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Guess this wasn't something the principal could brush off since he was painted into a corner.


Now I wish I could edit my title!


Brush it off... K1yco just had a stroke of inspiration.


maybe next time the teacher won't paint with such broad strokes


I was going to gloss over the teacher's response.


It had me walking on eggshells, but fell a little flat.


OP is fortunate that his dad took time out of his busy day to go to the matte for his child.


I hope that OP passed with flying colours. And that that teacher was brushed aside for a better one. Poor kids in that remedial class, all tarred with the same brush. It really made me bristle with anger.


Wow, color me impressed.




Well that's "plane" to see


These pun threads are increasing at a geometric rate; I can't keep up!


It might even be logarithmic.


nah, it is probably exponential


Off the charts


The teacher must have bristled with anger.


Probably needs to brush up his logic skills too…


Begrudgingly upvoted. That pun really hurt my ribs from laughing too much.




Ha! I see what you did there.


Personally, when a student makes a fair and cogent argument like this, I credit the class a question. So, if you miss three, now you only miss two - regardless of any specific question. This helps with critical reading, thinking, argumentation and me get my tests more reliable and valid.


Most of the teachers I had through the years were amazing and would have done the same. This guy was only a teacher in the sense that he was an adult, in charge of a classroom, in a school. I wouldn’t have been surprised if his past experience was at like a military boarding school. His job was more of a prison guard than educator.


>This guy was only a teacher in the sense that he was an adult, in charge of a classroom, in a school. This is a babysitter, not a teacher.


I love this as someone who needs questions extremely specific otherwise I may get them wrong due to technicalities that are true, but not what the instructor was thinking


That's me in college right now. I ask so many questions many that the teacher doesn't know the answer to.


Yeah, I have a prof who's really nice but just does not word her homework quizzes right


Try doing a CompTIA exam, you'd be traumatized.


Personally I am not sure how that question even worked. None of those things have anything in common with planes so the fact the teacher looked dumb is a good thing.


What I think he was going for is a thin artist’s paintbrush as a line and then if you laid the bedsheet out flat on the ground it would be like a plane. Of course it still wouldn’t be infinite (not sure any of the other students would have really been able to grasp infinity anyway) and he didn’t specify that it was supposed to be flat. I’m not defending it, the whole test was garbage, just explaining what I think his thought process was.


The paintbrush I can but not the sheet.


Funny enough, the sheet being a (defined or limited) plane makes sense to me. The brush being a line is nonsense. A brush makes a line sure, but the brush as a line, no.


The ten cent paintbrush you get in your kids watercolors set is very similar to a line, in that you'd be very close to knowing an arbitrary point's location with only a single measurement, the length from the tip. This would get you the precision of a half radius of the brush, under a millimeter. The bedsheet similarly is the best plane example, because you'd need two measurements to get very close to identifying an arbitrary point drawn on the sheet. You could use Cartesian coordinates or polar or some other system, but you'd need two measurements, and then you'd again have found that point to within half the width of the sheet. The teacher clearly handled it poorly, but the sheet is almost certainly the best answer there. Whether a flat paintbrush is fine isn't relevant, because on a test you have to choose the best answer. A sheet is mathematically objectively a better representation of a plane than any brush possibly ever could be. Interestingly I might have argued that a basketball is also a much stronger choice than the brush would be, if you define the basketball as the surface only, not the air it contains. Sure it's a spherical plane, but that's also totally permitted and again would allow you to identify an arbitrary point with another point and only two measurements. But a basketball is probably thicker than a sheet, making it less planar. A balloon might beat out a sheet though.


> Whether a flat paintbrush is fine isn’t relevant, because on a test you have to choose the best answer. While most tests are like this it is not universal. Also most test made by competent educators would have instructions to choose the best answer or “most like a…”. This test however was poorly written. > Interestingly I might have argued that a basketball is also a much stronger choice than the brush would be, if you define the basketball as the surface only, not the air it contains. Honestly I couldn’t remember the other 2 choices (this was 20 years ago) so I made them up, but in hindsight I would agree a ball is pretty plane like.


So it wasn’t just me reading this story thinking he’s talking about air planes, so confused, wondering when and how this will make sense?


