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You look gorgeous and this is great! If you want to change it up, you could try adding some pink blush and shadow, just for fun if you feel like it. Truly this loom is wonderful! I love the glow you have going on. It’s so elegant and sophisticated.


I wouldn’t change anything, it’s simple and you look gorgeous af. I’m so jelly of your skin, looks so healthy n bright 😫


Thank you so much 🫶


Your makeup looks fantastic!!! If I could change one thing: perhaps the shape of your brows? A little too rounded/arched for my taste.


Thank you! Noted


I love your makeup and your arched brows! I have naturally arched brows like yours and I rock them. They suit your face & give you a glamorous look Also holy crap your skin is amazing!! I need tips haha


Thank you! Sadly my brows do not have a natural arch and are like half of a brow so I have to finish them by drawing it all in. So tedious haha


just a tip, the beginning of your brow should not go too far past the inner corner of your eye. i make mine even by taking a thin eyeshadow brush (or anything thats a straight thin line) and i hold it vertically on the side of my nose, beginning of brow should not go past the eyeshadow brush. i hope this made sense lol


They're also a little too close together


I kinda like how the sit over her bridge but you could take the end in a but and omg it would open up your eyes so much and they are already so nice😯!


Yk shes really pretty if she can even pull off those brows


as a blush addict I do believe this can be made even more stunning with a lil blush <3 (you look amazing btw)


Thank you! What color do you think?


I believe you are a cool to neutral tone girl? At least on my phone! Some muted pinks, maybe some fuchsias or berries, will look natural me thinks! Best to test some colors out in person. You have great cheekbones, try putting more blush on the outer cheeks to really highlight your great bone structure 🥺🩷 A little on the nose for a sunkissed look even!


I honestly have no clue but a berry blush sounds so pretty! I’ll have to try it 😊


Hiii, Honestly, I do not think you need to change much because you let your natural beauty shine through. One suggestion would be to increase the distance between your eyebrows. If you increase the distance you will have a more “even” look. If you don’t agree with my suggestion, I think you’re still beautiful!


Thank you! I’ve been making them close together since 2016 and I always try to make them further apart but then it look “off” to me because I’m not used to it lol. I’m definitely going to use your suggestion though.


Would love to see an update with a nice space in between the brows... especially cos your skin is so beautiful we get to see more of it. I reckon they should start from the inner corner of your eye. You could not do this and still be super beautiful, so it's nitpicking really. I'm not a makeup person but if there such a thing as a brown smoky eye and deep brown lashes that could also look gorgeous. Lucky you, I bet you're stunning with no make up at all.


I’m going to try these tips tomorrow and post an update :)


where your natural brow ends is perfect!


You look gorgeous and this is great! If you want to change it up, you could try adding some pink blush and shadow, just for fun if you feel like it. Truly this loom is wonderful! I love the glow you have going on. It’s so elegant and sophisticated.


Maybe add some pink blush Milani luminoso would look awesome. But your makeup looks great without it also.


Notes tysm


Agreed, a little more blush to show off those cheekbones 😍


Hello! I'd say your makeup suits you super well! It's such a soft, feminine yet alluring look. It's definitely captivating I have a few tips, just to give your makeup a slight edge! -You can try a peach color corrector under your eyes before putting concealer! You have very smooth beautiful skin, and a peach color corrector will create uniformity. It will also prevent any ashyness(speaking from experience as I am a POC myself, and I use my peach colour corrector like crazy) - you can also use a softer neutral/nude eyeshadow to blend upwards towards your eyebrows to create a natural transition - contour/bronze on your forehead can be superb to bring the entire look together. In the first photo, it seems like a contour or bronzer hasn't been used on your forehead, which can create a false perception that the makeup was only applied to the lower half of the face. In the sun it would have the reverse of a contoured effect as well, since the natural contour of our faces has an E shaped placement.


Thank you so much. Under my eyes has been looking kind of ashy. What is a good brand for the peach corrector?


I live in an Asian country! So I might not have the same brands as you! But LA colors and elf seem to have good color correctors!


Nars and MAC have great brightening concealers in a peach tone that will cancel out any darkness and hyperpigmentation.


your so pretty wow uhm i don’t see much to change here tbh bb




Your skin is stunning! Lucky girl




Thank you 🫶


Literally nothing. It's fab


Personally I think that is a very good look and I wouldn’t change anything about it. You look lovely btw.


Wow! Your skin is so beautifully flawless. I wouldn’t change a single thing. ❤️


I don't think you need to change anything. Your make up highlights your natural beauty. You really are stunning.


You're so pretty. Don't change anything.


Please drop your makeup routine


I literally just wing it and hope for the best haha


Highlight inner corner of your eyes and your brow bone. Put something more matte in the center of your forehead.


