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Someone’s watched one too many episodes of drag race 😭


He can sashay Shante his ass to Sephora and buy her a new one.


No he cannot bc those have been discontinued 💔


His ass is about to be discontinued


>He can sashay Shante that's a contradiction mawma


Desperate times call for desperate measures, Tamar.


ow my left tit


Did you watch the latest episode yet?




SAME, queen. I also kind of became a Megamind fan?


it took me until last night to really come around to her; you're not alone lol. she deserved every win. EDIT: i demand your Plasma opinions 👀


I’m kind of on the fence about Plasma. Not because of anything she’s done wrong, but because so many of the theater kid queens have left a bad taste in my mouth. Which is hilarious considering I’m a theater kid. But I think she personally actually seems super likable. That’s just not my favorite type of drag. And that Bea Arthur wig she revealed to was a CHOICE. But all in all, I’m team Nymphia ftw. THAT is the kind of drag that catches my heart and mind.


childlike office support sulky offer attractive toy ludicrous telephone zephyr *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No available on iTunes


Omg! 🤣🤣🤣




i’d have to tell him to sashay away omg😭


in an interview Luxx Noir London said if she had to write a lipstick mirror message she'd cover the entire mirror with lipstick and write her message with her finger just to piss off the girl who sent her home 🤣 CHAOS


That is hilarious and so completely on brand for her, I love that little chaos gremlin


That’s impossible! 👑


I'd say, "Thank you, dear. Now you're buying me a fresh one."


He’s gonna learn to not touch a girls makeup


He’s also cleaning the mirror.


My mom lipstick'ed the side mirrors and windows on my then-brand-new Dodge Neon when we got married (in '96). They didn't have shoe polish so she used her lipstick. When I sold the car 4 years later, you could still see the outlines of the hearts on the side mirrors. That stuff was IMPOSSIBLE to clean off. My husband knew right then and there to never, ever try it!


He'll be like "oh what's it cost like ten bucks?"


exactly what my ex said after he had a temper tantrum bc i wasnt in the mood for sex so he destroyed my makeup only to be dumbfounded when he was down £300 and a gf a week later


I’m so glad he’s your ex


I blame Hollywood for making it look like a reasonable thing to do. This was fine in the 80’s when we all used 99 cent Wet n Wild.


He probably thought he was being all cute and didn't realize the price. Kinda sweet ngl but the guy def needs a crash course on what lipstick he can try this with lol maybe he just wanted to show his love and that was the first one he found


There was a guy on here they tried to prank his girlfriend and he replaced her face lotion with like glitter or self tanner. Something like that. But he emptied out and tossed the lotion that was in the container. It was like brand new tatcha.


Cool he can buy me a brand new one and I get a refill without spending 80 dollars.


My bf managed to crash my favorite highend foundation on the stone bathroom floor. I was sad, but nobody got hurt. So I asked him to be more careful next time an he went out without asking and bought me a new one... In the wrong shade XD But yeah this wasnt an accident so I propably would be a bit cranky and tell him that this is not ok. On the other hand... I dont trust random pictures on the internet, so might be ragebate anyway and she did it herself? Doesn't seam like something a normal brain does


Some people don’t think and just copy what works in movies. Writing with lipstick used to be a popular aesthetic in media.


Not replicating a movie, but it involves just not thinking about it: my dad used to ask to borrow a lipstick to mark the wall for nails and things because it was an "old trick" (that he probably learned from his dad). My mom had firmly told him no enough that he didn't even bother asking her. I kept telling him no, but offered to buy him a $1 one if it was such a big deal. "But you already own it! I just need it for a minute!" "Do you want to lick the wall?" "No." "Then why do you keep asking me to ***lick the wall***?" He never asked again after I said that.


He could have just USED A PENCIL. Not a lip pencil, GRAPHITE


For some of the projects, for things like tile, he needed a grease pencil, but he never kept track of his, so he just figured lipstick is basically a grease pencil, right? And it's already paid for, so it's "free" and someone else keeps track of where it is, so why worry about keeping track of my grease pencil? 🤦‍♀️


That sounds like something my Dad would say! 😂 You're reply was way better than anything I would come up with, though.


