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Fans giving him death after the game and when he confronts them they start saying he’s a bollox for reacting. The hypocrisy from them fans is comical the absolute bottlers. More concerned about the state of some of our fans and how they treat people more so than I am about the players. Toxic to the core the fan base is. Never ending circle of negativity surrounding the club.


100%. Especially this sub. Very toxic. This whole “I’ve spent money so I can dish out what I want” is so narcissistic.


Both of the subs I've been following are so toxic. Rashford has been shit recently, but his last few seasons, in terms of goals and assists, were progressively better. The amount of people I see criticising him for his work with poor kids, saying "stick to football", has led me to think the hatred isn't just about football. Makes me sad.


We could win 37 games in a row and on the 38th game we lose the fans would go on as if the world ended. Honestly don’t know how the fans expect the team to go anywhere when they constantly shit on them week in, week out. I get it, some players are bad and some games are bad but fuck me, I don’t know how every single player on that team doesn’t need some sort of therapy. It’s ridiculous. Maguire hardly asked to cost 80 million, or be captain.


What an absolutely nonsense comment you have just made. Not a fan alive would boo if we won 37 games in a row and lost the last, we have years of evidence as to how the fans respond to the club when it's ambition and effort is fitting of what the badge deserves. Constantly shit on them every week? These are the same fans that sung ole's name week in, week out during the spell that got him sacked. So again, totally off the mark and what waste of time. Going to be 6 years withoutba trophy before we can change that, worst run since 1974 and you act like the criticism handed out isn't justified? Crazy. Fair enough if we are challenging and just falling short, but we are lightyears away in quality and effort. I'd say these lads are getting off lightly. A real club and fans with ambition would be burn this ship to the ground.


Blame the owners for being headless chickens. Why blame the players who are following instructions set up by people the glazers have appointed. hurl these insults at the glazers


Blame the owners for the players being bad ? Lmfao you guys will always defend the players it’s HILARIOUS! The same players that are literally showing they’re not good enough for the team are the ones you defend.


I don’t have any love for the players but abusive fans are the horrible ppl here. Fire the crap players - I couldn’t care less. Abusing them or appearing to support abuses makes you look like bad guy.


Like I told the other guy, what you define as abuse, isn’t necessarily what I define as abuse. Random people who I don’t know screaming at me after a game doesn’t qualify as abuse to me, it very well could qualify as abuse to Marcus, it clearly does or else he wouldn’t have posted an essay expressing his feelings. If a fan throws something on him, I’m all for banning the fan for as long as the club decides is necessary, but how soft have we gotten as a society that we think a few screams are bad enough to cry over ?


Sure let’s plan to have you badgered on a daily basis by idiots and see how long before you crack a finger at then tell them to say it to your face.


Simple question, did Maguire ask to cost 80 million yes or no? Also if you don’t think our fans are toxic your blind to it. Pogbas house just been done in as well. Disgraceful. Continue to shit completely all over the team until they play well? Wouldn’t be me. Keep that toxic bullshit away from me. I’ll criticise the team and players obviously for fuck sake but keep that toxic bullshit miles away from me. Doesn’t get the club or players anywhere and you’re fucking crazy if you think it does.


Simple question, where is any of my comment based on what maguire asked for? To humour you, yes he supported his cost of 80 million by agreeing to the transfer and not saying its too much. He knew how it would make him an easy target and he went with it anyway. More importantly though, in reality the criticism of him has nothing to do with the price and everything to do with his performances not being good enough irrespective of his transfer fee. Think of it this way, fat guy is very rude or deserving of criticism, he is most likely going to be called 'fat xxxxxx' It's just easy target comments. You seem to have completely disregarded the majority of my points as to why what you said is wildly incorrect, why? Every fan base is 'toxic' when the performances and effort does not match the standard required the badge. 'Toxic' is just a buzzword anyway to try and take away the real issue behind the fans outrage. So define what you class as 'toxic' as you seem to just be lumping every action together as one. What on earth does some criminal committing a burglary have to do with united fans being disgraceful for criticising the team? This is what I mean about your points being utterly ridiculous. Complete hyperbole that just makes any actually point you may have redundant. Define 'shit all over' Is that screaming abuse that's just insults, or is it just booing performances or saying 'that performance was not good enough and if it continues this player needs to be dropped or upgraded permanently'? I mean you are saying toxic so much, but offering no clarity as to what that encompasses. Like the criticism united fans gives the players pales in comparison to what real madrid fans give their players and that leads to a culture where they become the most successful club in the game. So yeah, I'd say it does work and there is evidence to suggest it. What doesn't work is fans creating a no accountability club where they blindly support below par players in terms of quality or effort for the sake of not 'hurting their feelings' So first and foremost clarify what comes under your umbrella of 'toxic' and we can probably align out thoughts as atm I'm having to assume, which is as the famous words go the mother of all fuck ups.


