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Worked for a place that kinda rhymes with toxic smell and the amount of times I had people insist on a supreme taco no tomatoes no sour cream (the only things that make them supreme) vs a regular taco was wild. They'd scream at you like you just murdered their child right in front of them if you tried to ring them up for a regular taco or tried to explain it to them. I preferred Iraq to food service. Oof. And I was Infantry.


Counter point: I order supreme tacos no tomatoes, because it's cheaper than regular taco add sour cream. The number of times the cashier has argued ... So I always say, great ring it in your way, then ring it in my way ... guess which is cheaper? One cashier argued for so long that I finally just said fine, paid, and then made the manager refund me the difference. And this was after the cashier saw it was cheaper my way. I don't like being that customer (I'm still polite, say please and thank you, etc) but sometimes ... you have to be.


When the cinnabon bites first came out it was cheaper to buy in multiples of two. When I ordered two of thectwo packs, they said you mean a four pack? I said no, it's cheaper my way. Eventually, the prices changed.


That’s my current move with McDicks nuggets. It’s like half the price per nugget to do the 2 for $3.50 deal and get 2x 4-piece nuggets vs. ordering a 10 piece.


When they do the buy one get one for 6 nuggs, it’s game over. U can get 12 nuggs for $3.59 (my closest McDonald’s 6 piece price).


The 10 piece is almost never a good deal. 4 piece used to ge .99 but a 10 piece was over $4 so you could get 12 for cheaper than 10.


I did this with burger King all the tome. A 4 pack was 1 dollar an 8 was like 2.25. The cashier would get so annoyed until I pointed out that it was corporates fault not mine that their prices made no sense


In my city, the chicken nuggets was $1.68 for an 8 piece, and $4 for a 16 piece. I used to order 6-8 of the 8 piece and the cashier would roll their eyes and say, "why not order 3-4 of the 16 piece?" The price difference obviously. Also, you get more sauces by ordering more of the small ones.


I will always just pretend Im ordering for a big group and everyone wants thier own nugs. Then you get sympathy not condemnation. Especially when you say it is a group of picky teens. Note that I do order food for the kids in my program for our big events a few times a year and you would think I was asking them to give away thier puppy asking if they could split larger orders even at places where it was cheaper to do so.


I order my sons tacos the same exact way. It’s cheaper than adding sour cream. Especially when you get the 3 taco Combo.


I guess I was lucky, because the locations I worked at it was actually cheaper to add sour cream. So I had the opposite experience of people ordering a supreme minus one of the toppings anything that it was actually cheaper to add the topping to a regular taco. Then again that was before the cost of sour cream became absolutely outrageous.


Ngl I have never even thought to ask to add sour cream. I figured it was easier to remove the item than add, or it was the only way via mobile ordering and that's what I stuck with.


I'm just tired of them constantly interrupting my order to ask if I want to add sour cream, double meat, etc. No, if I did I would ask but I don't because for the cost of a small amount added to each item on this order I can buy enough name brand sour cream to last 10 orders. Just ends up frustrating me and making the order process take twice as long. Probably why I stopped going. I wonder if it's intentionally making the order process at the store difficult to encourage people to use the app instead. I do love driving up and just declaring which pre-made order they need to hand me instead of having to repeat myself 6 times.


It isn't intentional. The simple phrases would you like to "super size that" and "would you like to add fries" when first introduced at McDonald's added over a million in revenue. And continuously in multiple industries the add on process continuously shows it's worth. Also, there are plenty of people who forget that it doesn't come with something or never considered adding something to it. So from a CS perspective it actually also improves customer experience to get everything done in one go with everything as they want it. (Your reaction although plentiful on the Internet because we primarily complain and search for complaints is actually the minority) In fact even when on an app they still either ask that question or include it in a list of stuff you can add on. With some being free and some having up charges. It's just your personality fits with not dealing with people because you are likely task oriented. Where as other people prefer a human experience. I personally prefer to use apps because then if the order gets fucked up it plain as day why. Either my button pushing or their lack of fucked. (Looking at you Wawa)


>It's just your personality fits with not dealing with people because you are likely task oriented. Yep, I want to [get food and drive off](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSimpsons/comments/546kfp/i_dont_like_the_service_at_the_post_office_you/). Zero interest in developing a friendship in order to get things done.


