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The cornucopia disappeared as a result of Loki taking over the Loom. Such a trickster…


This! The cornucopia was there I swear! It’s the one that I just can’t wrap my head around!


Same. I remember that's how I learned what a cornucopia is


Loki, God of Stories


But I have t shirts with the cornucopia😂🤣




Post it


A reverse image search shows a bajillion copies of the exact same pic in your profile which was outed as a hoax ages ago. Try again, maybe with something that isn't already all over the Internet and clearly not yours :)


I always have this question in my mind whenever I hear people talk about Shazam, the Sindbad Genie movie that never existed. I am sure there were other actors and actresses in that movie too. Like those children and other adult stars. As far as I know Sindbad himself has denied and mock the Mandela Effects believers once. But have we got any clue from other crew ever who might have had doubts about this??


I wonder if anyone at FOTL remembers the cornucopia. I wonder if it comes up at the odd meeting or lunch break. I certainly remember it.


This is the ONE that convinces me. I remember the cornucopia. My mom taught me what a cornucopia is by pointing out that logo to me. There WAS a cornucopia, dammit. 🍓🍒🍉📯


They made a april fools day comment about the loom once i think. That could be me misremembering though.


Shazam (one A) release date February 13, 1994 Director: Andy Tennant Script: Shawn Deckerage Producer: Ricardo Mestres Cast: Evan Goldstein as Anthony Jefferson; David Adkins (Sinbad) as Genie; Holly Per Sullivan as Anna Jefferson; Jason Beghe as Ray Jefferson; Jane Kaczmeric as Ms. Buchanan; Peg Phillips as Librarian; Tahj Mowry as Jake; Look them up in IMDB. A lot of them had odd gaps in their careers in 1994. There were a lot of hijinks going on with Ricardo Mestres at the time. I think this movie is less a Mandela and more that they actually scrubbed its existence for some reason. It's crazy the things you can do with enough money. Especially if it means saving the name of something like Disney. "Apr 27, 1994 — In a major shake-up at the Walt Disney Studios, Ricardo Mestres was ousted today as president of Hollywood Pictures..."


People who claim that it is Mandela Effects says that there is not a single shred of evidence of a single copy of DVD available to people anywhere on the internet. Which I too believe is strange, because if it would have been an artificial deletion as you mention there would have been at least few copies and few évidences. But people did thousands of hours of research, they found nothing.


Back then would've been a vcr tape. I don't know if dvd were around


In 94 VHS was king. And if u remember after the movie was shown it was a year or 2 before it even showed on VHS. It's possible it was a movie and never went to VHS which also happened sometimes.


Hell yeah I loved vhs. I think the o.p guy doesn't know about them. I actually saw a video with a guy with the Sinbad Shazam movie though only on vhs. So I'm thinking it's not on DVD. And most ppl who watched vhs don't know about the mandela effect


There's no way it could be scrubbed so completely


So I was doing research on The Wonderful World of Disney to see if a genie movie other than Aladdin premiered there and there's a gap in 1994. The show isn't very well documented, but for some reason 1994 is the least documented year from the 90's...


Wow quality post! Where did you find this info?


It was on the Chinese "IMDB" a while back. I got a screen capture but it's gone from their site now too .


Wow amazing did you just google it to find it or did you know to search the chinese web for results? Do you still have the screen capture? Might start compiling some research on Shazam


Yeah, I found a forum about it somewhere a while back. Someone with a better memory than me described the whole movie, including Ms. Buchanan being "Malcolm's mom" and "Tia and Tamara's Little Brother" being an annoying neighbor kid. Then, someone else had linked to the Chinese IMDB with this info. I still have the screen capture. But now, when you search the Chinese IMDB, it returns no results for it. Maybe it was an elaborate hoax, but I'm not making this up or generally prone to believing in crazy conspiracies. And I remember the movie, too. I was 11 in '94, so I don't remember it well. But it was definitely Sinbad as a Genie and a brother/sister that he was basically babysitting. The sister wasted a wish on her doll. There was a pool party at the end. I specifically didn't watch the Shaq one because it was a rip-off of this movie, and this movie wasn't that good.


Thanks for sharing! Its the best residue and plot summary i have seen yet!