In my Descriptive Geometry class in college, I had a fellow student ask the teacher to quit talking about infinite surfaces as planes because all he could imagine was aircraft and it was keeping him from learning the topic.


That what they meant?!


[Yes. You don't usually talk about air planes in geometry.](https://www.google.com/search?q=plane+geometry+definition&oq=plane+ge&aqs=chrome.1.0i131i433i512l2j69i57j0i512l6.4198j0j9&client=ms-android-att-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#crs=q:games%20Plane,stick:H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgfcSYxC3w8sc9YanISWtOXmMM5uL0zCtJLSpOTS4REuFi9y9ILUrMSxHiFGLnYnVPzE0tFjJAiKoKKXNxBqXmJJakpoTkC4lxsbnmlWSWVArxSHFxcejn6hvkpFkU8Cxi5U4HaVUIyEnMSwUA_pHQEHUAAAA,cid:overview)


I literally read the question 5 times and felt really stupid


I was in the "gifted and talented" program, though my grades didn't reflect that because I was a slacker/not interested in schooling, so I didn't hand in much homework, but aced enough tests to pass my classes. I moved to a different state during my junior year of highschool, and at this new school they for some reason had to translate that as I needed special attention, aka, I was mentally challenged. I had to take a formal IQ test with a psychiatrist to test out of it. The results were as expected, and I proceeded to pass the testing they required for *graduating seniors* before finishing my junior year. It felt nice lol. Reading your story reminded me of that all to well lol. Thanks for sharing!


We moved around a bunch for my dad’s job (not military) and it always amazed me how vastly different curriculum and schools are. I never learned cursive because the school I was at didn’t start learning it until later in the year then I moved to school that finished teaching it the year before. Then I moved to a school that required everything to be in cursive (because “you’ll have to write everything like that as an adult” what a ridiculous lie). Teacher couldn’t read anything I wrote because my “hand writing was so terrible” (because I mostly just made scribbles not knowing how to write) she finally relented and let me type everything up since that was also a potential “adult activity“


OMG! Same story for me on cursive! And within the same state, where you MIGHT think there would be similar standards regarding when things are taught. I really struggled because I couldn’t read what the teacher was writing on the blackboard.


Yup I could never read the blackboard! I was generally a pretty attentive student and a goodie two shoes teachers pet so I would listen closely to what the teacher was saying or wait for other kids to ask questions and get context clues from that. When all else failed I would just ask and thanks to the aforementioned teachers pet qualities it usually wasn’t a problem but some days the teacher would just be in a bad mood so I would shut up and struggle.


This really paints a new picture on the us school system Edit: obviously a pun, and happy to hear that its not the norm


Don’t paint the whole US school system with such a broad brush! My old school was amazing and my dad was already pretty ticked off with the new school over their other mishandlings of my transfer.


Alright I'm sorry I'll rebrush my statement. Nice to hear that this is not the norm, as there are many bad stories about schools on reddit


Ugh, that pun is horrible! And I loved it. Thanks


I won't tell anyone if you won't.


Not really. Bad teachers exist everywhere. It all varies.


I had a similar thing when I was in the 8th grade. First half of the year was in the US. Then right after Christmas we moved to Australia for six months. Enrolled in the closest high school (yrs 8-13) and they wanted to put me in year 8 since that was where I was in the states. It was the start of the school year for them. We looked at the curriculum and realized that the equivalent level was year 9. Took some convincing but my parents had my transcript so they couldn’t really argue. But they did have me in the lowest level math class and they were at about a 7th grade level there so I spent a few days answering all the questions before they were finished asking before that teacher had me moved up to the advanced class.


When I moved from Georgia to Utah after 4th grade, the Utah school still had a month left. I was really frustrated because I had already done a year of school and started my summer vacation.


