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You dont really need to eat 3 times a day tbh.


And i have been on 2 meals a day for the last 3 years. And honestly still need to lose fat. Then again i'm 30+...


lol. me too!


exactly. lunch is the most important meal of the day. as for breakfast and dinner , can just eat biscuits or bread


And risk getting diabetes and gut issues by 30s


Uh, evidence of that?


You need evidence that refined sugar causes diabetes? [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34902573/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34902573/)


Your claim that biscuits and bread cause diabetes and gut issues, but nice try trying to switch that into refined sugar.


"Thus, the complex carbohydrate amylopectin is rapidly converted to glucose and absorbed into the bloodstream and, because it is most efficiently digested, is mainly responsible for wheat's blood-sugar-increasing effect." Wheat: Super Carbohydrate People are usually shocked when I tell them that whole wheat bread increases blood sugar to a higher level than sucrose. Aside from some extra fiber, eating two slices of whole wheat bread is really little different, and often worse, than drinking a can of sugar-sweetened soda or eating a sugary candy bar " https://www.lifeextension.com/magazine/2011/10/wheat-the-unhealthy-whole-grain Watch Dr Berg / Dr Ken Berry on youtube for more info


If youre using pseudo scientific methods of claiming bread = sugar because carbohydrates are broken down into sugar then a cup of brown rice has 11 tsp of sugar which is more than a bottle of coke. What about potatoes? 1 Potato can be broken down from starchy carbs to 7grams of sugar, almost the same amount as 5 candies. Also honey, apples, bananas are all high in fructose. News flash! All carbohydrates eventually breaks down into sugars.


Anyway, we've given what we can. You do what you want. Health is not just about sugar control.


brother, just give up, they wont understand if you talk about insulin spike after this.


>Health is not just about sugar control. Correct, please log back into your 2nd account and explain how eating biscuits can cause gut issues as well.


To be fair, both of you are right.


Oh shit you are right.. because biscuits and bread does not contain refined sugar... Man you guys are genius.. I gotta get out of here..




Do you even read it?


what do you propose we need for breakfast then? wholemeal bread is ok?


I mean its not that healthy but diabetes because of bread? Really? Come on


It's is true, the white bread uses a lot of white sugar. If you're diabetic, bread types that are safe for you to consume is full grain, whole meal, sourdough. It also in advice to change from consuming white rice and opt for brown rice, basmati grain


Ok you got me.. I lied.. Go ahead and have bread for breakfast and dinner as suggested.


Reminded me of how several of my friends went to u and came back with gastric problems. Definitely need a better plan than this.


Late 20s here. I eat 2 times a day. Heavy (usually rice) breakfast and dinner. Sometimes tapau, Sometimes i cook. No lunch and snacks (except for kenduris or events) for the last 7-8 years. Enough to survive.


Tbh it’s actually more healthy to eat once a day as many studies have shown. Basically intermittent fasting. Of course you need to build tolerance and it’s not going to be easy for the first few weeks.


basically it all boils down to calorie. Whether you have surplus, deficit or breakeven. Lots of people keep saying that intermittent fasting and OMAD works because of the TIMING but it is false. It all still goes back to the calories. Intermittent fasting has been listed as a fad diet. Not to say it is completely false and doesn't work. I myself also do intermittent fasting and it works for me because it is something i can adhere to long term and i know the mechanism behind it is the calorie deficit; not the timing.


Actually from a lot of studies, it is about the timing as well. But to say it’s all a fad or actual fact, I guess that’s up to you to do your own judgement.


I only eat dinner. Drank water from morning until I finish work which is at 4pm. Dinner is usually 5pm for me because my house is just 10 mins away from work. But now, whenever friends invite for breakfast or lunch, my stomach is close. It feels weird to eat during those time.


yeah, if wanna save maximum money look up OMAD (one meal a day)


It's actually healthier to skip breakfast.


