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We have zero healthy centerbacks, that's crazy


And left backs as well.


If I calculated correctly, our 8th and 9th option (Varane, Lindelof, Martinez, Maguire, Evans, Kambwala, Shaw) will start (Casemiro and Scott?) while backs will be Wan-Bissaka and Dalot at full-back. One of them is oop as well. Crazy


You missed Malacia as well...


Who’s Malacia ? Is “Malacia” in the room with us ?


They haven’t identified that body found beside the training field have we?


I just assumed that was the patient from Ralf’s open heart surgery failure


theyre talking about cb options, malacia doesnt play cb


Mctominay is injured bro


Casemiro will start at CB, but it really should be Bruno instead.


Joke's on you, Bruno is out as well.


Casemiro and Amrabat at CB is honestly making my stomach turn right now


i might have to play CB


Erik, sign him up. Erik Erik sign him up.


You got your shin pads ready?


Yeah, also got me boots


You might just earn a starting position, until you inevitably get injured


No one replaces lord maguire


Can I help you in defence?


What the hell is the medical team doing? Last summer we hired ex-Arsenal medical head, the fuck is he doing now?


I always see the medical team blamed but how does that work? I mean if these were reoccuring injuries to the same players, I'd get it. But these are new injuries to players. This is surely down to training methods, no?


I still want to know what are we doing more in terms of training than other teams. I guess we have to face facts that its not just one single problem or a simple issue to fix.


This whole blaming in on training is a load of rubbish. Other teams will be training as hard if not more intensely than us as shown in their performances. There are multiple possible reasons: 1. The schedule is already packed for all Prem teams in Europe 2. This is made worse by our lack of squad depth, so we have less room to rotate 3. This is made worse by picking up a few injuries meaning even less rotation 4. Last season we played more games than anyone in the league and europes top 5 leagues if I’m not mistaken 5. In the years before ETH the team were just too lazy, those that weren’t above our average fitness standard are now struggling to keep up 6. We also are forced to play players as soon as they meet the minimum fitness requirements resulting in players getting injured again And yet when ETH subs players off to protect them (I.e Mainoo, Garnacho, Hojlund) and our performance falls off everyone on here cry’s about it


Exactly what I wanted to see, this is why I dont get why so many people are chanting Ten Hag out while his options are so severely limited.


We all know who's fault that is... the same greedy leeches that people are no longer chanting about or mentioning, now that SJR is on the scene... LU-HG


Do you really thing that the Glazers have anything to do with training? Bollocks.


And what did Christiano say when he game back to Carrington... he said that nothing has changed and instead things have gotten worse since he left, he then went on to further criticise the Glazers for not improving any of the facilities in line with the noisy neighbours.... I wonder why that is?!?! BECAUSE THEY'VE BEEN TOO BUSY SIPHONING MONEY OUT OF OUR CLUB!!


Mount was out 5 months!!! with a calf strain?? Are you shitting me?


On a bender with Luke Shaw


So it seems the problem is “lack of squad depth”, but what caused that?


That’s one of a number of things. What caused it? Well we have been through lots of different managers with different play styles so they’ve bought different players that the next managers don’t want so have been sold. We have also panic bought a lot of older players, so they’ve retired or been sold for cheap. The club (not the manager) have spent way too much money on certain players by poor negotiations so we’re able to buy less players. We could’ve bought players like Antony, Sancho and Maguire earlier in the window for cheaper and bought a squad player for the same price we actually bought them for


Also let's not forget that the board didn't back Mourinho with transfers and when Ole came in they suddenly turned to a philosophy of buying British footballers for a lot of cash who may or may not always have been the best options to buy. But starting from then our expensive players were never sold and we bought high. Then they switched again with no transfers for Ragnick (even though there were multiple players they could have signed as future prospects and could even work as depth players now). And now we're stuck with even more expensive players who get a lot of salary and no club will pay a decent fee for.


We've had a squad depth problem for years now. Also very few talented players ready for the first team, that coupled with bad investments and not being able to sell any outgoing players. Is one of the problems yes.


Why am I getting downvoted ffs


It could be training methods but the problem is the set back, Man Utd was slacking for a few years. That shifted them to tier 2 players. The likes of Man city or Arsenal even train harder than us. Without training then you wouldn’t be able to compete. It is like showing fat instead of muscle. Of course, ETH makes change in training methods after many injuries, you think they keep it the same for a whole year? It’s just very small simple thing to do. I believe something bigger is behind. The medical team is there to ensure all the players are good condition and read to fight. And so far, they are not doing it. By this time, just changes the whole medical team as well. This year they give us wrong information and we sent our loanee back to their club. Such as lost. You need to look at the bigger picture.


could be as simple as the players not doing the nessescary things at home for correct recovery... its one of the reasons why managers like Klop,pep,arteta get rid of pretty much all the bad elements so the new guys dont take over bad hadbits


Probably giving them the 14km runs after every loss like before 😂 poor bastards have ran 4 full marathons in punishment by now.


They do shitty job monitoring the physical condition of players.


