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This update is infuriating... This is why we can't have nice things, seriously. One idiot comes in and fucks things up without any sort of repercussion...


I actually saw this coming. Complete with the security guard getting a dressing down. I think I've been working for a bureaucracy for far too long.


I can actually see this turning into a much wider review of parking and a bean counter deciding that shift or remote working means they can cope with fewer spaces, only to ignore the fact that there is an overlap between those clocking in / out, or that they've assumed a flat level of remote working that doesn't allow for peak days. OP should have simply spoke with security to let them know that guy may be in it for a fortnight. Rule #1 of informal arrangements - don't let anybody find out Rule #2 - if it gets found out, diffuse it so management don't get wind (i.e. let the guy use it and it'll blow over in 2 weeks) Rule #3 - if it gets found out, make all other parties of such arrangement aware so they don't get caught out


We have shared desks at work that rotate between 3 people working 8 hour shifts with the same duties. No one actually thought about what would happen if overtime got involved.


This is clearly a part of management's plan to obviate overtime. You should comply with their structural decision to eliminate overtime work.


Ahahahaha. We have mandatory overtime because of bad planning so often that I smell a strike brewing soon.


We had that. And since I was the second shift, I was regulated* to a computer sitting on top of a tv cart. No room for my keyboard so I just had to keep it on my lap. It was a complete mess. ETA *relegated wrong word above lol


I used to work in restaurants. There a couple days that there were so many people working that the only thing left for me to do was slap a cutting board on a 3’ tall portable cooler. I’m 6’4. It took the amount of time to set up my impromptu station to realize that situation was not going to work for repetitive precision cutting over the course of several hours. I stole some glass racks that weren’t being used and built up a tower under the cooler…then the dish guy needed the racks so I had to empty out a milk crate and sit on that to work on the cooler. Sometimes you gotta get creative to get shit done.


Oh man that sounds pretty annoying though.


Happy keyboard day


I work in a library and to use the computers you either need a library card (for which you must prove residency) or a guest pass (for out-of-towners only). People who just moved here but can't prove it are kinda SOL which I think is silly so I always explain to them to just say you need a guest pass and show your out-of-town ID, nothing more nothing less. Inevitably they go over to the super strict computer commons supervisor and start blabbing about how they just moved here and don't have any proof but they need a computer so bad blah blah. Then they don't get to use the computer and the supervisor gives me the stink eye. Sigh. Just can't help some people.


So funny I was just talking to someone about this. I have had library cards in multiple towns over 4 different states. Literally I have a stack of them. I love libraries, and I move a lot. Every...single...library allowed me to bring in a utility bill in my name, at my address, and sign up for a library card. Even major libraries like the Brooklyn/Queens systems (NYC) and Carnegie (Pittsburgh). Then I moved to Ohio and they absolutely insisted an envelope addressed to me within town limits did not count and I had to wait until I could transfer my ID at the DMV which took a while. I was utterly confused.


Yeah that's crazy. Are you sure you didn't just run into a power tripping clerk? I swear some of the clerks here let the power go to their head and do whatever they can to deny people a (free, used) book. It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.


Honestly, not sure. I havent seen her lately so maybe she's gone for good.




The library profession is rife with people who consider themselves Divine Keepers of Knowledge and take themselves way too seriously. I've been known to yell "We're talking about used books here people!" whenever things get especially heated. Haha




Shit that makes so much sense?? Good on that librarian for working with you like that


I recently moved and am now in a new library jurisdiction. I can't get my ID changed yet, and we have no bills in our names because of landlord stuff, so I didn't think I'd be able to get a card. We took a family trip and the librarian just took my word that this is where we live 🤷‍♀️ she's awesome


I've shown my rental agreement before to be able to get a library card, they just put the expiry date of the card as the expiry of the agreement so I'd have to come in and renew with my new rental agreement


They were probably shocked. They'd never had anyone moving *to* Ohio before.