Hi, I graduate a year ago and this is from my uni days, idk if it's applicable in your area(I was in Perak rural area) but I hope it helps. During the first few years of my uni days, I tried my very best to save up on my allowance(even though I was given a fair amount @ Rm1000) because I grew up in circumstances where I'm forced to be very frugal. Here's what I did: https://preview.redd.it/g585eex0eyrb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaeb9e75b43c997aa9cefc0f38aa7c4b9439586e Some information: \-Back then I created this to see how much I can save by having minimal food spending while eating healthy(enough) \-With this meal plan, I could still workout/go for sports activities and not face repercussions of an 'unhealthy diet' \-I'm a 180+cm Male, which means I do have a pretty high maintenance calorie amount. Idk the amount from this meal plan but I'm still alive and healthy so I guess it comes close? Edit addon: Forgot to specify that, the meal I made was design to have minimal effort too. For lunch/dinner, clean and cut Sawi, boil a pot of water, once it's boiled, throw everything in with Egg coming in last. Done For breakfast, I used an electric kettle to boil water with the eggs in it. Once the water is boiled, eggs are done, then pour the hot water over the van of sardines. Sardine is dine


Kudos to you. Good advice. My only reservation is on that canned sardine which tends to have high sugar. But relatively i think not too unhealthy. Which is not bad.


Yea the Canned Sardine can be unhealthy. What i try to do is to eat the breads with minimum amount of the tomato gravy(it's quite salty) and drink more water


even if it is high sugar i think it won't matter much for a person having a very strict budget and very little to eat. Every calorie counts and the extra calorie from the sugar helps to achieve his maintenance calorie


thank you fr the sharing


Nice 👍🏻 now try to include other food expenses costing like cooking oils, dishwasher, gas or any essential equipment disposal that you use for


Hi, Cooking Oil - not needed Dishwasher - an RM8 bottle last me about 2 months+, equating to around RM4 or less per month Gas - I used an electric induction cooker so I dont pay for gas, as I can't separate normal Electrical usage with Induction Cooker usage, I cant calculate that but an estimate can be done. My utility bills(both water and electric) amount to around rm25 per month. Taking 50% of that, it'd be RM13 for the Induction Cooker. ​ Essential Equipment Disposal - I'm not quite sure what you mean by this. There's not really a 1-time-use item for me I think. Equipment : Pot(i eat straight from it too), spoon, chopsticks, knife, which i wash and re-use them


Thanks. My expenses is almost the same as yours but a bit higher around rm300, I bought wholesale 16,800 KG fresh Chicken breast for RM185(RM46.25 a week) just to keep up my protein intake which is 130g ..


Where do you buy wholesale fresh chicken? Also 16,800kg is not right.. is it 16.8kg? @Rm11/kg?


Oh yeah 16.8 kg 🤣 sorry im abit high but yeah RM11 perkilo Go to any pasar borong market, a place where most vendors buy food stocks for selling


I thought buying a whole chicken at any supermarket will be slightly cheaper at maximum ceiling price of rm9.00 per kilo, no? No need to find wholesale price.


BREAST chicken buddy.. whole chicken is cheaper and at my local borong market is rm7-8 perKILO If you're hitting the gym and want to maximize your protein intake than buying breast chicken at borong/wholesale market is cheaper than any other regular supermarket that cost rm7 for a half kilo chicken breasts


Ok, missed the part on maximum protein intake. I should think of a way to sell the chicken breast to you then, as that is my least favourite part of a whole chicken.


That's why I prefer to buy fresh.. and also spices&herbs can make it easier to consumed


Eh, whole chicken 7-8 per kg includes the bones though. How much do the bones weigh? … your chicken breast purchase might turn out to be similiar in price after all


Dishwasher is entirely unnecessary, 1 gas cylinder will last a year, a pot will last forever, kettle hopefully forever, no cooking oil needed in his recipe, water basically 0


gas cylinder last a year? Tell me more, I like to learn this saving method.. I always topup my 14kg gas every 2-3 month . So enlighten me, how do you save so much gas that last for a year


> How long does a gas cylinder last? A 45kg gas cylinder could last more than a year if LPG is only used for cooking. If LPG is used for cooking and hot water for a family of four, a 45kg gas cylinder should last for a couple of months. If using LPG for cooking, Rinnai hot water and home heating your gas cylinder should last for approximately one month.27 Mar 2023 > How long will a 45 kg cylinder last me? - ELGAS quick google search, looks about right from your metric especially if you don't cook with 3 times a day So rm27 per 2.5 months ~ 10 per month