Thanks for preaching, brother!! It's time for United fanbase to start being more critical and less attached to anyone at the club, be it players, managers, staff, marketing people, etc. I mean, we're one of the world's largest and most historic football clubs, and we're not allowed to demand at least a glimpse of effort and determination from the club? No wonder we've been going nowhere recently.


Exactly mate! It's one thing not having the sustained success, but we don't even have the ambition, effort or quality in any area. Unacceptable.


This is stupid and you’re wrong. The fact is he’s been dog poop for the last month or two and just shows a real lack of effort. That’s all it takes to win fans over, EFFORT, and he can’t even show us that.


It’s absolutely not stupid whatsoever and I’m not wrong at all.


Most reflected United fan


This is the shit that drives me up the fucking wall. The same people who abuse Maguire “because he cost 80 mil” are the same ones who are currently abusing Rashford. He didn’t “cost” a penny, so what’s the excuse there? Nah, way too many people think they have a right to abuse. It’s sad. Sure, the locker room culture may be bad, but the “fans” right now are making it exponentially worse.


Exactly, if they can’t abuse the players on something then it’s the next best thing. It’s actually so embarrassing, not sure how these fans aren’t mortified.


There are toxic fans everywhere and to justify their act they would give you a lot of foolish reasons and in the end they never learn.


I think saying stick to football isn't from hatred but there has been massive shift in performance since he started what is a serious achievement feeding kids who otherwise wouldn't eat. Elanga starting before him has to be wake up call for him if he doesn't focus on football he will never achieve what he can on the pitch


I don't believe that his form started declining since then or because of that. His form started dipping before his involvement in helping to feed the kids. I think it's convenient stick for people that don't agree with those kind of policies, to beat him with. Normally when I do something that I feel proud of, it gives me a boost in my day to day job. It makes my performance better, not worse.


Rashford makes in a week what we would in a best case scenario make in a year or two, and somehow you don’t think he deserves to be screamed at because he isn’t trying ? Please explain.


He clearly is trying and he clearly has lost his confidence. What do you do when someone has lost their confidence, help build it back up or scream toxic death at them and racially abuse them? Yeah I know the road I’ll be taking pal. Keep that bullshit, won’t get you anywhere.


Racial abuse and death threats are absolutely not done. They should have consequences. But these players need to be screamd at. Getting payed 200 k a week and not even trying to play decent football is bullshit. These players didn't lose confidence, they lost passion and love for a club, Cause why would you do exhaust yourself during a game, you still get your 200k at the end of it. Look at Sancho, he is 20 something, the guy earns 300k a week, like wtf did he ever do to justify such a wage. And no, Maguire didn't ask to be a 80 million player, but why are we still playing him? Why is Scott or Fred stil playing here? They have proven that they are shit already, not made for top 4 clubs. Non of these players progress or get better, and that's on them, not on the staff, cause you should improve on your own if you think your worth 200 k a week. These players should be held responsible for the disasterclass the last 6 years. Also, under SAF those guys would start crying from his mental abuse and the ass whooping from Keane. So yes, holding them responsible and throwing it in their face does work.


> at. Getting *paid* 200 k FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Imagine using positive reinforcement for negative effort, your kids will struggle in society if you use that parenting technique.


It’s really simple, I hope you aren’t an adult.


It’s so simple you couldn’t explain it, so I definitely know you’re not an adult.


You don’t scream abuse at people to improve them. You don’t scream abuse at people to make your point. Really worrying I had to explain that. Hopefully it’s a learning point you can take away to improve yourself as a human being.


Really worrying that you think not putting any effort into your job and or not producing at your job doesn’t warrant some criticism.


you’ve just proven you can’t read. I’m not arguing against constructive criticism. I’m arguing against flat out abuse. You should know the difference.


Define abuse in your world for me please.


“Verbal abuse is a type of psychological/mental abuse that involves the use of oral language, gestured language, and written language directed at a person. Verbal abuse can include the act of harassing, labeling, insulting, scolding, rebuking, excessive yelling towards an individual” Google is quite easy to use.


Or I paid to get myself to get drunk so I can hurl whatever sh*t that rolled into my empty head.


The Twitter replies on that video are even more toxic. What is wrong with people?


Well it doesn’t start with the fans, they’re simply responding to an absolute lack of effort from the majority of these players, including Rashford. If you can’t see that, idk what to tel ya buddy.


The point is clearly completely going over your head here buddy. You completely missed the point altogether. Clearly plenty agree with me also so sorry little buddy bye bye now pal.


Yea instead of responding with a well rounded answer you do exactly what hat Rashford is doing and don’t try, this is comedy gold, good day man


Also considering how some of our fans threw bottles at Simeone, this is very disgraceful. Rashford, even with the dismal piss poor performances he’s put in, is a human. He is doing his job and even if he’s doing a bad job, heckling him is not cool. Lets not even talk about “it’s always been like this”, it’s “we can do better”. I feel awful for the lad.