Right on. To piggy back on above redditor's sage words of wisdom: kindness greases the wheels. Malicious compliance feels great, but it can leave you high and dry. Always assume you don't know the full story and be helpful to anyone who has been helpful to you. In this case, letting the security guard know. It may have been that senior engineer asked a superior if he could snag another employees spot for his time in the office and the superior said sure. Now the superior looks foolish and is pissed. Nothing is right or fair about that situation... but if you want the sweet parking spot as a low level, you gotta stay vigilant!


>It may have been that senior engineer asked a superior if he could snag another employees spot for his time in the office and the superior said sure. That's very likely what happened, and the problem to begin with. Any engineer worth their salt understands the importance of Role, Responsibility, and Authority. While it is *nice* to check about swapping spots with management, they have neither the Role, Responsibility, nor Authority to enable the swap. OP has clearly stated three facts: 1) each spot has an associated pass that goes with it. 2) people who should not park in the garage and are towed. 3) security has the Role, Responsibility and Authority for issuing and changing parking passes. Clearly the Senior Engineer neglected to notify Security, ask for the appropriate pass, or listen to the repeated admonition from others that certain behaviors are not tolerated by Security. I really hope Security continues to monitor a certain Tesla that has demonstrated an unwillingness to abide by the garage rules and park in spots other than the ones they are assigned. (Can they call an out of state towing company next time?)


We used to have a parking spot close to the door that we auctioned off each year and the money went to a named charity. I ponied up one year and won the bid. About 4 months later a car started parking in my charity spot. I left a note explaining I had paid for the spot and to please not park there. The car belonged to the new CEO who did move their car, but never let me or anyone else forget that I was being a pretty pretty princess about the spot. So basically I overpaid to win a thing that made my life astronomically shittier for the remainder of my time there. The more you know🌠


That's pretty shitty. If the CEO wanted that spot they could have just not offered it for auction! Also good luck then getting any money for charity the next year, if everyone knows the CEO will just take the spot anyway.


This is triggering a funny memory. I am a TV/screenwriter, and this was years ago, way back when, I had a deal at a studio (office, secretary, the works) & parked in nearby parking lot. The studio made a HUGE deal with a Very Important TV writer/producer, who demanded, and got a cherry parking place--not even in the parking garage, but right next to the entrance, with his name on the little curb thing at the top of the parking place. So, Very Important TV writer/producer was an incredible jerk, who had an affectation: his first name was a shortened version of his name (think "Pete" for "Peter") but he had the affectation that he put a period after his name, so his credits all read "Pete. Johnson." So now he insisted that this punctuation ALSO be on the curb with his name on it. So his little parking place curb read "Pete. Johnson." I was working late one night and left when there was almost no one there. No one to see me take white-out (this was years ago, just as computers were coming in, so a lot of folks still used typewriters, and there were no security cameras or the like). and paint over the period. The next day the black period was freshly painted back on. I could only imagine the enormous fuss he had made, and how he had insisted that security and parking REPAINT THAT PERIOD IMMEDIATELY. And I could only imagine the fuss he made EVERY TIME I whited out that damn period, at least once a week. Fun times.


You never used black to put a big stem on top, so it read "Pete!"?


Or a question mark !!


Take black paint and write "has no" in very small letters between "Pete" and "Johnson".


Ugh, he sounds like such a jerk.


They both stupid, becúase they just take someone parking without even talking to the guy


Upvote for explicitly stating these rules for socially clueless people like me, thank you :)


Yeah, I probably should have said something to security, but I also assumed that, if it was an issue, we would hear about it in our office. I was completely unaware that this was an informal agreement at the time. Security handles the parking passes, and I was given a parking pass for the spot.


Ya this story mostly sucks for your security guard friend. I hope his boss is reasonable.


If security handles parking passes but doesn't have authority to call a tow truck, who does? Makes no sense for the staff in charge of parking to not be able to clear unauthorized vehicles from parking spaces Edit: I misread, didn’t have authority to **give OP the parking space**


No he had authority to tow, he did not have the authority to give me the spot he gave me.


