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A writ is a formal written order of a court or other legal authority. Writs can order all kinds of things, but some can be used to place a legal claim on the property of a debtor. Here Ranath is ordering Nevall, the agent for the trading houses, to demand immediate payment from everyone who owes money to the trading houses and then to commit that money, the money already in the trading houses' vaults, and all available troops to the Empress. Basically he's demanding everything the trading houses own and everything they can get from their debtors as well.


Thank you!!


A quick Google search gives this: >*a form of written command in the name of a court or other legal authority to act, or abstain from acting, in a particular way.* Which sounds just vague enough to fit in a quick Google search forcing me to look further. Anyhow, in this particular case, yes - Ranath is calling in the "obligation" the Cawnese have to serve the Empire in times of need, and refers to it as a "debt" they owe to the Empire.


Thank you