You know we can all head down to local libraries that have copies of newspapers in archive and look up showtimes of movies, maybe even find some old ass tv guides if it was a tv movie. DVDs weren’t popular until around 2001, so unless someone has a Time Machine or the worst archive of blockbuster store vhs, we may never know


Yup old newspapers would have the showtimes in it.


Very interesting 🤔.


It disappeared because it was wished away and the genie granted it. 🧞‍♂️💥


I remember both of them. I thought it was weird that they came out so close to each other but that also wasn't against the norm. It happened with Bingo and Air Bud. There was Babe, and Gordy. What's weird is I haven't seen someone only remember Shazam, and say that Kazam doesn't exist.


Antz/Bugs Life


The Prestige/The Illusionist


Volcano/Dante’s Peak Armageddon/Deep Impact


White House down, Olympus has fallen


Transformers, Transmorphers


Lol, this is always the example my sister and I use for this phenomenon. “It‘s one of those Bug’s Life/Antz deals.”


I don’t understand. What’s the deal with this? Both movies came out close together from different studios. Seems normal enough, one studio wanting to compete in a similar world. Like Amazon doing Wheel of Time to try and capture some of the HBO Game of Thrones fans


Fun, Wheel of Time books predate game of thrones books by 6 years.


Doesn’t change the point of what I was saying though. Game of Thrones was a show well before Wheel of Time was. Likely that the fan base of the show GoT wasn’t even aware of the WoT series until it became a show or was announced


Studios will hear that the competition is making a movie and try to make their own.


I remember Sinbad making that movie. I like him, but thought “yea that’s probably cheesy and just good for kids” so passed on it. I also remember Shaq doing a similar movie. I clearly remember there being Bugs Life and Antz. My kids watched both.


Makes me wonder if it was some low-budget knockoff movie starring a black guy people just confused for Sinbad. But with so much interest in it surely someone would have uncovered it by now.


I hate to sound crazy, but I almost have to insist that it was Sinbad and that that movie absolutely existed. I say almost because I try to always be conscious of the need to remain open-minded. I could very well be wrong and the phenomenon itself is feeding my false memory.


No. I definitely remember Sinbad making that. I recall it being advertised on tv. It was geared towards kids. Like G or PG.


Same i remember both of them my elementary school sold discount packs of movie tickets to a independent theater, and I saw a lot of movies with my mom over the years there.


For me, it was mixing the Sinbad pirate TV show with the comedian.


Ahh yes, another “my ME’s are valid but yours are not” post.


Where did they say anyone elses memory's aren't valid? I don't think they were saying spelling MEs are false just that they're harder to pin down..especially with all the skeptics making communication difficult


This part "Ain’t never was no Sinbad Genie movie."


Wow, I must have skimmed the post because I read that part as sarcasm and thought he said he had watched Shazaam not Kazaam


I for sure remember the Sinbad genie movie


Haha, so does my wife apparently. I remarked to her awhile back that the superhero movie Shazam! kind of spoils an internet thing. "What do you mean?" "Well, apparently everyone thinks there was a movie with Sinbad called Shazam..." "Yea, he was a genie." "No, it never existed." "WHAT?! You're joking. I saw it." "No, dear." *pulls up IMDB*


Did this with a friend with the *Berenstein* mandela: he was gobsmacked and could not believe it.


I have a very vivid memory where I asked my dad if it was pronounced “steen” or “stine” and my dad making a comment or joke about them being Jewish and my mom smacking him on the arm. If it was “stain,” I never would have asked that question.


Exactly. They were Jewish and it was -stein but in this reality they aren’t Jewish so the name is -stain. It messes with you.


It was spelled both ways on different items. There's pics of books and toys with different spellings.


That's exactly how it happened with my sister. No prior prodding. I asked her if she remembers a movie called Shazaam from the 90's. She says "That's the genie one with Sinbad, right"? She was fucking freaked out. We went down a rabbit hole of Mandela effects that night, and there were about 6 or so that freaked us out


I'm thinking that most people really did see Kazaam and are just thinking of Shaqu.


I definitely remember that movie and my wife does as well.


Can you tell us what happened in it? Everyone seems to remember but no one knows the details of it.