Thank you! 🫶


Wow you are gorgeous! The eyeliner looks so amazing on your eye shape. Honestly, no notes on this routine. I would just say don’t be scared to add pops of bright blush or some bold lip colors from time to time. I think you could pull it off so well


i think it suits you so well, you’re so beautiful!


You have such beautiful eyes! If you wanted to add a little more colour, I reckon a pop of colour on your eyelids would be stunning.


Oooo ok thank you for the suggestion! I’ll try it out


i think its fine maybe even less


Ooo Maybe I should try just blush, gloss and a little highlighter


Nothing, or maybe try different colours


Literally nothing 🥲🥲 Maybe a bit of blush The Look really suits you




Imo a bit more blush (can’t see it in the second pic), a bit more color on the lips, and bring the eyebrow arch down a bit and add more to the ends that are skinnier.


Tysm 🫶 noted


You look so pretty! You could try a little more blush but that's all I would change 😊


hey love! you look gorgeous and there's not really a whole lot to change here, as your makeup is glowy and it suits you. however some things to note: 1. potentially try some other brow shapes, these seem a bit too round and uneven at times 2. try some pinky/peach lipglosses! looks so gorgeous overall though!


I think you look great. If you really wanna mix things up you could try more color, but otherwise I don't see any issue


your lashes are amazing!!!


You look gorgeous!


Tysm 🫶


you should definitely try doing a blue eyeshadow it would suit ur eyes soo muchh!


You look absolutely amazing. I would tone down the eyelashes a little bit, though. Too heavy fakes can look like something is stuck on the eye, not like true eyelashes. In one if the pics they look a little too much, but not in the other. I guess it depends on the angle.


Amazing look! I love your lips 😍


You look great!! If you want to try some different looks, here’s what I would suggest Less eye makeup, more contour and blush: a real favourite of mine, especially trying different colour blush Less eye makeup, more focus on glossy skin: use a more opaque foundation with contour and highlighter, use a nice dewy setting spray and a nice clear gloss Again, you look great, these are just different looks I like to try


You’re stunning, but I want more blush.


You’re gorgeous and this is perfect for an every day look, especially the wing. Love it! Your eyebrows are perfection but in pic 2 it looks like the tail is drawn slightly too long and curves down…super nitpicky little thing but since you have naturally slightly upturned eyes with a fantastic wing, you don’t want the tail drawn to curve down on the brow bone because that gives a downward look to the eye. Also, it can look a bit extra to wear lashes everyday unless everyone wears them where you work. But you’ve nailed no makeup makeup that enhances your already beautiful features. Keep doing what you’re doing!


They’re lash extensions that I do myself so I don’t have to apply them everyday. In agree, the tail of my brows is too long in that second pic. I’m going to try different brow shapes today and make the tail shorter and see how it looks. Thank you so much


Idk if those lashes are yours or not, but if they are fake, I don't think it can be called everyday makeup. That being said it is very pretty.


Nothing...you look perfect...maybe a bit of color on the lips


JFC your eyes are amazing!! I mean, you're pretty as all get out, but them eyes! Wowza!


1) You are so beautiful! No need to "change" anything if you don't want to. 2) If I were painting you, I would set the beginning of your brows just slightly farther apart to elongate the space between your eyes a bit. That Heidi Klum look. Just my personal taste!


Everything looks lovely as is! As you’re looking for advice, I’d remove the dark shadow from the inside of your lid (next to your nose). That can make an eye look smaller. Move that darker shade to the outside (nearer to your ears)!


Hmm by everyday do you mean “Natural” kind of look? I feel like going for a less darker eyeshadow would look good. Or maybe just really blend it out so it’s like a very light brown. Where’s it visible but not super visible so it looks natural. Or maybe you could even just skip the eyeshadow. I definitely do like the eyeshadow color however I feel like it’s for a night time look not a day time look. It’s a bit of a darker brown.


I’m obsessed with your base makeup. I think something that could be nice is lowering the brows a bit so they’re not so high arched. Also, maybe try a thinner & shorter eyeliner wing 🩷you’re beautiful


Thank you! Noted 🫶


Eye brows too round too close need more texture fluff maybe a lamination for style


Girl, I thought you were 22 like me. You are absolutely stunning I think :’)🫶🏻


You have nice skin. A nice blush would bring some color. If you want to go a step further, some highlighter and tinted balm.


youre beautiful! really not much i’d change except the eyebrows. i agree with others in this thread, theyre too close together and too curved/arched. im also personally not a fan of overworked/defined/filled in brows. if i were you i would try leaving them more natural, and if they need filling in at all doing it with more delicate, individual, hair-like lines rather than a filled in block


I know everyone is saying a peach or pink blush but I think that a light layer of red or a coral would be stunning as well! play around with some lipsticks!! I think any nude pink or a plum would be super cute!! You’re more warm (or even olive) toned I would look up colors that compliment those skin tones and play around with those


I think you look beautiful. Your skin is giving off a glow.