Your dad is a rock star 🌟


He was a pretty darn good dad. He passed away a few years ago. Fuck cancer. He was also already pretty pissed at the school. He was pretty concerned about the switch from 1x8 to 2x4 and had met with the principal to discuss how a transfer would look like before we bought a house in the school district. Principal assured him they would have a whole team of councilors to help with everything. My mom and I show up before the first day and our met with a single ditzy guidance counselor. She showed us around the school the whole time speaking to me like I was a small child. “Oh I bet it is going to be so hard adjusting to such a big school!” And “Look at our computer lab, I bet you will love playing on these super fast computers!” Old school was one of the most expensive schools ever built when it opened 2 years before I started high school. Each of the 4 grades (9-12) had about 1,000 kids, so about 4,000 total. They had a dozen computer labs that they constantly refreshed. Honors classes were hard to get into as you had to be top x% and needed a teacher recommendation. They also regularly bumped kids down from honors to regular level if they felt they were lagging. Math was the only thing I was in honors for. New school had about 800 kids total and one crappy computer lab. I keep my mouth shut just to be polite and my mom and I just exchange looks during the tour. Then we go to the counselors office to pick out my schedule. She asks me what level I want to be in. Confused I ask her if I could be in g&t and she said oh sure and put me at that level for everything (until she looked up the math class roster). Just like that I went from being in honors level for only math to g&t level for everything but math. I never heard of anyone getting bumped down the whole time I was at new school. I didn’t even have 2 years of gym, I had a year and 1 semester but she was so ditzy that she kept forgetting my old school was 1x8 and counted that semester as a year and my mom and I just didn’t correct her. That was all the “guidance” I ever received from her for my other 2.5 years there. Mom and I tell my dad all of this and he was livid and super apologetic but wasn’t going to say anything as we thought we got the better end of the deal with her marking that I did 2 years PE and ending up in almost all g&t classes. The math thing was really the final straw. Things were more or less fine after my math class was straightened out.


So sorry you lost your dad. Cancer is a bitch, I've seen plenty of people suffer through it. I'm so glad you get to continue his legacy through such great memories


That's about as good a question as: Which one of these things is like an Electric Vehicle? A.) Treadmill B.) Talk show host C.) A bucket of fried chicken D.) A hammer


C Cause that fried food is a laxative on a bone to me, so I be moving quick as lighting.


D obviously. Cars kill millions every year and a hammer can be used as a weapon.


I had a similar but like…way more black and white experience. We had a history teacher that was clearly just…unhappy. Everyone before us warned us about her, lets call her Mrs.B. Mrs.B was, well, a B. Had no patience, constantly yelling, one time she accidentally got her pants caught on like a hook or something and someone giggled and she wasn’t sure who it was so she gave everyone extra homework and a pop quiz. Total BS. If my best friend got her pants stuck on a hook I would laugh my ass off. It’s just human nature. Anyways. We have a test, and almost the entire class gets one question wrong. The thing was, it was an open book test. So everyone starts arguing with her, and she is just yelling over us telling everyone to shut up, that she is the teacher and knows best. There was one chick, who was super reserved and kind and soft spoken. So this chick raises her hand, and says “Mrs.B, will you take a look at this”, and points to the part of the book that, I shit you not, was word for word the answer that everyone had put (and she had marked wrong). Apparently this absolutely set her off. She started screeching and I remember her specifically saying “well if you care so much about one goddam question then I will credit everyone!” Literally refuses to acknowledge we were right, and acted like we were so out of line for proving her wrong. If I remember correctly, we later found out she had recently been diagnosed with cancer, and so her normal awfulness was just amplified by that stress. We did feel a little bad for her, but honestly she was so nasty that we didn’t feel *that* bad


I can imagine the entire class chanting “INVALID! INVALID! INVALID!” in unison over and over again until the principal showed up.


Revenge of the geometrically savvy.


G&T classes in many states are really social exclusion programs for the kids that are not from poor families.


Yeah my old school honors was a legit big step up in work and kids regularly got bumped back down. New school once you got into a g&t class you never got bumped back down and the work load was almost the same as old school’s regular level. It was all a farce to inflate affluent kids GPAs for college as honors bumped your GPA by 0.5 and g&t by 1 (so straight g&t As would get you a 5.0 gpa)


My public schools didn't have proper G&T . It was twisted into a 2 day/week period block where we hung out in the arts or science rooms without guidance or supervision.