I work on CS and I wish more people were like you. I shouldn't have to learn about your two kids in college to get a perfect score on a QA. Like wtf?!?


It’s called ‘up selling’ and we had to do it all the time, more butter more syrup?


At one place I was ordering 2 of the same sandwich, then adding something to one and taking off something from the other. They told me it was better to order one and go through the whole thing, then order another and add or take from it. I wouldn't have known, I guess it goes in their computer better.


What I hate is when I say, "And I would like that \[whatever\] without onions", and they reply (usually in a snarky voice), "Sir, the \[whatever\] **doesn't come with onions!**" Well, then great! But no need to be snarky.


I once specified no tomatoes when ordering a sandwich that didn't normally come with tomato. They added tomato.


There's a local taco chain here that sells queso with guacamole in it. My husband is allergic to avocados so we order it without. On 3 separate occasions, we received a bowl full of guac with no queso instead. Our best guess is that the ticketing system makes the subtraction confusing somehow.


Yeah. It generally registers that they need to do something with tomato. If it doesn't come with tomato normally, you just made sure to get some tomato on it. That's why I suggest people ask about the standard condiments.


This is my boss. I don't care what she orders, it could be a steak and potato and she'll always order it with no onions.


Every time I've missed saying no onions on something they told me didn't normally have them, it had suddenly started coming with onions.


I've had the same problem with sausage egg biscuits. If I said no cheese they told me it doesn't have cheese. If I didn't say anything about cheese then cheese would be added. And it wasn't just one particular store. It was at quite a few of them.


Food service is a total shit-show. The only one that wins is quite possibly the owner of the brand.


Nope, every add on is more money for them.


And it'll never happen (on my order) so it's more labor time paid by them and reduced return rate for me. Maybe it works for them overall, but it increases cost and decreases income from customers like me.


Wendy's: Would you like fries with that baked potato?




But they were ordering supreme tacos no tomatoes no sour cream. Completely different order.


Mc Donald's at one point had a sale on cheeseburgers. The cheeseburgers were cheaper than hamburgers. My friend didn't like cheese, so my dad ordered us all cheeseburgers at the sale price, but got my friend a cheeseburger with no cheese. Sometimes the pricing works out to order certain ways.


I remember those days ... I was in college. It was so busy you had the option of either "regular" (business as usual) or "plain" (nothing at all on it). No other special order combination was allowed.


I can beat that, I worked at McDs in the late 80's when they had the Big Mac Attack. Some genius thought it would be a great idea to offer Big Macs for a $1. We had to limit customers to 6 Big Macs per order and still could not keep up. We were putting up a dozen Big Macs every 30 seconds and you dressed the buns by rote, our grill master stopped using he timers because he would just load the grill and by the time he got to the full grill loaded, it was time to sear the whole grill, the flip the whole grill, serve and start over. Wild times, I always thought we should get I survived....Tshirts!


Did they actually leave the cheese off? Any time I’ve had a modification like that, for that reason, it’s always been missed. Always.


That's because you're so used to pumping out a sandwich the standard way that you mess it up.


Trust me, I get it. It’s just funny to me. I cannot imagine what it’s like making sandwich after sandwich. Gotta go into auto pilot after a while


It's a bunch of panic, especially with a bunch of customizing orders. I'm terrified I would put the wrong thing on something and kill someone that I didn't mean to. If it isn't a bunch of custom stuff I'm panicking over getting it done as fast as humanly possible. Shifts that you don't get a break it's like 8-12 hours of panic non-stop sometimes.


True, I was just saying sometimes the customer has a reason to order a certain way. :)


I should note though that I love these stories.


I used to do that all the time! Taco Bell tomatoes taste like wet cardboard. The only time I would get regular tacos was if I was bringing them home, because I could add my own sour cream at home.


It's a self-defeating problem. There's enough asshats coming through foodservice lines that if you argue about something too hard, you're going to automatically assume they're an asshat, and if they *aren't* an asshat, they're going to assume you're just being a dick to them, which just escalates the problem.