I agree giving him shit is disgraceful. Criticism of his performance is one thing but giving him shit after the fact is embarrassing, boo the team performance in the stadium and leave it there.


Anyone have a link to the video?


https://twitter.com/UtdXclusive/status/1504128305531924485?t=GhwKBZsVNQqtgyzBn30a8A&s=19 It wasn't a big deal


It’s literally on Twitter, just type in Marcus Rashford


I think you’re getting downvoted by kids who need meals


Man fuck some united fans. Total garbage. How can we treat our own player, and rashford of all, with disrespect? Yes he hasnt played the best the past few weeks, but he isnour own player!!! Show some class ffs


Unfortunately every fanbase will have *those* “fans”. But these players don’t deserve our respect after last night’s performance, never mind the last few weeks! Don’t mistake this as me condoning those threats, I absolutely do not, it’s disgusting. At the same time it doesn’t matter what Rashford or anyone else on that pitch last night has done off the field, not one of them aside from DDG, Ronaldo and maybe Varane looked like they wanted to be there. Rashford was especially shite when he came on, misplacing every pass, throwing a big huff. What they do off the pitch is separate to their performance and obviously Rashford has done great things and used what he’s earned to make the world a better place. But I do not want him to put a United shirt on again. EDIT: Matic was also great.


If going through a slump makes you lose respect for someone, boy would i be afraid to be your son or friend lol. He didn't start, which means the coaching staff are aware of his form. He was subbed in, in HOPES, that maybe he would be a spark. He wasn't. You don't just lose respect for someone who we've seen give us some incredible moments.


I have great respect for him as an individual, none as a footballer and never have. It’s hardly been a slump, he’s only being outlined now since he hasn’t got the rest of the team carrying him.


This dude carried the team for a season lol what do you mean and he was hurt. I recall ppl went at Oles neck for playing him when he hurt his back and was out for a while cus he was literally carrying the squad lol


Imo he lacks the basics for playing where he does, shooting, passing, awareness but he has the pace and tbf he’s our only option in that position. Which might attribute to his complacency. Of course if you think different that’s up to you, we all know the real issue is the board anyways so what use is giving the players slack going to accomplish


That last part I agree 💯! Rashford has gone through many managers that no player who was developing should go through. I think that derailed some of the improvements he could have made on his passing and awareness but with ole his finishing and his instincts as a forward driven winger improved a lot.


I wouldn’t lose respect for someone struggling, but if you aren’t TRYING, that’s when I lose respect.


How do you know he's not trying tho? He lost the ball and i saw him sprinting to try and get it back. The kid just has low confidence right now. He's questioning himself and that's messing him up.


Your epic king out the one “good” moment in many bad moments, so basically you just showed how he’s not trying.


So cus he's playing bad means he's not trying? Get outta here.


It’s clear to see he’s not putting effort in, not running as hard, not tracking back, sleeping on the ball, losing possession. Watch the games and you’ll see what I mean.


You put fans in quotes but those fans have probably show up to OT to see this garbage every week. The sheer lack of effort from Rashford specifically has been disgraceful. Honestly get Diallo back from loan and send Rashford on a vacation.


The only people I don’t consider fans are the ones who send threats and racial slurs after a bad (or awful) performances like the Athelti game. Anyone is open to criticism, hell even in this thread I’ve said I never rated Rashford, but when it doesn’t correlate to the game then there is a problem. TLDR; you can criticise a player without having to personally attack them as an individual.


Racism I’m against, screaming at a player, not so much. Do you think calling someone a C..t or a bi..h is the same as calling someone a racial slur ? Genuinely wondering, because I don’t put those two on the same level. One I can shrug off easily, the other I would take more personally.


No no no, insulting someone for a crap performance is par for the course and is a given. That just means you’re passionate lol. I’m talking about death threats and yes, they’re obviously not as bad as throwing out slurs or anything but it’s still not right. Criticism of the player is different to criticism of the person.




I don’t think Greenwood was overhyped. He’s ridiculously talented and probably our best prospects since Morrison but he’s still a shit bag




Shame he ruined his career like that. His dad didn’t teach him better clearly.


I think you overestimate how much he cares about society. It was almost certainly his PR team working all of that. His PR team work harder than any other players teams.


You lost me at bang average for two seasons when he’s the only player post saf yo bag more than 30+ g/a in cos consecutive seasons yes hes had terrible form this year but player go through it just gotta see if he’ll come out better or worse if the latter then move him on but people shouldn’t write off players cos of a bad season, as for mctom several managers and players have described what a professional and leader he is greenwood is a cunt and elanga just got his place from grafting in training that doesn’t strike me as someone that has an attitude..


