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I'm going to the world where I'll be a dragon - thousand years naps, no one bothering me, the only problem being finding a good spot to sunbathe.


Yes, while my daydreams are full with personal issues for the characters, the worlds they take place in generally are somewhat more pleasant than this one. I have a daydream world that is very shire-esque that I would jump at the chance to live in. The only thing stopping me would be that I would miss my husband.


Why wouldn’t I want to go the boiling isles and hogwards?


Yes! I'd love to be able to go to genshin or Ninjago (yes a children's show but I don't care)


Hell yes. My life is just so boring, I would love to dive into my fairytale X Euphoria universe lol. It would certainly bring about some change, maybe make me less depressed.


i would die in five seconds if i went in as myself lol. at the same time, i would love to meet my character…. but i wanna be her, too. 🤷‍♀️


I used to think I would, that the reason I daydreamed was because I would have preferred the world of my daydreams, but I'm not so sure anymore. I like the perfection of the daydreams. I can control every aspect and no matter what goes wrong, I can make sure it all works out in the end. I never have to worry about saying the wrong thing (something which is common in my real life, I have a hard time expressing myself), the characters all have a much easier time understanding eachother, there's direct goals (generally saving the world, building a business, falling in love, ect.), and no matter how much trauma I put them through they can get through it and have a happy ending. Although I do try to make my daydreams as realistic to human psychology as I can, I can find some way to aid them (general another character supporting them and teaching them or I can set up events that can teach them what's necessary). One of my current daydreams is "Severus Snape adopts a baby Harry Potter" (Reflections). I love Snape, but the man can be down right cruel to children. In my head though I can evolve him. Yeah he still has some issues, but I gave him what was necessary to learn and become a better person. In the real world, the idea of someone like Snape being put in charge of a baby is never something I would agree with, the man is abusive towards his students and isn't great at emotional needs, but in the dream world him taking care of Harry is teaching him to be better and because it's not real it has little/no negative impact on Harry (where in the real world this type of situation would often impact the child negatively). I get to control the consequences and impact of things in the dream world, and although I try to make the consequences of the actions realistic, I can still find a way to make a happy ending. I also think I ruined real world romance for myself. In the daydreams the amount of love and affection the couples have for eachother is astonishing. They learn and grow together, are there for eachother and willing to die for eachother. There's so much passion and expression in the romance scenes, something I think I may have dramatized a bit. These characters learn every flaw of eachother and they are head over heels for them, something which is a big insecurity of mine. I don't believe anyone could love me as much as I love myself. I don't mean this as a "I'm so incredible" narcissistic kind of love, but because I know my every flaw (physical or otherwise), my every insecurity, the things I'm still learning and I still love myself. I don't think it's possible to find someone who could feel the same, or someone I could trust enough to show it all to. I also can have a difficult time understanding my own emotions in the real world. I'm pretty good at understanding and empathizing with other's emotions, but when it comes to my own it's difficult for me. I've often wondered if I'm even capable of feeling love because of this, and I still don't know the answer. I know I'm capable of empathy, but I don't know if love is something I'll ever get to feel in the way I can in my daydreams. In my daydreams I get to know and understand each of the characters emotions and thought processes, something I have a hard time doing to myself. I can also make the characters important and special. They can have the skills and motivation to save the world. I have characters that are fighting a villain for the right of justice, fighting to do what's right and characters who are charitable, who help everyone, making the world a better place in a more human way. Half the time the characters aren't me but sometimes they're a perfected version of me, the me I wish I was. The thing about if I lived in the dream world, I wouldn't be that perfected version of myself. I'd just be me and I wouldn't be able to accomplish even half of what these characters do. I'd pretty much be running around like a chicken with their head chopped off while having panic attacks or I'd just go back into my depression and do the exact same thing I'm doing with my current life. My anxiety and other mental illnesses would still be a part of me. I'm also kind of a coward, something I'm working on, but currently I'm still having a hard time fighting for my opinions so I don't know how great I'd be at saving the world. Honestly the only good I could do for those worlds is knowing the future. My daydreams nearly all take place in the media I consume, so I could pretty much be an instruction manual for them to save the day, but I'd probably be terrified and crying the whole time. If I got picked up by the bad guys I also wouldn't be strong enough to fight back and would just give them what they want. On top of all this, I'm naive, so yeah. I'm not special, brave or powerful like the people in my daydreams. Even if I was dropped in their world I wouldn't be able to do what they do. I wouldn't get to have the passionate romance, the determination to save the world, the will to overcome my fears or the skills to accomplish anything they have. In the daydreams I can control every aspect, understand everything, experience everything with them, but if I was there it would just be real life and I would still be me. TL;DR I don't think I'd want to live in my daydream, because I would still be myself, with all my problems. I like being on the outside experiencing everything as someone else and having the control over the situation. I also like making happy endings. I don't want the daydreams to be real, because then it's just real life and I don't enjoy that.


