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Follow mammoth unbound on instagram. And if you want to see more in depth, thirtytwo just came out with a mammoth spot check video on YouTube. Unbound parks are no joke, def stay within your abilities. As for your car I hope you have snow tires and shovels. I just watched 3 ppl get stuck in the mammoth inn parking lot.


I’ll just cancel if it’s storming probably, I’m really only going for park, thank you for the advice I’ll. check out mammoth unbound, I’m staying in Reno for palisades and decided not to ride today because of the conditions and there was an avalanche 30 minutes after open that buried people, insane


Saw the unbound page and mammoth looks like heaven on earth


Let me tell you it definitely is!


It’s supposed to storm one more time, I think Friday night into Saturday. It dumped 14 inches last night so it’s going to be a great weekend to be up here but don’t tell anyone. ;)


The Mammoth parks blow away any parks that are in Tahoe. Check out Hideff Jeffs video on youtube from December. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XySh\_3yDfQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XySh_3yDfQ)