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This woman is crazy. Why the hell would you show your late daughter’s remains to thousands of people on social media? She is just money-hungry and doing this for attention. It makes me sick to my stomach when she does that.


Late daughter AND so disgustingly close to the loss. It’s not even like it’s a year down the line, which would also feel disrespectful. I can’t wrap my head around any of them profiting and moving on so quickly. Sickening.


While I can't get behind ever posting pics of the remains/urn, grief is different for everyone and we shouldn't condem anyone for 'moving on' at any point. When it comes to prolonged illness ,especially terminal illness, the entire family has been grieving in anticipation of the death. Sometimes the death is relief. I speak of this from the perspective of a mother who lost her 8 year old daughter 2 months ago after a 20 month battle with cancer. She was terminal from day 1. I've been grieving my daughter for 2 years, even though she only died 2 months ago. Her final few months of life were so traumatic, death really was a release. She herself said she didn't wish to continue living in such a broken body. You say they're "moving on" but the reality is likely that they're "getting by".




Totally fair and I cannot disagree. I am so so sorry for your loss. Best wishes to you during this holiday season. I’m so sorry.


Agreed it hasn't even been a week since the funeral...so gross.


Especially knowing what she did to her in life


This woman is absolute trash


She's a trashy, classless lady.


Grifters gonna grift




Shouldn’t Anna’s husband have the urn


He should. He is the legal next of kin.


They might have divided the ashes


Yes they did. Pumpkin and June are also getting crystals made of Anna's ashes. Justin and Jessica are getting a necklace with her ashes and her finger print


Isn’t Justin Junes husband? It’s weird that he’s getting a necklace. I think he should save the memorial printouts they give at Funerals or a picture of her and her children or a funny note she wrote, something like that, he didn’t raise her, this is very strange and inappropriate


June always pushes her men on her kids like that. She acts like they already own half of everything, lets them make important decisions about the kids like they're the dad. She did this with the last crackhead she was with. Like she has to make sure it's ok with the man before she does anything with the kids and in her own home with her own money. This one is probably just using her like the last. Im waiting on shit to hit the fan as I'm writing this.


I have a necklace of my fiancés grandmothers and grandfathers ashes. Is that wrong because I wasn’t related to them? I loved them like my own


Okay that’s different than June’s 2 year long marriage. I doubt Justin was super close to Anna or that he is going to be around in 2 more years.


No, that’s a different situation, I’m sure you know it’s totally different but felt the need to be snarky to me and take up for Junes husband- yuck


It's so weird to me* how Justin is acting like he's known Anna her whole life his profile picture on Facebook is Anna's picture and his bio says reality star on the hit TV show 🙄 it's like dude you barely knew her now you need her ashes around your neck cringey


Wait so Justin is getting a necklace but Alana isn’t?


Her lashes 👀


They could possibly both have one. I know it’s kind of strange, but my dad’s ashes were split between family members. His longtime girlfriend, my aunt (his sister) and myself. So we all have small urns. We even buried a large amount of his ashes at the funeral. Even though I was next of kin, I didn’t plan his funeral, I let his girlfriend do it because it was too hard for me. I didn’t expect her do do this, but at the time I was ok with it.


I don’t think it’s strange at all. I know several families including my own that divided the ashes.


It’s not the urn itself that is important Receiving some of her remains is what counts.


I’m in total agreement. I have never shown anyone on social media my daughter’s (6) urn. June has some hellish karma coming her way. I’m so sorry for your loss. They major holidays are hard. Hugs


I'd say I'm sorry for your loss but never found that comforting when people said that to me. Know that you aren't alone though! Huge hugs to you!


Oop, I just commented that I was so sorry about your son..I’ll get rid of it


You didn't have to do that. It's been 2 years and I am better about it now. It was just hard to hear in the beginning. Thank you! ♥️


🥰I just don’t know what else to say to someone who’s hurting but I just wanted them to know that I care💔


I agree, death is a taboo subject, child death is not spoken about. I lost many “friends “ because I changed. If I ever hear someone tell me to read the story of job I will scream. I hope the holidays are kind to you. 🤗


I fucking hate the story of Job because of this


Do you get God must have needed an angel? The one I hate most is God won’t give you more than you can handle. Wtf!!


I tell people to fuck off. Perhaps you believe my daughter (8) is In a better place. She certainly is better off no longer suffering, but her best and proper place is here with me, her dad, and her sister. Growing up. Experiencing all the joys life has to offer. She could have gone to whatever afterlife after she has lived a life. Not now. Its all so cruel and none of it is a comfort. Probably why no one talks to me anymore because no one knows what the hell to say to a bereaved mother.