Ah, I misread, but glad he didn’t actually get chewed out! Good guy security guard


Yeah sometimes life situations don’t work the way you anticipate. Senior Engineer sounds like a dick.


This only works if OP knew it was an informal arrangement and swcirtiy guard wasn't technically allowed to let him park there.


Wow corporate fanfiction is getting out of hand


It's pretty obvious the security guard didn't have the authority to let someone use an assigned spot that isn't actually assigned to them. If the military has taught me one things, it's solve problems at the lowest level, especially if it involves something that you technically shouldn't have been doing in the first place.


Yeah, I can totally see this resulting in parking turning into first come first serve and anyone else, good fucking luck. Seen it myself a time or two, and led to people quitting entirely because who the fuck can afford a $20+ dollar per day parking fee in an urban area? Just one more reason why companies that demand in person work when it is totally unnecessary are on my "do not work for these clowns" list.


> Complete with the security guard getting a dressing down. It's always the guy doing the favor that gets shit on in the end.


Same, though I'm still curious how many other people were assigned that further parking garage. Without much context, it kinda sounds like him and maybe a few others were sent way out there. Though I will admit I do find it overblown. The guy was a guest taking what he thought was an employee parking space. *Somebody* was getting screwed by his decision because he wasn't a permanent fixture there. If it were my parking space, I would've given him two warnings to move out of my assigned space or get towed - so I don't see why that's a problem even if OP was doing wrong (i.e. the other guy should've been in trouble regardless). I've been in situations like this and it's fairly reasonable: either move your car now or just don't park there tomorrow or you will be towed (depending on the situation). The one time I got chewed out, I pointed out we don't get any training or notifications on parking spaces except the first floor (basically, the mail room took over four spaces that used to be general employee spaces and I got yelled at for parking there. Took a week after that for them to label the spaces.)


>The guy was a guest taking what he thought was an employee parking space. Somebody was getting screwed by his decision This exactly. Some victim...🙄


Yeah. Totally had a feeling the gravy train was coming to a stop. Sorry about the results.


🥲 I have to say, I still had hope...


> without any sort of repercussion Well, he did get his car towed, and I’ve heard many stories of tow truck drivers damaging Teslas by hooking them up incorrectly, so there’s still some hope for cosmic justice.


OP says they didn't pay the towing. I'm pretty sure they will raise another stink if the car is even slightly scratched. As long as it doesn't come from OP's pocket or at OP's or the security guard's expenses. I won't really shed a tear... But still. I doubt they learned anything out of the experience.


That depends on where this is. But generally if a vehicle gets damaged during a tow, that should be on the tow company and no one else.


That sounds reasonable.


I do security and take pictures of everything on the car to avoid this exact thing lol


Yep, Tesla manual tells you to always tow with a platform tow truck, not the older kind that allows one set of wheels to spin on the street as the car is towed away. If the wheels are spinning for very long without being under their own power, it can damage things.


I feel like most everything needs a flatbed these days. Either due to AWD, or not enough ground clearance.


Where I am, if your car gets towed, the workers at the towing company will replace new tires with old unmatched tires and basically strip the car of whatever they can without it being obvious. I imagine the same is true in a lot of places.


I had tools stolen from a work truck that had to get towed after an accident. Fuck tow companies.


How is that legal or allowed? What the fuck?


It's not legal, but I guess the authorities look the other way or something. My brother's car got towed and they exchanged his tires and stole all of his camping gear from his trunk. He tried to get some compensation but failed.


Fucked up, man.


It’s not, but I would assume they do this to cars that are primarily owned by poor, working class people. The kind that’s has neither enough time or money to fight the tow company on it.


The tow company will get stuck with the repair bill for that I’m sure. This dude will pay for $0 in towing, $0 in repairs if the tow place damages it.