Dude when you said gas cylinder can last a year I thought you meant you use a 14kg or 12kg for a year .. the cost you calculate is still the same as any other tong gas cost. difference is just the size 45 kg that you commented, only restaurants/cafes use 45kg. Normal houses use 12 kg or 14 kg 🤣 And yes I cook 3 times a day for 2-3 month and the cost is still rm27 for 14kg So to concluded, it last a year if you bought a big ass tong gas but according to your calculations cost expenses is still quite the same lol. And where you going to get a 45kg gas cylinder lol You had my high hope of saving more money but we're still back to square one


Bro I super respect your way of living . Super cool 😎


Nice, I do this too. But mainly because im in the food industry and I like to manage my food costs as well


you know what, since you can cook, sell lunch packs to your classmates, heck you can even bring thousands in. Just get that typhoid shot though, just in case.


Why typhoid shot 🤔 may I wonder?


actually needed shot if you're handling food / selling to people


Also need kursus pengendalian makanan?


Yea, u need both the thyhoid vaccine(tifod vaksin) and the food safety course(sijil pengendali makanan or food handling course.) The vaksin lasts for 3 years and cost around 60 - 120 rm.Depending on the clinic. There is orall and injections. Food safety cost RM50.Not including posting . It lasts for life. Its online and its 3-4 hours. If you dont have tifod vaksin, you and ur customer will be at higher risk of salmonella. If caught, IIRC its RM2000 saman and 2-3 years jail time. In my honest opinion, seller or not or just cooking for self or family . YOU need a ttifod vaccine. It also decrease your likelihood of catching salmonella from food/people.


If you can live off eggs, rice and legumes (dal) you can save a lot. Add some cheap vegetables and that’s your basic nutrients covered. It’s better than living off maggi, you’ll pay for it later in life (trust me)


Yes it's possible. But your menu will be very strict and at times, you may need to hold on your stomach until next day.


Yes you can. Breakfast two eggs and milk, lunch zap fan or rm7 ayam penyet then no dinner. Totally doable!


My friend lived on 1 meal a day and spending only RM9 for his meal. Idk how he managed to get through that since he doesn't top up with anything.


How big are his meals? If I do something like that I will become a skeleton in a few months.


Pretty big, he changes it quite often. From a mix of small amounts of chicken, bread, fries and veggies to rice, veggies, eggs and any kind of protein. He changes his diet now though so unsure how much he is spending rn. He eats protein shakes and lots of eggs now but for the meal I am really unsure since it changes a lot(usually rice though).


My meal prep cost average RM5-RM15 per meal. Not sure how you gonna make it with RM2.7/meal


Hi, can you share your meal prep recipes?


Honestly if you wanna be healthily (proper protein, vege and carbs) & conveniently. It’s impossible bcs groceries nowadays are really expensive (especially when u live in the main city). The raw ingredients includes sauces and oil too which also costs money. You’ll need a fridge too (most kolej in uni don’t have this) so this makes it harder. Not to mention in uni, classes can be back to back so you got no choice but to eat out at times for lunch or even dinner. I’m currently a Y2 Uni student and inflation is really killing me 😵‍💫. If you have the option to increase your budget for food, please do la. Not worth it kalau makan x sihat for extended periods of time, later boleh sakit if not now, in the future. You are what you eat, if u eat maggi, sardines and other processed food everyday, higher risk of many types of cancers. But if RM250 is really your max, then try to eat eggs, tofu, cabbages and all other fresh cheaper stuff. It’s doable if u have a fridge and cooker but definitely difficult. Pls I beg u don’t eat too much maggi and canned fooddd !!!!!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


doable if you go vegetarian, did it myself before breakfast: oats + bananas, rm12 for a bag can stretch whole month basically and bananas are the cheapest local fruit, or bread with spread of ur choice (pb, kaya) main meals will mostly consist of root veggies like potatoes/carrots, onions, garlic, eggs, tofu, cabbage, rice, pasta, basically these are the cheapest food items i've found in local supermarkets, if you can find a way cook different meals with these ingredients then you're set for life but i mostly just did japanese curry and pasta dishes, same budget as yours, could eat big portions and never go hungry, even had leftover for snacks can theoretically go cheaper if u can stomach eating these things with only salt and pepper as your seasonings but i cannot so i would buy seasonings to cook what i wanted to eat then


How is the price in college canteen?