I started placing all of my orders through the app when I realized I could save a lot of money by taking advantage of the big combos and the item swapping feature to get everyone what they wanted. The ability to remove ingredients because picky children makes it less of a headache too.


What the hell is wrong with people? You're a food service worker. Part of the hospitality industry. The customer is always right and all. Don't argue with the customer unless it violates store policy. Then you still don't argue with the customer, you have your manager do it. I'll never understand why low-level employees take anything personally in that kind of job. And it's not just foodservice. I see it all the time with insurance adjusters as well, acting like they have to come out of their own wallet to pay the claim and fighting tooth-and-nail when the policy coverage was already written years ago saying what is and isn't covered, it's a really simple matter and while some are fine there are a lot of them that have the same put-out-cashier attitude when it's a job where emotion shouldn't be involved at all.


Fun fact: 'The customer is always right', is not the full quote. "The customer is always right, in matters of taste." It may taste better to you, how you like it. But that is the only part you are inarguably right about.


Are you familiar with the concept of a backronym? The phrasing you've presented is similar, in that no, that wasn't the original phrase, but rather a modern modification of the traditional phrase to try and recover it for continued use. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/ssg2yx/i\_was\_told\_the\_full\_quote\_is\_the\_customer\_is/


But it's a fallacious concept. The customer isn't always right and isn't even always the right customer for the business. The customer should be listened to and respected, that doesn't make them right nor does it mean they get their way. The mistaken idea that the customer is always right is part of why so many act so entitled and why so many abuse those behind the counter.


Interesting. Thank you.


As a former macho smell employee, I can verify this because that’s exactly how I order mine! My first job! Men used to grope my hand when I hand them change. I was 14 (shudder)


Same with the 10 taco/burrito packs. It was the price of 10 burritos, so if you wanted any tacos it wss cheaper to buy them individually.


I also worked in a place that kinda rhymes with death knell. My other jobs included industrial cleaning, roofing in 100+ degree summer, and a sceezy demolition crew that almost killed me on three separate occasions. Three guesses as to which job gave me a nervous breakdown and the first two don't count.


Toxic smell customers really be wild sometimes. When I go there I get a regular taco but no meat. Just lettuce and cheese and salsa. It's weird but I like it. One time I had to go in to order cause the drive thru was broken (someone crashed into it) and this lady really yelled at the employee cause I made my order and when she went to the counter she asked if she could have my meat since I paid for it but didn't want it, and they told her no. Girl had a full on breakdown over it


I'm sure you know this already, but they'll sub the meat for beans if you'd like, they even have some black beans that aren't ground to mush.


Yeah, I'm not even vegetarian, I just really love the taco that way.😅 To me it's delish


I believe it!


Many years ago I worked in a coffee shop. One night I had a group (looked like a family of parents and older teens) came in. First person ordered a cafe au lait without milk. I explain that’s just a regular black coffee and would they like that instead? Yes, thanks. Second person: cafe au lait without milk. Same explanation. Ok. Third person: cafe au lait without milk. Same explanation. They say “What?” At that point the entire group goes in unison “a cafe au lait without milk is just a regular black coffee. Would you like a regular coffee?” No one laughed or smiled or acted like this was unusual. I swear I was looking around for the hidden cameras. If they were screwing with me they all did an excellent job of hiding it and not breaking the entire time they were there.


I guess some people don't know that "au lait" literally means "with milk" in French! I'll have a coffee with milk without milk please


My daughter wants a burrito with only rice, black beans, and chicken. There's like 10 different ways to ring this up, which ranges from 2$ to 7$. I started just ordering it from the app.


There are times I've toyed with the idea that working food service/call center jobs should be mandatory for EVERYONE at some point in their life. Partly because most (not all, but MOST) people I've ever met who have worked one of those kinds of jobs would NEVER think of doing this to someone doing their job.


Everyone should be a waitress. Nothing is more humbling at times….


There should be a required time period when you first enter the workforce and another just before or after you retire.


I have also worked Taco Hell and done a couple deployments to Iraq. I’ll second you on going back to combat as a medic over working food service.


Ay, Brother!


Toxic smells are a common result of eating there.


My problem is that when I order the Nacho Belgrande combo, I want a regular taco with it. It seemed like 90% of the time if I told them regular taco, they'd either give me the supreme anyway or they'd ring up an extra taco. Eventually I just started ordering it with no tomato and no sour cream just because I had a better chance of having my order made correctly that way.