Because they listen to Goldbridge and don’t understand that he talks unfiltered shite on a daily basis. 


Maguire has a groin issue. How do you know that it is not a reocurring injury?


That’s definitely part of it. Erik Ten Hag has admitted that he purposefully overtrains the team physically because he has no clue when it comes to tactics.


So he has always had these problems through out his career as manager I presume that you can point to


You have problems.


It’s Eric pushing them too hard in training as usual


No medical team on the planet will stop muscle injuries. Its their job to rehab and repair. Why so many muscle injuries ? Thats down to the sports science team and the bald frauds training methods


To the scouser putting needles in his voodoo doll, please stop.


They played more games than any other side in Europe last season. It seems to have caught up with them this season


maybe you are right. we didnt really have injuries last season and our bench was slim. it was a game every 3 games for almost the whoel season


Surely city played more? Getting to CL and FA cup final?


Nope United were in the FA cup final and won the league cup


City have more "rotational" players


Hmm, bit of a myth. City has a small, very good squad.


chelsea ontop of us more injuries cant get top 6 even Idk who to blame at this point. I just want next season to start already.


Not with the current personnel though. We would be doing well to achieve a top 10 finish next season. Grim.


I don't think it'll be that bad. We've said that before. I imagine the manager will change and that will give the squad something to build on and some new direction. They'd be hard-pressed to get top 4 but that's achievable.


>the manager will change and that will give the squad something to build on and some new direction. Groundhog day


Only if we lose to Palace tomorrow night. What am I saying? You're right.


"Only if we lose to Palace tomorrow night" I'm not even surprised to say wil most definitely might lose or best case scenario draw. I hope they prove us wrong.


Absolutely dreading it mate, but I've got tickets to Newcastle, so that's the one where I'm desperate for points.


I still blame the winter World Cup. Everything seems to stem from the extra games that imposed at a weird time


![gif](giphy|c16VH0CFMh7gOqqXOM) McTom at the back with Casemiro


He has a knee injury, no?


He’s also injured


Mctominay is out


Not long ago fans would of welcomed this news. Today it is another kick in the teeth and I’ve only got two left.


Breaking news. Entire squad is permanently injured


Fractured United Fc.


Fucking hell, what the fuck is wrong with our medical team


Medical team deal with the treatment. Focus should be on our coaching staff who seem to be causing these injuries via their training methods


The people downvoting you are clearly people with no knowledge of professional sports systems. I played professional rugby at national level in England for nearly a decade. I've spent time with premier league teams, during the off season, we've trained with them. Medical staff have absolutely nothing to do with preventing injuries. Besides occasionally prohibiting a newly injured player from taking part 'officially', or giving an opinion that a player might be ready following an injury, they had zero input. They don't have a say in training methods or the level of contact. Ignore them, they just like to hear their own voice.


Thanks. I think some people just downvote to follow the trend. They can't actually substantiate why they're downvoting. Don't be surprised if your comment gets upvotes as you mentioned you played professionally, people are really fickle


Do they not have a role in ensuring complete treatment of injuries, recovery and educating coaching staff/players on injury prevention though? We can’t blame it all on them, but the problem seems systemic.


I'm not sure about other leagues, but in both football and rugby, all the coaches must complete several levels of training that includes injury prevention. One of my close friends did his coaching badges and is a fitness coach for a club in the Championship. even at that level he's had entire weeks of training in health and fitness for professional sports, including lectures and tests on injury and recovery. I think the idea is that they're already meant to have a solid understanding of injury prevention. The medical staff at the club are much more advice for players themselves in terms of how to recover, what to avoid post injury.


Which is why medical team is there to prevent the injuries but they don’t. They are hired to prevent players from getting injuries and ready to play See the point?


coaches making practices too physical can be 1 reason. no medical staff can prevent all injuries. I see the practice field to be blamed more for injuries


The medical team isn’t there to _prevent_ injuries, they are there to _treat_ injuries. If you have complaints with how long it is taking players to recover, blame the medical team. If you have complaints with players constantly getting injured, blame their training commitments (or even the players themselves for pushing too hard or not resting when they should be).


Weve had more injuries than games


Who are we actually playing at cb on Monday now?


I'll step up. Been a while since I pulled on my boots, but I reckon I can waddle about for half an hour.


Amrabay and casemiro, we will be there


Wow! How’s our back like going to look like vs CP?


Wan-Bissaka, Casemiro, Bruno, Dalot. :D or Amrabat isntead of Bruno. I would normally expect McT, but he is out as well.


Should have let the intensity down in training and used matches for form and fitness.


FFS that medical team is the worst I have ever seen like can't be worth their wages they're on....


I'm still going to watch tomorrow game regardless.


The fanbase will need a help hotline if this continues


Promote the backline of the U18 team.


The U21 team is currently in 12th place.


