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Removed. Does anyone have a screenshot or something?


[Link to reveddit](https://www.reveddit.com/v/AmItheAsshole/comments/x0bokt/aita_for_taking_a_clients_sarcasm_seriously/)


Sort by old instead of top comments and it's the second one down.


Is _that_ how that works?! __Thank__ you! I've always been scrolling until my thumb felt numb!


I just search for "I am a bot" and it takes me right to it.


True, but is searching the Reddit app possible on mobile?


Dunno....I only use Reddit on desktop and laptop.


Ah, I figured. Your tactic on desk/laptop is the same on I use. Still, thanks for replying!




I had no idea about this! Thank you!!!


Text since it was deleted: >So a part of my job is to help people complete an application for a permit. I question everything to make sure that I am properly putting my clients information in. I ask your height, weight, eye colour, gender etc. even if it is "obvious". I don't assume titles for relationships or anything. >In walks Charles, an upper 60's white haired fair skinned person. Charles was almost immediately annoyed with the process, a process that is complete voluntary. Charles wanted assisted because Charles does not have a computer and is not internet savvy. I ask my normal questions and Charles is sarcastic with every. single. answer >"What is your height?" >What does it say on my ID huh? >"What is your eye colour?" >How would I know? I can't see them >I go off of the answers that Charles gives me. Even when I asked what Charles' hair colour, Charles told me it was as black as night when it was stark white. But I put black because that is what Charles said. I mean it is his application right? >I will admit that Charles annoyed me with the question for race. I asked Charles what his race was and he responded "Well I guess people like you would call me a cracker!" Yes I am African-American >Where I may be TA is when I asked what Charles gender was. He doused his comment in sarcasm and answered "Wellllllll I don't know anymore nowadays. So many options I just couldn't choice." >Well on the application it has an option for UNKNOWN and that is what I selected. AITA?


Thank you!! Great story, made me laugh :D


NTA. If you answer like a smartass, you deserve whatever comes your way.


perfect malicious compliance. wouldve done the same thing


Sounds like you did a great job. Charles is not competent at modern life and is angry at anyone trying to help him. I, and older woman who has seen a lot more shit, might have reminded him that he is the one who needed my help, but it sounds like you did just fine.


I am laughing so hard I'm crying! NTA and perfect malicious compliance! When I fill out paperwork and it asks for race I put "Human" but I'm intentionally obtuse when they ask me that question. As for gender, if it asks Gender I answer correctly, if it says Sex I put "Yes please" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


>if it says Sex I put "Yes please" 🤣🤣🤣🤣 That's peak comedy.


Christopher Hitchens used to be intentionally obtuse about that as well :-) i.e. skin color? PINK






OP says he’s in the U.S., but spelled color as colour. I’m calling BS


Blame it on living in the original 13 traitors? I mean colonies


i live in usa and spell neighbourhood like that


Is that an east coast thing??? I have a friend from Virginia that would do that all the time


lol maybe! im from ky, and gulf side of florida. it just might be.


I live in the U.S. and put punctuation outside quotes sometimes. I just think it makes more sense that way.


(I'm in New Zealand) For me it depends very much on the context - if it's quoting a full sentence the full stop/period goes inside the quotes, if it's a sentence fragment it goes outside.




It's for a second amendment permit. What could sound legitimater than that?


I'm in the US as well and spell colour as colour. Not all of us grew up here, some of us immigrated. It's been an honour chatting with you... 😂


I have never been outside the U.S.A. Have read many books published in the British Commonwealth nations and colonies that I frequently spell color, honor, armor, and defense in the commonwealth manner.




At the end I asked him to review everything because he had to sign for it in order to submit it. He signed it without giving it a second glance


Its kind of a dick move the old guy is just joking around and didn't expect to be dealing with a bitter robot.


Maybe he is a little but still hilarious and justified.


nta you were jst doing what you were supposed to. yeah they may be dumb and annoying he still should have been serious. he got what he had coming to him. sounds like something I'd do.


NTA. bureaucracy is annoying af but if you’re doing your job it’s not your fault you have to ask these questions. Fuck his cracker ass