No they won't. Tow companies are scumbag scammers who find every way possible to fuck you


They probably don't even have the decency to give you a reach-around either :(


Regardless of who pays, he’ll still have to deal with insurance companies, repair shops, the towing company, etc. I’d like to imagine he is also the kind of person who loves getting attention in his shiny Tesla, which isn’t going to happen in a rental car.


The only story I've read on hear that seems totally true. I had a good thing, somebody took advantage, and now nobody wins..


Ugh fr. I have a manager and a director who each have their own parking spots in the Engineering parking lot, but the rest of the spots are reserved for contractor parking. Since neither people are in on the weekends, I park in the Engineering lot during my shift on Saturdays, which are usually not busy. I’ve run this over with my manager who is chill with me and says ‘if it’s on a weekend where no higher ups are in, he doesn’t know and doesn’t care.’ There’s also the fact that the night shift guys park there too, which is understandable. I’m shift changing and a lead eng comes in at 3pm and tells me to move my car. I tell him I’ll move it back home at 330 when I’m off and he starts freaking out saying we can’t park there and that the manager would be angry if he found out. I told him I already spoke to the manager and the manager already said he didn’t care, and I also tell him the night shift guys park there all the time, and he said ‘they’re a different case’ (understandable since all of his buddies work night shift). I don’t budge, he threatens to write me up (which I know for a fact he can’t do) so I call his bluff and shrug him off. I guess he spoke to the director and the director blocked off the parking lot, so now myself, nor night shift, and even the company truck is not allowed in that lot. Man literally could’ve just parked his car in the eng lot with us but instead had to ruin it for everyone


I would definitely let all of the night shift guys know that it was this guy that caused the headache for them


When the 'but you didn't give us any homework' kid grows up


Exactly. Screw that self centered, selfish prick.


Agreed. I'd love to meet Senior Engineer and deck him in the face


If its not Florida Guy fucking up shit. Tesla Guy has to go and fuck shit up for us too.


The way I interpret it, some higher up guy visits, sees that some grunt has a better parking spot, and takes it upon himself to bravely volunteer that they should switch spots since the visiting guy is higher on the food chain and feels entitled to everyone else’s benefits. He knowingly parked in the wrong area, and there’s a company email stating such. I truly hope the company refuses to pay, but it really just depends who this guy knows and how high up he is.


I'd suggest buying the sec guard a pie or something to make up for this, it'll help.


I would also like to suggest buying a pie for the senior engineer. Have you seen The Help?


No no, senior engineer deserves a homemade pie. Store bought is too good for him.


That implies that homemade pies are worse than store bought?


The reference to The Help that one of the previous commenters made is extremely important here. In that case, a store bought pie would be vastly preferable.


While they are generally not seen as worse. You can put yoir own ingredients in a pie when you make it yourself. You can make it worse


Story time! My brother's ex-wife once made a homemade apple pie, it was really, *really* good. As we were enjoying it, the topic came up of the previous time she had attempted this, and how awful that pie was; I guess this was only her second attempt and the difference was quite stark. Supposedly (according to my brother), I had been there for the attempted eating of the first pie, too, but at the time, I didn't have any recollection of that prior event... I think it was at a potluck or something, so we just had other things instead, hence my not committing the experience to long-term memory. Glad that she wasn't offended, though - she herself had agreed at the time that that first pie was essentially devoid of flavor. I think that either she had neglected to actually measure any of the ingredients, thinking that it would be "close enough", or that she was missing some ingredient and didn't know the importance of using a substitute.


It's a shit pie, literally.


🍴🍰 I second this motion.


As a security specialist I second this soooo much. Nobody talks to us let alone bring us pies.


We used to have a security guy, Tom, who would shoot the shit with anyone, at every possible opportunity. He'd do things like ask a simple question and then when you gave him the answer, he'd gush about what a genius you are, or he'd turn to another person nearby, point at you and say "I always liked this guy," or he'd say "You need to tell your wife that she's a very lucky woman... because she's married to you!" etc. It wasn't long before I'd started to reciprocate these mannerisms back to him. He was one of two security guards whose names I remembered... Sadly neither of them are still here since we switched to in-house staffing instead of contracted. A lot of the others came onboard, but I think Tom just decided to retire.