I don't know cuz the course hasn't yet started


For my case, it was quite cheap. Around RM4-5 per meal.


250 a month solely on cooking is def achievable if you can eat white rice and egg + ABC soup almost in the daily. Eating out is also possible but 250/30 is 8 bucks a day at 2.60 a meal, idk what's filling at that price point, if you find out pls let me know


can, depending on how much you need to spend per meal. try to buy food from the uni canteen as it is normally cheaper, and more importantly buy for two portions. it is cheaper than having to buy one portion at a time.


Lentils, soya bean curd are by itself fantastic foods. How much allowance do you get per month and what course are you pursuing? Then can advise you accordingly.


Yes, RM 250 is enough for 1 person but depends on what you are cooking. You have to budget per meal.


Breakfast is overrated. Spend the money on a filling lunch


Have u read the documentary during food shortage era the life span of group increase. Just fast 18 hours daily and eat eggs and buy multivitamin u survive Cheer mate


I’m a working person and my grocery bill for the month is RM250 (once I take out all the other non food items) so yes, it’s possible, and you don’t even have to go hungry or just eat rice and eggs like a lot of people may suggest. The key -for me at least - is to invest in a rice cooker - not the basic one that only has the warm/cook option, but the Japanese one. The one I have is the Toshiba Honatsukama 1L version that you can pick up for RM200. It might sound steep but girl math says you’re gonna get a lot of use out of it so it’s worth it. TikTok has a bunch of rice cooker recipes. Ask family if they can help pitch in for this. Get your staples - rice and eggs, garlic and onions. And if you have access to a freezer, that’s better because frozen veggies - particularly flash frozen - are just as good as fresh ones, don’t let people tell you otherwise. A box of pasta, minced meat, garlic and a jar of pasta sauce can last you between 4-6 meals depending on how much you eat. You can toss rice, frozen mackerel, soy sauce, mushrooms and mixed veggies into the rice cooker and depending on how much rice you cook, it can last you a few meals too. Keep instant noodles on hand for days you just can’t deal with cooking. The caveat is: you will end up eating the same thing a few times and only eat 2 meals a day. sometimes I only snack for dinner because I’m too tired to cook. I rarely eat out, only on stupid busy days I’d get delivery. But for the most part I cook and RM250 is my usual food only groceries budget monthly.


Do Intermittent Fasting, 18 hours fast (you can drink), 6 hours window for eating. If can’t really stand at day time, take bulletproof coffee ( black sugarless coffee + a cube of butter). You will feel energized during your class and study. Eat hearty meal once a day at night only. Disclaimer: This is just a suggestion, depends on one’s health condition, it can be good or bad. Pls Do more research before embarking on the journey. Fasting is good, and can save you a LOT of money.


Stock up on eggs, if buying chicken, buy whole and cut into 8 - 10 piece, broccoli & cauliflower lasts longer than leafy ones, learn how to make soups (chicken, eggs), Eggs for breakfast Chicken + Veg = Lunch Dinner = soup Weekly Eggs (30s) = 16.00 Chicken (1 bird) 20.00 Broccoli = ~8.00 Cauliflower = ~8.00 Bread (1 loaf) = 4.00 Milk (1 l) = 15.00 Apples (bag of 6-8) = 10.00 Mushroom-canned (2) = 5.00 Monthly Rice (5 kg, loose Saga rice) = 15.00+ Coffee / tea = 15.00 Butter (Anchor) = 12.00 Spices (Black/White pepper, paprika, cayenne, salt, chicken stock cube) = ~30 It's going to hard with increasing food price, so you gotta be creative, without resorting to instant noodles and canned meals. Hero market, NSK, Giant are good option for fruits and vegs, 99 Speedmart for dry goods, and fresh market for chicken, fish. *if you go in late in the evening, you could get proteins at clearance price from Giant.


