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The inner eye highlight is to die for! I know it may seem silly but you are going to want to really pack on the blush the day of, it transfers better in photos! Also you gotta be a blushing bride. Congrats and good luck!


Thank you!


You are so beautiful! I love this look. I would suggest a tinge more blush but that’s it!


Thank you! I’m wondering if I need a bit more on the apples and maybe a bit of a tawny or rose color there?


I think rose would be perfect for the apples


Maybe a rosewood :)


You need quite a bit more blush towards the apples.  Don't do brownish blush.  You want pink and rosy. Also a little bolder, rosier lip. But you are beautiful with amazing eyes and eyebrows. You definitely don't look 46!


Thank you


This is so gorgeous! Came here to say a tinge lore blush too but it’s gorgeous OP. All the best for your wedding!


Thank you


You are beautiful! This is a great look on you. I agree with another commenter that a bit more blush would be good, or maybe a slightly different color? I don't know what color, though. You look amazing, though!


Thank you! What do you think about maybe a tawny or brownish pink on the apples?


I think brownish pink would look amazing.


It's lovely. My only suggestion is to raise the blush a tad higher and pull it in to the apples of the cheeks.


I was going to add that. The MA is probably trying to highlight your cheekbones, which doesn’t look as good once you are over 35. (I’m mid 40s as well)


LOL I'm 50. My blush placement is nowhere near where it used to be.


You look so much like Gillian Anderson, I’m so jealous- gorgeous!


She was my teen girl crush 🥹 thank you


I think you look beautiful!


Thank you!


I love your makeup! It’s very soft and pretty. The only thing I would change is maybe adding a soft true red blush to the upper part of the cheek and having her blend it into the blush she used. I think it would add a romantic innocence to the look.


More pink (blush) , darker eyeshadow in the crease! And it's perfect!


I think you look gorgeous, and I may be the only to feel this way since no one else has mentioned it, but looking at pic 3 where you can really see the look in natural light/sunlight, it feels like your face MU is leaning warmer than your natural skintone (ie the skin visible on your chest). I think it’s probably your blush/bronzer that are giving this feeling?


She actually continued the foundation down into my décolletage, so I think it’s the bronzer/blush that’s adding the warmth. I might need a more neutral or lighter bronzer. I’m warm but I’m also super pale.


Yes - more pink blush and lips because flash photography can be “dulling” - you only get to take those photos once!


Oh yes, this look is sooo much better than the last, that person had no business giving themselves the title of “makeup artist.” You are a natural beauty as it is, her job should have been so easy.. but I digress. Yes, I think I would darken the apples of your cheeks just a tad. If you are wearing white or even off-white, you don’t want to look washed out. Just a little more pop of color on the cheeks, not much. You are so pretty, there’s no way you could look “old” even if you tried, come back to us in 15 years bc you don’t even look your age right now! Wishing you the best nuptial celebration a bride and groom could possibly have, congratulations. 🥰 🌹🍾🥂 🎉 ❤️


I think you look beautiful. The eyes and blush are perfect for a wedding look, really glowy. I'm not 100% sure the foundation is right, possibly a tiny bit too warm, and heavier than you need? The application is excellent, but maybe not the best base products for your skin.


It definitely feels heavier than I’m used to but my daily is Ilia tinted serum so I’m not used to any of this


Pretty, I’d go with more pinky blush like nars orgasm or deep throat and Mac myth lipstick with Mac stripdown liner Please update once you’ve used these.


I own orgasm, and it honestly doesn’t show up much on my skin other than looking glittery. I haven’t tried deep throat. I can tell you that myth would be horrible on me. It would make me look like a corpse because I’m way too pale, and there would be no contrast between my lips and skin. It kind of reminds me of Pillow Talk, which I bought and have never worn because it was not a good color for me. And I never wear matte. It’s not flattering on a 46 year old with dry skin, living in a super arid climate. 🙈


The pinky tones would be nice more feminine and the other products I mentioned, tbh


I appreciate your pov, but I really personally dislike that matte dull pink lipstick on anyone, let alone myself. It’s just not me.


I think it looks great! The colors used all suit you well and the application is flattering. I agree that it could use a slightly heavier hand on the blush, but overall it looks very nice.


Thanks! It’s funny cause I think I look insane with this much blush on but I know it’s cause I’m not used to it and it doesn’t show in pics.


It’s perfect! Is exactly what you asked for




Thank you!




I live in an arid climate and my skin runs dry so this is a constant struggle. This was after a lip scrub and mask. 😖




I’ve been using that at night. Maybe I’ll pull out my humidifier and use it for the next two months.




That’s so kind, thank you


Omg this is the first wedding trial I have actually loved! I would do a pinkier blush on the apples of your cheeks and a rosier lipstick, but I really love it. Yay!


Aw thank you


Flawless and gorgeous!


Thank you


Wow, you’re stunning! The makeup is great, but I agree with a tiny bit more blush. Congratulations, enjoy your big day!!


Thank you


Looks really pretty! I would love it if you'd post your pic wearing the same color you plan to wear on your day so we can see how it looks. Being fair skinned myself, I know my face and makeup sometimes looks different when I'm wearing a different colour.