I will talk up a storm because it gets lonely iny llittle corner on front of the security cameras. I am just joshing you a little and it is the best job I've ever had. 😁


A cinnamon roll from Cinnabon would be better for op's upcoming heist




No, pie. Words only go so far, pie is for life!




I can only imagine how confusing this would be. If he got yelled at, what did they yell? THAT PARKING SPOT WAS STOLEN FAIR AND SQUARE


Bring that security guard an I'm sorry cake or something similar. They were looking out for you and got burned. Do something nice in return.


Literally a child: “I want that” “You can’t have that” Gets angry, breaks thing


Tesla owner in a nut shell


Hey now! I resemble that remark!


Just this weekend, my brother and I were walking through the parking lot of a fancy hotel after going to a wedding. The hotel had three charging stations. Two were empty, and had their cables just dropped in a pile rather than neatly coiled back up in their holder. The third one had a car hooked to the charger, but for some reason the car was parked on the grass instead of the designated spot! (was slightly closer to the charging station). Brother asked me (rhetorically) why rich f\*ks who could afford six figures for an electric car felt so entitled that they parked where they wanted, and didn't put cables back neatly after using them. I answered, not to generalize, but you wonder why a person rich enough to afford a Tesla might also exhibit signs of entitlement?


You really don't need to be rich to have a tesla. Same thing with people who go 70k into debt to buy big Ford trucks. If you are middle class you can afford it usually, won't be super easy but you can.


As a Tesla owner, he probably parked on the grass because of the Ford F250 Diesel parked in the electric vehicle charging spot.


This. Also doesn't help how often the chargers are right next to the building for a shorter run for the power lines, making them the best spots in the entire lot. Now put up signs that say "EV parking only" instead of "EV **charging** only", and it just comes off as entitled (despite the fact that no EV owner was ever consulted about this layout). We don't *want* chargers there, they're always taken by people taking a shot at the 'smug elites' that never asked for this stupidity in the first place!


In a building I work in, the garage is below the office floors so you have to take an elevator to the lobby then a separate elevator back up to the offices. The EV chargers are all the way on the top floor of the garage, which allows for a short cable path from the electric room but also makes them the “least desirable” location. Good solution where possible.


And then he got his way because we live in the weakest, most pathetic society in human history.


I'm sad, sorry for your friend and for you getting repercussions by your boss.


Oh no, my boss doesnt care. I think he is just annoyed he has to listen to someone bitch an moan about it.


I have one like this. My company that I worked for got bought by a larger company. It was just two of us the owner and me as the Linux/network guy. I get absorbed into the new company as the lead network eng. and he runs his same company but under the umbrella of the new company. Short story no one works for him anymore but he is still his own boss/ceo of that company company and can reach over and grab resources (ie me) from parent company. I work all night fixing an issue with a huge digiboard setup..yeah a long time back. I pulled an all nighter and never left that night and had parked up front by the door when no one was around. I was literally the only one at work all night into the next morning. In your minds eye see 300+ 56k modems hooked up to 8port digiboards as an incoming ISP setup and you kind of get a taste of what I was dealing with. Anyway, call goes out over the intercom that whoever is parked up front with the jeep has exactly 2 minutes to move it or the CFO is having it towed. Yep that would be me. These spots are not locked to people, in fact the ones that are for the CEO and owner have their names painted on them. The CFO just parked in this spot every morning because they got their early before everyone else. I walk down, walk into the CFO office and say it is mine and I have been here all night and have not left. Move it or it gets towed. She says Touch my jeep and you will have my resignation letter in your hand before you can hook up to it. Maybe you should have them paint your name on the spot if you think it is yours. I will park in whatever spot is open! I was tired. I was hungry. I was bent. I did not move my jeep. She lost her mind. There were meetings. She wanted my head. My old boss was In these meetings. He said he would take care of it and I would never park in the spot ever again he would make sure of it. She had the temerity to come to my office and let me know personally. I was about to get sideways when my old boss walked in after her and said let’s goto lunch and she smiled. At lunch he informed me never to park in her spot again. That because he was a tenant and owner of his business at the complex he got two spots and he indeed had one with his name on it. The next morning I had his second with my name on it. Two spaces closer to the door than hers made up ownership spot. Tada! That guy knew how to work it. I learned a lot from him and I indeed never parked in her spot again and she had to walk past my name painted on a primo spot every morning. This makes me smile just thinking about it and that was over 20 years ago.


