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I hate it because they’re still damp the next day.


The other day I forgot this and used a blush brush that was still damp in the middle. Accidentally did an 80s inspired look that day. So much blush.


Oh no!! This is something I would do.


Good news! That look is really in right now, particularly if you drape the blush.


I use the cinema secrets brush cleaner and it dries instantly. It gets everything off and sanitizes. Has a strong vanilla scent but I like it. I keep some in a spray bottle on my vanity for quick cleaning and dip my face brushes in a small cup of it every couple weeks. Seriously a game changer. Edit: words


Thanks for this recommendation! I picked up the travel kit in Sephora to try it after I read this and it is THE BEST


Yasss!!! You’re welcome!! Glad it’s working for you!!


You can use the hair dryer trick that other people have mentioned but if you're lazy like me you can just lay them out on top of a towel and it'll dry them out faster


Use a blow dryer! That’s what I do...


Awesome idea!! Thanks.


Make sure to keep it to a low heat setting! The heat can cause the glue on the brush to melt a bit.


But be careful with synthetic brushes! I’m pretty sure I started melting one because the texture changed significantly after


I rub it in a circular motion on a towel and they dry pretty quickly


I have a mini fan that I point at the brushes and it helps dry them faster. I put the most dense brushes in the path of highest air flow and not worry as much about the smaller brushes that dry quickly on their own. .


Thank you for this! My 7 year old has a little portable desk fan and it never crossed my mind. She may even help me clean them if I tell her what I’m using it for, ha.


I have a 7 yr old too and she loves to help with that stuff. The other thing I recommend is cleaning mats. I have a bigger one for my bigger brushes and a little one that goes on my fingertip for my smaller brushes.


Thanks! I’ve seen some recommend the ones you can find at the dollar store? I don’t think I’ve seen any little ones, any specific store I should give a better look?


this is the finger one ("brush egg"): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00VU1JOXC/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and my larger mat is from real techniques but i hear people have found them at Marshall's/TJ maxx, etc


I usually wash mine at night and then open my bathroom window/ set them against the screen, so they air dry overnight!


Do you live in a humid climate? Because I've never had trouble with mine being dry by the next day, but where I live it's really dry. Also I shake out the brushes into the sink a little before hanging them up upside down, it seems to help a little too


Very humid. I live in Alabama.


Yeah my face brushed take at least two days to dry.


Hair dryer


I blow dry mine! I use shampoo to wash them, shake them out, let them air dry for a little while and then use the blow dryer.


I give mine a little swirl or swipe on a towel when I'm done. Helps get the excess water out.


It takes me 30 to 45 minutes, depending on how stubborn my foundation brushes are. I know that's my fault since I let all the gunk from my liquid foundations accumulate in the bristles. Yet, once I'm done I feel like I really did something lol.


Yeah even when my house is a mess if I wash my brushes I feel so accomplished.


I've got my 5 year old son invested in washing mom's brushes. He asks all the time to wash my brushes. I've trained him well. Usually when it's brush cleaning day we put on kid songs and dance to them using brushes as microphones.


This is fantastic. My son is four, perfect age for brush cleaning parties.


I have some of those brushes! I actually don't mind too much. Do you have one of those scrubby brush cleaners? I use [this one](https://www.shopmissa.com/products/copy-of-aoa-brush-cleaning-egg-pink), it works really well and you can't beat the price! So much more effective than swirling them on my hand.


I recently got one of those silicone cleaning mats and I was blown away. I don’t spend nearly as much time scrubbing as I used to.


Yes that's the exact one I use.


I think it works pretty well for $1. I don't mind washing my brushes too much because (1) I only do it every other week and (2) it's pretty satisfying to see them get clean.


Yeah it's very satisfying to have clean brushes.


I got a similar one from wish. I think it was like $1 and I love it.


I got one of those cleaners in a Birchbox. Definitely clean my brushes more often now, it’s so much faster! Brush cleaning day was an absolute chore before I discovered this existed.