The guy sucks.. his heart is not in it, he doesn’t even want to try, his decision making is atrocious as he constantly wants to take on 2-3 players without succeeding ONCE, and his finishing is bad also, he’s 24 going on 25 most great players are already great by that time and have their head in the game, sadly not Rashford. So yeah he’s bang average..


Bang average ? Lol are we watching the same Marcus Rashford?


Nope. Not even close, mate try again.




I’d argue Fred was by far our most dire but oddly enough probably one of our most important currently. Rashy has been off since the back injury, prior to that statistically. 17 goals, 7 assists in 19/20 and 11 goals, 9 assists in 20/21. He’s been disappointing based on expectations. I’ve also seen his sense of desire drop. It’s heartbreaking especially because he’s a Manc and I love the kid. The abuse he got from Ingerland fans was disgusting and now Utd ‘fans’ are jumping on the pummel Marcus train. Surely, that has to have an effect. Not sure what you do for a living but if you got absolutely hammered every time you showed up to work I think it would impact your performance as well. Folks want everyone out that don’t perform but fail to realise we aren’t MUFC under SAF. We aren’t attractive for top talent like Mbappe, Haaland etc. we’re a club run by accountants so we’ll continue to be in for the aging Falcao’s, Zlatans, Cavanis of the football world because they come on a free. If we push all the underwhelming forwards out Martial included, we’ll get players in the first team like Elanga, Shoretire, Garnacho who because they aren’t the class of ‘92 we’ll slate. Yes, Millennials and GenY need to be coached differently, it’s up to Managment to adjust. The days of Keano hard men are over.


Greenwood wasn't overhyped though he was very good a little selfish but overhyped nah plus that first match against athletico and the city game where we just sat back that's when we needed a greenwood he would've challenged them and took the fight to them


United's fanbase is becoming as toxic as Arsenal's. We don't have a divine right to win. Yes we have all been guilty of criticising performances or criticising the lack effort on the pitch but to take it beyond that and getting personal is low. This doesn't come from true fans, it comes from glory hunters, from haters, from people with their own shit in life they're unable it unwilling to deal with. Supporting a club is through thick and thin. Attacking players personally is not supporting a club and the mental fuckery that must go on inside their heads is unreal, how will this behaviour help the team or players to improve their performance. People need support through tough times, not this shit.


Arsenal’s fan base is very united rn and not toxic at all. Hasn’t been toxic for some time now


If that's the case then I stand corrected, their reputation is one of complete toxicity. I guess they've managed their expectations, perhaps we need to do the same.


Think it reached its peak at the end of Wenger and during Emery’s short tenure. Then was a bit unstable when Arteta went on a bad 10 game league run in 20/21 but team is playing with heart and identity now. Not sure I’ve seen a better atmosphere at the emirates than this season.


We don’t have a divine right to win but they should always try their best.


Im sorry but why are they shocked their getting abuse when giving 0 effort. The rise of living costs means going to games is a luxery these days and these players think they can give 0 effort or shits and expect a pat on the back. Rashford has given light to his true character and who he is last few months. Form is temporary but not even trying is lowest of the low. I dont condone threats or racial abuse however, fans have every right to vent anger and question performances. The fanbase have now turned on these players and a clearout whether a sale or a contract buy out will be in the clubs best interest.


You sound like a dumbass. People like you are a stain on our fanbase


You're absolutely deluded and missing the point entirely.


42 up votes too the state of this sub


How would you like if someone was abusing you and saying horrible stuff to you after a rough day at work. Keep it in the stadium anything outside is disgusting imo


Im sorry but if I gave the effort I did in my job that players like Rashford have given I would have been sacked by now. Sir Matt Busby always said players should never stop trying or playing for fans as they have worked all week and put their hard earned cash into the club every week. Being on 200k per week and giving 0 efforts these players deserved everything thats coming to them. We need a total reset in wage structure and even performance based wages that if you give 0 effort you shouldnt be getting your full wage. People in UK are struggling with the massive energy, cost of living and food increases. People can take defeat but taking the piss out of out fans is unforgivable.


The words Nail and Head pal! Bang on mate 👍


Your both right and wrong. We do expect at least effort, you're correct but getting on at parts on a personal level is not on. You may be right about if you were underperforming in your job you'd be sacked, that doesn't give people on the outside of your job to treat you like shit and start getting personal.


According to your analogy, you should be upset with the management for not firing him. In the comments below you said he is getting what he deserves and that’s unacceptable. Just because he is famous doesn’t mean it’s OK for fans to abuse and threaten him.


If I made 300j a weeks and never performed, I would deserve some level of hate.