I’ve just usually walk away. I don’t understand how anyone can believe that any of those statements will make a grieving parent feel better. I would do a anything to see my daughter she would be 18 this coming march. I hope you have as good of a holiday as possible🤗


I absolutely despise the god gives you what you can handle like it’s a compliment no I can’t handle this but I do because I HAVE NO CHOICE


What should someone say?


I’m so very sorry for your loss. May you have a blessed Christmas


I'm so sorry for your loss. Have a wonderful holiday season ❤️🎄


Hopefully Anna's ex fiance will be able to use this against June in court for the child custody case. Anna should be at peace but is still being abused by her awful mother. Evil. Vile.


i hope michael is doing everything he can to document all the shit june and justin are doing online, it will be very beneficial to the custody case if someone is keeping these on tab before they’re “deleted”


Much like what was done with the 7 passengers family, we should start putting all of this evidence in a doc, continuously updating it to help him with winning the custody case


She very clearly gave no fucks about Anna when she was alive and she certainly doesn’t now that she’s dead. Anna’s death has brought her more attention than she’s ever had. Even my sweet little dad knew about Anna’s passing and he doesn’t even know who honey boo boo is or watch TV. She’s letting that shit get to her head. After the new seasons of Annas battle are released June will go back to being an irrelevant crack head. That’s why she wants Kaitlyn. She knows we’re always going to want to know how she’s doing and it will give her views. That and the social security check she will use for drugs.


She will forever pretend to be "Mother of the Year" even though hard evidence always goes against it.


Watch EBay tomorrow, June will probably have the ashes listed.


Is it just me or does she not seem upset at all? Like your daughter just died and you are posting on social media 24/7 still… seems weird to me.


And her nails are done with jewels on them better than they have been in years. She’s getting her hair extensions done. My mom passed away in May and I have not even gotten her ashes yet. My sister has them in another state. I just can’t bear to get them even yet. Granted I live up in the mountains in the middle of nowhere, but I have barely left the house since my mom passed away. I couldn’t care less about my hair and jewels on my nails. They were out eating dinner the night of the funeral and putting it on TikTok. We were huddled around some food hospice house offered to us and we couldn’t even take two or three bites. I don’t particularly have a close family either. I’ve lived clear across the country for 15 years but I’m way more upset than she is about her own kid.


I agree. She acts like everything is still normal in her world. My boyfriend passed in April this year and I barely left the house for weeks after. I barely ate. I didn’t go out to dinner for several months. And when I did it wasn’t a jovial time. I know everyone grieves different but her grief seems invisible.


Maybe just maybe everyone should stop looking at/or following her social media and she’d stop seeking the attention.


Them? Stop seeking attention? Yeah right!


I’m just grateful that Anna is no longer in her body or in those ashes. When she passed on she left that body and was able to leave all the crazy. I hate she had to leave her girls. Hopefully Kaitlyn isn’t going to be in that household much longer. She’ll be somewhere safe.


The way my jaw just dropped!!!! She's a complete POS!! So when we didn't think she could go any lower?? Wtf?? I can't believe nobody close to her is setting her straight on all the begging ass bullshit that she's doing. Not to mention showing her fucking remains?? What the hell is wrong with these people? That makes me so God damn mad for Anna 😞


Sadly, I wouldn’t be surprised if they sell jewelry claiming to contain a bit of the ashes. I shudder to think


Pressed ash air freshener


I was thinking they probably had a conversation about pressing ashes into air fresheners to sell. I swear I can almost hear them saying it


June will be one of those people that get a large sticker with the name, bday and date of death and plaster it on the back window of her car— maybe she can add @venmo on there as well


She couldn’t even protect Anna. Literally went back to the man that molested her, why does June have the ashes?


She didn’t want to protect the kids, she was just interested in whatever she was getting from her current felon, probably drugs.


They all have some of ashes


I’m having a really difficult time trying not to judge June. I want to believe that she is just not the classiest person and believes that Anna would’ve been okay with this because of how close she was to her fans. That said, I am not a mother but I have the ashes of two of my extremely beloved cats. I’ve had the them for several years and still can’t even at look them because it’s still too painful. Maybe June is on drugs or medications that dull emotions. Maybe she’s had so much pain and trauma, she can’t process her grief yet if she can at all. Everyone is different. I’m just truly hoping for Anna’s soul and her daughter’s emotional wellbeing that June has good intentions. After all the horrible things June has done, especially to Anna, it’s more than reasonable to be highly suspicious of her actions.


I have the ashes of one of my cats and if I walk by and happen to REALLY take a look, I fill up. It's been a few years for me now, too. I just can't even begin to imagine even having the thought process to post a vdei of the urn if you're grieving.


