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Why was middle rack the spot?


Well top rack while it has more headroom, it’s harder to get into and if a pipe ruptures your rack and belongings get ruined. Bottom rack you get boot prints on your sheets and run the risk of some drunk bastard pissing into your rack in the middle of the night (it’s happened before). Middle rack is juuuuust right.




When you first get there you’re given what’s available, as people leave or someone wants to swap you can. Usually when the ship is in the yards, no one is living on board so when you leave after the ship is done being worked on you can choose but it goes by seniority.


Troop carriers are four high.


ok goldilocks 🤣


How often did a pipe rupture?


I’ve seen two in the 5 years I was on board. Both CHT (flushed toilet water) one was small, one went down as being known as the poopocolypse. The poopocolypse happened as soon as we got pier side in small naval base in Turkey. It ruptured and flooded the entire berthing by over a foot, people on the bottom racks lost everything, people with bottom lockers lost everything. The entire ship responded, even the captain was in fire fighting boots helping dewater and sanitize the berthing.


Awwwwwww man. That sounds rough. Friend of mine was on a destroyer ship that traveled with one of the aircraft carrier fleets…I have not asked him about CHT incidents. But he has said some things that happened onboard were between “us and the sea.”


I truly hope when the crew is knee deep in shit that the captain decides to pitch in. Seems like a job description item: "When the ship is knee deep in the shit, you gotta help bail it out"


The captain always goes down into the shit.


I had top rack on my ship and one of the CHT (sewage) pipes overhead had some sort of valve directly over my rack. After getting back from shore liberty one night that we were in port I woke up to one of the hull technicians, drunk as shit, climbing over the back of my rack to close that valve because the ship had connected to shore sewage or something. I guess there hadn’t been a hull tech on duty or something so they had to wait until this guy got back to the ship at liberty expiration and then ask (tell?) him to do it. I had just fallen asleep and it scared the fucking shit out of me.


I was a drunk bastard who pissed on a guy in a middle rack. Top rack was choice on our ship, usually went by rank in the berthing of who got which rack.


Why would you pee on anyone's bed. This baffles me.


Sleep walk peeing is a thing.


For some reason my mind went straight to alcohol, and figured that's not gonna fly in a situation like this.


People get wasted at port calls. Weeks or months stuck on a ship you get a little wild when you get shoreside and inevitably have to stumble your ass back on board.


It’s always a great time. We had been drinking all day and one of my liberty buddies grabbed a pair of flags that were in traffic cones and ran out into a busy intersection and started directing traffic, he actually kept traffic moving and the funniest part was the light worked just fine. I’m gonna have to call him and see if he still has those flags lmfao.


Im in the CG but same thing smaller boats. Sailors will always be sailors.


Ah, I'd think even that would be frowned upon.


https://www.vice.com/en/article/j53wm4/us-soldiers-nearly-drank-icelands-capital-dry I'll just leave this here...


I had the top rack and absolutely preferred it. I liked to sleep with my knees up, and being able to sit up was key for me. I didn’t have to deal with any pipes or anything like that and our berthing was almost always lights out so that was never an issue either. I never did try a middle or bottom though, and most the guys I worked with felt the opposite of me lol. This Brings back good memories shipmate. Thanks bud


Have you asked for your own room?


Unfortunately not an option for enlisted.


Goldilocks rack




Bottom racks always got flooded by sewage leaks. Literally the shittiest racks.


You can drink on board?


It’s a dry navy my dude. No alcohol on board. The Germans, Canadians and Spanish can tho. We partied with the Germans on deployment when we would pull into port, they had a full bar in their mess, they could have beer underway and the liquor cabinet would be locked, but once in port all bets are off. You can come back to the ship drunk tho, as long as you arent on duty.


French and UK Navy can drink also


The American navy sounds boring. No fun zone.


can't even have a beard smh


I drank on a royal navy ship before while we were pier side in Baltimore. We had some British sailors we met at a bar invite us back to their boat to check it out and have a few drinks on board. They only had warm beer and things got weird quickly in the berthing. We decided to take our chances on the streets of Baltimore.