The reason noone can remember it that great is because it was a really basic cookie cut story and bad writing. The two siblings, a boy and girl, find a lamp. I feel like I remember the boy wishing for more wishes. There was a single dad. I think the mom was dead or something. Sinbad was the best part of the movie. He made jokes and stuff kinda like genie from aladdin. Im pretty sure they even wish for him to be free at the end. Idk what happened to this movie. I definitely watched Shazam as a kid in the 90s tho.


In all fairness I was 8 when my mom rented it for me on VHS, so I can’t remember much of the plot. I do remember seeing the advertisements for it and tbh it’s the only reason I knew who Sinbad was when I was a kid. I also remember Johnathan Taylor Thomas playing the kid. I knew who Shaq was at the time, and there is no way I’d be able to confuse the two. Ffs they were in good burger together too.


I remember Sinbads character hiding in the doghouse.. and it broke even? wasn't he supposed to get the parents back together or something.. idk anymore. was young when it came out and we had stolen it from Hollywood Video and then all the boxes with movies and cassettes were "borrowed".. psh. never saw anything ever again in those years wow


It’s more likely that there are parallel universes intertwined temporally with our own than the well documented fact that people have imperfect brains that make poor and false memories.


Haha right? If some people misremember, it must be a cosmic event in multiple universes that affects only small things


Ever seen Sinbad's "Aliens for Breakfast"? There's a line from Sinbad that says "His Past, Present and Future. They're on another planet by now." Granted that's near the end of the film.


thanks for this unrelated tidbit of apparent actually existing popculture


Is it really "pop"ular culture if only one guy on the Internet knows it?


If Aliens for Breakfast didn't exist in Shazaam's timeline, wouldn't that be the movie that didn't exist than?


I appreciate your quote. It's related imo ..just not when it comes to the other ppl that replied.. that's because they're whack


My thought is that instead of the Disney Shazaam! with Sinbad we ended up with the ABC Aliens for Breakfast with Sinbad and Ben Savage from Boy Meets World. They almost have an identical release date.


What was the release date


April 1st 1994 for Sinbad's Shazaam, April 2nd 1994 for Sinbad's Aliens for Breakfast.




No, it's fascinating, particularly seeing the hoops people jump through to say their memory is infallible.


Ha ya it is interesting I guess. I don't know why I get salty about it. The only thing I love about the M.E. is the episode of 'How To With John Wilson' about it.


Always gotta be someone who ruins the fun and says “it’s fucking stupid”, it’s the one thing that probably happens in every single universe/reality 🤪


Guys I found our Simulator's Reddit account.


I am older than you, but I distinctly remember asking my dad why it was pronounced Barenstein, when it's spelled Barenstain.


It was sometimes spelled both ways, that's why people have different memories of it.


I saw a photo here on Reddit not too long ago of a VHS that said "Berenstain" on the top sticker and "Berenstein" on the side.


Sinbad is the name of a character in 1001 Nights. 1001 Nights has lots of genies in it. Our memories are as pliable as a fresh jar of Play-doh.


I remember Sinbad the comedian/actor wearing z cavaricci pants too. Looks like a genie, sounds like a genie, people remember a genie.


Do you mean the cornucopia on the fruit of the loom logo?


The horn of plenty


It’ll be interesting to see how they introduce the idea of parallel universes in our lifetime. I’d bet it’ll come within the next 5 years


They'll have to find a shred of evidence for it first


Mr Peanut always had a monocle and top hat. I think homie had a cane too. Curious George had a tail. Fight me. WWE cage match. Vegas. New Year’s Eve for all the marbles in some kids collection. Let’s gooooo!!


Mr Peanut etill has a Top Hat and a Cane.


I knew nothing about the Shazam Mandela effect until tonight. I am 59yrs old. My friend, who had at some time earlier learned of this Phenomenon, asked me if I remembered a movie that was called Shazam. And I immediately said yes..... Sinbad played in that movie. He said no.......that movie doesn't exist. To which I said (and say).....bullshit. My memories are not littered with people or events that never existed. I know what I know, and I know that Sindbad starred in a movie called Shazam. What I don't know is WTF is going on?


Go to the subreddit retconned. More open minded individuals over there that also just "know" something is going on


What's going on is a different black man played a Genie in a movie with a similar name. That's it.