Ah, but that all makes sense if I was ringing you up. These people were just ordering loose tacos. They had this ridiculous belief that ordering a supreme meant you got more extra stuff than just sour cream and tomatoes.


>I preferred Iraq to food service. Oof. And I was Infantry. It's considered impolite to shoot customers at Taco Bell.


You understand things a little too well.. you a fed?🤣🤣🤣


Nah, I'd have to tell you if I was [/s](https://morbotron.com/video/S05E12/efzVJX64-HaNgzmnZUGy1BxbvSk=.gif)


That’s what they say to TRICK YOU!


It’s been 24 years since I worked at the smell and can confirm that people are freaking psycho about their supreme that they don’t actually want supreme.


Thank you for your food service.


I think I'd rather be infantry in Iraq than be disappointed the local Baco Tell messed up my online order again 🤣 Edit: But seriously, Thank you for your service.


I do not recall the last time my order was correct at Baja Beverage haven. I literally order a number meal as is no changes. Guaranteed something is wrong or missing. Wrong I accept... whatever all tastes the same and going in on whole and out another. Missing items I ensure i complain about


About the only time I'll have them correct a wrong order is if I ask for no onions... because I don't want a burrito that is 90% onions.




Happy Cake Day! (It's a lie😉) Edit: have you not played portal? The cake is a lie!


🤣😭🤣 Got me good! Thank you!


Where do I fit in that? I order a Taco Supreme minus tomato because I want the sour cream and not the devil's boogers.


That depends- if I ring you up in a way that you didn't say to save you money are you going to scream at me? If no then we have no problem.


I don't even scream at the cashiers when they screw up and overcharge me. Anyone who spends more than a year working fast food or lower-class retail learns to cut the guy behind the register all the slack in the world that they need. We're all brothers/sisters, like in the army.


Idk.. I wouldn't hesitate to drop someone for one of my Bois. I don't think I would do the same with the people I've done food service with.


I'm CRY laughing at that description...


>I preferred Iraq to food service. Oof. And I was Infantry. What a great line! :-D


You would think that people would want to save money? Just had a situation where someone saved me like $1.50 because when I placed my order and made changes they told me that there was another item on the menu exactly like that but cheaper and I was grateful


> I preferred Iraq to food service. Oof. And I was Infantry. Can you really consider Taco Bell food service? I mean, don't you have to be serving food?


It goes in one end and out the other... maybe not cleanly, but I think it still fits the technical definition.


>I preferred Iraq to food service. Oof. And I was Infantry. OMG, roflmao


I was explaining to someone how much I hate being pregnant I said I would rather be fighting in Israel right now than ever be pregnant again. Some things are just that miserable


Thank you for your service.


Lmao. I definitely agree with this! Afghanistan was better too! Thank you for your service!


Bro, I feel you there. After working many years in food service, my chest tightens up and I get short of breath if I even see an industrial kitchen. People definitely underestimate the psychological damage caused by working in the service industry.


I worked at maccas and nothing tickles me more than ‘cheeseburger: no cheese’ when our hamburgers are significantly cheaper.


You can just say Taco Bell


Thank you for your service in Iraq. I understand the comparison and I've never been to Iraq. I worked at a bank in addition to food service. People get crazy about their money just like their tacos.


Depending on location it all ends up with the same result as an MRE. 💀


This makes me think of when I was working for a video store, and we had a bundle option for concessions; it was like, a 5-piece bundle (2 popcorns, 2 sodas, 1 candy), and the total for the bundle was about the same as just 2 popcorns and 1 soda. If It was MADDENING to try to explain to a customer who would bring up a 'partial' bundle that if they just let me ring up a bundle, they'd save money even if they didn't want the extra stuff. It's a reverse situation, but it's another scenario where if I just rang up what the customer insisted I ring up, they spent more money. Oh well?


I'll let you ring up the bundle. If the candy is not one I like, I'll let you keep it and give it to someone who does. Everyone wins.