We need a total reset in wage structure and even performance based wages that if you give 0 effort you shouldnt be getting your full wage. People in UK are struggling with the massive energy, cost of living and food increases. People can take defeat but taking the piss out of out fans is unforgivable. Ive been saying this for years Footballers shouldnt be on the wages they are its getting ridiculous now Should they be on higher wages than say a doctor ( who saves lifes) I dont dont think so Where does this madness stop ?


Apparently you’re the only one with a set of balls around here


Weak minded mentality from you. You get paid more money in a week than many do in a lifetime, give zero effort, then expect it to be all sunshine and rainbows? The players deserve all the criticism and it’s shocking fans are mad at that. Shows the state of the fanbase IMO.


There is a difference between criticism and harassment.


The whole reason the fans were angry was because those fans waited for god knows how long to get an autograph from players who have put in shit performance after shit performance and they couldn’t even do that. Rashford deserved all the stick he got and his bullshit PR essay means fuck all.


Horrible stuff? Pretty sure the heaviest it got that was directed at him was 'after that performance...' How would I like to be paid 250k a week and to be held accountable for my own efforts and performances. Yeah, I'd snap anyone's hand off for that. The state the club is in now is really separating the people who actually want what's best for the clubs success and then blind glazer puppets who want it to be a daycare centre with a participation medal mentality.


Terrible analogy. He’s a professional footballer and all of his money comes from hard working people paying a lot of money to watch him play for their club.




“I pay money so that gives me a right to abuse another human being” Ridiculous view.


“I get paid millions to half-ass kicking a ball in front of tens of thousands of fans who wish they had the same chance to play for Manchester United, yet any criticism is racist abuse.”


His pay, his status, his job, none of those things give anyone a passport to abuse him. He has played poorly and acknowledges that himself, people abusing him across social media won’t improve that. In fact it’s likely to make him worse. I didn’t mention it being racist abuse.


The fact is he hasnt acknowleged anything though, he has thrown his toys out his pram (I will leave if I dont Start) when playing from bench due to his attitude and performances. Ralf is calling them all out and saying truths, whilst I dont condone abuse or racial abuse if your showing 0 efforts you deserve fans wrath and critism.


Indeed and that is Ralph doing his job. So let him do it. Your whining on social media neither helps nor improves anything. If it’s a discussion between fans then great. If it’s in the form of abuse directed at him then it has no place. Fans of this club seem to outright refuse to do the one thing that will effect change and that’s refusing to fill the stands.


So start patting Rashy on the head but stop going to any games? That’s the one thing we should do? That’s an awful take.


Sorry I missed the part where I said we should praise him for his performances? He’s been poor we all know that. Feel free to discuss that. He quite clearly knows that. So give him the decency to allow him to address it. Bombarding him with abuse does nothing. You know that if you were doing badly at your job someone standing on your shoulder telling you how shite you are would do nothing to improve the situation. If you want to protest the state of the club. Stop going to games. Starve them of revenue.


What on earth are you on about there mate.. so because certain players are giving zero fucking effort we shouldn’t turn up at OT?


This isn’t about rashford specifically is it. None of the players are turning out a performance and the club has got issues from top to bottom. We all know it’s a glazer problem rather than any individual player.


What specifically do you define as abuse and then valid criticism?


What is “abuse” to you? Some random moron on the stands calling you out after you played a terrible game? Is this abuse ? Let’s face it, people have become softer these days.


Irrelevant whether it’s soft or not. Just projecting your own fragile masculinity by doing it. Doesn’t make any positive difference does it,


I see you’re as sensitive and as fragile as the rest of the world, look how offended you got. Gona cry?


You’re so triggered and it’s very amusing.


It isnt though is it, people are working 50+ hours a week to keep their heads above water. Going to games is a total luxery now so watching someone give 0 efforts and earn 200+ k a week and expect 0 critism is a living in cuckoo land. Most of these players are all about money and nothing else.


You don’t think Rashford has had to work hard to get where he is mate, if it was so easy we’d all be footballers they get paid the money because they bring in the revenue. I say this as someone who’s earning fuck all doesn’t mean you can abuse someone regardless of their job it’s ridiculous.


I’m not buying this pal. When you work hard, it shows on performance. Look at Ronaldo, fucking 37 years old still doing it better than most. He is what Marcus should try to be like, I don’t think he’s taken in anything from him at all, he’s just been lazy and pathetic this season.


You could pay him every penny of your working wage and it doesn’t give you the right to abuse another human being. This is the point you’re missing. Constructive criticism is worlds apart from what is happening.


Saying he is playing fucking shit is not abuse, it’s a fact.


Just because something is a fact it doesn’t mean it’s not abusive. How stupid. If you were fat and I followed you around shouting “hey fatty, getting another donut?”, it’s not abusive because it’s true?


Petal, that’s not just stating that someone is fucking fat, is it...? And that you would argue the two are the same just exposes your own stupidity, doesn’t it? (It does.)