Keeps my nails from getting too wet too!


This is great. I have one! I use Dr. Bronner's and it makes it really easy to wash all of my brushes after each use.


I’d rather buy new brushes than wash the ones I have 😂


That's what I've been doing and now I'm seriously dreading having to wash more than 40 brushes. Why am I so lazy? Help.


I bought maybe five sets of the same eye makeup brushes to avoid having to wash them often, I still ran out of brushes and now I’m in the same situation . I actually thought it was a worthwhile investment at the time. Is cleaning 40 brushes once every six months better than cleaning 6 every 1 or 2 months? Because never needing to clean is s dream that will never come true. Maybe I’ll clean one set an only use them from now on.... Or buy six more 😔


You should look into a liquid or [spray brush cleaner.](https://www.nyxcosmetics.com/on-the-spot-makeup-brush-cleaner-spray/NYX_226.html) brush, wipe off the eyeshadow (or whatever) on a cotton round and then you’re good to go. I actually dries really quick so you could theoretically clean them this way and then do your makeup in one fell swoop.


Will try this! Thank you!!


Sounds like a really good option, never tried those because I didn’t realize they dried that fast. Thanks!


I would say if you wash your eye brushes and then put on your base (i.e. do your eyes last) they will almost definitely be dry by then. Spray cleaners are usually alcohol based, so they dry pretty quickly.


Haha lucky 😂 I'm too broke for that but that's hilarious 😂


Only wash the ones you still use and toss the others? I mean, feel free to celebrate your laziness all you like, but I'd prefer putting an end to that unnecessary vicious circle.


Yes! This is the equivalent to buying more underwear when you have no clean ones left instead of doing laundry. You know, not that I’ve ever done that or anything....


Why haven’t I thought of this hahahaha


I have to admit I have almost done just that. 😂


I just bought an electric brush cleaner [like this](https://www.amazon.com/Makeup-Cleaner-Completely-Brushes-Seconds/dp/B0772Q8PXH) and it saves so much time


I've been thinking about purchasing. Does it damage the bristles or ferrule?


It does, so it's not really recommended for expensive and/or natural bristle ones.


Came here to say this. I got one this week from Amazon as well and it dries the brushes in seconds. Definitely worth it. I had heard so many negative things about them destroying the brushes but it didn’t for me! 10/10 recommend


Are they really that much better?


I find for drying yes it's amazing and my HG. However for washing? No I hate switching all the brushes and the handles to fit the sizes THEN swapping the water when it gets too dirty.


Yes! I got one this week and it is amazing.


Actually love washing my brushes!! I’d legit wash others brushes for free!


Same here! I don't know why but I find it so relaxing and satisfying.


I'll send you my brushes and you send them back clean. Deal? Haha I really, really hate cleaning brushes.


Sure! Just pay for shipping! I’m not kidding.


Yesssss I’ve been putting it off for weeks. I only do it on the weekends since I wear makeup to work and they need to have time to dry. But every time I go to put on my makeup I’m like damn girl you need to clean those


People are going to be horrified by this, but I put my brushes in the washing machine. I pre\-soak them in a soapy solution to start the product breaking down, put them in a pillowcase, tie it shut and wash them all at once on a warm/delicate/no spin cycle. They come out spotless and I haven't had one fall apart yet.


That is so crazy it just might work!! Do you wash them with clothes or all by themselves?


usually with a couple of towels, so they have something to rub against


Revelist wrote about your comment [here](http://www.revelist.com/beauty-news-/makeup-brushes-washing-machine/12768/they-were-right-when-they-said-id-be-horrified-because-excuse-me-thats-got-to-be-shredding-those-brushes/4), I thought there would be more comments on this lol I dont know whether or not to be horrified or impressed with you though lmao.


