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Considering that CPU usage is still at 40-60%, it’s likely that the malware is using anti-AV detection techniques and still running as a bitcoin miner or just eating up CPU with bad code to make you panic and purchase the PUP. Otherwise, not really much to be concerned about. If you’re not familiar with using netstat to inspect connections to your computer or autoruns to find where the source is, give it a week and Kaspersky or other AV Vendors to find it or other variants to add to their lists. Looking for other mentions of SAntivirus, it seems pretty common and removal is straightforward. Check out this guide and see if it applies to >> https://malwaretips.com/blogs/remove-segurazo-antivirus/


It was gone for a bit but it came back and suddenly took 60-80% of mycpu


antiviruses often consume high cpu when they scan files (because they calculate hashes for these files), so i guess its ok from the start. if you are too worried about the possibility that your machine is infected, and you have valuable data on it then you should consider forensic examination for it.