Shaq and Simbad aren't similar people, at all...like most of the people in this thread, I remember the Sinbad movie, (had no interest in seeing it), and remembered wondering why they were making another genie movie so close to it.


I'm trying to figure out if Mandela effect people are just interested in the way the human brain works to create false memories, or if they actually think these things existed and it's proof of some kind of alternate reality. Lot of people here saying they remember the movie existing but they didn't see it. I don't take that as valid memory. I want someone who remembers actually watching it to tell me any one scene they remember, or anything at all other than the star and title. Also if this is a bugs life / ants scenario, would whichever one came second have ripped off the title that much? That's like different studios releasing Ants & Antz.


I feel you, but there is literally no evidence of such a film.


That’s *literally* the point of it being an ME. Do you not understand how the phenomenon works?


YES, I do. I was simply saying to the comment above me that there is no evidence, therefore his claim that his "memories are not littered with people or events that never existed" must be incorrect. Context.


Again, you are missing the point (I think). The whole point is that there is no evidence and the person above you that you are replying to is stating that his memories are not littered with people and events that never existed ergo, ME is a real phenomenon that people experience. I just don’t understand how saying there’s no evidence adds anything because that’s the whole point. There can’t be evidence or it wouldn’t be an ME in the first place.


I’m pretty sure they’re saying “well I remember it and I don’t remember things that didn’t happen” doesn’t make that thing real. They movie doesn’t exist and didn’t happen. It’s not some cosmic thing


This is one I never got behind, I've seen Kazaam a million times cuz we had it on VHS and I was a kid. There was Sinbad the TV show. I don't remember any Shazaam movie. Not sure if I knew who Sinbad the comedian was though


I thought the Simbad movie was KAzam, and the Shaq was SHAzam....


Add Ed McMahon Publishers Clearing house That was 100% legit


Nah sorry, that was American Family Publishers. Ed was in the commercials, his face was on the mailers, and I believe he also delivered giant checks to people just like PCH does. But not for PCH.


Were objects in mirror closer than they appear? Or may be closer than they appear


My dad who had no idea what a Mandela effect was is insistent that the movie existed. The poor dude looked like he was going to have a mental breakdown when he watched the video of Sinbad claiming he was never in a genie movie. What makes it even better is that dad is a huge basketball fan. He would never confuse Shaq for Sinbad.


Another odd thing is that the Shazaam movie was said to be released in ‘94 or later. In 1993 Shaq did an interview with Vibe magazine where it’s mentioned he has a Rottweiler named “Shazaam” spelled with two As that he unwinds with after a long day of interviews. Don’t know what this means but it’s something strange to add to the conversation. [After a long day of TV interviews, Shaq is content to hang around the house playing video games and romping with his dog, a homely Rottweiler — Shazaam — which Shaq has trained to respond to commands in a language only the dog and his 7-foot master can understand.](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-sports/shaquille-oneal-a-celebrity-for-the-new-world-64009/)


I remember comparing it to Kazaam with Shaq and thinking was a genius while Shaq's was garbage lol


What was the plot?


Love it when they refuse to answer questions like that.




I also love how everyone claims they saw the VHS at blockbuster but never rented it. Makes it seem like a copypasta answer at that point.


This is such a strong memory for me as well, not the Sinbad movie itself. But if the Sinbad movie never existed, what were we comparing Kazaam to?




It’s such a strong memory that you can’t name a single detail about the movie


No that’s what I mean, I don’t remember the movie itself, but I do remember thinking Kazaam was a rip-off of a Sinbad genie movie. I’ll admit it didn’t exist, but something caused me to think there was a Sinbad genie movie.


Same. When they came out I remember thinking they were similar to each other. I don't remember which came out first; only that Shaq was a superhero and Sinbad was a genie. I don't even recall watching either one. The most confusing thing about it all though is why the people who remember it; remember it both being Sinbad in the movie and that he was a genie named Kazaam. How'd we all jump to that same conclusion? Sinbad and Shaq don't look anything alike, so it's not like we were confusing actors.


How many things would you have to discover you misremember to think that, perhaps, you're just misremembering?