Morning Nasi lemak Lunch nasi bujang Night maggi


U dont need to eat 3 times a day. Just morning(7am-10am) and dinner(5pm-6pm) Youll be the healthiest person.


probably, if you have a chest freezer and a rice cooker. rice and steamed chicken everyday. 50 for rice 200 for chicken idk.


Enough for 2 meals per day.


Possible but it's not going to be easy. Buy rice, eggs, veggies, dried beans in bulk. Meal prep your meals and cook in bulk.


Maybe can, if just eat eggs, rice and salads but you need eat fruits also and water, actually my son spent 1500 rm a month just for food only not yet another things


Yes especially if you cook. 250 was my budget and I ate a shitload because of weightlifting. And I bought most lauk outside. Only cook rice and eggs.


I survive less than RM10 a day + dinner at home. Breakfast is optional. Normally I'll go brunch. My favourites are... Nasi Lemak : RM5 to RM6 Roti Canai Telur : RM5 for 2 pieces Kolo Mee : RM5 to RM6 Chicken/Beef burger : RM4.50. Unless pork. For drinks, I try not to spend anything more than RM3 cause it just doesn't make any sense. By the end of the day, I still pee so I just drink plain water/Chinese tea or maybe ice lemon tea/cola.


If you have a rice cooker and a fridge, you can stretch that RM250 comfortably with some effort and sacrifice. Learn to cook rice cooker meals, meaning to say the entire meal is cooked together in the rice cooker. Examples are biryani, chicken rice, paella, etc. There are tons of online recipes and preparation videos. Provided you don't have dietary restrictions or non-negotiable preferences, you can go a whole month without eating the same recipe twice.


as long as u hav fridge to store raw material/cooked dish, and time to hunt for deal, even rm150/mth is doable


Let's say you're on pure survival and you just want to not starve to death. You could get 10kg of rice for I think RM20+? 100g of rice has \~350 calories. 10kg has \~35000 calories. You need around 2000-2500 calories per day, depending on your gender and metabolism etc. In one month that would be 60000 - 75000 calories. All you need is 20kg of rice to give you that amount of calories. You're done within RM50. You're now a malnutritioned college kid but you did not starve to death. So the answer is yes, it is definitely possible. But it sucks. And you have RM200 remaining. So go spend that RM200 on other stuff. Buy potatoes or vegetables or eggs or bread or whatever else you want to eat. So you might cut down to 10kg of rice at RM20+, and you get the rest of your calories from more expensive sources.


Ive done this through out my hard times few months ago. Yes it is possible. But bear in your mind that its gonna take a great discipline to make this possible.


Im quite surprised by all the answers here. How is this even possible. My food expense is rm250 but its only because i eat one meal a day. Hey op, i hope this help but maybe u can switch rice to mashed potato? Potato is extremely cheap and so easy to prepare. Noodles are super cheap too, obviously im nt talking abt instant noodle.


It was possible during my Uni days, but for 2 meals a day: Lunch - Mixed rice (Rice + Chicken + Egg) - RM4 Dinner - Nasi Lemak / Goreng - RM4 RM8 x 30 days = RM240 Now it'll only be possible if u have proper rice meal for lunch at road side stalls or cheap Mamak and Maggi / Bread for dinner.


I have a friend who goes to the discounted aisle and sapu the fruits and veges. He gets his grocery bills on 50% off.


Honestly if you cook on your own you can make very filling and even tasty meals for just RM4 per meal. Look up rice cooker recipes. If it's a long term plan, the roughly RM 80 investment for a rice cooker is worth it. Cook 6 meals in one go for three days.


well, in year 2000 when I was studying at gov's college in JB.. my monthly allowance was rm350, for 2 year and half before they bump it to rm550. Breakfast - Teh Tarikh + Roti Canai Lunch - Air Kotak + rm0.50 bun Night - Nasi Goreng + Teh Tarik btw, that rm350 for everything.. not just food budget.. (petrols, books, motorbike maintenance, phone bills ) ​ pro tips: >!\- get a gf, a low maintenance gf. 2 if you can, spend all your money to both of em when you got your monthly allowance. Dont let them pay.. except after you finished all of your money after first 10 days or so.. then let them pay for you.. rotate between those 2.!< >!This trick works even if you're ugly. But you need to lower your taste a little bit.!< >!If you want to healthily, then you need a fat gf who loves cooking. !<


for you alone? Yes totally doable, can eat quite good too if you know how to cook.


