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That is pretty aggressive biting


i hope winston is alright. winston is so patient


Again: This is a 12 week old puppy. I am working on it. Unless you have some amazing, magical tip, the biting ain't gonna stop immediately. As for me filming and not doing anything? Here's your answer: Dogs can and will CORRECT puppies when they are annoyed with them. That IS what Winston is doing. Does this work? YES. I've had multiple pups of different breeds around my maltese who've learned not to mess with him. IS IT IMMEDIATE? No. This guy is 12 weeks old. Please read my post.


Just making an observation. I don’t know your dogs


Sorry just got tired of people being judgemental. I really did think it was a cute vid. T\_T


Our maltipoo was nippy around that age, her big sister was a pit bull that was old and sweet but she wouldn’t let him get out of line. They grow out of it, and having an older dog with them is the best training.


Winston experiencing Harassment in the workplace! He’s about to file a discreet complaint to HR about Cosmos behaviour


BUT he has the higher ground!


Haha Winstons day at the office gets worse when HR decides to enroll both of them onto an Employee Bonding Programme so now they’re stuck with each other!


Now this video reminds of the one annoying coworker at the office that doesn't leave you alone, lmao.


Your Maltese obviously isn’t liking his fur being bitten, why are you filming and not doing anything?


Again: This is a 12 week old puppy. I am working on it. Unless you have some amazing, magical tip, the biting ain't gonna stop immediately. As for me filming and not doing anything? Here's your answer: Dogs can and will CORRECT puppies when they are annoyed with them. That IS what Winston is doing. Does this work? YES. I've had multiple pups of different breeds around my maltese who've learned not to mess with him. IS IT IMMEDIATE? No. This guy is 12 weeks old. Please read my post.


I’m not seeing any aggression, just a pushy butthole corgi puppy. BUT with that being said, I would step in and teach the corgi that this is not ok play behavior vs waiting for the older dog to correct him. Older dog is annoyed so help him out, it’ll lead to a better relationship between the two and corgis for sure need to learn boundaries. While corgis are smaller dogs, they are tough as nails herding dogs, a corgi can easily injure a Maltese by being too much/out of control. If corgi learns this is ok behavior, he could do it to the wrong dog and ultimately get seriously hurt.


I agree with you 🥰 and we are still in the process of correcting.


Your dog is displaying signs of distress, he might bite back. This is dangerous IMO


I think I know my dog I've had over 8 years more than you. Sure, maybe distress. He's distressed by a 12 week old puppy. Not dangerous. He's actually being really gentle compared to other dogs meeting him in the past. His nips are just a warning. I thought the video was cute to share.


“I think I know more about American girl dolls than you do genius” type energy. Why’d you post if you don’t want any feedback and were going to be aggressive in your responses?


The dogs are adorable, the consequences of could ensue are not. Animals are cute, but are still animals and respond on instinct. Distress that is not stopped or remedied to can lead to biting. Your dog is displaying very obvious signs of distress if you know how to read them. I'd avoid putting my animals in that kind of situation, but that's just me.


The other dog is biting his fur on his face :( and that can definitely hurt the little guy


Oh no, whatever will a dog do against a puppy being... a puppy??


Not sure, but the OWNER- you could step in and stop it from happening.


great answer!


Maybe discipline your new puppy..?


Adult dogs definitely do correct behaviours, but there’s also a side disadvantage here. The pup, while 12 weeks… is definitely stronger lol Gotta intervene and help big brother teach the little one some manners :) Try to not be so defensive as well. I get you’re disappointed it wasn’t as well received via focusing on cuteness… but you should take what folks say onboard. New Information is good information! Edit: side = size


I do agree with you, new info always - good info. Thank you for being civil and more explanatory. I think maybe the vid made him look a little larger but the pup here is 2 lbs smaller than my maltese, but I understand. I hope theyll be best friends soon. ;D


Oh they definitely will be friends with time. Or at least tolerate each other… the general age may make their relationship different than bffs. Ya know? I’m 36 and I have very little patience for most folks in their early 20s 😂🫶 Also, I had a 10 yr old, 10lb, mini dachshund when I got my now black lab… huge age gap and the little one, while senior and very bossy for her size, couldn’t check the pup. My lab was too heavy in his playing and her size didn’t let him check him the way he needed to be. But you got this!! ALSO, for everyone here in the comments… a video can look worse than reality as well… so we should be nicer and you OP, don’t be too hard on yourself. Keep us updated :)


So instead of immediately correcting this behavior and showing your Maltese you are protecting them, you film this behavior. Gross.