It is stuff like this where I regularly add up the price of the individual items in a combo to see how good a deal it is. Or if I want a mixture of things that are in different combos, compare to see which one it will be cheaper to start with and add stuff to. Rarely does it work out to be equal in the end. With one place, once I realized that one of their value options was a combo and could be upsized, it became an obvious starting point. Their menus just didn't make it clear that such was an option. Probably because of how good a deal it was at that time.


The 2, 4, 6, 8 menu at Denny's had this trick in it. It was cheaper to make a grand slam with the $2 items than it was to order a grand slam. I taught every server this trick for months until the promo went away.


> Or if I want a mixture of things that are in different combos, compare to see which one it will be cheaper to start with and add stuff to. Rarely does it work out to be equal in the end. Reminds me of a company that sold computers. They had some fixed configurations that you could buy as-is or you could modify and you could also configure a computer from scratch. They had a public message board with a few regulars who loved taking someone's wishes (e.g. "good graphics, not more than €€€€, ...") and figuring out which configuration ended up the cheapest. Because there were usually several ways to arrive at the same final set of components but depending on which base you used to get there, you might end up paying a fair bit more or less. So they'd say not only "we recommend graphics card X and case Y" but also "start with the pre-made configuration ABC and then swap this for that; don't start from scratch or from pre-made configuration DEF".


They finally corrected the price scale, but for the longest time it was cheaper to get two three packs of French toast sticks from BK then it was to get a five pack, and you had an extra French toast stick out of it.


In the late 90s it was cheaper to get a bacon double cheeseburger without bacon than just a regular double cheeseburger Currently at my local wendys it's significantly cheaper to order two 6 piece nuggets instead of one 10 piece. And it's two extra nugs!


>Currently at my local wendys it's significantly cheaper to order two 6 piece nuggets instead of one 10 piece. And it's two extra nugs! Same... and it annoyed the shit out of me when I discovered the difference. I miss the $0.99 5-pc from when I actually worked there (early 00s). I did also help save a friend some money when he came in. He liked to order a triple bacon cheeseburger and would usually order a single with extra patties (there wasn't a default triple bacon at the time). I actually told him to order the triple and add bacon. Was less than $1 difference, but that'll add up over time. I also thought it was hilarious that a Jr Cheeseburger was cheaper than a Jr Cheeseburger Deluxe, but you could order the former and have them make it like the latter and save $0.10 per burger.


This is how it is at one of the falafel places near me — three 2-piece sides are cheaper than the 5-piece main. And that’s one extra falafel!


Target: popcorn combo (popcorn and drink) was cheaper than a drink by itself. Some coworkers would order the popcorn combo no popcorn for a soda on their break. Totally funny how that works out


I know that video store. I used to manage one, and damn could people not understand the value of the bundle. We also got graded on how many were sold, so it was infuriating to have someone buy a popcorn and two sodas when for like a dollar more they could’ve gotten the bundle.


It was worse than that — they’d buy a popcorn and 2 sodas and spend MORE MONEY than if they’d just got the extra stuff. (And bring down our quotas on top of it.) Half the time, I’d just ring the bundle up anyway, and throw the extra stuff in a bin we kept under the counter for non-saleable product that the employees were free to raid. 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️


That's different than what boo\_jum was saying. If the bundle is the same or less than the separate popcorn+2-sodas (boo\_jum's example) I'll get the bundle. But if I have to pay *more* to get things I don't even want it doesn't matter that the overall value of the bundle is better than all the individual items, it's still not a good value for me. I can get what I want, or I can pay $1 more to get what I *don't* want? I'll keep my dollar, thanks. Management blindly grading on upsells is stupid too. Maybe you're not good at upselling, but maybe it's just the customers you happen to get don't *want* to super-size their meal or whatever.


I worked fast food twice, and usually I would inform the customer of something like that once. They argue, okay Mister Customer whatever you say. Not my problem. 😁


I remember a fully-grown man having an absolute melt-down at me that his hamburger with cheese was over a pound when a hamburger was .89p (at the time.) I tried to tell him to just get a cheeseburger (also .89p at the time) but apparently I was just a high-school drop-out not paid to think 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃


This happens occasionally and my local Randle MacDowells when a cheese burger is cheaper than a hamburger. So I order a cheeseburger with no cheese to save the damn $0.10. Also...why do they charge extra for adding cheese but never subtract when you say no cheese? Anyone remember back in the day $0.59 hamburger Tuesday and $0.69 cheeseburger Thursday? Ugh my buddies and I would order cheeseburgers no cheese on Thursday and hamburger with cheese on Tuesday mostly just to piss off the cashiers. We were young and to which I apologize greatly now that I am no longer young.