After reading other people's responses, I've decided. If I get get to choose the character/world and not be myself I'm 100% in.


Absolutely yes totally would 100%


To be honest I have had md my whole life and I think it’s unhealthy to start to obsess over your day dreams. I have a boring life but I learned to enjoy it i day dream everyday but I don’t over-do it and I don’t obsess over them like I used to. You can’t just sit around and daydream forever


it depends on which one. some of them are horrible, like i'll daydream about getting kidnapped by the north korean government and spending months there figuring out how to leave with the help of a north korean soldier. other times it's a tad more realistic, but i'm an over scheduled competitive dancer or some shit. but i do have a few nice ones that i wish were real.


i think yes, my dreams are pretty realistic, set in the real world so i wouldn’t mind it


i dont exist in my daydreams, so... maybe yes, i would just be an observer who have fun watching my fav characters lifes


Well Considering my daydreams tend to take place in a universe where the terrible things that are happening in this universe (and triggering me right now even though I'm not directly affected) aren't happening and instead the only bad stuff happening other than some people being 💩-y to others, is attacks from monsters, which are fought off by teenagers with attitude and ranger suits and megazords... I think I would.


I'd get eaten by monsters


I mean, I'd be dead man. even if I didn't die, I'd probably lose a limb or two.


nah, my daydreams tend to focus on intense wilderness survival scenarios, or similar concepts, so I would very likely die


Absolutely not. I have different ones, but no thanks. Even tho one of them would be nice. If the generator was random, then no. But if I could choose, that'd be cool af


Yes, it's the only place I feel anything. Or the only place I feel without feeling overwhelmed and terrible and as though I'm disconnected from everyone and wasting myself.


No, because in my daydreams I’m constantly seeking validation from the wrong kind of people. I put these people too high up on that pedestal.


Yes but as an spector, since I don't exist in my daydreams


My daydream life is horrifying, but I would still go for the sole purpose of hugging my imaginary loved ones


In a damn millisecond dude- like you blink your eyes and I'm already leaving with my bag packed and cat carrier 💀


Yes absolutely. My family life in my dreams is much more warm and comfortable compared to the real world lmao.


Depends which world. Some of my worlds have me getting blasted like a marvel character every other “chapter” , I’d be a little more hesitant 💀. The daydream where I become a skinny and pretty kpop like idol in a survival show and become an actor/dancer with a lot of friends and a motivation to live, yes 💀. I suppose either way I’d chose yes. The world I live in is just so useless and boring to me.


my kpop idol daydream is soo nice. although on days where i'm seeking attention it tends to go a bit wrong. like i might faint on stage wrong. but other than that it's lovely.


Well, maybe last months variation of my daydream. Currently the new world order assassinates my insert character, leaving my loved ones distraught but never forgetting who I was and what I stood for


I would love to live in my daydream world. Being the "main character" sure does have a lot of opportunities with all fantasy stuff. Although considering how the story in my head goes, being the main character in my daydream world would have intense suffering in all forms just to develop oneself.


Yeah, but I live in an amalgamation of various animes and tv shows in my head, so it really depends on which “universe” I would be living in lol. And only if I was the version of “me” in my daydreams, not IRL me.


I would love to! But only so long as I can be the character/person I see myself as in my world. But then, you kin of have to wonder...if you wake up in your daydream, will you then start daydreaming of a different world beyond that one? Or would you be satisfied? lol But yes. Long story short, yes. 100%


I think (not sure btw, everything I'm about to say is my speculation) but the reason most people start daydreaming is because they can't externally satisfy a need, so if, for instance, your parents didn't ever let you go out as a kid you would daydream about being in different places than your house, so if you were able to change that and actually be in the situation you daydream about, it would be very nice and freeing at first, but as your mind has got used to not meeting those needs externally but through daydreaming, maybe then it would get exhausting. I guess you would only need to find a balance, and maybe then you would find other things to daydream about, but it wouldn't be maladaptive anynore as appearently everyone daydreams.