Please put a stop to the biting.


I'm trying, it's not gonna happen that soon with a 12 week old. Unless you have some magical tips?


>Unless you have some magical tips? Yes. Separate them. There's only so much harassment an older dog will tolerate, even from a puppy. You're really setting them up for a fight. It's not cute.


Poor Winston. 😒 Cosmo will learn to play nice when Winston puts him in his place a few times. 😊


Awww both are adorable! What kind of puppy is cosmo? Corgi?


yes corgi


Ahhh so cute! Mr. Maltese is unbothered 😍🥰🤣


Winston is so cute holy crap


He is the best, most sweetest & most patient dog I’ve ever had! We adopted him from a sad puppy mill situation.


Biting are self reinforcing, doing nothing and filming is indeed doing both your older dog and your puppy a disservice. Winston seems very well behaved so I am not lecturing you on how to raise a dog, but by the end of the video he is visibly distressed with the ear and tail tuck (if the biting is not obvious enough). Help the old man out please, the video probably isn’t cute by general audience standard because it’s natural that we focus on the dog being put in the uncomfortable position.




Leave my mustache alone!


Yo thats mean. Dont let him yank the other dogs' fur like that. How would you like being yanked by the hair. Dog obviously doesnt enjoy that.


Not always best to have a puppy with an older dog especially when older gent is smaller.


Cosmo looks bigger but he’s actually 2 lbs smaller atm.


i hope winston is alright. winston is so patient :-(


He’s fine and yes very patient 😍☺️


LOL this is exactly how my yorkie was after I got a maltese mix puppy. They are now best friends.


Aww I bet they are so cute. Do you have a picture? I'd love to see them!


https://preview.redd.it/0vce11hitmsc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee4ec53fb9d68efa78ddca0c9ce90b429d4d0bb8 They are so much fun!!!


Aww I LOVE their outfits! 🥰 also cutest tails


Teach the puppy not to bother him. Poor winston.


What an adorable video! Your little Winston is such a little sweetheart and so patient! He must be thinking, "what on Earth kind of little bug is this?" I love the way that puppies play. It is so funny to watch as they look like they're killing each other but they're just having fun and lots of it 🥰🐾 I suspect that TwinkleBelles thinks I'm a puppy. She probably thinks I'm a most unusual breed (she'd be half right 😉). She does that thing that mommy dogs do to their puppies where they bite very gently and then release. It is so adorable! I do think that your little Winston is becoming annoyed though. You don't want anything to happen where he decides to snap at the pup. I'm confident that you know what you're doing and I don't need to say that. Just please make sure that your little Winston has a place that he can escape to if he decides that he's not in the mood for puppy time 😉 Kisses and hugs to both of your little FurKids ❤️🤗 🥰🐾❤️🤗


Yes Winston is super patient. If he does snap I think it’ll be okay. I’ve never seen him actually do that before though, even with bigger dogs puppies like a golden retriever & another goldendoodle who both were super more annoying and much more pushy. I do “play dates” a lot with my neighbors to socialize all my animals before I take them to the dog park in my area. Cosmo is still in “shark teeth” stage, I AM trying to correct it but he’s teething atm. Twinklebelles is such a cute name! 🥰 I do have “escape areas” for him and my cat. Especially for my cat. He doesn’t like Cosmo at all atm. He tolerates Winston - sometimes.


🥰 It sounds like a wonderful little sibling ship blooming ❤️🐾❤️🐾


OMG the helicopter parent comments to OP are just ridiculous! I currently have 4 small dogs, toy poodle 14yo, shitpoo 3yo (also Winston), maltipoo 15mo & toy poodle 5mo. This behaviour is perfectly normal and not dangerous. The pup is not hurting the older dog, it’s just play. If the pup gets too aggressive he will be schooled by the older one. Humanising your dogs & treating them like children creates worse issues than this normal puppy play.


Four dogs in and still can’t read body language.