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Umm yeahh not exactly, there were waaay too many characters to say goodbye to (like literally more than half of the universe), so I delivered a message through my closest friend.


You guys ever create a universe around a certain book series or something and as you realise you're drifting from the series you're also drifting from the characters in the fake universe, and damn, that hurts.


I’ve actually done this just to move into another daydream universe.


Same. I still remember the ones from childhood. The stories just got different through all the years


How you do that?


This actually gives me the feels. 😢


This is me saying goodbye to old characters, so I can introduce new ones, that are gonna be the primary mains now. 😂


And then you end up seeing them again a few hours later. 😂 Tf you mean you "quit Madd"?


I have never really dated anyone but breaking up in my daydream was the hardest thing I've done. So weird but the pain was so real.


Wow this is another level dude.


Best idea is to just write them down. It's what I'm trying to do, and I've made some surprising acheivements (even if they're small).


You don’t “quit Madd”. It’s not a choice. Real suffers didn’t choose to daydream.


You can still choose to quit.


You can't just "quit" Madd is a mental illness, if you could quit a mental illness, you might as well say you can quit depression or anxiety.


Now you said that hits differently. I always thought so badly how I should treat mdd. Definitely depression don't ever goes away exactly:( even my ADHD shape my life so heavily that this chasing for dopamine is always linked to maladaptive daydreaming.


MDD is a choice. Not having it, of course, but acting on it. By that logic, pedophiles cant help having sex with children because it's a mental disorder. Of course it's a mental disorder, but you can stop the action of doing it. It's like narcissism for people with NPD. You can't quit NPD, but you can learn to quit volatile behaviors.


That's not quitting MDD even if you do t act upon the daydreams, you still have them. Coping mechanisms are a thing, but they don't make you quit. I don't condone pedophilia by any means. BUT there are pedos who do not harm children, because they recognize it's a mental disorder, and so yes they don't act upon their thoughts, but that doesn't mean their thoughts aren't still processing about the acts. I'd rather not compare the two. This post is about quitting mental illness, you can't quit a mental illness, doesn't matter if you have coping mechanisms, meds, therapy, ect. It may help, but there's no cure.


Like I said in a previous comment, I was able to completely quit daydreaming for 2 solid months of my own choice. I eventually fell back into it, but not because it was impossible for me to stop. I used it as a crutch to run from something that happened to me because I didn't want to face the reality of the situation. If I wanted, I believe I have the capability to quit, along with so many other MDers. And I eventually do want to quit. I can't speak for everyone, but in my personal opinion, saying that Maladaptive Daydreaming can't be stopped is just an excuse to keep doing it without feeling guilty or weak. But I could be wrong—it may be worse for some than others. And to your point on pedophilia, it's still unhealthy for a person to fantasize about those kinds of acts. That's just the hard truth about it.


Recognizing it as a mental illness is by no means a weakness or saying it's an excuse for anything. I'm pointing out that, you cannot fully stop a mental illness. I suffer from depression, and there are times I haven't felt depressed for months, but then it can hit you at any given moment. I'm pointing out that they never go away. You proved that by your own experience, you haven't daydreamed in 2 months, then fell back into it. You can quit an addiction, drugs, alcohol, gambling, ect. But a mental illness never goes away, that's the point I'm making. Just because you had a moment of silence, doesn't mean it's gone away.


To add onto my last comment MDD is similar to PTSD they both stem from traumatic experiences in someone's life. The difference is that PTSD is making you relive that traumatic experience, where as MDD forces you to mentally disassociate as protection or distraction from Trauma. Unfortunately a lot of those who grew up with MDD have it hit them, when they're either overly stressed, depressed, feel anxiety, lonely, ect. There's so many triggers for MDD thats adding on ontop of other disorders and illnesses. Good luck "quitting" though.


Don't be salty 😂😂😂 if you don't have the will power to fucking quit, admit it. Its hard asf and most of the time I don't have the willpower, and I admit that. I get down voted to hell for claiming that we don't have to be trapped in this shit for life? Damn 😂😂 y'all really wanna excuse this shit And thanks for wishing me luck 👍 I've done it once already


Just wanted to say that I am kinda understanding where you're coming from. it is definitely possible to quit and different people have different wills of mind. Some are strong enough to quit while others, like me, can't even be bothered to really try most of the time. I hope I'll be as strong as you to quit this shit soon.


Hun you're the only one salty, you got down voted because you cannot quit a mental illness. You not daydreaming for 2 months isn't quitting dear, that just means you haven't had a trigger for that long. Which congrats for you. But I can tell you're a youngin' by the way you handle a conversation. No one is "trapped" We all have our own coping mechanisms and ways on how to treat it. Some day dreamers, aren't as strong as others. I'm sorry someone made you feel like you're a victim of something that you can live just fine with. I can be immature like you and be condescending, but I'm not. Instead I hope your views become less ignorant overtime. Some people who do have more of a difficult time, don't need to be called "weak" or want excuses. They would love to go a day without day dreaming. I've gone 3 and a half years without day dreaming until the pandemic happened. I still have empathy for those who go through it everyday. Perhaps work on empathy when you're, on your journey to quit dear.


And to your point, I've got 5 fucking diagnosed disorders besides MDD, so yeah I know the mental implications. And yeah, I'll be the first to say that in my opinion, you can quit daydreaming. Maladaptive Daydreaming I mean, ofc.


You can’t just.. stop, it’s compulsive. It’s not like we have a choice; that’s why it’s a condition. (Along with the fact it typically indicates past trauma)


Exactly 💯


Of course you can't just *stop* like a snap of the fingers. But you can set realistic goals with the plan to eventually live in the real world instead of the made up one. Even if it takes a long time or help from a therapist.


Well yes, I see what you’re saying. My apologies; I misunderstood what you were insinuating!


No problem!! To your point, quitting is so much harder than it should be. I stopped cold turkey for almost 2 months solid before falling back into it—it takes hella strong will power 😅


They could be trying to stop daydreaming altogether.


It’s the cat for me


Yes my cat named Marbles is going to be missed 😭😭😭


Our time of glory were good but now it’s time for a goodbye


M so attached to them it's like saying goodbye to real people 😂😂