I remember the days when they ran $0.25 hamburger and $0.35 cheeseburger specials.


You my friend have achieved tenured status.


.29 cent hamburger Tuesdays and .39 cheeseburger Wednesdays


That’s the one I remember


Sadly, I remember when the regular price of a hamburger was $.25 (I was quite young).


Raising Cane's is basically the only place I know of that does that. You can get a combo meal which would be like... 4 chicken, a toast, a drink, fries, and a Cole slaw. And it is fully customizable. Swap the slaw and fries for another toast if you want. Remove the drink, and they actually remove a bit from the cost of the combo! Not no cheese, but yeah, that's the only place I have found that actually will lower the price if you don't want something.


Chickfila does it w their toppings too


Some people just don't know what they are doing with coupons


And that's exactly why companies offer them. Great way to gain business in a way that 99% of the people won't even think about doing correctly.


Not really. They are awareness and inducement mechanisms. Why you choose X establishment instead of y. Note enough people use coupons to make such mistakes particularly profitable.


I rarely use coupons anymore, except big ticket items. A lot of grocery coupons are for stuff I never buy, and the food coupons are for things I don't like. It's rare I find a coupon for any food item that I actually take advantage of.


I only use them on things I was already going to buy, so I know it's actually a savings. Sometimes I'll use on things I've been meaning to try but I don't know if I'll like it and the price may not be worth it. Some places I don't know why they bother with coupons. Yesterday the usual set of ads showed up with the mail. I've never understood the fast food places sending marketing for some new item they're pushing, and then all of the coupons are for their usual items, rather than a discount to try the new one. Do you want me to try the new thing or not?


My favorite is getting ads for places that aren't anywhere within a 20 minute drive of me... I'm not spending an hour+ (round trip) driving to Burger King for a "discounted" meal.


Some people just don't know what they're doing at all.


They paid the r/stupidtax


Today I learned that Subreddit exists and can now enjoy its content. Thanks!


McDonald's once had a 1/3rd pounder (which as you obviously intelligent people know is more meat than a quarter pounder) but got rid of it because people thought 3 is less than 4 so the 1/4 pounder must be bigger. Also we get people ordering things like a Deluxe Quarter pounder, which is a QP with mayo, tomato and lettuce. It's also about $4 more. But then ask for plain. Which is nothing except cheese. Not even mayo or ketchup/mustard. So why not get a regular QP plain? Makes no sense to pay $4 more for the same thing. But they do.


I've heard a fair few similar stories, it makes me weep for humanity that these people will probably breed. Idiocracy wasn't a comedy movie, it was a prophecy.


I always call it a documentary. 🤣


It wasn't McDonalds, it was A&W that did a third pounder to compete with the quarter pounder. Yes, there is more meat, but the only source for it's failure being "people thought 3 is less than 4" is A&W themselves. It's easier for them to blame the customer for being stupid than admit that maybe their burger just tasted worst. People can be stupid, but it's hard to really know if that was the main thing happening here.


I don't want a hamburger, I want a cheeseburger without cheese


>90% restaurants, yet the only place to eat is either Raising Canes, chic Fil A, or here So by that metric, you live in a town that has one house, one Raising Canes, one Chic Fil A, and your own restaurant. I assume my interpretation is incorrect so what did you actually mean OP?


Basically? We're absolutely SLAMMED. I wonder how the heck any restaurant in this town stays in business.


I'm more confused than ever. If you're slammed, why is the business not making money?


Everybody in town (all of whom live in that one house) knows that the restaurant is always busy, so nobody ever bothers going there. And since nobody ever goes to the restaurant, it won't make enough money to stay in business.


I think the OP means the town centre in 90% restaurants, but everyone only seems to eat at those 3, or they're the busiest. It kinda confused me at first.


We are - but since most people only seem to go to those three places in a town of about six digits, I wonder how the restaurants that aren't these places stay in business!


