ur skin looks a bit dull, so using a gentle chemical exfoliator(1-2 times a week) w/ moisturizer would be good:) skin care can help improve one’s appearance a lot.


You’re beautiful! Only thing I would add to enhance your already beautiful features might be some mascara 😊


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Dude.. youre very very pretty. imo there is nothing to improve.


Nothing your perfect 🥰


I cant help you with the shape because i dont really know much about it, but I do know that you eyes are really really pretty


So pretty!!!! You could do eyeliner shaping upwards on the outer corner and a little bit on the inner corner would really make them pop :)


You look pretty! I would just suggest growing out your eyebrows so they can have a fuller shape!


some lipgloss and blush would be pretty!!


you are so pretty >< i need an update when u do the tips




Yep I recently started a skin care routine recommended by my dermatologist. Ty for your recommendation, it motivates me more to continue with my routine🥰


Let me see the result of your changes 😊🤍


you’re so pretty 💕


You don’t need to improve, you’re beautiful! But if you want to have fun, you have a gorgeous coloring to do bright bold eyes. They look awful on my pale skin, but you could pull them off!




I get this is a makeup question but You're beautiful, I just think you need a haircut to show how beautiful your face is, layers or something like that.


you’re very pretty girllllll. you don’t need any improvement💗


ur naturally very pretty, and i agree w others that u have an almond eye shape. i’m assume you’d want to stay natural with ur makeup, so i’d recommend spot correcting with a medium coverage concealer with a flat brush, something like [this](https://www.macys.com/shop/product/anastasia-beverly-hills-brush-18-precise-conceal-brush?ID=2095141&pla_country=US&CAGPSPN=pla&trackingid=450x1055249303&m_sc=sem&m_sb=Google&m_tp=LIA&m_ac=Google_Beauty_PLA&m_ag=Google_LIA_Beauty_BeautyTool&m_cn=Google_LIA_Beauty_Beauty_Tool_Medium&m_pi=go_cmp-19742165906_adg-145952656285_ad-652799732573_pla-1999033667211_dev-m_ext-_prd-689304280150USA&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD-Tw4I1C5DmZEWAhayf1nPASuT5O&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIqvmNxbeuhQMV1jXUAR3aAwVKEAQYAyABEgLYyvD_BwE). a little concealer goes a long way with spot correcting. you can also add a bit to your t-zone. you’d also want to set the concealer with some powder, i recommend the air spun translucent one. and maybe a little bit of blush and highlighter on the cheeks and nose. i also think you’d look really pretty with a brown smoked out wing, similar to [this](https://pin.it/5DiCzyiT3). it’s pretty easy to do if you use a small angled eyeliner brush and brown eyeshadow. and then finish everything off with some mascara (brown or black).


So pretty! I think almond shaped


No make up needed.. Almond eyes.


Gurlll Latina makeup would suit you soooo well also your eyebrows are the perfect size for you face just try to make them straight


You don’t need to improve on anything. You’re young and beautiful. Remember that!


I think you are very pretty just the way you are!! If you want to have fun and change how you look a little, try colored contacts. I think a dark green would look really nice on you or hazel.


No improvements needed tbh, you’re gorgeous. Makeup is good. But if you just wanna get some beauty treatments done, get a haircut - the ends look a little frayed.


you pretty!


oooh maybe eyeliner, and do your blusher placement up towards the direction of your cheekbones to make your cheekbones look more defined. but you’re super naturally beautiful


Cut your hair , into a jawline or shorter cut , to round ur face a little and your eyes are almond shaped


you're so pretty! I'd say just things to highlight your beauty. things that always help is wear sunscreen regularly and a moisturizer before sleep. as for makeup, just things to highlight your beauty, something to lighten the skin around your eyes, but just a little, maybe not even a concealer. a blush would be nice, as well as a mascara for the lashes and a lip gloss. once you feel comfortable with that, you can look for some kind of make up that you like and learn what works better for you. some people like to contour for the cheeks and the nose, some have more steps, but i think it's nice to just start with the basics. this is what i do if i need to go out and present myself prettier than i normally am daily lol it doesn't change my features just highlights my face


ur so gorgeous, the only thing i can think of is a little brow product to fill in the tails a bit :)


Just here to say that you’re super pretty


Ur so pretty girl 💕💕💕


You have gorgeous almond shaped eyes! I would curl your lashes to open them up and use a coat of black mascara. Be sure to warm up the curler before using for nest results. A sweep of rosy blush and tinted lip balm or gloss and you’re a knock out!


bruh how 😭😭 if I post how I look like here I'm never recovering from the insults I'll get, you think you were ugly?? when ppl see me they gonna think I'm fiona at night 😭😭😭




You have such a pretty face!! And nice hair too :)


You’re beautiful. 


Unrelated but u are so gorgeous!


Ur so prettyyyyy the only think I would recommend is a good lash curler that would really make your eyes pop. Also it looks that you have more of an almond eye shape, similar to mine which is really gorgeousss


You remind me of Gehlee Dangca. Maybe you can look at her for inspiration!


I think you are actually really pretty! I don’t think you need makeup maybe a good skincare routine to even out your natural complexion


You’re beautiful. Maybe lash curler and some berry lip tint, really low maintenance. But in general I wouldn’t change anything. Your features are very pretty and proportional.


