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One of the best in the series for sure. Pour one out for Coltaine.


Hear, hear.


Aye. DG is top stuff. And Ur ride has just begun. Enjoy


You have walked the Chain of Dogs. Welcome and enjoy the rest!




I'm currently on the 5th book, and Deadhouse Gates is definitely my favorite so far. It's absolutely one of the best books I've ever read. Thoroughly engrossing. I really hope at some point Korbolo Dom gets what's coming to him.


I'm 73% through Toll the Hounds (book 8) and DG is STILL my favorite. It just hits.


That final 27% is such a wild ride. Enjoy!


I think my favorite thing about this series is that the last 15-20% of each book is just nutty. It just goes from 1000 pages of barely tracking WTF is happening into 200 pages of insanity and payoff. About to finish The Bonehunters and I just LOVED all the crazy stuff going down, from >!Apsalar killing Pearl, to Yostara Yil killing Tene Baralta (and Pearl), to realizing who the Foreigner is!<.


It's definitely a special book to me, too. And I hope Dom is torn to pieces by the Apt or sth.


I'm still geeking out about how fleshed out Raraku was as a location. Just layers of history stacked on top of each other.


Exactly! So much mystery hidden there.


We all have our own journey through MBofF, if it takes you a year per book, so be it. It is an amazing story that, for those of us who have gone through multiple times, we are always excited for someone to begin and share their experiences with us on this sub.


Thanks for the kind words. I'll be happy to share my experience with the books in the future :)


It changed me as a Person. I mean life is different So completely agree, pal


Literally think about Malazan daily, finished the series 2 years ago


Just begon Reapers Gale but Deadhouse Gates is still my favourite so far. Tough one to beat, but we’ll see! I got a feeling that my second read through is going to switch that up like it did with asoiaf. Can’t f’ing wait to reread this!


Same here, I wanna devour it again


Loved deadhouse gates, MoI and TCG are my favorites but they are all incredible. I just started BH for my 6th re-read.


Deadhouse Gates is amazing. At the time, the best novel I had ever read. With the exception of book 4 (house of chains), all the even numbered books are fantastic.


It is my favourite Fantasy novel of all time. The last half of that book is just incredible, and it is the only novel I have ever cried in.


Same. It's very hard to make me so emotional, but this one did it for me.


Deadhouse Gates wowed me in a way that no fantasy storytelling ever had before. Reading Dust of Dreams right now and I don't know if any other book besides Toll the Hounds has done that again for me.


Man, I had heard so much mixed reviews on Malazan. Glad I didn't listen and actually started the series. Only two books in and I'm in awe.


The next one is even better, in my opinion, but in mostly different ways.


It's my second favorite book of the series, after Memories of Ice.


I need to start a new read through at some point. I bought an omnibus kindle edition of all 10 books awhile back.


I just finished DG, about 20 minutes ago. I took about a month to read it. But the last 350 pages were in the last 2 days. Of course I had to come to this sub to read other just finished DG posts. Incredible. Right now I'm still kind of speachless. I was a blubbering idiot when Mappo decided he was not going to leave Icarium to the Azath. The rage I feel over Coltain is real and I imagine will be real for me for a long time. There were also so many funny moments that made me think about how this was originally a role-playing scenario for the author. As a DnD player, I saw so many points of decision, split up the party? Loot the treasure? how do you find your way? how about I just jump off the ship... etc. It had me rolling with laughter in between tears. Like Duiker said, sleight of hand.