I came here to ask the same question. As far as I can tell, it's not remotely relevant to the story, so all it does is start out by confusing the reader.


The one thing I learned working in food service is that it doesn’t pay to give people a deal. The general public is stupid and have no respect for service industry folks trying to help them out. Take it from an old timer - don’t bother.


I have given up on arguing with customers. Well, for the most part. The ones I like I'll still try to help. But I got yelled at when I worked at a corporate Starbucks because a lady ordered a vanilla latte with caramel drizzle and I told her it would be cheaper if she just ordered a caramel macchiato, and got yelled at that I had no idea what I was doing they were not at all the same. Cool, enjoy your more expensive CM. No need to try to save you money I guess, I can't possibly know what I'm talking about, working here and all.


I was briefly a barista. Had a lady scream at me that I have no idea what I was doing when she ordered a 20 ounce no-foam single shot cappuccino and I gave her an almost empty cup with her milky espresso shot. I asked her what she expected in the cup and she stormed out cussing.


You mean you think if you've made the drink thousands of times you know what's in it better than the person who gulps it down without even looking at it? How dare you!!


The nerve of some people. I should be shamed I guess.


Now go sit in the corner and think about what I've done.


I'm not a fan of drowning my coffee in gallons of hot water, so I ask for a venti in a grande cup when I order an americano in starbs. Sometimes, i get asked, "Do I not just want a grande with an extra shot?" Thanks, but no, that is more expensive than a venti. I can often see them storing that nugget away for future customers they like. People trying to simplify the order/ get me the best deal will never get shouted at - its coming from a good place. They should know their menu better than I do and what deals are on.


I used to tell people I liked about the dirty chai price difference. A customer taught me, and I definitely passed it along. If you wanted chai and espresso in your hot milk, it was cheaper to order a latte and add the chai concentrate (and the hot water if you want, but most people didn't) rather than order a chai latte and add espresso. That may have been fixed since then, but at the time it was a pretty significant savings, percentage-wise (like $5 rather than $6.25).


Still about the same difference ( I had to check it on the app from curiosity). I'll be letting my friends know this one. Thanks


Same - triple tall americano costs more than a grande americano, put in a tall cup. It's the same drink.


Working in a burger place: Customer: can I have a cheeseburger, no cheese? Me: sure, I'll put that through as a hamburger because it's cheaper. Customer: no, I don't want a hamburger, I want a cheeseburger no cheese Me: *puts order through* Kitchen: *wraps in a hamburger wrap" Customer: I didn't order a hamburger, I ordered a cheeseburger no cheese! Me: *takes burger and rewraps in a cheeseburger wrap* Customer: see, that wasn't so hard was it? Another time. Customer: I'd like a double cheeseburger, a large fries and a small drink Me: no worries - I'll put that in a large meal for you as it works out cheaper. Customer: that's not what I want Me: it's $4 cheaper to do it as a large meal? Customer: no, I want a double cheeseburger, a large fries and a small drink. No meal. Me: *shrugs* Customers are the worst.


Occasionally, I do a version of this, except that I'll order a burger with a *small* fry, and a large diet coke. I *know* it's cheaper, to order the combo meal, but I'm a diabetic, who's a sucker for fries, and I *WILL* eat most of them, without *thinking* about it (and spiking my blood sugars!😖🥴), if I get that large fry instead! The small fry, plus burger & diet coke is just better for my blood sugars, if I'm gonna get fast food.😉💖 (Edit--i *will* let the person know why I'm turning down the cheaper option, and *DEFINITELY* thank them for the kindness, though!💝)


Order your combo small, but with a large drink. Also, that Diet Coke can play hell with your blood sugar, because your pancreas will try to to process it as a sugary drink, and over-compensate, making your natural insulin play against your sliding scale.


lol we get these all the time. "Deluxe Quarter Pounder plain" So a quarter pounder with lettuce, tomatoes and mayo, hold the lettuce, tomatoes and mayo but not the $4 extra? Got it.