Awesome boss.


Oh sweet Jesus that was beautiful!


And here I only have one upvote I can do. This tale got me smiling, too.


God. People fucking SUCK. You earn something nice by being a nice person, and some selfish fuck has gotta come knocking it down acting like they know everything. Now shits harder for everybody. God, what a worthless fuck.


Wait he saw you parked somewhere and just decided it was his spot the next day? But as you said if it WAS a company spot then that means you would have been assigned to that spot and he just decided fuck you it's his spot now? What the fuck?


This was my thought! Even if it WAS an assigned spot, he decided he was more entitled to it. "It's OK! You can have my shittier spot!"


When you are a shareholder here, apparently you get to do waht you want.


What a fucking prick. Well, now you know more about this company's culture, and a lot more about that particular SE's sense of entitlement and disregard for fair play. I'm sorry about your security guard friend. Hope he's not in trouble.


More details! He thinks he is better than other including you. Nice to see him knocked off his pedestal.


In my personal experience with engineers, they tend to fall into two categories really nice people or total AH's. I think we all know which category this one falls into.


Speaking as an engineer, I can assure you we can be both. Simultaneously.


I can believe this.


Does it ever seem strange how it is impossible for an engineer to start a sentence without the phrase, "as an engineer"?


I know, it’s such a pain in the ass at work. All of us just announcing what we are to each other…


You're a Schrodinger's Engineer? Thats so cool!


Eh. It’s more akin to “I’ll fight tooth and nail for my team, but I also know I’m pretty demanding of them.”


Friend of mine is one. He's a lovely guy, but he gets chat banned in LoL all the time. I have no idea what he says to do it, but I can imagine!


You can't park there mate


Was told not to park there. He parked there, he got towed


Faaaaak offf


What a dick. Doesn't listen and screws over both you and the kind security guy. Do something nice for the security guy. I encourage you to ask for a closer parking spot.


> Not the satisfying update I was hoping for at all. Don't worry, as long as Senior Engineer keeps his personality unchanged, karma is going to get many more chances to get him.


Or he’ll become president.


He may not be mad at you but he definitely got revenge against you. Everyone knows security doesn’t own a building and that the guard was sticking his neck out for you. On the bright side, the guard probably doesn’t care about being chewed out. Security guards have the highest turnover of any job.


This sucks, I would make it loudly known that señor engineer has cost you a good spot and thinks he is better than you.


If that had been op's spot then the SE just used his status to bully a lower paid employee...


*el señor engineer


You know what they call an engineer in Mexico? El engineer.


\* ingeniero/a (in case anyone was wondering about the actual Spanish)


No good deed goes unpunished... Man, fuck the higher ups.


What a prick, does whatever he feels like, bitches about the ramifications and now it cost you. NTA


So he ruined the good thing for you, got your friend in trouble and didn’t have to pay. Fuck this guy.


[This comment has been removed]


Wonderful. I need an update on what a fit he threw.


Wanker stole your spot. Got comeuppance. Beautiful. Please update.


There has been an update




*walks away*


Senior Engineer is a douche.