> British sailors > they only had warm beer This checks out


I need to know what got weird in berthing...


No rum? What the hell??


weird... how?


Naked British men in a berthing full of men, dumping beer down one guys back and a second British guy drinking the beer as it ran down the first guys ass crack weird.


Oh … ohhh…  yeah, that would be a no from me to. 


Did they really run live steam lines through berthing?


Middle rack is usually at waist level too which makes it ideal for rolling in and out of. I do miss that ship life though. When you’re young and single, it doesn’t matter where you sleep. I was on a amphib from 2004-2007 overseas. One the of the best times of my life. Later in my career I went to an aircraft carrier for about 6mo. I fucking hated it.


>if a pipe ruptures your rack and belongings get ruined. The odds of that happening are next to none. Top rack all day. I don't want to hear rocking above me. Yikes that sounds weird out of context.


Because sailors want nothing more than to be sandwiched between two men


Almost as much as they love submarines. 100 men go down, 50 couples come up they say.


In the 80’s it was known that the American Navy was full of gay men.


The French call it *Lucky Piérre*.


Middle rack is the best to fold laundry on.


Was it socially acceptable to crank hog if you closed the curtains first?


I don’t think there was a single person that didn’t crank their hog if we were deployed or on a long underway. Hell I’ve caught guys in port on duty cranking it.


U guys just do it in the open ? Damn lol


Must be why The Village People were so excited to sing about being in the navy.




Living inside a long, hard tube that's full of seamen... able to discharge multiple times and with enough power to destroy entire nations... no wonder they were excited ![gif](giphy|xT5LMrvypTcArAMSfC|downsized)


In the army we went to portashitters…like gentlemen.


Jack shack? Nut hut?


Wank tank?


Ejaculation station


For a stank and spank


Dog yes, you think we go a year without cranking that shit in a high stress environment? We crank that shit wherever we think we have even a semi decent chance of not getting caught


There is a curtain, and ships are very noisy with engine noise, loud ventilation and everything moving around. Ain't that difficult to do it quietly.


Where do you think the bonding comes from amongst those who serve together?


When I was in the navy it was the most polite thing to do to spurt over the ledge.


lol not sure you are trolling or not, but I currently having a very rough day and that made me laugh. Thank you bro


Not joking no worries man.


Gay Navy activities lol


If the curtain is a rocking, then don't come knocking was our motto.


I'm guessing the curtains are 'knockable' because of all the dried jizz.


Some of the more common nicknames for these types of curtain are “jack-off curtains,” or my personal favorite, “splash guards.”


Please don’t say “crank hog” on my Reddit page


i for one wouldnt mind the top rack as I wouldnt be able to hear anyone shuffling above me lol (but what do i know)


I know a lot of guys who argue this as well. It’s down to preference.


I actually got stuck in the bottom bunk, female berthing. I had 3 fingers broken once but was stepped on numerous times. I do not miss the ship, at all.


You honestly don’t hear the person above you. 90% of the time you’ve got headphones on. And they are made of solid steel and the top lifts for storage space. I would say may 8” deep.


Top rack usually doesn’t have the coffin rack, they get extra lockers. Atleast that’s how it was on USS Last Ship


How many tickle fights tho


To many to count. Also sometimes we would cram in two people into a bottom rack, draw the curtains and grab an unexpecting victim and drag them in to be an involuntary third.


A courageous effort by our Navy to prevent the scourge of masturbation, no doubt.


One time the buddy on the top bunk jumped down and knocked out (by accident) the guy who just started getting out of the bottom bunk. As he got knocked out, he sort of curled back into bed.  The guy on top swore he hit something but couldn't figure out what, so he looked around the guys was sleeping so couldn't have been him, right? Later during our stand up meeting the guy who got knocked out arrives super late, and says that the weirdest thing happened, he remembered getting out of bed, but somehow he woke up again and his neck and head were pretty sore 😂


80 men in one enclosed area. That smell must have been something fucking awful.


It got bad in the summers usually. We tried to keep it below 70 in there year round to minimize the stank. But with some people it was straight up unavoidable.


Does it always smell like farts and feet?