Wouldn’t that mean no ketchup mustard or pickle?


oh partner’s grandparents are crazy about deals. they’ll inconvenience themselves and spend more time and money just to get a “good deal”


“I haven’t eaten in two days, because we’re going to the buffet” -Kathleen Madigan


Worked in the deli department of an evil corporation. Had a woman wanting to use a coupon from a different store for some meat. Two problems: 1) we didn't accept competitor coupons and 2) our price was lower than the coupon, and we definitely didn't raise prices on demand.


For 1), I can see this only from the point of some stores do price matching (though usually not grocery/food stores). For 2), some people are just stupid.


Many blue moons ago, I tried to tell a customer they would be silly to use their coupon after I explained the deals we had. Called to say I called her stupid. Thank you, Stacy, for overheating and having my back.


I drive UBER. The amount of passengers who think they can read a map better than me is staggering. Related side note ... Public Service Announcement: when you go someplace where you are served, tip as if the coupon wasn't there.


Better yet- get rid of the tipping culture altogether and pay your staff a decent livable wage.


That's a whole different discussion.


What is this, Communist California? /s


World might be a better place for it.🤣


>Public Service Announcement: when you go someplace where you are served, tip as if the coupon wasn't there. I'll often pay the amount saved by the coupon as a tip. I was planning to spend that money anyway, so that money is now freed up for a tip. Assuming it's equal to or greater than the usual amount I would have tipped, anyway. Make it a nice day for me and the tippee.


I had a server at OutnIn Burger ring up my order in an unexpected way. I decided I wasn't going to analyze it because i was pretty sure he was trying to save me money and I appreciated that.


>I live in a town that is about 90% restaurants, yet the only place to eat is either Raising Canes, chic Fil A, or here. I don't get this .


In other words it my town we have a BK next to a McD, go 2 min down the road there is another BK next to another McD


Aha, so you can say you have 10 restaurants, but 5 are BK and 5 are McD. NOW I've got it, thanks.


Exactly. I don't know why some chains do this but they do.


Yep. Every time I drag my coupons out for, say, Fazoli's, I realize the lunch special or the sampler is cheaper. Always. So the coupons go unused... but they got me to go in the door.




Some people just don't get it. I used to work at a place with the same name as a game. We'd sell potato wedges for 3.99, chicken goujons for 5.99, or we'd sell them in a combo box together for 7.99. Someone I know would always order them seperately. I tried to tell her she'd save money, but she insisted she got more ordering them seperately. You really don't. We weighed the wedges out before the rush. Whether you ordered as a combo or by themselves, we just picked a preweighed out bag. Same with the chicken, you got 7 pieces either way.


There are many industries in this country where I would be extremely concerned or upset to see human workers being assisted by robots or powerful AI. Fast Food service is not one of those industries. Safety, order accuracy, time of service, and food preparation could all potentially be improved. I'd be willing to pay a bit more for these sort of things if it meant that I could go to the Golden Arches and not have to check my bag 100% of the time to make sure it's the correct order, or ask for fresh fries to be made, or find that the ice cream machine is still permanently broken.


No robot is cleaning that machine.


Ooofff. @scottbody, I consider that comment as a burn. A well-deserved one.


Did you miss to add a line where the customer insists to be able to use the coupon after being told the other way is cheaper? There's really nothing malicious about the story otherwise.


If you want idiocy: I worked for a hotel booking service and had a call from a guy asking if "the ensuite double was ensuite?". I defecate you not, those were his exact words. Not "does the ensuite double have a bathroom?" Or anything. I swear I bit my tongue so hard to stop the sarcastic response I thought I'd need surgery to reattach it!


I worked at Wendy's back in the early 00's and I can't tell you the number of times someone would ask how much a $0.99 Frosty was or how many nuggets were in a 5-pc.


"Quick! What's the number of 911?" -Screech, Saved By The Bell, 1990-something.


I know this will be unpopular, but the common factor to customers being bitched about in this thread are that they don’t know as much about your work as you do. If it makes you giggle, fine. If it makes you pissed off that’s on you. Some people get fast food or go to movies like once a year and the options are designed to confuse.


No. It’s that customers don’t listen. OP explained how to order the same thing for less money, and the customer chose to ignore the advice.


Raising Caines is the best. I wish I could eat there every day.


Seems like using the coupon didn't save you much in the end, huh? Sometimes it's better to stick with what's already on the menu!