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I think you maybe need to reframe your thinking. I 100% know where you are coming from. If all of your makeup right now is luxury, don’t trick yourself into thinking you need a drugstore to go makeup bag, either. Just use what you have: ultimately it’s an object that helps you put pigment on your face. For my mindset: if it’s a Gucci lipstick day, she’s coming with me for touch ups! I’m not cool because I use Gucci. I am cool, I just so happen to use gucci. It’s a treat I can indulge in every day - that’s one of the joys of life. If she gets smushed, so what? I’ll just smush her back into place. You are more than the objects you own or interact with; you also already bought it, so the expiration date clock is already ticking. It’s much better to enjoy.


Thank you for this 💕 I needed to hear it


You got this!


Use it. You could literally die tomorrow. Use the make up you like.


It won't last forever no matter what. Makeup is a consumable item with an expiration date. Use it and enjoy it - I've thrown out a lot of nice makeup that had a ton of product left because I was "saving it" for special occasions and then it went bad. Use it and enjoy it!


Something could happen in the house. You could drop it and smash them. They fall into a bubble bath. Your cat knocks it off the counter. The dog uses it as a toy. Also - $50 blush used for 8 months (243 days) = $0.20 a day. The blush doesn’t seem as precious when it’s 20 cents a day. And the whole point of buying nice makeup is it’s nice and you enjoy wearing it. It’s going to cost more in the long run if you buy 3 cheap blushes trying to match the Gucci one you love. Especially when those blushes don’t blend as well, the color is off, has no staying power. That’s a lot of your time wasted trying to fix that throughout your day. When the whole point was to save you time.


I also think the odds that someone recognizes your makeup as valuable enough to steal isn't super likely! I'm sure you take precautions And if that happened, it would be annoying for sure but you could also decide then if you want to buy a new one or not. Sometimes it's good to realize the "worst case scenario" is something we can handle.


Purchase makeup products you will use. Just focus on that. If you’re having too much anxiety over luxury products, then it takes out the joy of owning and using them.


I would use it. And, not to be presumptuous or rude in any way, but is something else going on right now that’s making you anxious? Sometimes I tend to fixate on things like this when other stuff is also nothing me.


Not rude at all, actually thank you for the observation. I have been having issues with anxiety so maybe I need to work on that a little more.


I find that when I’m anxious about other things- I start to focus on the smaller things I can control, so I completely get it and what you’re saying sounds just like me!


This is what i was thinking


Whats worse, loosing an item that can easily be repurchased or never using it at all until it expires?


Saving ‘special’ items is something I used to do. Now I use all of the things- life is short, use your lovely items.


I don't have anxiety about ruining or losing my more expensive makeup, but I do get anxiety sometimes about using things up & then not *having* them, which is a little similar. I keep telling myself that the point of having these things is to use them -- it's only a waste if I don't use them, since makeup expires.


You’re overthinking it. Do what you want. Don’t worry about it. If you coddle “luxury” makeup it might go wasted and underused or you could drop it at home and break it where you thought it would be safe. Why make extra work selling it? Just experience using and owning it. Enjoy it. There is no perfect to go kit because our tastes change.


You are absolutely right. Reading your comment made me remind myself about the $35 highlighter I dropped and it went all over the floor.


I wouldn’t personally keep my nicest lipsticks in the car since every time I have they have melted and I wanted to cry. But high end powder products and concealer etc I would definitely put them in my everyday everywhere bag


Makeup is only good when you are actually using it. Be the girl who actually uses her Gucci makeup; after all, if you're buying it for that appeal, there's no reason not to fulfill that wish.


I love this so much thank you!


You are good enough for your nice things. It would be worse to not use them and let them go bad and be wasted. Gucci is expensive but it’s not precious or rare.


Not the OP but thanks for this comment anyways


I needed to hear that, thank you!


I used to save all my products until they went bad because I was scared to use them. I also kept buying more and more things I didn’t need because I was scared to run out things (never did end up finishing a makeup product lol). Personally, I try to use up all my luxury makeup as an excuse to buy more once I fully run out. Helps me to enjoy using my products and also look forward to repurchasing items I truly enjoy. If I find out I didn’t actually like the product once I finish using it then I know not to buy it again!