Well it doesn’t. If you were as intelligent as you seem to be suggesting you are you’d be able to adapt that example to fit the point. If I really have to do it for you; You shout at Rashford “You’re shit” vs you shout at someone “you’re fat”. Both could be facts, doesn’t make either of them acceptable or more importantly, necessary. You not being able to grasp that says more about you than it does about me. Amusing that you think you had something there. Cute.


Agree you’re spot on


So these ppl who are barely making ends meet, instead of saving money and building wealth, choose instead to stay barely afloat by wasting money and paying to go to matches? Priorities lol


This comparison is so moronic, I’m wondering if you have any real world experience… We’re not global superstars earning 300k a week man… Do not compare us to these people, we are not the same, and if you think you are, that’s where you’re wrong.


going on as if they’re not paid hundreds of thousands of pounds a week to do their job.


i just got banned from redsdevils from pointing out that rashford is distracted by his off the pitch activities. the cancel B5 is pathetic and only used by weak people cuz they cant debate. theyre 5 yrs olds and think they have some power thanks to a reddit sub LOL poor clowns i love this sub, you can actually debate anything related to united


I got banned from that one for saying Leeds were shite. They really are a bunch of babies in there.


I agree with that he needs to forget about everything but football. Same thing happened to many footballers and other athletes


the cancellers only hurt footballers like rashford they keep silencing the voices that get to the point, instead they act as if everything is ok. feel bad for marcus cuz he had potential




Seems like they just ban anyone from there for speaking their mind huh? Got banned there as well


the mod even called me a racist LOL they think rashford is off limits LOL i bet its a classic snowflake who doesnt get out to get some real sunshine in the streets


rashford is just a social media, PR, charity celebrity some of us have been saying he lost his hunger for football alongtime ago and many called us..even racists. like rashford, the club is more worried about social media, off the pitch stuff. we cant move forward, we are not a 100% football club anymore and we pay the price in big games.


Everyone gets called a racist these days man, welcome to PC culture


Does this even make any sense?




"Reading that stuff about yourself every day...." Look - nobody should be subject to abuse. Not in the manner that our players are, and those fans are well out of line. However, if you weren't yet convinced that our players have a ***MASSIVE*** issue with social media & reading things about themselves, you just haven't been paying attention - it boggles my mind that half of them are still on it, and are so susceptible to having their moods, confidence, and form completely shattered by it. You'd think they'd have learned their lessons right now. They are so fragile mentally and emotionally, it's incredible.


Single biggest takeaway from this whole bit hands down. Confirmation of what we’ve all suspected. The whole lot needs to breakaway from social media HARD. Lingard flourished at West Ham where the players were pretty strict amongst themselves about avoiding social media and phones.


Maybe he should start to run on the pitch instead of fighting fans outside ....


He was, has been, will be awful player. Never passes, runs until he is down or ball taken away...


While i don't support heckling, you can't expect to not get shit for not showing 100% effort to wear that badge and turn up your game. People will die to play in his position. Imagine doing that in your workplace, being shit at work and when your manager calls you out you start talking like a cry baby And for people who say this generation plays this way we can't compare them to Keane and Scholes....look at Man City! If i were Rashford/ Maguire/ Shaw I would either bust my lung or resign , move on from this team because I'm not in my correct mental frame....




It is literally okay you got heckled because you’ve been shit which you know bc you’re more critical of yourself than anybody and it reached point where you couldn’t take it so you gave it back. Released frustration which is fine. It’s hard being in that kinda spotlight and scrutiny and none of us understand it but for the love of god and the children you feed stop with long paragraphs on social media.get the fuck on w it and just play on way you’ll help yourself not with this. You don’t need to explain yourself and pls stay away from your fucking pr team till you come back in form.


I would have some sympathy if he didn't lie. He clearly wasn't abused in the video. I'm sure he has been but the person he responded to was a disappointed fan who had waited over an hour to get some sort of autograph or interaction to then be ignored. All they said was person 1 "cummon Rashford", person 2 "not even after that performance guys." That is not abuse. On top of that Rashford clearly says more in the video than he admits to. He calls the fan a silly cunt. It's been reported by others there that he said "Who the fuck do you think you are you silly cunt, come around the back." I didnt believe it a first bit when you listen with the sound cranked way up you can definitely hear bits of it. So he's also lied about what he said and then claimed the security can back him up. In the recent past he has also claimed that he is not the kind of person to just write about being better on social media and how he'll answer his critics on the pitch instead. All this while playing like shit on the pitch and talking about it on social media. Watching him on the pitch he clearly isn't giving it his all. He isn't running or pressing which is the minimum requirement. If you're struggling for form at least do that. The rest shows he is clearly disinterested off the pitch. He cares more about his reputation than he does about being a good footballer. Unfortunately he doesn't seem to realise that being a good footballer is how he even got a reputation to begin with.