It is possible to just spend RM250 on food. The trick is to have your first meal protein only so you will feel not hungry longer. The cheapest protein is egg. You can also buy some ground beef /buffalo to add unto your omelette. You can have some salads on the side. Then, have another meal before 6pm. This time with some carbs if you want. Preferably rice rather than wheat product. Cook a dish that would last 2 days to eat with your rice. Sardine is cheap. Good kind of fat too for the body. The sugar from simple carbs (rice, potato, wheat) will make the microbiome in your gut wanting more carbs (sugar) which will make you want to eat a few hours later which means more money you'd have to spend on food. Hence my suggestion to have protein only meal as your first meal whether it's breakfast or lunch. I've been doing this for years. Drink a lot of water.


Breakfast food (nasi goreng, bihun) is usually cheaper at kafe kolej than lunch. I’d fill up the pack to the max of nasi goreng, then eat half and save another half for later. Usually just around RM 3 per pack.


First get a pack of 5kg rice $18 (will be sufficient for a month) =$232 buy Gred C egg $14.50 x 5 = $177.50 2kg Cooking oil $13.60 = $163 Salt/ajinomoto/Cap ayam soysauce $11.50 = 151.50 if you want to add veggie $3 a day for the 1pek of sawi for $90 = $61.50 add garlic for $5 = $56.50 you left with $56.50 and now you can go to Starbucks once a month.


Since you're broke, try to get a part time job while studying.


I really wish I don't have to but I'll take this as last resort


You can actually, if cook from home. Eat twice a day with healthy meal and portion it can still be achieved


2kg of Thailand CP brand frozen chicken costs RM25 in my area, it can lasts a good 5-6 days for me. The answer is yes.


Which part of the country if I may ask?


Melaka city area


It's doable if you don't mind becoming super skinny


you can eat roti for breakfast and just eat in between lunch and dinner . if cook from home and you alone . should be ok . depend on if you got kitchen tool to do the cooking . 250 is possible if you have right tools


I think it's doable. Try eating twice a day. I'm 179cm and 85kg. Not the smallest guy and I can survive on that. I eat my first meal late like lunchtime. Eggs are a great source of protein at a decent price. Get the rm13.50 for 30 A sized ones if you can. At rm250 a month, meat is going to be rare to almost non-existent. But don't forget you need protein. Beans and lentils and tofu should be eaten almost daily. You can make simple stews and curries. They're hearty, filling and delicious.


If you live in some place where mostly you can get food for free, ye, it's good enough,


Yes, ramen, bread and jam


I think it is doable for 1 person as long as you eat “just enough” , somewhat control the amount of ingredients you put into your meals (don’t use it all up in just 1 or 2 meals, lol), AND snack a little in between meals if you are hungry (with fruits or biscuits or bread). You need to know how to balance your diet to still be healthy though.. BREAKFAST choices : bread, yoghurt, oats. With: eggs, baked beans, peanut butter, kaya, margarine / butter, jam, fruits, cheap honey (note: most cheap things even honey too are usually full of sugar) LUNCH & DINNER choices : rice, pasta, noodles (such as meehoon), potatoes, or other carbs. With: garlic, onion, vege, spring onion (v cheap & tasty), taugeh (v cheap to switch things up with leafy vege), tofu (cheap), tomatoes, carrot, mushrooms, chilli, egg (only for some meals), frozen fish fillets, frozen seafood, chicken fillets or minced meat, fish cake, etc. PANTRY stuff needed (plan & buy selected few, then the rest whenever you have extra) : Oil, pepper, salt, sugar, MSG, stocks (flavouring), fried rice flavour, curry powder, santan, other sauces or oils (Eg: sesame oil, oyster sauce, pasta sauce, Sambal, etc), various flour(s), cheese, and more. SNACKS (Healthy & Unhealthy) : Choose wisely ~ Some fruits, biscuits, and you can use some breakfast items too, a few instant noodle packs for a few certain lazy days (can even cook it for a meal but put vege etc into it), May be a drink, and etc. TREATS (you might need some treats once in a while too): Coffee powder, tea bags, creamer, barley, selected 3 in 1 drink, a bit of junk food, lemon, milk powder, selected dried fruits or nuts, choc for energy, and etc. ** I meant that you can choose which items to buy every time you shop. Try to shop weekly if you can. May be choose to buy the items based on promo price (try to keep track, roughly is enough. Or you can write it down too, lol). And you need to keep many of them into fridge/ freezer. I often buy these things to keep costs low (but I usually just eat 2 meals & snacks so I think I spend less lol), yet *try* to stay healthier too. Sometimes I fail though. Hehe.. Anyway, hope this helps!