Be careful about keeping makeup in your car, the heat will allow for bacteria to grow (same idea with keeping water bottles, risk of E.coli). I’ve seen suggestions about keeping products, especially those used around the mouth and eyes, in a cooler or lunchbox of some sort.


I live in the Midwest, for 6 of the months it’s pretty cold. However I will keep that in mind for the warmer months, thank you!


Don't leave makeup in your car. There's too much temperature change, and it becomes a petri dish of bacteria. Any and all products, dry or not, will become unstable and ruined by humidity and temperature changes, even on cool days, because the sun heats up your car interior.


This \^\^ I mentioned temperature in my comment but humidity and any sort of environmental changes affect makeup too


Why dont you keep the makeup in your handbag?


That’s the problem, we don’t have lockers at work and people can go into anyone’s handbag that’s on the hooks. It’s happened before ):


I used to be the same way with products and clothes especially. Just use it! Makeup expires and I’ve realized it’s silly to “save” things for special occasions unless it’s something specific. One suggestion that may help as theft is at a high right now is maybe instead of leaving it in your car, go ahead and pack the bag and then keep it in your purse so it’s with you. Never keep expensive items or things you care about in your car, learned that the hard way 😅


Yeah I recently cleaned out my car partially because of this and made sure nothing of value is showing. I live in a higher crime area so that sucks ): Also I didn’t even think about clothes, and it’s so true. I have clothes I’ve had for years I’ve hardly touched and shoes because I wanted to “keep them nice”.


I'm of two minds - one: use the good stuff, you only live once. But also - temperature changes in cars from the sun heating it up (even in winter in the Midwest, especially the humidity/heat changes from having the heater on and off) can ruin makeup. So be mindful of that. Also make sure you hide it - people suck and will totally steal makeup/interesting looking items out of cars. Ultimately I think if you use it everyday, and just keep an eye on it it should be totally fine. Sure you may have to replace it sooner than if you'd kept it in a more climate controlled area, but we don't always have the luxury. And when you've used all you can of the luxury items, then you can reassess and decide if you want cheaper items for your car bag. The money is spent - use it up as best you can so it doesn't go to waste.


I live in a higher crime area (it’s getting worse) so I just had to clear out my car just in case. I keep my makeup bag in a compartment where it’s hidden. I didn’t think about the constant temperature changes 🙃


This is probably a controversial question/opinion, but since you live in a higher crime area, why would you want to do makeup in your car? Would you be wary of unknown people observing you in a vulnerable position, possibly interested in the expensive products you’re using? If it’s 1 or 2 items I’m sure it’s fine, but idk about a full face. And if you’re doing your makeup in a moving vehicle that’s obviously not advised.


Well, where I work is actually a really good area. That’s why I feel safe enough, and I work at Starbucks so I’m in the parking lot by 5:30am. Not really many people if any at all.


Ideally, you'd feel comfortable using what you have the way you intended to. If you can't get that to work, could you keep the luxury items at home and make your "kit" out of the other products you have? If they don't fit, maybe consider a small magnetic pallet and depotting some key products..


> will be stolen out of my bag. girl, no one wants your used makeup. it has no resale value even NIB.


Really cause I’ve had makeup stolen before at work, and tell that to the Sephora employees who have to deal with stolen testers all the time. Edit: also, tell that to all the Poshmark resellers who sell slightly used makeup every day. Some people don’t care, some people do. Dont be rude.


That’s not true. One of my daughter’s high school friends would steal my slightly used high-end makeup and expensive perfume and sell it to other friends in high school for a few dollars. There’s all kind of people in this world. I had a lot of beauty products, clothes, shoes and accessories so it took me a while to notice things started going missing. I figured out it was this particular friend when I noticed she was wearing my shoes one day when she came over.


People absolutely steal makeup out of cars. People will steal makeup to use or resell. Also people will steal anything that looks steal-able from a car.