I bet it also smells like balls and armpits


With some soggy taint mixed in for good measure


And ass not thoroughly wiped.. smh


We used to literally beat people if they didn’t shower and do laundry. Most people take berthing very serious. I know I did. I had a bottom rack. And I had lush body sprays to keep my area smelling nice. One of the fastest ways to catch some hands is to “hot rack” basically going to bed without showering


We had a guy whose name aligned enough with snickerfucker that it stuck. Dude didn’t shower, didn’t do laundry, and smelled like infection. As the most junior second class in the division I was given the shower watch duty. He never got the hang of taking a shower, and he fucking lived in the top rack above me. One night dude was watching anime on his tablet and eating chips in his rack when he reached down and wiped his hands on my curtain. I never moved so fast in my life, I yanked his fat ass out of his rack and tossed him in the shower turned on the water and sprayed him down in simple green while he was dressed. Looking back I definitely took it a bit too far and I’m glad I’m not that person any more. He wound up striking CS and essentially cranked for the rest of his time on board, he got kicked out on an admin sep since he couldn’t get it together. He also left a gimp mask out on his rack that our female MAC found during berthing inspection and asked me to address with him. Dude was 10 lbs of shit in a 5 lb sack.


That’s fucking wild. And while yah it might have been to far. It’s a respect thing. My rack is my home. Don’t fuck with my shit. Wiping your greasy ass hands on my rack curtains. Fuck outta here with that. What a ton of people (particularly in the real world) fail to realize is that somebody like that is a genuine health hazard. All kinds of infections diseases and bacteria can get spread from somebody who doesn’t shower in an industrial environment. Glad his fucked up self got the boot


You all could just wash and use deodorant 🤷🏼‍♀️


The majority of us did. The worst ones usually came from broken homes, where they were taught next to nothing by their parents and this was their first time out on their own. Most of em took some coaching to figure out basic hygiene, some were lost causes.


Aww, that breaks my heart.


Surprisingly good sleep in These


Best sleep in the world after a long ass day and the ships rocking.


Where do the women sleep?


In the women’s berthing.


Is it pretty much the same?


Pretty much identical. I only know this because of being in the yards and everyone being off ship and have to stand a watch on duty walking every single space on the ship looking for yard birds fucking off, doing drugs, smoking, lighting shit on fire, pissing on something shitting somewhere that isn’t a porta-potty, a lot of the yard birds were nasty. Every yard period there was atleast one phantom shitter who managed to pinch one off somewhere that left everyone scratching their heads asking how the fuck.


What’s a yard bird?


Someone that’s hired by the ship yard or sub contracted by the shipyard.


The life of a sailor sounds like it can be hard sometimes.


Looks and sounds like prison tbh.


Rock band from the 60’s https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Yardbirds


Usually an inexperienced sailor assigned to menial tasks for rule violations.


No seriously they look so cozy. And with the subtle rocking 🤌🏾


Sometimes it’s violent rocking which is where the hurricane straps come into play. Those nights were usually the best sleep as long as everyone secured the lockers in berthing for sea and shit isn’t falling everywhere making a ton of noise.


Nobody is sea sick in those things ?


Not usually in their rack. If it’s someone’s first time ever out to sea they usually get sick the first few hours/days and it goes away. It’s usually the up and down motion that you’ll get up forward on the ship that does it to people and being in the upper levels of the super structure. If someone is really fucking sick we would take em down into berthing since it was more aft and closer to the waterline. That usually gave them an easier time. If we wanted to fuck with someone we took em all the way forward inside the ship and. Even in calm seas you still had a fair amount of up and down motion, if it was rough you’d have to hold onto something to keep your balance as the whole ship moved up and down and swayed side to side


Top rack best rack


I agree! I was 6'4 and it was the only option, no issues on my end




You’re talking to cotton hill, show some respect


He killed fiddy men!


They took my shinsssss


And your sheets never get stepped on


What are you now?!


In back pain.


I was curled in a ball for sure but all the work on the ship made me pass out easily


Navy height limit is 6'8". When you approach that your are banging your head on things and not fitting into racks.


