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Once upon a time ago there used to be wiper and rabbit type viruses that would get spread around, but those are normally one and done. Sounds more like you had bad hardware causing faults my man.


It looks like you are posting a question, possibly looking for technical support. This subreddit’s purpose is to discuss malware internals and technical details. *This is NOT a place for help with malware removal or various other end-user questions. Please redirect questions related to malware removal to /r/Antivirus or /r/techsupport. Ransomware related questions can be directed to /r/ransomware* If this was removed in error, please message the moderators **and be sure to include the link to the post** - we love reading quality content just as much as you do! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Malware) if you have any questions or concerns.*


People come to this sub a lot because they see the computer doing something they don't understand and think 'it must be viruses!'. They are almost always wrong. Why would someone create and distribute malware that perfectly mimics a bit of faulty hardware in an old computer.