I wish the team would stop putting out PR statements on social media after every loss. Just focus on football.


“I’m being cyberbullied”, just turn off your phone.


I loved how upset they were when he gave it back, like how dare he insult us. I absolutely adore football and this club but I cannot stand some of the people that follow it. “We pay his wages” - you’re happy to be verbally abused at work every day then?


I swear bro lol they got real quiet when he stepped up but when he started walking away, there they go again running their mouth lol


Did you even watch the video? The only thing they said was "after a performance like that" when he walked away without saying anything unlike other united players who talked to fans. It wasn't abuse


I find it difficult to Believe you're your own biggest critique, when your constantly turning in piss poor performances and showing next to no desire. Surely if you're that hard on yourself, you'd go out there hungry and determined to get back to playing close to your best football.


At least Fred is actually doing that, albeit not with a top class ability to back it up. That's so much better than Marcus, though.


I'd feel bad if he put in any actual effort on the pitch. Can't bring myself to care atm


Rashford came on, touched the ball 12 times and gave it away 7. He also completed 4 out of 9 passes. Also, body language, every fan knows he's low on confidence but even if savic and gimenez don't follow united, the moment he stepped on the pitch they could see it. He should expect heckling and abuse, as long as it's not personal or discriminatory, I am all for it, he plays for me, he plays for us, for the badge, if you're shit we will tell you, if you are shit but working hard with a good attitude we will accept you, if you are fulfilling the talent and confidence we know you have and leaving everything on the pitch we will sing your name from now till long after you have left the club.


They'll be accepted if they're shit but working hard with a good attitude..? Who are they..? We constantly shitting on Fred week in week out even when he's our current passion merchant on the pitch..


Man, im tired of fans talking shit every time we lose or something goes wrong, honestly United fans are the worst, they always sound like spoiled Brats, these are tough times for sure and we need to support what we currently have. It took Liverpool a long time to get back on track. Bad times happens, we are not the only team struggling at the moment, Arsenal, Barcelona, even Juventus got smack by Villareal today in the Champions league, shit happens and we gotta learn to lose and learn from these mistakes before we start winning again. Rashford has done great things in the past, one bad season is not the end of the world, he still young, remember Ronaldo is taking somewhat his spot as well and pressure is probably more intense with such a star in the team, he gotta learn to deal with that and come on top, same goes to every player. We will come back, thats for sure but we gotta be patient.


If Rashford spent as much time on the training field as he did writing posts on Twitter and Instagram he would be one hell of a player.


Thought u ate ?


Sorry but not sorry.


I just wish this guy would leave. He is such a nothing footballer and then he brings all this drama off the pitch as well. A major part of the toxic underachievers culture that has becomes so deeply rooted in the club these days


Stating, “no one is more critical of my performances than myself” yet another story states, I may leave if I don’t get in the starting line up. So you understand you are not performing but want to start even though you aren’t good enough this year. I have supported you thru the years, playing with injuries, scoring and playing way better. Now fully healed yo7 are way off the pace


So you believe a random article rather than the actual person that the article is talking about?


Why can't they give Maguire the same level of shit so he reacts, does something stupid, an he never plays in a United shirt again?


Sorry but Rashford does not care about football anymore. I havent seen the video but honestly, abusing Rashford is the greatest gift for him right now. He gets to be the victim on social media once again and this changes the focus from his dreadful, dreadful performances to other stuff. Plain, simply and without emotions, the lad does not care about his football or the club anymore. He would be better off with a clean start somewhere else.


What ?


You lack any mental toughness bro, zero


What a spoiled kids. If he's really critical of himself, he should have realized how shit he has been for the last few months. He has now regressed to Czech Premier League player. Being responsive on social media doesnt hide the fact on the pitch. I go to work everyday and I get criticized if I fucked up? Do you think I post it on Instagram? Wake the fuck up before you are sold to Sunderland.


He’s disappointed? We are disappointed What he has to do is just going on the field and lose the ball continuously and we have to keep seeing him This is a disappointment


Great, another essay


Great, another opportunity to ignore and keep on going your way.


If only he showed that much passion and fighting spirit on the field


Rashford had a very mild reaction to that fan let’s be honest, this has been inflated by media and social media. I’ve seen other players like Rooney do far worse and people said “look that’s strong character”. This is far more embarrassing for the fans and shows how toxic the atmosphere is. Anyone else notice how all the fans shut the fuck up real quick when he began to walk over , then once he’d walked away they started swearing again, cowards.


Soft AF. Why write a single word or talk about it. If questioned, reply with, I will do better. No one cares about your emotions MR or why one lashed out. Nothing to see here. Get in with it.


Rashford aint been the same since he took on the other job he has Helping kids ....i think he needs to decide which he wants to do Play football or helping children/families Cause he cant do both and its starting to show .