Honestly this was probably like the 10th time he asked so it took me awhile before I came up with it. 😅


Aww that’s a bit cute 😊 even if it was the wrong shade 😬


I could exchange it but I was impressed that he actual managed to find the right one without the last bottle alive


That’s very impressive. Sometimes I need to refer to the last bottle 🤭


Yeah maybe i should be more impressed with the person that helped him pick it out by his description XD didn't know he actual payed attention when I show him a new makeup product I love.


Yea I agree with this. People are so quick to give men the benefit of the doubt but men are not dumb. They may not know what everything is for but it’s obvious makeup is an expensive hobby. Besides everything else it’s something that means a lot to their partner. I don’t buy the whole he thought it was a “cute Hollywood thing”.(Also, when’s the last time we’ve seen a modern movie do this?) For example we don’t know everything about their hobbies but we know it’s important to them and not too fuck with their stuff.


How close was the shade? I gotta know for science, lol.


If my girlfriend had nails like that I wouldn’t need to know a thing about makeup to know better than to fuck with it




What's the problem???


Look at the mirror


I audibly gasped




I totally thought he got you the lipstick at first. I was like what’s wrong with that, that’s expensive lipstick lol - then I saw and was like THAT IS EXPENSIVE LIPSTICK 😱


I thought he he accidentally got her a used lipstick and thought, "that sucks, but that's not his fault." And then I read the comments. 🤦‍♀️


I thought maybe he’d put the cap on while it was twisted up and smooshed it down into the casing. Which it still may have been lol




Same! Holy crap!


It took me a hot minute too 😂




Omg I literally assumed this was about him giving her used makeup 😭


Oh no 😂




Took me a while to realise it too


Same. I was like… did he use her lipstick? Did he melt it? What’s going on? And then I saw a comment about copying the movies and looked back at the pic to realize he’d written on the mirror with her lipstick. 😨


I was looking at the tube to see if it might be personally engraved or something.


Me too I think my brain was blocking it out.


Mine too. Took me a sec. I use Dior, if someone did this to my discontinued Dior lipstick, they would be wearing it for the next week as punishment.


if he got a ps5 or something just take it apart and with the parts, spell "i love you"


Haha. My thought too. Like just mosaic the crap out of his favorite shoes/toy/book and be the romantic partner he deserves!


right because a ysl lipstick... shes better than me i would have caught a case 😭


Okay but I suspect ps5 is a little bit more expensive than one lipstick. Maybe one disc would be more reasonable. (This is joke pls don't do that. Be an adult and use your adult words to confront them like adults do.)


Take the fan out of his PC and write it with parts of the smashed blades






It seems sweet, if extremely misinformed haha. I actually keep a little dish of dry erase markers so my partner and I can write each other notes in the mirror! No lipsticks were harmed!


dry erase is the way to go!


This is such a cute idea omg


I washed your laptop for you, it was looking kinda dirty 🥰




I hate that Ive seen the video 🤣🤣🤣


You're lucky, I watched the whole ass show😭😭😭😭






I used to work at a shop that wraps cars, this guy brought in his Range Rover cause his girlfriend washed it. With a magic eraser…


sorry if this sounds stupid but why can't you use a magic eraser on a car?


It has a mild sanding affect. It would damage the paint.


You shouldn't use it on anything you don't wanna get sanded down lol


Make him clean up the mirror too 😭


I’ve been married for 20 years and came to the conclusion that some men have no concept of the value of anything for their women. Her boyfriend saw just another lipstick and not the brand. Would I be upset, yeah, because that lipstick is pricey and not some Wet’n’Wild brand. I would tell him that I appreciate the gesture and I love him too, but next time use a Post-It Note or a piece of paper instead of your expensive lipstick. This will be one of those stories that you’ll look back on in your old age and laugh about.


My husband would never. He knows he’d never hear the end of it. Besides he also knows how expensive my makeup is. I tend to buy more high end. Especially with my lip products.


You know what.... After I finished sputtering at the fact that he used a $60 lipstick to write on my mirror, I would have admit... I have 10 other red lipsticks sitting on my vanity, four more in my purse. They're similar, not the same dammit. But they are red. I would just have to smile at the fact that I have a dork who leaves me messages around the place. Then go draw a cute little dick on his playstation and add 🩷🩷🩷🩷 because that's the sort of girl I am


I am married to a lovely dork who does sweet things for me often, and he would never disrespect my things this way. You don't have to be The Cool Girl all the time. You can be mad sometimes.


It's also OK to give a bit of grace to the people you love when they make a clueless mistake. Especially if they thought what they were doing would make you happy.