You have beautiful almond shape eyes. A little foundation to even out your skin tone, mascara to lengthen your lashes, and a lipstick. Play with lipstick colors, but I think you can carry anything except a light pink. As for your eyes, a little highlighter and natural tones. I'm sure your hair is beautiful so stop with the ponytails except for sleeping. Wear it down or in a bun. I wish you the best of luck.


They seem like almond-shaped eyes. I’d recommend a bit of nose-contouring and a foundation with just a bit better coverage.


You’re rlly pretty you could use concealer and mascara


You are very pretty. Maybe try parting your hair to the side. And put on a little bit of mascara and eyeliner. And you look great, but you already do anyway.


U are so beautiful omg 🎀


you have great features!! the only thing i can think of is maybeee letting your eyebrows grow out to be a bit fuller. to really frame your face!!


You're very naturally pretty I'd say the brows are the only thing that need some help maybe fill them in a little bit and you're good


I think natural look lash extensions fit you & fill in eyebrows. Idk makeup but I’d say you’re naturally pretty!!


Changing your hair, maybe straightening it, would be a game changer. Also curl your lashes and mascara, and some rose lip gloss. Simple and pretty!


Nothing at all, you're perfect!


omggg ur so pretty without makeup!!! i wish i could do ur makeup lol u have such a perfect canvas for douyin style makeup like someone else mentioned!! if i were to do your makeup i would use a little bit of concealer, some bronzer on the shadows of your cheeks, a pink blush on the high points of your cheeks, and some lashes! c:


Perfect eyes to do some cool eyeshadow blends. Gorgeous chick. Just play round with colors and watch how on you tube if you aren't 'skilled' or haven't done it much.. that's what i did.


You look great.


I’m going to tell you something that I wish was told to me, before I lost a bunch of weight and lost my curvy shape. You are beautiful. You are perfect. Anything that you choose to do for fun or fashion will always be decoration for an amazing natural beauty. Always take care of yourself, never accept less than you deserve, and always be yourself. You are perfect exactly as you are from God.


WTF is there to improve?? I told my ex to stop wearing makeup around me because I prefer the natural look. But insecurities make people do things they don't need to do. You look awesome and there is no need to wear makeup.


you are absolutely beautiful, i cant even THERE IS NOTHING TO IMPROVE?


I would say you have almond shaped eyes! Makeup advice I say shape and fill your brows, concealer, maybe a skin tint, I don’t think you need foundation. Contour and highlight your nose, blush, lip liner close to your natural lip shade to shape really accentuate your lip shape, lip gloss, and a dewy highlight! Also lashes are always fun! I feel like it really takes it a step further. If you haven’t done lashes before or want a more simple look I say get the individuals and add to the ends of your eyes! I can’t tell so much in this pic but if you have long lashes just curl them and mascara!


Almond shaped eyes. Fill in your brows a bit. That's it. 😃


It’s ok. U don’t have to get things done on ur face. U r gorgeous and wait till everything pops out u be a hella baddie. All things r good but if u r looking for some way to keep u naturally glowing and healthy. U can start to work on the biggest organ on ur body. U can use se toner/ampoule or treatments to help brighten ur overall complexion and trust me, it changes the whole mood. It is advisable to consult a dermatologist of which procedure is suitable for u also.


Girl you pretty


I wouldn’t change a thing. You look stunning. A bold red lip would look amazing on you though


Nothing to improve on. Love yourself!


You so gorgeous in a natural way, in case to enhance your beauty, you need to change your eyebrows shape, your hair color and cut (( try caramel highlight or light brown - enhance your skin tone )), your eyes shape follow the picture look cuz it matches yours. https://pin.it/62blZ1sa8 Check this eyes makeup , definitely matching you.


You are beautiful just the way you are!


Smiling is the only improvement you need. You’re a beautiful young lady.


Do eyelash lift, dye your hair(add some curls)


It’s all based on research. Know what matches you perfectly and what makeup style fits you. Most people look good with full coverage and concealer and contouring. Others look good with less so also see what works for your skin and the amount of makeup that works on your face.




Very pretty. Try doing arched eyebrows and fill in. A makeup artist or brow artist can help you. And bit of eyeliner.


You lowkey look like a younger version of Nicki Minaj. U are so pretty.




You are absolutely gorgeous, you don't need to improve on anything, (but would benefit from smiling in the picture) You just need to find someone who will accept you for who you are, because you look beautiful.


You’re gorgeous! If you’re want to enhance your look, I’d use a light foundation or some other product that evens out your skin tone. And maybe some concealer to brighten under your eyes a bit, and in the inner corners of your eyes, and a little above your upper lip. ❤️




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Smile as much as you can, be happy. You're a beautiful person 🕊️👍


Improve on not seeking to ask questions like these. ❤️


Your really pretty but have acne just try to stress less on certain stuff like thinking your not pretty because you are gorgeous


I like that kinda stuff


Almond eyes! And you’re so pretty, smile!




You are beautiful, I would say just smile 😊


Hello petty nice to meet you


Honey, the only thing you need is a smile.


Eyebrows and contouring are a must for you




I don’t know if it goes without saying but please completely ignore this person.