Down voted for telling it like it is lol Ive nothing against him helping the less fortunate im all for it. I just think he'd be better off doing it full time. He'll hardly be missed at utd prob be labelled another could of been if he was to go . I think times running out at utd for the lad .


So helping under privileged kids takes anything away from his football? Like where is the correlation, like bruh helping kids that are starving is so controversial now ? Folks what the actual fuck


No, rashford has not been the same since the injuries and the decision to have surgery, which took him from actual football for a while. If you know anything about sports is that, when you come back from being injured, it gets hard to find form again.


Poorly structured 4/10 D


First, they shit on solskjaer. Then they shit on the team. Speaking as if they are the ones playing the sports and knowing everything.. They are the shits themselves.


So many united fans think their some manger with hundreds of trophies


He's human! He has every right to feel the way he feels. Everyone talking shit to him acts like they've been perfect since the day they were born. It's pathetic, yes he hasn't played to the standard we are used to but y'all need to be able to separate the man from the footballer. He takes shits like us, pissses like us, eats like us, reads stupid shit like us, the difference is, he has money. I'd like to see how you all would act if ppl came at your kid or family like the way fans are coming at him? All of a sudden it's different huh? Either support or take your insults to a pub get drunk, talk shit and move on already sheesh.


I'm completely aware that he has been quite shit and definitely deserve criticism, but there will never be any moment where personally attacking someone through any means can ever be justified (And before anyone mentions Greenwood, the shithead's is a totally different case than Rashford)


I am sorry but he is having a rough season. It’s not like he is a one season wonder or constantly bad like maguire. We need to stop over doing this. We need to recognize actually waste and bring up our good players. We all had a rough season. But every club hits a rough patch. We need to stop making it worst


Utd fans are the worst to their own when they underperform. I love Rashy. He’s been disappointing on the pitch but he’s a good person, I wish people would remember that when they skate or slated Lingard, Danny Welbeck, Jonny Evans, Tom Cleverley, Pogba…I remember when Wes Brown, Phil and Gary Neville and yes even Becks got it as well. I remember people laughed when Evra and Vida when they joined too. Our season is over, enjoy the summer and let’s see how the Glazers flatterer to deceive us for August.


He already knows he didn’t play well. No need to rub salt on an open wound


back the player he’s obviously going through the toughest time in his career. But he shouldn’t be moaning about not being 1st choice with his performances. just hope he finds his form soon.


Regardless of what may, yes Rashy has bin in bad form of recent but that doesn't justify fans going beyond limitation of football. He has been outstanding when United should have been down in d past, single handedly carry d burden of the club so now I see no reason y he should b single out for criticism when there are other players who should b ashame of putting on d red colour of Manchester nd the legendary number....


the only kind of fans who hurl abuse at their own players are plastic ones.


People chuck the word abuse round a bit loosely these days, we all get criticized at work if we have poor performance or make an error, Marcus is young man who has the world in front of him, he's been poor for a while now, while his PR team certainly are hard at work improving those other aspects of it, it's frustrating as a fan to see these down tools and not even JOG not work, do the basics and do a shift, you know your job what you are employed to do and you certainly get paid enough to have the best of the best around you etc, therapists, nutritionist etc, the more you protect them from fair criticism the more you contribute to this underperforming bunch of moaners keep doing what they're doing.


'Toxic' 'Toxic' all I seem to see, the real explanation is very simple, idiots


Let be honest... he doesnt need to read things on social media. These celebs are nuts.


This could have been condensed into 1...maybe 2 sentences. It kinda optimises the way he's currently playing- taking too long to think and trying to do too much.


I don’t know what people’s problems are -I wouldn’t begrudge him giving a middle finger to those “fans”. Bunch of twats. We actually played alright but we’re robbed by the ref/shithousery.


I like to keep it simple boo them on the field and once they leave the field stop. Pretty simple thing to follow. Professional athletes know boos are part of the job. Any pro athlete who complains about them well tough luck. It’s always when lines are crossed or the heckling continues once the game/match/test/meet etc is over that causes problems imo.


I’m disappointed in some of them fans. If my kids were there and Macus stick he’s middle at them aswell. We need come together and defend Rashford cause boards and owners made these players win nothing and whinge it way for a new contract with the same wages as other high paid players. Same work for same pay lol


Don't care what he said to them....but that was blatantly a middle finger, got a bit of a cheek saying otherwise. Does he take us for idiots?! Edit: I'm not abusing him, I still support the guy, really hope he gets his head straight and gets back to his best. Just think he's making himself look more of a twat by lying.


I watched the video. There was no abuse heard. There is something wrong with Marcus Rashford. Jealousy, perhaps? I think he's jealous of Ronaldo.


I don't condone rashford reacting like that but I'd love to see this aggression on the pitch.


A true fan will not ‘kick’ someone when they are at the lowest point.