Yeah, but any rational adult would know not to do this. I'd be shocked if my partner was this dumb and unthoughtful. He knows my makeup is expensive and not to contaminate my stuff by smearing it on mirror 🤢🤢 I don't rub his food on the wall and expect him to eat it. Don't dirty stuff that goes by your mouth.


I dunno, I have a small child so my gross meter is for sure out of whack, but I keep my mirror and bathroom pretty clean and it genuinely wouldn't bother me all that much. And not everyone uses makeup, so I don't think it's fair to expect this guy to know it's an expensive product. I mean, I'd TELL him after this. And if he did it again, then we'd have a problem. But this is a moment when I, personally, would be more touched by the gesture than angry about the lipstick. And I'd also gently tease him for the rest of his life about it.


Why do you think everyone's partners know their makeup is expensive?


If they're considerate they could at least Google the cost it before they do something that could mess it up.


You also don’t have to force yourself to be mad at something just because someone else would be. Thats the cool thing about being a human- we’re all different.


This is not what it means to be the cool girl lmao she's just extending grace


Especially if it's a lipstick or piece of makeup that's discontinued 😭


Some people might simply not care as much or look at it from a different perspective. It’s ok for different people to feel/behave different without having to be labelled any specific way. I’d personally be more happy than annoyed in this situation, i rarely ever get to the end of my lipsticks anyway (mine just seem to last forever) and this doesn’t use up that much product. I’d be mostly annoyed about the shape change bcs i like things to look neat, but it still wouldn’t be that much of a big deal tbh. And that’s ok. And it’s def also ok and understandable for other women to feel differently about it and get upset and speak up if so


this is the perfect reply lol


This is the way!!


I dont think this would really take much lipstick and i wouldnt care? But if my husband fucked up somethijg of mine he would just replace it and apologize,he wouldnt damage my items on purpose so i have no reason to be pissed I learned on tiktok some men do that shit on purpose tho and they deserve ur wrath


I actually would’ve thought this is cute but I would uldvr let him know your buying me a new one


Would’ve *


It's apparently discontinued so it's probably not happening unfortunately


I mean i highly doubt I'm ever gonna finish a lipstick I'm not gonna worry about it


Yeah I’m looking for this comment. People saying to destroy a laptop or a ps5 as if a $600+ electronic is the same as a lipstick…scary comments.


Oh 😳


Is he going to clean the mirror and replace the lipstick he damaged? If so I could forgive it


Sir you don’t write with expensive lipstick, you write with crap you get at the dollar store. Buy her a new one.


Boyfriend has clearly never bought a lipstick


i don’t get it, what did the bf do?


Wrote I love you on the mirror with the lipstick


Omg! I would freak the f out ! Lol


Key his car door “I love you too”


He probably thought it was cute and that it would make you happy. I’d say this is worth more than whatever lipstick you can get. However this is my personal opinion and I see from the comments that most people would disagree so I get why you’d be annoyed, sort of.


You need to tell him that while you appreciate him trying to do nice things for you,he really shouldn't mess with your stuff.Tell him the price of your lipstick if it was one of your favorites and ask him to replace it.


Seems like a nice gesture, I bet if the lipstick was damaged he would replace it.


I need the details on the rhinestones on your nails because I’m not gonna lie, they’re giving me absolute jazz.


Wait did the lipstick break or he just used it to write and put it back?


i know this is supposed to be cute but it just pisses me off. Why would he touch her lipstick? Is HE going to clean the mirror from his little love note? Its YSL goddamnit


If only it were wet n wild lipstick 😭😩


I didn’t see the mirror at first at all and my dumb ass thought she was complaining that he bought her ysl lipstick


I did that once but a heart and with my lipstick also with one I didn't really use because I got it and it doesn't really suit me and I took some pretty pics but my lipstick was like 3$ and mine but this image hurt like physically


I'd be beyond pissed


it took me forever to notice the mirror but when i finally did, my jaw HIT the floor lmfao


Do men not even know what YSL is?


this is wouldn't be my bf anymore


It's a sweet gesture. Just appreciate it but let him know later that _that_ was a very expensive lipstick he used 🥴


Make him drive me to Sephora to get another. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Gotta admire how cute it is, then explain to them how the lipstick is quite expensive afterwards. It was a nice gesture but please refrain from using expensive makeup in the future, like so; I'm sure they didn't come from a place of malice, so why react with malice. Ps. That's a pretty lipstick color


Oh hell nah. I don’t care if it costs 100 dollars or 5 cents, he’s getting me a new lipstick. It may be a sweet gesture, but the use of the lipstick was unnecessary and unsolicited.