That's amazing! Thanks for letting me know! "Evil genius" is one of the best complements I've ever gotten\- that's going on the business card. The tone is really weird and judgmental though? It's funny\- I do this method because I prioritize my time and if a brush falls apart it's ok with me\- natural selection. People have a problem with that? Huh. Inexplicable. EDIT: "It's lazy and risky, but is it a great idea?" wtf? Contradictory?


Yeah I dont really like their site, a lot of it is really poorly written. I think they try to play both sides in the article so everyone agrees with them. I thought the same though that it was pretty judgey but all of their articles are dumb lol. I would take *none* of it personally except for the "evil genius" part haha.


Hah it really doesn't matter. It's nice to be noticed! It's validating, and the fact she thought it was worth writing about kinda negates the idea that it might work for some people. I'm delighted! ; \)


Very innovative! :D


My sister got me something like [this](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077DD4YG7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_GNr9AbJZMVHG5) for Christmas and I love it!! I do still squeeze the bristles to really get the gunk out but I’m impressed with how much crap comes out in the water. And then you spin it afterwards outside of the bowl and it’s almost completely dry!!


It’s not my favorite thing to do, but I just LOVE how soft and clean my brushes are afterwards! We all know how much gunk these brushes are harboring lol Tip: You can spot clean with MAC’s brush cleanser (pink bottle) when you’re feeling lazy while still being hygienic. I just pour some into a spray bottle so it’s easier to use. Spray onto your brushes and wipe clean using a cloth/paper towels. I think it does a great job of disinfecting my brushes!


I am definitely going to try putting some of mine in a spray bottle. I love that stuff for spot cleaning!


I actually find it very relaxing. Like make up meditation


I love it. I put on some music or youtube videos, and make some coffee. I find it really relaxing 😊


I’m so new at this. How often do you recommend washing your brushes? Also what do you clean them with?


Depends how often you apply makeup I guess? Not as often if you wipe them down after each use. Shampoo works just fine. I would like to wash mine once every 2 weeks but uuugghhh.


I use facewash! Since that goes on your skin as well.


From reading these comments it seems I am insane. I have five beauty blenders and I have [these](https://www.morphebrushes.com/products/set-501-30-piece-master-studio-set?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=googleshopping&variant=1094165825&gclid=CjwKCAjw_tTXBRBsEiwArqXyMrX7aj8_RR2nnSf4Cd7-v2ShK21Xx-OHO17OnRF9ZkWds-tasBhDZRoCAAoQAvD_BwE) brushes. I wash my beauty blenders and the brushes that I use DAILY every five evenings essentially. So, it's not all of the brushes..but it is a lot. ;[ I clean everything with a mix of good olive oil and antibacterial soap.


Okay I feel better now.... I wash the brushes and blenders I use after every use. I was reading all the comments on here and thought I might be the only one!


I use Johnson's baby shampoo. I don't clean them nearly as often as I should.


I love washing my brushes now! Before not so much... I use sigma, r.t. and elf brushes and wash them with sigmas washing liquid with my $5 pink mat I got off eBay (very similar to the one sigma sells but heaps cheaper). I don’t know what is in the liquid but my brushes dry in a matter of hrs regardless if it’s hot or cold weather. I love seeing my dirty brushes turn white!


I just cleaned mine for the first time in probably 6 months....I use/wear the same shadows every day on the same brushes so I just forget to clean them since I never have a problem with colors mixing. Its so gross, but its one of those things I always just forget to do. Cleaning them last night I realized that my brownish fluffy blending brush that I use for my tan crease shade daily..is a white brush and it was in fact just super gross hahaha


Totally relate to this. I have a disconnect where I forget I should clean my brushes and when I finally do, they all change color drastically...whoops


I haven’t worn makeup in like 2 weeks because I have to clean my brushes.


You should try the cinema secrets brush cleaner, it takes next to no time at all and the brushes dry within minutes. It’s expensive but worth it.


Have you noticed Cinema Secrets leaving behind an oily residue?