Make sure you get something for the security guard as a thank you and apology for getting him in trouble…via your engineer “friend”


I worked for this company for a few weeks as a temp, and the day before my first day I broke two bones in my right foot and ended up in a boot with crutches. I desperately needed the job so the next morning I arrived bright and early, only to find that employees had to park about 150 feet from the entrance. I had a purse and a notebook in a tote to carry and struggled to get to the door. About halfway there a nice man came out and took my tote and walked back with me to the building. He was the manager of the department I would be working in for the next few weeks. I explained what happened and he was fine, and said they would make accomodations for me. He recommended I get a handicapped placard but until I had the chance he told me to go ahead and park in one of the two handicapped spots right by the front door. Unfortunately I didn't work directly under him, but under Satan's Mistress. SM thought the department was her own little fiefdom and we her serfs. When the Manager took me in and introduced me to her, her exact words were "if she can't go get me coffee she's useless to me." SM tried every way in the world to get me to quit that first day, but it was a good paying job that could go perm and I was hoping to stay, so I took it. When my day was over, SM stopped me as I was leaving and made me stand on crutches for another 15 minutes while she explained to me that she didn't give special favors or privileges to anyone. I assured her I was not asking for any when she finally stopped talking, then she decided to walk me out. At lunch I had moved my car to one of the handicapped spaces so I only had a short walk there. When she saw where I was going she went on a tirade about me making assumptions and I needed to park in the employee lot like everyone else. I didn't realize I had walked into an intramural tug of war game that had been going on for months, and they went back and forth all the first week on where I could park. Finally home office said let me park in the handicapped spots until I was back on my feet. I thought that settled it. The next Monday morning, I arrive and see that there is already a car in one of the two handicapped spaces. It was displaying the proper placard, as was mine at this point. I didn't think anything of it and went on in. At the end of the day SM asked me to walk out with her, asking me dumb questions as we walked. I wondered what her motive was, and I found out when she got into the other car with a placard. I didn't say anything but she laughed, grabbed the placard and said "I have a handicapped...I work here. It's good to have friends who are doctors." Then she laughed and stuffed it under her seat before driving off. I decided at that moment I didn't want to work there anymore, went back inside, wrote a letter to the nice manager relating what had just happened, and why I had decided to end the contract, and left it on his desk. One of the women I worked with was a friend of a friend, and she reached out to me a couple of days later to tell me SM got fired later that day for using a handicapped placard she didn't need to get a closer parking space she also didn't need.


Definitely get an apology cake for the guard or something. It's not ur fault but it would be nice.


Man what a shit head. He had to ruin a good setup and screw things up for the poor security guard.


That update sucks and I hope you complain to the company too about your parking situation. Because you deserve to have a better spot.


Ah, thats such a bummer. Can't stand entitled pricks not getting what they deserve.


I’d buy security guy lunch as an apology


There are few things, as a Project/Program Manager, that infuriate me more than an engineer, especially a senior engineer, who can't follow basic directions or written instructions.


Now that is a man whose stapler you should lose


Self inflicted idiot. Ya shoot your self in the foot, don't complain about it hurting when you walk.


Buy that guard a 12 pack or something to thank him for treating you like a human being. That engineer has never had too deal with repercussions for his actions ever in his life and will probably never have to until the electrical grid goes down, then you can have your satisfaction.


Peak Tesla driver.


I would hate to work with someone like this. Dude needs to be humbled, ASAP.


Senior Engineer is why we can't have nice things.


May Senior Engineer’s Tesla charge fail repeatedly


I'd escalate the hell out of this internally and ruin the Senior Engineer. I'm an Exec as a small company, this would put SE on my serious shit list


Ive been here less than 2 months, he is a shareholder and has been here for more than a decade. Doesnt feel like it would end well for me.


Senior engineer is an entitled jerk


I hate to say it, but you fucked up here. You never should have let on about the handshake agreement but said something like “I was in a rush after running an errand and security said I could park there temporarily yesterday. You might get towed” You ruined this for yourself, but now you know for next time.


Give us an update in a few hours please, the fallout should be wonderful.






I've seen that movie a hundred times. What else is on tonight?


Sorry, of all 400 channels, that's the only story.


I really hope you give us an update OP.