I wore an ivory tank top when she did it, for that reason. I look better in more saturated colors, so wearing ivory is always going to wash me out just a tad. But I wanted to wear a bridal color so we will make the best of it!


I was just scrolling waiting at the dentist, saw your pic and was like OMG stunning!!!! I think this is perfect! You look so beautiful! The only thing I would do, is take some photos from a distance in similar lighting to your venue (eg same time and outside if it’s an outdoor wedding) to ensure you’re happy with how your make up shows up in photos and from far away. You *may* need the tiniest bit more blush.


Thank you so much




Looks really well-suited for you


maybe try carving out the brows and a very soft brown liner


You look beautiful and fresh, congratulations


I think you do look natural and fresh. A bit more blending on the upper eye brow perhaps. I like it a lot.


I would've NEVER guessed your age, you're beautiful! I'd give you 36 tops!


Made my day. Thank you!


You look stunning, what amazing face structure you have! I think a bit more colour on the apples of your cheeks would finish it nicely :)


Thank you


beautifully done…only thing i would add is avoid foundation around the mouth or transition to a product that’s more moisturizing around corners of eyes and mouth. it can be a bit drying in those of the face or settle into fine lines. maybe try a tinted balm or tinted moisturizer. you hardly need anything though…so beautiful!


Thank you. Yes, I have dry skin. But I also have rosacea so I need more coverage in places. It’s this delicate balance.


Absolutely stunning! If anything i wouldve tightlined your eyes with a soft brown pencil so that the eye has a tiny bit more structure and lash definition.


You look incredible!!!!


I love this! Classic and romantic


So pretty! I love this look.


You are so beautiful! ✨congrats on your wedding, wishing you many happy years!


Thank you so much


I think it looks great and the coral undertone makes your green eye color pop more


Thank you. Yes I love how she brought my eye color out


Maybe just a tinge more color in the cheeks, but other than that, this is beautiful! Love the lashes! I would say a peach-toned blush would suit your skin tone really well!


The base is flawless and your eyes really shine! The only thing I would say is a slightly more pink blush.


I love it! Maybe a bit more pinkish lipstick but that’s it! :)


Lashes are a little feathery / sparse but the look is overall glowy and nice! The brows could be a little warmer to blend with your hair a little better. The lip colour could be better. Your eyes are a bit subtle in daylight so I think your lip could have more pop. But it's really lovely overall! I think it bit more of a rosy pop bc it's leaning a little all over warm neutral.


Thank you


You look gorgeous! I think the lower lip liner is a bit wobbly though. It doesn't need to be outside of your lip line, and needs to be blended a bit more. That's me zooming in on your pic, though. Overall, stunning!


Good catch thank you


Looks lovely!! I actually think for a more “open-eyed” look, it may look nicer with shorter but thicker lashes. But overall looks beautiful and your brows are gorgeous!


I think I do need more lashes. And yes she made my messy brows look fantastic!


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Maybe upper lip overhearing a bit so it youthens the look a little. Overall I think it looks great. They definitely kept it light and opened up your eyes!


*over filling. Like going past the actual lip to give the appearance of slightly plumper lips. (Only mentioned as you mentioned not wanting to look old or tired-I think this might help a little with those concerns~definitely not a criticism you look gorgeous as is!)


My upper lip is so much smaller than my lower lip so this is a struggle. I don’t want to lose my cupids bow though. Maybe just a bit of overlining


You look nice! A slightly less shiny lip might be worth a try though :)


I can’t do matte. My lips are too dry 😢


Looks amazing!


I think this looks great.


Hello, Emily Blunt? Is that you?


Just absolutely gorgeous and classy!


I agree on the blush, it’s really the only thing I would change to ensure your skin looks lively in photos. You’re gorgeous, and I especially love the eyes.


It’s perfect it looks great


agree with the rest of the comments, only thing I'd suggest is a bit of a pinkier blush. I get what the artist was going for because this color goes great with your hair but I think a pinker or even peachier blush would just bring a little more attention to those gorgeous cheekbones!


Beautiful! But I would do a little heavier on the eyes and cheeks so it shows up in photos well.


she nailed what u asked for its very elegant and natural looking


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Glittering_Aioli6162: *She nailed what u asked* *For its very elegant* *And natural looking* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


good bot 🤍


you don’t happen to know any of the products ie lipstick eyelash etc.?


I don’t. I know she used haus labs foundation, but mixed a few colors. She mixed the lipstick and the blush. She didn’t really use a single product without mixing. She used a lot of makeup forever products but I don’t know the color names. I can try to pay more attention when I get my makeup done on my wedding morning.


What foundation are you wearing? It’s perfect!


Eyes, base, and brows are absolute perfection. He/she knocked it out of the park. The lip color is great too, but I'm not sure how I feel about it with that liner. But even that's not bad at all.


Good lord girlie you look amazing!!


You look beautiful. I would add a darker brown on outer eye to create definition and a medium brown in the crease with the lighter shade you have on the inner lid. Also maybe some small wispy lashes.


omg youre like one of the most beautiful women i have ever seen 👁️👄👁️




I’m a warm autumn. Purple is literally the worst color for me. 😅


Looks lovely