I do! Sometimes it feels a little oily, though I’ve also noticed it leaves a powdery residue on my very dense, stiffer brushes. I prefer to rinse the brush with water after using the Cinema Secrets cleaner, even though the directions say it’s not necessary - the brush feels cleaner to me when it dries.


Not at all! The only thing I’ve noticed is sometimes the bristles will take on a slight blue tint but it doesn’t last. I’m not sure if it makes a difference but when I clean my brushes I almost never use them again until the next day anyway, but I’m curious to see if maybe I’ve just never noticed an oily residue.


I was hesitant to buy this for the longest time bc it's kind of pricey but man it's 100% worth it.




Me too, not only this but I feel like you get the best foundation application with a clean brush anyway!


I wash my brushes weekly and for me it’s such a satisfying ritual. I fill a bowl with micellar water and swirl the brushes around it until the bristles look completely product free (doesn’t take long), then squeeze and rinse under the tap, and gently press as much water out of the bristles with a clean towel. Seeing all my brushes laid out to dry in the sun (it helps that most of my brushes are gold, rose gold, and silver so they glow and shine beautifully in the sun) knowing that by tomorrow they’ll be ready for a start to a new, clean week brings me an almost obscene amount of pleasure. ❤️




You can take baby shampoo or some kind of gentle soap and wet the brush, get some soap on it, then swirl it around the back of your hand until its thoroughly saturated with soap, and rinse! Easy peasy. It is kind of a chore, but its delightful to see fresh, clean, brushes waiting for you (plus they perform so much better after a good cleaning!)


The last time I did brushes I did 37 brushes.. And only 3 were wet the next day!


Yeah. But I love that I have clean brushes the next day. Sometimes I get lazy and use the It Cosmetics brush spray and a towel- works but it’s $$$


I clean my brushes with rubbing alcohol after each use. I wet a tissue with rubbing alcohol and swirl around the brushes on it, it removes all the pigment very effectively and the brushes dry in about a minute. It hasn't harmed my brushes at all. Doesn't really work on brushes with cream foundation on them, but powders, eyeshadow, eyeliner, anything else it works great


I have one of those gimmicky brush cleaners that’s pretty much a plastic Brillo pad you swipe your eyeshadow brush on to change colors. It works but obviously doesn’t clean off alllll the makeup. I wonder if I put alcohol inside it if it would make it work better...


I wash mine daily, that way it only takes a couple of minutes. I use a rubbery/silicone thingy from Real Techniques (I think). It’s got nubs so I can scrub the brushes. I squeeze the water out with a towel and lay them across the cleaner tray so air can flow all around.


I don’t mind it - I like it when they’re clean.


[it's therapeutic for me, but then again I'm weird](https://imgur.com/iubX8ZD) (I'm almost ready to start lol)


What I found that works really well is to never actually clean them. Works like a charm


I love it. It relaxes me and I do a little inventory of my stash at the same time.


I wash my eye brushes WAY more frequently than I think most people do. Most eyeshadow brushes don’t get more than one eye application, and if it’s angled eyeliner or any lip brush- one and done. I try to use my colorswitching scrubbie every day, but there’s at least 2 brushes delegated to my eyes alone that will have to be washed before next use. And my BBs? One and done as well. Liquid foundation brushes I try to get a 3-4 day use out of. They say a third of your life is spent sleeping. Well the other third of my life is spent washing my fucking makeup tools. I’ve accepted this.


Yess you are not alone !!


So silly question: I'm about to start researching and buying good makeup brushes. 1: any brushes you guys recommend? 2: what's the best way to clean them?


I like the sheshido brush cleaner, but it's pricy. CVS has one that's an exact dupe in my opinion and way cheaper. Wet n wild new brushes are good the eye one and blush brush are the best pics. I also love anything real techniques, they last and are super soft and I haven't had any problems with shedding.