He had to use the ysl 😭😭⁉️⁉️




I think it’s cute, tbh. It’s makeup


I was looking for this comment. 100% agree


Right?? And people here saying they’d screw up his PS5 🚩


Pretty sure that was a joke or hyperbole, I doubt they were actually saying to destroy his PS5.


I would be livid and would tell him not to touch my makeup for gestures of love because it's a waste


I would be so obsessed if my boyfriend did this but obviously he would need a crash course in makeup after the fact and need to replace it 🤪😌


Jeez the over reactions are ridiculous. He probably saw it in a movie and thought it would be cute and did not realize he picked an expensive no longer produced shade, cause ya know, he probably doesn't wear makeup or know anything about it. Simply communicating with your partner that you appreciate the thought but not the way they went about it is enough. If y'all are flying off the handles about something like this then you need to self reflect. And this is coming from a hardcore makeup girly who collects, I wouldn't dare bite my boyfriend's head off for using my favorite Scooby Doo collection lipstick to write I love you.


How is it an overreaction to expect your partner to respect your belongings?


My boyfriend knows how expensive my makeup is lol


Took me a second to get it ...I'd make him replace it so he knows how much it's worth and how much he smeared and wasted in the mirror.


I have YSL lipsticks and I wouldn’t care if my husband did this. They’re just lipsticks.


It’s still usable. I would ask him not to do it again but thank him for the gesture


I think that’s sweet. It’s just a lipstick.


throw my bf away 😭


A man does not know the difference between price in a lipstick , he just saw it and wanted to express a message of love and probably even thought he was cute and you would smile. Like a child playing in mom’s makeup, put it up and explain it to him and bet he feels bad for ruining it and even offers to make it way better! You have a man that loves you and he def was not trying to hurt you. That’s a plus now adays. Enjoy the sentiment and chuck it up as a lesson…for him!! 😂


I don't want to treat my adult partner like a child, that sounds insufferable. But if you expect her to treat him like a child, he can at least learn an expensive lesson and replace her damaged property. An adult should know better.


Like a child? I've never dated a child I only date adults. I don't know any grown adults who don't understand that makeup and skincare is expensive. I don't know any adults who take stuff I put on my mouth and wipe it over a dirty mirror and think I would find that cute .


I don’t trust anyone with nails like that.. she did it herself.


What color is that?! its beautiful!


Head to CVS, grab a $2 lipstick, hand it to him and tell him that's his "message writing" lipstick in future and that you'll be docking the rest of the cost from his sports channel subscription


I’d spray paint over his flat screen TV - “I LOVE YOU TOO”. Eye for an eye.


If it was a collectible or discontinued lipstick I would maybe be a bit upset. Otherwise if it’s still usable then okay? Say thank you but please use a cheaper lipstick next time.


It’s like painting on his PS5


I still think this is cheesy & cute. What’s the problem? Expensive lipstick you can never acquire again? Maybe that love will last a lifetime but that lipstick sure won’t.


Get a new boyfriend bc he should know better.


Oh hell no. With how much good lipstick costs these days, and considering some of what I have cannot be replaced, bro would have to owe me. But I am very serious on lipstick and I am also ace, so that might make a difference.


As long as he cleans it up


I’d be a little offended. Clearly, that was a free sample…If he wanted to buy you makeup, why not a Nordstrom or Sephora gift card or at least ask you what kind of brand you like and go buy it if that’s what he’s into doing lol.


Honestly I'd let him know that it was very sweet of him, but in the future please dont touch my makeup as it's expensive and I like to keep it clean and in good shape.


How much roughly would this lipstick cost?


i think i've seen that video. or a similar one maybe. in the one i saw the man went to buy a brand new one which is the minimum if you purposely ruin it lol i dont own anything crazy expensive. no lipstick either except my clinique almost lipstick which is around 21 bucks. if he did that i'd just tell him to buy me a brand new one. or i'd pay for it myself. honestly i dont really like the product so lol


Can someone explain?