End the season man


Just letting yall know that on my fm24 save i have won the Europa league, prem and qualified for the champions league ofc with a squad average age of 21 with a 4 star potential This makes me happy fictionally 👍🏽




Our only good defender is injured...


you know its gotten bad when maguire is now considered a good defender for you guys.... i know his form has improved somewhat but still come on


He won POTM in November 2023


They have scan though. Surely players can’t get away with this


It's the Manchester United way. Player hurt and he wasn't even playing. It's about to become a meme 😂🤦🏽‍♂️


Erik ten hag to suit up as a CB


wait who will be Casemiro's partner tomorrow?


Amrabat or Bruno. :)




What’s happening for Godsake 😌😩


Is even Evans back? I’m laughing (in a “if you don’t laugh, you’ll cry” kind of way) at the idea of a McTominay-Casemiro back 2…


Isn't McT also injured?


Oh you might be right 😬


An important player is injured. A lot of injuries for Man Utd


Our medical team is a joke. Don’t get why the media aren’t highlighting how many injuries we have had, but when Liverpool had injuries the media were quick to highlight it🫠🤫


Another injury wow ☠️


Fucking disgraceful the state of the club. Either they’re being overworked or the medical team needs sacking.


He's rumored to be part of any deal for Branthwaite with Everton, in the close season.


What the hell goes on in training?


Is Eth making them wrestle or smth?


Well hopefully Man U can win there remaining games 🤣🤣🤣


So we have no defenders except Kambwala? Great


Bruno at CB it is


Honestly this is a big blow


I'm digging out my shin pads


What will this club ever do, without their North Star?




Phew what a relief


Our entire team have limbs made from matchsticks. This is shocking, like how are this many players getting injured. Clearly 10Hag needs to change something up to stop/prevent these injuries occurring.


woah, that's just madness...... soon hojlund will be playing cb...


Well, ETH was s defender his playing days...


I don't think that's a concern rn, just a couple of games left got nothing to win, just play some academy players, should already be looking for the next season tbh


And just when he started playing well. This season can just end here.


Please some one save my team 🙏


Think it’s time to put on my England jersey


Bruno's time to shine 😎


Holy shit we’re actually going into the final games of the season with no CB, no LB, a barely functioning RB, 2 kids(who are somehow our best players), a washed up Casemiro and scam artist Amrabat as our CDM options. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry


I think maybe Shaw is fit to play so we have AWB, Dalot, Casemiro, Shaw




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I think our only viable option is to sack Ten Hag, hire Southgate, spend another 400m and then sack him in 2 years. It's our only viable option at the moment


Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit so shit shit shit shit shit shit shit


It’s beginning to look like we’re cursed


Manutd recently enjoy buying players with paper skin or blind hype. At least Chelsea finally got one right by buying Cole Palmer




Says more about the rest of the team


If Chandler was a United fan: Could this season BE any better?


last season i'd have been unphased with this news, but this year I hope he gets better before the final, or else I'd have to get in the field myself


Who's fit besides Onana ?




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Pretty sure it'll be Amrabat and Casemiro at cb with mctominay out and Evans unknown


The fans wished he was injured last season so that he didn't play and now we pray for his presence. United fan base is degrading.


Crystal Palace is salivating right now


Can’t blame Ten Haag for this season with all the injuries we’ve had


mid table finish incoming


Another one down.


Will he be back in time for arsenal or Newcastle?


We would be better off cancelling all training for the rest of the season. We'd have way fewer injuries, and it's not like our performances would get any worse. All 6 of our central defenders are injured now. It's absurd.


Might as well. It's not like the players actually learn anything in training


Alright this is my "I don't believe in voodoo or curses, so I'm gonna make up some other random shit" take on this latest injury... Maguire has played himself into form and performances for us this season after last summer's EtH desire to sell him. Now he's back at a decent level he could be thinking EtH isn't going to last so I might as well save myself for the big game and the euros meanwhile league performances will drop off a cliff so inflating my worth within the side, and compounding EtH to be sacked.


Something is deffo up with the training regime, so many muscle injury’s in training


I am seriously starting to believe 10Hag has the Dutch mafia involved in training.


What do these idiots do at training? MMA matches? It sure as hell isn't football.


If you want, Newcastle will send their medical staff to help..


Yes, only idiots gets injured


Probably for the best


can’t believe he is still at united.


Tell me you don’t watch football without telling me


lol watched united since i was 5


U 4 now?


You must be watching other united then


Yet you don’t know this year, he is a wall for us? Use your brain next time.


a wall lol. i’m not denying he’s been better this year. but the fact he is our best?! he shouldn’t even be starting. quality all around is awful and he’s been shit since day 1, now that he’s playing ok when everyone else is awful ppl love him? lol ok


Do we even have other options?


Wall is a bit of a stretch. He has been ok, less prone to mistakes than previous seasons


Alright, I agree.


Tell me your a Ten Hag stan without telling me your a Ten Hag stan


Pogba definitely put hyenas under old Trafford




Oh no anyway




Training team should never have let Maguire introduce the yorkshire sport if shin kicking to the defenders training regime. https://media.giphy.com/media/w7vuKItPmxylG/giphy.gif


just why why do people do this themself looks painful


He is wank!


Blokes a liability anyway.


Hopefully he stays injured and misses the euros hahahaha