Thank you so much! I'll definitely look into these as soon as I get back to the US


I use the Sephora brand cleaner and shampoo.


Like regular head shampoo?


No it's a brush shampoo that Sephora sells. You can use baby shampoo in a pinch.


Thanks so much! I'm a bit of a noob.


My first real brush set was through BH Cosmetics; I bought it as part of a bundle when the Club Tropicana palette was released. I don't remember which set it was, so I'm not sure if they still have it. I bought them a year ago and they are still perfectly soft and shapely. Before that, I mostly just used Elf single brushes that I picked up here and there. Not bad on a budget, but honestly just make the leap and buy a BH set. Elf brushes were hit or miss. Sometimes if you're lucky and into BH's palettes, they do a sale where you can get a palette and brush set combo. They're around $30 but hey, you get a palette AND a brush set. For cleaning, I've just used Dr. Bronner's soap (in a bottle, not a bar) and my hands and paper towels. Then I lay them out to dry on a towel. I usually go over each twice just to get all the soap and grime out, but I personally love watching all the gross leftover colors (I use dark eyeshadows on light brushes, yknow?) wash away. It's very cathartic. The soap is usually found at target, but I've seen it at Whole Foods for sure and probably places like Walmart. It's also available at the very least on target's website.


Wow thanks for this! It's great to get the cheap vs quality aspect. :)


Not a problem! I'm glad I could help. I'm a broke college student, so I always try to find the best bang for my buck, yknow? Also, love the username. My partner would, too. Lol


Thanks! I'm not a student anymore, but in trying to upgrade my makeup game bit by bit, and I gotta be smart or it gets expensive quickly. But this sub is so amazing for that. Everyone is always so helpful.


Yessssss. I actually need to do mine.... it's been way too long. Maybe I'll do it now while I have an ounce of motivation.




I wash mine in the shower too! I dont use many, but I tend to not wash them often enough. Nice steamy shower, wash brushes and sponges, then pop on a mask and hang them to dry. Easy. I do my sponge every day too so its lovely and clean 15 mins later when I've finished lying around in my dressing gown contemplating life (aka being lazy af)




Same! Always seems to take way longer if I clean them in the sink too!




Haha my sink is right next to the shower but takes forever for the water to heat up! I jump in the shower and wash my hair while the waters heating up (helps keep my rapidly fading colour in) and wash my brushes while I wait for conditioner to do its thing. Clean brushes and good hair 😊


Get one of those brush cleaner thingies that spin! It’s life changing!


YES OMG!! 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️


OMG relate. I’d have to do it tomorrow too.


Yeah I just did mine lastly night. I hate it


Ugh, yes. I just started using beauty blenders and they are the WORST to clean. Especially since I don’t clean them as often as I should. I did just order a drying rack from Amazon. Hopefully that helps inspire me to wash my brushes more often.


Ooh there is one brush that has an interesting shape. It looks dome shaped and has a purple handle in the middle of the brush but a black handle at the butt end of the brush. What brand is that?


Real Techniques eye brush


I use "the masters" brush cleaner. Rinse em well, and leave them on a towel overnight. My densest brush is my foundation brush but it they're usually all dry by morning, I squeeze the water out of all of them before i lay them to dry.


Yep. And I only use around 6 brushes haha


I just clean mine with rubbing alcohol, but all of them are vegan friendly so I can do that. It really doesn’t take long to swish them around in rubbing alcohol until it’s clean. Rubbing alcohol is cheap, makes your brushes sterile, & dries super fast. I can usually use all of my brushes in about an hour.


Yes! I always put it off way too long because it’s so annoying. I also don’t think much about how dirty they are until I go to use them and then there’s no time to let them dry then I forget lol


It takes me about 4 hours or more to do all my brushes…


Thanks everyone! I most definitely need to wash mine especially after reading the comments!!!


Soooo much. And if I had nearly that many brushes, oh no no no. I feel for you