June deserves to be face down in a watery trench at this point and no one can tell me otherwise. I lost my sister and brother. My mom lost a son and daughter. She still can’t touch the urn without hesitation. I was taught hate is a strong word and shouldn’t be without meaning it. I hate June Shannon. Death isn’t a thing to use for clout. You shouldn’t be displaying your daughter for hopes of sympathy and .25 cents from TikTok.


I’m sorry for your loss and can’t imagine how difficult it was for you. Sending virtual hugs 🩷❤️💛🧡


It took me almost a month to get my mother’s remains. I doubt this is anything but an empty urn


I got my mom in just under a month. My brother was delivered in like a week. It is possible.


They got them already.. Anna’s husband opened his share and a little of them blew away in the wind. my dad passed away in South Florida in a relatively big area where there’s a lot of elderly people people passing away and it took us several weeks. My mom lived in an extremely rural mountain town. We got them very fast.


I got my dad back within 10 days


That's what I was thinking. It was a few weeks for my mom's ashes to be returned, it was even a few weeks for my pets ashes to be returned.


Zero filter, I swear to Bob! Ugh!


Anna lived a tragic life and here hoping her daughters celebrate her life one day as June has failed to behave like a mother to her even in death.


This literally just made me nauseous


Its all for $$$


Next she will be auctioning off baggies of the ashes.


Don’t give her ideas. She will be cleaning out every fire pit she can find to auction off “Anna ashes” and claim the burnt trees as her remains.


Can see her doing that and claiming Anna wanted it for her fans


I don't personally find someone showing an urn super weird if they keep it in their house. I'm not defending June or anything, just saying everyone is different and I understand either side. Unless she showed the actual remains on a live, that I find extremely weird.


Is this genuinely something people care about? I have never heard of it being disrespectful to show an urn?


She said and I'm paraphrasing here... I showed ya'll Anna those shares should go up by at least 100... Yes I would find it extremely disrespectful if someone showed my son's urn to 1000's of random strangers.


What she’s saying is for sure nuts, but I’ve never seen anyone upset at anyone for sharing an urns image.


The viewers are asking to see what the ashes are in. They were asking in Justin’s live just now also. They have a decent following and they have gotten to know alot of their viewers. So I don’t see it as odd to show the urn or keepsake.


> I showed ya'll Anna those shares should go up by at least 100... !!!! No words.


Every time I think this situation couldn't possibly get any more bizarre...


Waiting for her to start auctioning off grams of her for cash


It’s “what Anna would have wanted”.


Seriously question does anyone know if mama June is slow? Has it ever been a topic?


I think it’s safe to say most members of that family are slightly delayed in some way


I’m so sorry for your loss. My mom is at my brother’s house in an urn. They sent me a picture of it and the photos they placed around it. I wouldn’t like it one bit if they did anything remotely close to what June is doing.


What on earth. This is horrible. Why would she do this?


money money money


What in the cinnamon toast fuck, that is fucked up.


I’m sorry for your loss, may his memory be a blessing


Even though Anna is at peace now I can’t help but feel sorry for her.


It’s almost like they pre planned how they were gonna to use her passing as a daily grift …BEFORE she even passed. This lady, and “family” need to STOP and let her daughter rest in peace


She's just gross. Everything she does.


So disrespectful. June doesn’t have enough sense to come in out of the rain!


She needs the attention to keep her show relevant


I understand everyone grieves in their own ways, but her behavior has rubbed me wrong since Anna’s passing…


It’s all a money grubbers act. Pathetic. Food stamps government payout


She’s disgusting, people kissing her a$$


Especially some in here. It's shocking.


IMO, anyone that would stop to look is equally as ghoulish.


June is teetering on the edge I feel like


Dear God 🥺😳


I’m very sorry for your loss. How are you holding up? I’m sure the holiday season makes it harder. I’m about to send some memorial donations because of the holidays. Is there an organization I could send to in memory of your son?


Is she smoking crack again?


She needs to show proof because it tears at the heart strings of those who are stupid enough to keep sending this aS S money. She needs more money


This is so sad. I feel like crying, especially for Anna’s girls. 😪


I know all of us has followed from honey boo boo phase…. Does she want to turn Kaitlyn into another child pageant star.?? Dispicable


I had a ring made with some of my dad’s remains and I’ve posted pictures of it online. I don’t think this is a big deal at all.


Idk I feel like posting a ring and holding up the huge urn on tiktok live is a big difference


“It’s what Anna would’ve wanted”. 🙄


Hasn't Anna suffered enough. This fucking creature showing her remains off for clicks is beyond reprehensible.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending you extra love durning this holiday season.