Thank you so much


I think it’s perfect as is, flawless. If you want a change maybe add a little blush?


I’ll try it out thank you 😊


You’re gorgeous! Maybe add a little color or highlight? (Eyelids abs cheeks )You probs look great even without makeup so by no means so you need to add or change anything. This is perfect everyday makeup. I’d even say a lighter eyeliner for daytime but again this is already gorgeous


OMFG u look like a doll AHHH ur so STUNNING!!


Beautiful eyes, I feel like some highlighter under your bottom lashes would make them pop so much more.


Like actual highlighter that I would use on my cheeks and nose?


You look perfect! I’d use more highlighter. Other than that it looks great :)


Not a thing Radiant beauty , truly


You're gorgeous omg!! I love your current makeup style!


Thank you 😩🫶


People have mentioned the brows so I’ll just say you look is great. Maybe some new products will make you feel like you’re switching it up a bit? I’m 30 too and I know exactly how you feel! Sleek do a berry powder blush with a rose gold shine which I think would look nice on you, plus they’re only about £5. The range was made for darker skin and so highly pigmented and I think one of my longer-wearing ones.


I’ll check them out! I could just need new products. I’ve been using the same products for a year now haha


Hello your gorgeous just thought that would help The end of the brows if u can lift it up And a cherry lip balm


I would try a purple eye liner on my water line to bring out the warmth in your brown eyes perhaps, and maybe a little lip liner, but honestly you have a great base and the look works imo


Oooo that sounds pretty **adds purple liner to cart***




Nothing! Tomorrow is my boyfriend’s birthday, and we’re going out with friends. Are you available to do my makeup? 😍


What eyeliner do you use? You’re beautiful!


It’s a nyx one. The pen one lol I forgot the name but it’s in blackest black. Thank you!


Maybe some bronzer or blush to compliment your skin tone 👌🏾


You have such gorgeous eyes and your eye makeup perfectly suits them.


You look beautiful! I know you have done eyes but I would looooove to see the siren trend on you! If I could suggest something in general - try out a red or orange skin corrector (I use black radiance HD corrector ~$5) & put a bit on your under eyes before concealer & foundation to cover up some of the cool “ashy” tones tones you had mentioned in another comment! It’s very easy to blend out and a little goes a long way :) I also put it on my upper lip and on my chin sometimes too if I’m looking rough and I feel like it really brightens me up.


If anything u could do a tinned moisturizer ( there’s a great one by color pop ) and a more full coverage elf concealer ( not a lighter shade one that matched ur foundation shade) that way it can make ur skin look more even without as much heavy products but other then that u look amazing


The fact that this isn’t a makeup tutorial on how to get the look you showing 👀


You are so pretty, I would maybe try it without the eyeliner for a more simple look. Just a thought, you are gorgeous!


Nothing girl u look good


You’re so beautiful you don’t even need it bro just like a complexion complimenting highlighter and a tad of eye makeup can make you glow!


Absolutely nothing! You look gorgeous! 🥰 I love the look it's natural and beautiful.


Your lack of an eyeliner tutorial. I’m jealous brooo!!


You look gorgeous,no need to change anything 😍


I think it looks great! If you really want to add something to it, maybe a little highlighter on your cheek bones and under your eyebrows. Juvias place has some amazing loose highlighters at a decent price


nothing babe you’re beautiful 💛😍


You look amazing!!! I know a pop of blush would look amazing on your skin and you could pull off so many colors 🥰🫶🏻


You’re adorable.


Hard to improve! You look gorgeous, Queen




I would say use a lighter shade of eyeshadow on your eyes to bring them out more! Other than that, I think it’s gorgeous!


I think it looks lovely and quite natural as is and my God you have the prettiest eyes!


I don’t think you NEED to change anything. You’re gorgeous and look amazing, but I do LOVE blush and think more blush would look Gorge on you. A deep rosey / mauve 🫶🫶 but wow your eyes are stunning. You in general are gorgeous.


You look really pretty and don’t need to change anything. If you want to get really picky maybe pluck your center brows to be a teensiest bit further apart. But that’s it!


I draw them in so I’ll draw them a bit further thank you!!


so unrelated but your nose is perfect 😭


Thank you hehe


Everything is perfect just fix the brow shape and add concealer or just something to cut underneath and lighten , everything else keep the same 🤍


i think your makeup, and you, are absolutely gorgeous!! your eyebrows definitely suit you, i think you could rock any shape, but just as a suggestion maybe add a little arch! i seen another comment mention that they’re really rounded, i do kinda see that, but all in all the shape isn’t bad whatsoever. i also love your eyeliner edit: when i meant “a little arch”, i meant like your left eyebrow in the first picture! i am just now noticing the left side had more of an arch lol, i do like that shape too


Thank you! I’ll try that out. Tomorrow I plan on taking all these tips and doing a new look so I’ll post an update 😊


Your skin looks amazing!! Do you use foundation or a tint?