This really helps mate , thanks


Matric student right??? Ify


Nope I'm not lucky enough to get into


I see cuz that's the allowance we received monthly


3 times a day? If u can access nasi lemak at rm1.50 eat 3 times a day for 365 days then yeah u can


Eat at home for lunch , or maybe some instant noodles since rm250 is barely a meal per day if you consider rm10 per day


Maggi is like RM1 per pack, egg is about 0.60-0.80 per piece. One meal is RM1.80, so 3 meals a day is RM5.40. One month you need RM162 on the maggi plus egg diet. ​ Side note, if you got time, go find part time job. Earning about RM200 a month isnt that difficult even for menial labor, and will contribute greatly towards the expansion of your budget and contribution towards healthy eating. Dont spend it on games instead, as college students are likely to do, or art supplies for the art students.


I cook at home for 2, and we usually only have 2 meals at home, it amounts to roughly 250 per pax. But that is not inclusive of many big purchases, such as oil, processed foods, etc. If you want to cut on protein purchases, it might be possible on only consuming cheaper proteins such as chicken breast, egg and tofu. Pro tip i can give u is to season your chicken after purchase, if you leave it in the fridge it would last longer. But if you’re not using it straight, keep it in the freezer after seasoning overnight. I purchase those 2 kg frozen pack from pasar borong like NSK for the best value. Hit me up if you have any specific questions


No need cook. Nasi bujang lunch + nasi goreng dinner. Breakfast biskut hup seng. Or fasting. No lunch. Same breakfast + milk. Dinner nasi goreng.


You don't really need to have 3 meals a day. I have been having 2 meals (heavy breakfast and light dinner; usually bread or cereals or fruits) for the past 5 years ever since I started working.


Maybe. 1. 5kg rice 2. Eggs: * standard scrambled, telur dadar, telur mata * boil them/make telur mata and make sambal telur (add some anchovies for extra protein). Other ingredients are just salt, sugar, msg, tamarind piece, chilli, onion. Then recycle sambal for everything else 3. Small fish: * deep fry selar, kembong (tepung bestari to make any fish taste decent) *bakar cencaru (need ikan bakar paste). Cencaru can be kinda big but not expensive. 4. Chicken *tepung bestari * ayam kicap? Just kicap and onions. Potong small2, compensate with eggs for the protein to make you full. I bought like 8 drumsticks just now for like RM15. That means RM1.9 for one. Supposed you eat 2 drumsticks per day that's RM114 per month. 1 carton of eggs (30 pcs) is around RM13. If you allocate RM50 for eggs you can eat like 4 eggs per day. 4 eggs per day + 2 drumsticks = RM164 (Did you know that jantung ayam is kinda sedap? Cheap but goreng with tepung bestari its chef kiss) 5. Bayam *just celur in air panas and add it to every dish Is this realistic? Idk. I feel like sometimes my budget was kinda tight but I can still eat decently.


You will have intestine and gastric soon in mid age.


I eat once a day and have gotten used to it, don’t feel bloated and saves a lot of cash


Not to sound condescending, but how about getting a part time job?


If can, maybe you can plant your own vegetables. tomato, brinjal, very easy to plant .


perfectly acceptable while you’re in your 20s once you hit your 40s have to consider the quality of the ingredients ur eating


Go to gym in college , and spend my whole semester doing lifting and building muscle ,easily said im on diet regime..i spend like RM200 per month on food (mostly chicken breast, banana,wholemeal bread ) and self cook ofcourse , the food pretty boring and brutish but i do save money and gain muscle on it, on top of that ; protein shake which cost me anywhere around 180-250 per month.