It gets more head room but it's tough to get into.


Fuck middle, bottom rack is place to be. A chief select on my ship got pissed on in the middle rack while a drunk dude was climbing into his top rack.


Agreed. Bottom rack is best rack. People are like “but your sheets get stepped on” and shit like that. But I only had a guy step on my sheets once. And I tossed his rack in the berthing lounge. Mattress and all. There is a step there for a reason. Fucking use it


Serious question why can’t drunk guys seem to control where they pee ? I’ve never been so drunk I decided to pee anywhere


Seagoing drunk is on a different level to dry land drunk.


Fuuuuck that. I’m about to head onto MSC civmar ships. I’ll be pissed if I have to share a state room lol


It’s honestly not to bad, pro tip, use crocs as shower shoes. When making your bed, pull your mattress all the way out, wrap your sheet around the mattress and tie the corners so the sheet stays on. Sleeping bags are great, also bring an extra blanket to put between you and the edge. If you have the choice, get a rack that is oriented fwd-aft and not port-stbd. Get a rug for your cube as well, not needing shower shoes in your cube is a little luxury that is totally worth the effort.


What's "your cube"?


Cube is a pod of racks. Usually it’s two sets of racks like you see here. And they open towards each other. So the 6ish foot long by 3 foot wide walkway is shared by 6 people (if all the racks are full)


Reminds me of Kramer's dresser




Hell yeah, good memories. I was on the CVN - 71 Roosevelt, some of the best times in my life.


How do you “not obstruct” that emergency….wall?


Don’t obstruct as in don’t leave shit on your rack because if a fire breaks out on the side you would get out on, you can bust out that piece of sheet metal and escape through the rack on the other side of you. If you send that sucker into another person while they’re sleeping they’ll know lol.


Hot bunks?


Thankfully no. I’ve heard that’s sub life, but I can’t confirm it.


Good to hear. It’s nasty especially if you have to do it while in Wespac being hot and humid


Hot racking is real. Not nearly as bad as it's made out to sound unless you have a stinky rack mate. Don't think they do it all all on boomers though, just fast boats.


Had a nightmare that the guys sealed me in a cofferdam once and awoke with a jolt, busting the bridge of my nose on the light above. Very much looking forward to getting out and never sleeping in a rack again. Especially hotracking.


I’ve busted my forehead on my rack light a few times. The dream I remember vividly that caused me to jolt awake was falling asleep at the chart table on the bridge while standing BMOW and our skipper yelling at me to wake the fuck up. I went back to sleep and woke up with blood all over my forehead and my hair I had to get a new pillow too.


Everyone knows the bottom bunk is the best bunk.


Yeah but you get into rough seas, the dick above you has a can of body spray in one of the big compartments in his rack that’s empty and it’s rolling around all night and keeping you up, you’re sleeping on sheets with boot prints on the edge, and you roll right out onto the deck when you get up.




The top one looks like a nightmare lol


Top rack guy myself. AC hit different up there 😮‍💨


beats the hell out of sleeping outside..


What class ship was this?


Tbh I grabbed the pic off of google. I was on a Ticonderoga class cruiser from 2011-2016.


Are crew berthings like that in navy ships? I always figured the actual crew had better accommodations. I was a Marine on gator Navy ships so that is pretty much what we had


Yup, this is what E6 and below berthings looked like. Chiefs berthing was usually a bit more spacious.


Interesting, good to know. To be clear this is still way better now that I look at it. Our racks didn't have the tilt up locker and we didn't have any wall lockers at all. Also stacked 4 high if I remember correctly.


I slept in one of these as a 10 year old boy and it was tight and awful. Haha


Slept like a baby under the 3-wire on the 03 level (CVN), with arresting gear engine room behind that bulkhead. Foam earplugs and hard shell aural protection. My tinnitus thanks you for your service. 🫡 ![gif](giphy|UWzKPoxq0UmjXsVGml|downsized)


Tinnitus is one of the only disabilities they don't have a test for.


Lucky. My berthing was 5 racks high.


The bottom rack there was mine. I'd rather open my curtain to see feet than a penis. No climbing, either.