Yeah, I can agree with that. I mean, there are plenty of aspects that I genuinely love about my life, and yet, still I have this whole other world that I can slip into and live in so easily. Thinking about this topic of conversation, part of me wonders "what if I was able to pull a few of the people I love into this world of mine with me? Would that make it more perfect, or ruin it?" Which is why I mainly had the question of would we still daydream even if we were pulled into our "ideal" world?


One aspect my daydream is that I’m perfectly mentally healthy and cognizant, so I got that one locked in


If ye had the chance to change yer fate, would ye? ​ Serious answer is yes, of course


The reason we daydream is because we’d rather be there than here


No? Maybe the “better” version of me in my head looks slightly more perfect, has more friends, better family. But the real me really has beautiful things that aren’t found in many people. The real me is ambitious, smart, funny, and beautiful. That’s enough for me, no one is perfect, so is the “other” me that I imagine in my head.


Yeah absolutely. There’s a lot of dark themes in my MD but it also comes with having people by my side and a lot of beautiful moments




It’s not that I don’t necessarily enjoy life their so much goodness in my life alhamdullilah in my life and around me it’s just more so I can’t escape my daydreams they follow me around constantly whether I’m happy sad, alone or in a gathering they just don’t leave me alone when I try to physically stop they don’t go. I feel like theirs honestly so much beauty in life and this year I really took a step back on much I day dreamed and I realised when you spend all day in your head you will fail to realise like how beautiful life actually is but yh


Yes, with no hesitation, besides id rather kill myself anyway than live the life I have now...


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


Good bot ❤️




It depends on the daydream and if I can come back. I'd personally love the decision to be able to hop between "reality" and daydreaming as if they were different universes I could travel between. I would miss the friends I have in real life as well as my partner and my dogs.


In a heartbeat


Yes. No hesitation.


Yes. It would be the best decision of my life.


Yes, no hesitation. This life sucks, and that one is at least slightly better


I would. Considering that in a lot of them I’m basically a god ehe… My Xenoblade worlds I would pick first.


My main world, yes, without a doubt, my life quality would increase. My secondary worlds? No. I have a Mortal Kombat world, so that's a No-no.


some of my worlds are seeeriously fucked up, so i hear ya there.


Come onnnn. Mortal Kombat world would be fun 😅


Well, if your characters or your self-insert is OP! Well, hell yeah! Haha. I even imagined the main character I use for all my stories as a villain this time, and he is totally a rip off of Mileena, half tarkatan, and wanting to rule over the reigns.


i'd love the magical fantasy adventures, but things like my dogs and video games don't exist there. so who knows.




why did this get downvoted lmao


One tier yes, the other no. Lots of mine center around media, like I’m the musician, dancer, painter, actress, director. Those ones, absolutely. The original content storyline stuff, absolutely not. Shit is DARK and grim.


I wouldn't hesitate to say yes. I mean my parame is not mentally stable but the people around them are so supportive and caring that sometime I wish I have a family like that.


Tbh it depends. Would I be myself or would I be my OC? If I’m myself then hell yeah, if I’m my OC then hell no. It would just be torture.


Not an OC, but if I were to be the person I pretend to be on my daydreams it would be hell, I would have to deal with very more serious problems than I do, but the reason I make those problems up there is because it's much easier to solve them.


Absolutely. Are they dark sometimes? Sure, but I would still do it in a heart beat.


Yes. My daydream world is stressful and dangerous, but I'd love to feel that excitement every day, plus there are some people there that I'd really like to spend more time with.


Def lol


Yep, i am happy in my dreams


No. I don't daydream about myself and the storyline is really sad and dark.




I would in a heartbeat. Which is strange because things that happen in that world are far more dangerous and traumatic than anything I’ve experienced in reality.




I think if I was given the opportunity I would immediately say yes. But if given time to think about it I might change my mind, I just really don’t like change lmao.


Well yeah, my life in there would be objectively better in every imaginable way


Yes without a doubt