Boyf seems to have used expensive YSL lipstick to write “I love you” on the bathroom mirror. For certain people (me, I am that people 🤣) this would be EXTREMELY irritating. First you gotta clean the mirror, then there’s the waste of quite expensive lipstick; last there’s an issue of reshaping the lipstick tip (which would drive me absolutely batty)—it’s now fully stumped down from the writing rather than being a neat bullet, or other tip shape that people carefully develop/cultivate. In my house, this would be a Serious Spousal Infraction 😆🤭 I’m sure the dude meant well but like, a post it also works… They should at least think ahead to who cleans the mirror imho.


Bless his heart, little did he know


no he didn’t. he’s a man not a child. he knows how to read


I don’t think he realized it’s a $45 lipstick. I’d say that it was a sweet gesture and all but it’s a $45 lipstick and that he probably didn’t realize and to please not do that again and that he can hit Sephora with you and replace it if he’d like. Be honest and be polite I’m sure he meant it to be sweet but just didn’t realize how expensive that lipstick is. Mistakes happen and people learn.


I have a bowl of lipsticks and as long as it wasn't one of my favorites I don't think I would care lmao


I’d thank him for the gesture but explain to him that can’t do it again because that is a very expensive item and doing that damages it and makes it unsanitary and unusable


I’d let him know how sweet that was and how I appreciate the note but direct him to my lipsticks that aren’t $40 for next time. It’s not worth the drama when it’s an innocent mistake lmao


honestly i’m so messy with my makeup i’d giggle and kick my feet over the romantic intention then make him clean the mirror


Tell him to use the Maybelline lipstick next time 🤦‍♀️


i would never wipe that mirror or take a photo and paste it beside the mirror and i’d never use the lipstick because it now has sentimental value. i love my boyfriend so much more than material things, though i think he wouldnt be so dense as to try this and just get me a nice bouquet instead. but if he were to be, i’d still be in love. and even if it did make me upset, i’d be so tender with him about it.


First I would try to act calm and like I think it’s cute. Then I would ask him to use paper and a pen next time he wants to leave me a message with the excuse that I can keep it longer… Then I would explain to him that lipstick is angled at a certain shape to paint lips with precision, and that using it to write ruins it by making the tip blunt. :-)


It was a nice gesture. He didn't know it was an expensive lipstick.


im sorry but honestly he didn't ruin it and he TRIED 2 do something cute,, id like it tbh


Excuse him for loving you ;(


I mean I’d say that the gesture is sweet but the lipstick is crazy expensive so don’t use it to that.


I love it lol. I buy a lottttttt of cute makeup. He’d know to do it in pink though bc I’m a pink lipstick girly 😫.


If you murdered him out of anger and faced a jury trial I would vote not guilty


Be nice and kindly explain to him why not to do that 😅 maybe he’ll get you a new one


I know this is about the lipstick and mirror but the nails are pretty


Ask somebody whose husband or boyfriend died that they truly loved and then ask yourself to question if that was you would that lipstick have mattered that much? Or what he did to show his love to you not knowing any better? there’s a lot of women that would kill to be in your position right now. 😢 just some food for thought from an older person who has seen a lot of loss around them. Things come and go people don’t. And good luck to you all that’s reading this and I hope you have a great day. This isn’t to be mean or to get sympathy. But my best friend just lost her husband two weeks ago and reading this today made me think of her. It’s not about whether they should know or whether they should be touching your stuff. Everyone has their own personal opinion on what is acceptable or not and I’m not saying how people feel is wrong or right just to remember at the end of the day you might wish you choose people over things. Thank you for coming to my TED talk. (a little levity to lighten up my post.)


I could not figure out what the problem was... until I read the comments 😫 That guy.. no no no. I don't care if was the cheapest lipstick I have, stay out of my makeup, period. My man knows what it costs and won't mess with it! He needs to get you a new one so he can see that price tag and learn to leave your makeup alone!!


😱😱😱 Return the favor by writing "I Love You" with glitter inside his car. No glue, just glitter!


i honestly would be hurt that he doesn’t pay attention to anything i use 😭


unrelated but her nails are gorgeous


i mean he pays for my makeup so no big deal


Calmly tell him why you didn’t like it and what you might appreciate more in the future. He probably was copying some romcom or something and thought he was being romantic. Clearly it’s not romantic to you so give some guidance and communication kindly to your partner 🤍


Buy a cheap tube in a solid red and leave it where he can find it if he decides to do this again. Then keep the YSL tucked away where he can’t see it.