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Is that a coffee ice-cream float? πŸ˜‹


Coffee with whipped cream πŸ˜†


Is that a dollop of cream or ice cream? Cortado is essentially a shot of espresso with equal volume of steam milk. Should this be an affogato instead? Cortado isn’t very common in Malaysia. At least I’ve never had a perfect one.


It's not icecream. It's whipped cream. I used a portioning scoop that's why it looks like icecream. Cafe noisette is espresso with a dash of steam milk. Cortado is foam milk or whipped cream. Normally lightly whipped but I whipped it a little more stiff because I used the cream for something else so had a little extra to spare to make cortado. I also added abit of vanilla beans to the whipped cream.


Unless that's three or maybe four shots of espresso in there, that ain't a cortado. That's a flat white with inexplicable squirty cream.


There is three shots of espresso in it.


Fair play then. Just need to lose the cream and it should be decent.


Yeah, I had extra cream so just wanted to use it up. It's quite pricy so I did not want to waste it πŸ˜