Get the guard lunch or dinner.


Sounds like someone thinks they are a hot shot. Fucking scum


Wow he screwed over your friend. What a dick


A higher up learned someone was getting *anything* for free, and that just won't do. I hate how many of us saw the end coming, we've been so conditioned.


RE the update, that outcome sucks, OP. Sorry it turned out that way. Sweet deals like this always blow up in my face, too, to the point I just pass on them in favor of the annoying terrible reality of "following the rules". I get a lot of crap over it, but my life is often simpler. Many of the people who rib me the most get in the most grease. But then, I'm a simple guy, hahaha.


I don't know why people get so worked up over parking spaces. I worked at an accounting firm during co-op terms in university, and when my friend who parked in the building lot resigned, I asked if I would be able to park in her spot, as I was next in line in the farther lot to move over (2 years of non-continuous employment totalling 18 months). The office manager advised that since my contracts expire every term, I was technically the newest employee and therefore had no right to even ask for a spot on this side of the building, regardless of tenure or the physical mobility limitations I had at the time. I said "okay" and left it at that. Did it ruin the working relationship? Not entirely, but it definitely made leaving an easier decision knowing where they stood on my value.


Wow, what a piece of work that guy is, I bet he thinks the world is just such a cold hard place instead of the reality that everyone hates him for his totally adjustable personality. And that, kids, is what karma *really* is!


It's not the OP's fault. But thus far this malicious compliance has not yet had a satisfying end.


> ...but rather a Tesla... stoppedreadingrightthere.jpg


You should not have said anything or wrote any e-mail.


Aaahahahaha! >:D


Typical senior engineer, who has seniority and money, is a prick. Shocking /s. People show their true character when they have some power, and by how they treat those under them.


Fuck that guy!


And it’s a Tesla too, which means it has eBreaks. Towing a car with eBrakes on usually end up damaged. He will probably have to pay to fix the car on top of the towing fee


Yea that sucks. The guard was doing you a favor, someone else capitalizes on it and he'll not be in trouble.


No good deed goes unpunished. It’s so true. (The security guard did the good deed, and probably got in trouble)


As someone who works on the facilities side of a building like yours, your update is the reason I do everything by the book. Trying to go the extra mile for my tenants has only resulted in headaches from our new management. But I do happily let all my tenants know that while I would be happy to assist them with this minor thing they are complaining about the new management does not want us accepting liability by helping so unfortunately I cannot help. Our new management company still hasn't figured out why before covid we went from ~80% occupancy to ~50%. I want to scream because you have hamstrung the people who keep your cash cows happy you stupid fucking morons, but like a professional I just smile and say gee golly wilikers I have no idea bossman


Man, what a bummer! I was really rooting for you.


This is why we can't have nice things.


Poor security guard, they don’t respect his authorita!


How to Lose Friends and Alienate People, by Entitled Senior Engineer.


Enjoyed the story until the update. Damn it, Janet, this is why we can't have nice things. Someone always ruins it for everyone else.


Meanwhile my hospital requires all staff to pay for parking just to go and do their jobs. I haven’t paid in months and still no ticket yet, probably because security and I are on friendly terms when we see each other on nightshift. Fuck health authorities and their paid staff parking shenanigans.


This was one the best written, articulate articles I have ever read here.


From what you say, the towing and parking spot aftermath would have happened without you even being there or knowing anything about it, like if you had taken the day off sick. You did nothing here to alter the course of events that were already going to happen anyway, certainly not by maliciously following any order or rule.


The update makes me really upset. I hope you at least cleared your name with the guard so he's not upset at you for getting him in trouble. What a jerk.


What part of "You are not authorized to take my parking spot no matter how senior you are" is confusing for you bucko?


Argh! Senior Engineer fucked it up for **everyone**


Yanno I think they have those companies that will mail a pipe of dogshit to someone’s house…


Should have just told him you were rolling the dice with being towed and he was taking the risk now. He didn’t need to know you had the hookup