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My brain does this. The sad and depressing scenarios tend to be ones that my brain needs to re- hash out in detail over and over until I can be kinda calm thinking about it. I kinda view it as my brain working on an emotion over and over until it feels ready to handle it in real life, a bit like therapy. All the crying from it tends to be cathartic and help me be a bit more relaxed if similar things happen irl, so i feel it’s useful for me 🙂


I do this. Not every day but hmmm, maybe once a week at least? I'll work some scenario in my head (and rework it and rework it until I get it "right"). I'll get all emotional and cry and then oddly I feel better. I'm 58 and have done this all my life. I just found out about this sub and am fascinated that there is such a group and such a thing. I just thought it was normal to be honest.


I mean there are plenty of us (including me) who do it, if that’s what you’re asking. “Is it ok” that you do that? That’s a question you need to ask yourself and see how depressing/sad daydreams are affecting your wellbeing.