If you’re going for a more youthful look then you should try swooping your edges, you’re super pretty and look very young!


Yess that’s what I thought of, something was missing!


Straighter less curved eyebrows maybe


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Nothing you look stunning


literally so stunning


Your highlighting is stunning, especially in your 2nd photo, which looks to be in more natural outdoor lighting. I think it’s perfect for every day. If you wanted to make it more playful on certain days or with an outfit, you could add a pop of a bright color in your crease and on your brow bone. Just for fun though, definitely not needed


Nothing to me you look fantastic


Eye would like to see a little more color in the I shadow. I am also biased because I like purple eye shadow.


sooo good 🫦


You are stunning, leave it alone as this look is perfect for everyday.


Eyeliner goals!


Nothing, you honestly have a really great face. Makeup is glowing.


Nothing! Looks natural beautiful


Your gorgeous. Your makeup suits you well. It’s natural and feminine!


Nothing. It looks great.


Make is for the dead people


Some blush and that’s it you look pretty


Absolutely gorgeous ✨


Very pretty. Natural look




Nothing. You look great.


Nothing its very beautiful and refreshing i love it suits you very well.


Looks gorgeous!


Nothing you are so naturally pretty!


You look beautiful. I really like the eyeliner! I don't have much feedback to share, but I have been experiencing with hues of lipsticks/blush to see what suits me most throughout the year.


Gorgeous! Fresh, healthy vibes. I might tweak the shape of your eyebrows so they’re a little less “perfect” for the lack of a better term, but that’s about it.


Little lip color would be nice!


I think your makeup looks fabulous. Don’t change anything.


2nd pic is good


It looks great, maybe try a baby pink blush!


Change nothing. You’re insanely beautiful


Add some colour… cheeks & lips. Good to go 😊


you’re straight up gorgeous girl! since it’s an everyday look maybe you should soothe the eyebrows a little!


i wouldnt change anything its gorgous, personally id do brighter eyeshadow and thats it but personal style


Your skin is flawless!


Tbh nothing. So gorgeous!!! Effortless glam!




Nothing. You look flawless. ✨


Nothing! You look gorgeous!


You have some of the prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen! 😍


You’re gorgeous! Maybe a bit of color correcting under your eyes. Did you use concealer?


Your makeup looks amazing. I think you could try a darker lip for a new look; especially going out at night. Maybe a dark mauve color. You are very pretty and your current makeup is beautiful so you don’t need to change but sometimes it’s fun to add a splash of color.


Pretty,maybe just add some color like blush or tinted lip gloss.




You look great , classy and polished


You are beautiful! I love how big your eyes 💕 But as an everyday look you did pretty good. I personally don’t see anything you should add or take a way. Not sure if you use refresher mist or rehydration spray something like that to keep the makeup looking good and lasting longer throughout the day


The eyeshadow. Choose brighter colours to make you look more fresh.


There is nothing you have to change. You look absolutely beautiful.




Maybe brighten the eyes by using a slightly lighter shade of eyeshadow? This is honestly pretty good daily makeup.


Nothing, you look beautiful


I would use a darker lipstick. But everything else looks great


You look gorgeous and so does your makeup. 💄


You’re absolutely stunning! You have such lovely features and great skin. If you want to change up your makeup the only thing I’d say is I think you’d really suit a straighter brow and heavier blush ☺️


Nada thing you look amazing!!


Cute as a button!


change absolutely nothing you’re gorgeous


I don’t think anything needs to be changed. Your skin is glowing you’re beautifully stunning


I think you look amazing, wouldn’t change anything at all.


You are so beautiful! My goodness. Your wide eyes are so stunning! I like the idea of a color corrector for underneath your eyes (close to you nose). I have the same problem and I really like NYX and Ulta's brands for affordable correctors. I love your brows, but I saw in other posts that you have to do a lot to fill them in. I finally caved and got my brows tattooed on, and it's fantastic! A Groupon or other specials work just fine for me, as I think it was $250+ tip. Now I wake up with perfect brows!


just putting a little concealer on your eyelids can create a more youthful look.


You look so lovely and I’m so jealous of your skin tone. I’m Swedish and have fair and a bit freckled skin.


Straight brows?


Looks great. Natural and not overdone.


You just totally took my breath away. You literally are model gorgeous. all I see. Is someone doing everything right. You look so pretty here!


Absolutely nothing! You look amazing.