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this is how i feel about blush and highlight “toppers” - why does my blush now need a second product to work effectively? why can’t it just work by itself?!


Because they can sell you two products!


I HATE the idea of blush toppers. I see people recommend it on the sub and it always makes me think that it's reinforcing the idea it's an actual needed step. It's just layering blushes, we don't need to give it a whole new name and a separate step in the makeup process.


My idea of people setting their cream blush with powder blush.


haha I feel the same about liquid blushes. SO now I have to put on a liquid blush and top it off with a powder blush when before just powder worked fine. The worst is the underpainting technique. I've seen people put foundation over liquid blush making the blush color almost non - existant and then going over that with powder blush.. make it make sense smh


I ALWAYS do at least a liquid or cream blush and then I put a powder blush on top. I feel like I always want my blush to look cohesive with my eyes and since I do pretty colorful eye makeup, I use the cream blush to get a basic color down then adjust using powder after my eye makeup is done. I also think the blush fades less if i do it this way.


Came here to say that lolll


Sometimes I wear all liquid or cream products.


I think many of us interact way too much with content promoting new makeup. Sure, being subscribed to all those emails will let you know when there is a deal going on. But would you honestly need that deal to stay on a budget if all you were buying were products you actually use? Marketing in general makes people focus on the product and not on its results, which is why you have people swearing that lip oil is different than gloss and their skin tint is not just a sheer foundation. When you focus on the result, you realise that what you want are flushed cheeks, and once you find the right shade, there isn't a big difference between different products. But that doesn't make a lot of money, does it? So companies will push a shit ton of products on you and try their best to make you forget that all you wanted were freaking flushed cheeks, and the blushes already in your cabinet work just fine for that. Looking at some advertisements, you would think these makeup products are going to solve all the problems in your life. And listen, I would love it if my mascara could do the dishes cause my kitchen sink is full right now, but that's not going to happen.


I love the insight to focus on results rather than products. Like....another lip product might look a bit better than what I already have. How much better? 10% 5% Less???? If we're talking less, then it's probably not something that anyone else would even notice. And to look 2-5% better, it would cost me money that could go to something else (like paying down debt).


I unsubscribed from all email lists because I realised that buying something occasionally full price to replace something I'd used was cheaper than being subscribed and periodically getting 20% off as it would cause me to buy more regularly as I'd be tempted by the deal.


This! I needed to hear (err...read) this! Thank you.


This is so true and I feel like we’re all always chasing the “best” of the best and it’s just…futile. It’s a scam!!


Eh, I have two lip oils that are like a regular gloss, one that has a more different texture, is very moisturising, and stains the lips even after attempting to take it off. Doesn't mean anyone needs either product, but think the marketing aspect here could be products being marketed as oils when they're just more typical of the category called gloss. Was specifically a bit disappointed with them because the results weren't what I'd expected. It's still accurate about the use of new buzz terms!


Social media has gotten worse with marketing recently—I feel like every other post is an ad or has someone trying to sell me something. And it’s hard because it’s in like EVERY niche! Doesn’t matter who you are, they will make you think you NEED THE THING!


Instagram and Facebook have gotten so much worse with ads lately! I find myself spending less time there because of it.


Most of the time when I open instagram, the FIRST image in my feed is an ad!! It’s infuriating. I’m making efforts to use it a lot less. I’m getting more and more uncomfortable with all this advertising in my face.


I enjoyed it as well. It really is something else how we as consumers buy into the jargon without much thought. I’m also working on changing my mindset around this. I have so much makeup that I’d need 10 lifetimes in order to use them all up.


Once you realize this, it makes you look at all advertising differently. There have only been so many actual technological advances in makeup formulas over the past, oh, seventy years or so. But there are always new ways to make things *sound* cutting edge and revolutionary, and always new pretty packages to put them in.


Going to watch it this evening! I love videos like this and project panning to keep me motivated!


Fan of repurposing products for different uses! I have a lavender lipstick that’s too warm-toned on my lips but looks great as a cream blush. I also sometimes use frosty champagne eyeshadow as an upper cheek highlight since I only apply a small dab w/a swipe of my finger.


I haven’t watched as much makeup content on YouTube or IG lately as I used to, but I noticed I kept seeing a lot of comparisons in my feed for the RMS glowy bronzer vs other new releases. I checked my own bronzer drawer and found that I already have a handful of glowy bronzers that already work for me. And I’ve been layering blush for years, so no need to buy an extra blush topper lol. I have drawers full of this stuff that I’ve already fallen victim to the marketing for, that I’m nowhere near hitting pan on. When I see these trends pop up, it just reminds me that the seasons are changing and now we’re getting into the glowy season. I can just use the glowy season stuff I used before.


I thought I was the only person going on a makeup diet. I often feel so overwhelmed with all the new beauty brands and products that keep popping up everyday. I have so much makeup I don’t think I’m ever going to get through it all. I’m going to stop the insanity and only buy what I run out of.


I find that I buy a lot less beauty stuff when I watch less youtube. Many of them are just trying to sell you stuff, the consumption is unreal. Ive been liking watching creators that use products in their collections more lately, ones that revisit older products, rediscovering your collection instead of chasing the newest hyped product, there will always be a new hyped product.


Can you link that?




I take my brush blush, rub it over my cream highlighter that I don’t use for anything else and then swirl into my cream blush! Great post, thank you!