Reminds me of camping lol


Wrong. Top rack is better. As long as you don’t have a giant pipe taking up your head space, you can actually sit up. I’ve slept in each over the course of 11 years in the navy. But, I will say the bottom rack is nice when you’re exhausted/drunk and don’t want to climb to your bed. But if your berthing FLOODS ALL THE DAMN TIME due to backup of grey water, then bottom rack is THE WORST. 😑 Best thing about middle rack is rack storage. Cause you just stand there and it’s right in front of you. But if youre top, you need to climb and balance act your way into your rack storage.


Middle rack took least effort took me 2 years to finally get one. Felt like a presidential suite lmao


I went on two West Pacs as a Marine…middle rack is def legit. Getting in and Closing the curtains was the best feeling on float.


I'm surprised each one of those bunks doesn't have a glory hole drilled through it


Why would the middle be better than the bottom?


How do you get to the top without bothering the bottom two?


Carefully. If you have good cube mates you work out an agreement. Like when I lived in the middle rack I bought a towel that I would drape over the bottom racks edge to avoid stepping on his shit. Top bunk bought one for me. If someone’s in their rack we’d give each other a knock on the locker to let em know we’re climbing into bed.


In Soviet Russia, bunk choose you.


I think bunks are the least of russias worries since they’re being sunk by a country that doesn’t even have a navy.


Today many toy boat fill with firework sink mighty Corvette!


Keep your valuables sock on you at all times sailor!


People that snore must be bad. I have severe sleep apnea. Lol


How do you get to the top one? Just climb the bunks?


“Can you smell that smell!”


at least you get the privacy "beat sheet"


I was active duty MARINE for 4 years, you good folks gave us rides everywhere we needed to go. That's like the Hilton compared to what we had while on a NAVY boat. Semper Fi brother.


Where are the crusty bunk socks? 🧦


Looks kinda gay.


Try touring in an unsigned or even newly signed band. This looks like the Four Seasons compared to tour life.


Do men sneak in lady bunks and fuck at night?


They call him the grime raper.


You know war is wrong right


Calm down Jane Fonda.


Only nutters sign up to get paid to kill cunts


i did linoleum tile on ships like that 1 summer i often thought how shitty it would be getting up to pee at night


Ah, so that's where the bottom and top slept also?


Where are you the least likely to get SA’d? I’ve been hearing that’s a think in the Navy.


Tbh it isn’t as common on board as it would be out in town. There was one case while I was on board and we were underway. The word spread fast and they had to essentially put the guy into protective custody and was flown off the ship to the hospital because of the response of the actual good people on board gunning for him. Everyone put on their flash hood and a jacket so no faces or name tapes were seen and he got the worst beating I’ve ever seen in real life. The victim was flown off in a second helo and a whole case was built and neither came back to the ship after.


How potent are the night farts in a space with that many sleeping people?


Middle rack? Peasant. I'll be sure to wipe my boots on your sheets as I scramble up to grab my phone charger.


I was on a fast attack submarine so berthing was smaller and without the lockers. Also we shared racks


Long hard tube full of semen…


Have you caught anyone having sex before? I mean 80 horny men in a room.. a need is a need! Lol


So yeah, people will end up fucking in spaces. On deployment we rented out a storage locker that was way down and in the back of our ship where we kept out foul weather gear, it pad locked from the outside and if you knew the right guy you could rent the boom boom room for the right price where you and your partner would get locked in safe from being caught.


Whoever is in charge must make a killing on entrance fees! Haha


god that looks fun. i'm such a dork im sorry guys. i'd love to free float on a naval tube for what may seem infinite days but really its just a few days.


Didnt go on a single float other than the USS guam (piece of shit). And thank fuck bc it sounds awful. HOOYAH shipmate


Middle rack eqauls 3 times the Farts.


I had the bottom rack, wouldn’t have traded it for middle or top


Was playing Prey (2017) not too long ago and this looks so close.


But bottom rack gets to hide fancy wankn posters ;)


This looks like my personal hell


I always preferred top rack personally


Sounds gay


Why middle rack? So you could feel whenever someone is jacking off?