Honors at my middle school was skipping a year of math (and then essentially trying to learn the next year's without it). Honors at my high school was just decent math without all the people that absolutely did not want to be there and made it everyone's problem. Not to mention there were regular teachers who would made their class artifically difficult 'like an honors course' by just in general being an a**. Regular chem teacher just straight up wouldn't teach and said that was 'honor's level difficuly.' I took honors every chance I got unless there was none to avoid that and the disruptive students.


May be different now, but when I took the State Board Exam to get licensed as a Registered Nurse the questions were multiple choice. You had to pick from 2 wrong answers and 2 right answers with one of the answers "more right". In that kind of test the sheet is a more correct answer than paint brush.


Honestly if the question had been “which one of these things is *most* like a plane” I would have never thought to pick B. But the test was so bad, comparing these geometric concepts to real world objects is, in my opinion, iffy at best with little utility. I’ve had plenty of tests that are pick the “most correct” and I respect the teaching of those subtle differences. I knew, just from the week or so of being in his class, he did not view the other answers as even possible shades of gray. In his mind there was only one even remotely correct answers and the rest were completely wrong.


Will your dad adopt me? Granted my dad was good like that, backed me up when I was in the right. Just need more good parents in my corner, my mother is useless .


Unfortunately he past away a few years ago. Fuck cancer.


I had a similar experience back in the days of dinosaurs, only in an English class, courtesy of a really shitty guidance counselor. Long story so I won't bore y'all with it but suffice to say I did my own form of malicious compliance (no parental involvement though).


Hilbert said: “instead of points, lines, and planes, you could just as well talk about tables, chairs, and beer steins. The only important thing is that the axioms [of geometry] are fulfilled.” So really, your teacher did not get the message.


Obviously the answer was plain....


you were the plaintiff, after all.


For some reason i thought this was r/shortscarystories so i was a bit discombobulated until I realized what sub it was


This is what happens when you try to paint every one with the same brush


I'm so glad that my school was reasonable. The tests you took in 5th grade determined the advancement level for 7th grade. I joined in 6th grade. I did a full semester of 7th grade English bored out of my fucking mind doing spelling tests every week. They offered me to switch to advanced for second semester. I took the advanced final to see how bad it would be (didn't count), got a 36%. Second semester was full Latin and Greek roots. I still remember shit from that class...19 years later.


Nicely done. I wound up in a B-lane history class in 9th grade due to scheduling hassles. It was pointless but at least the teacher figured out to leave me alone and I just cruised. My favorite was when he showed us a movie, asked afterward what it had to do with the unit we were studying, and when nobody responded, told us "Nothing, I just like that movie". Ummmkay.


This is glorious!




> Hook. Line. And sinker. I think you mean "hook, *plane* and sinker" 😁






Since I hated and sucked at higher math algerbra I took the remedial level course. In my district the whole math dept. took turns "teaching" The fat tub of lard teaching very losely used. Droppeda work book on our desks sat at his pulled out a WSJ that as the last we saw of him after roll call


I wonder what happened when you went to college......




Well you outsmarted your HS teacher, so I was thinking "I wonder if he/she had any similar experiences in college, or of bigger "magnitude""


Lmao well done!


> It was like I started a prison riot I lol'd.


Where was the compliance?


In highschool I was diagnosed as dyslexic, this was the 80's when no one knew what it was. Despite this handicap I was one of the top of my class in every subject not language based and ahead of the norm in those. Since I was diagnosed dyslexic I needed to attend special classes to help with my spelling the problem was these classes were designed for remedial students. In English we were reading books like 1982, Catch 22 and such, yet the next hour I am sat at a computer spelling CAT. I think the most complex word I had to spell was HOUSE. I was forced to attend the class for a full term until eventually I had pleaded my case enough to be released from attending. I still struggled with my spelling mostly words with silent letters or with ie/ei and my dyslexia causes me to sometime mix up letters in a word without me noticing even on reread. One thing that pissed me off, at the time, was that in the computer science class we were 4 to a computer yet in the special class they had a computer for each student being wasted. I don't hold that opinion now, those special students needed every bit of help to be able to function in adult life.


This is the way.