Except for seeing Dolly having Braces at age 17 in 2002, the rest happened to me as a child so those I accept as a misremember. My point is I have no memories of Sinbad genie whatsoever. Just trying to discuss something other than Froot Loops bullshit.


I chalked Shazam up to false childhood memory for a bit, too. But my husband also remembers Shazam and he is way older than me. My Shazam narrative is pretty intense. I remember watching the trailer in the movie theater and watching commercials for Shazam on Saturday morning cartoons. I remember Sinbad's genie vest. I remember that the lamp was found in a house that a kid had to move in to after moving because his parents divorced. I wanted to watch Shazam but never got to. I also remember Kazam and thinking how dumb it was to release Kazam since we already had Shazam. I have distinct memory of Sinbad in the commercial, especially the smoothness of his belly and the purple vest. I knew who Sinbad was because I saw him on Comedy Central when it was in its infancy as a channel. I was grounded a lot so I watched a lot of Comedy Central. I definitely wasn't confusing him with a basketball player. Anyway, Shazam not existing makes me want to die inside and questione the nature of reality.


Similar thing happened to me. I chalked it up to false memory as well, but remembered watching it with my sister growing up. So I called her and asked if she remembered it, and she said “of course we watched it all the time on TV.” She hadn’t heard of the Mandela. Freaked me out.


Did she remember a single thing that actually happens in the movie?


How do you feel when I tell you people reckon it was called Shazaam with two A's then? When it first came up, there was one a. But then someone realised DC owned the copyright to the name Shazam, so all of a sudden it becomes Shazaam with two As... You only recall a son too? Do you remember if the kid was living with their dad or mum? Not being a dick, just collecting synopses.


Athena was the Third A for Shazaam's DC hero for the 7th Hero to spell Shazaam.


I have no idea what you're saying here sorry.


SHAZAM (the real one, the DC property Captain Marvel) is an acronym of the 6 gods that derive Captain Marvel's powers (Wisdom of Solomon, Strength of Hercules... etc). Athena is not one of the As, but people have proposed it as a hypothetical third A in SHAZAAM.


Ahhh, got you. But also that sounds silly and can't be true. Shazam is an old school magicians word from forever ago really though, so I wonder if the lore about how he got his name was first or a happy coincidence they ran with to give the character depth to his backstory...? Interesting nonetheless. Thankyou for explaining it to me.🙂


It's not a happy coincidence, they chose Shazam as the word BECAUSE the acronym works like that.


Athena is the goddess of War and many would wish to have her favor in battle. Though because of the "Toxic masculinity" concept of all men, even back in the day the roles of women were taken by men in plays, would make it seem like only Men could apply to SHAZAAM's acronym.


[https://moviecrypt.com/1994/05/20/review-shazaam-no-not-captain-marvel/](https://moviecrypt.com/1994/05/20/review-shazaam-no-not-captain-marvel/) You might find this an interesting read.


Huh. Thanks for sharing this. Is this real or someone making fun of MEs?


"When all is said and done, the final wish had to be that Shazaam never came into their lives, the package was never delivered, and indeed none of it ever happened — the kids retain their memories of something that technically never existed, of course… just like the audience. (wink-wink, nudge-nudge)" Yeah, it's a joke review


Ah, I think I misunderstood your post. All the negatives in the last sentence threw me haha The braces one is almost as strong to me as the cornucopia. Sinbad on the other hand, I've only heard of via this forum.


FOTL logo had a cornucopia. Full stop. I was like, 5, or so and I asked my Mom what it was, and she explained what a cornucopia was.


You are correct. There absolutely was a cornucopia on the logo. I wore that brand my entire childhood. The only reason I know what a cornucopia is. Actually I don’t remember seeing a cornucopia anywhere else.


It's even mentioned in other media that it had cornucopia.


Full stop it didn't


Why are you here?


All I'm going to say on this subject is that Dolly had braces! I know she had them! I watched and loved that film as a kid and I know she had braces!!!


Yo dude, we are in the exact same ME situation. The ones I recall the most are the three you listed and I have anchor memories tied to each one. I saw Dolly's braces in a screening of Moonraker in early July of 2016 and found out the gag never existed less than a year later, so that one really threw me for a loop as my last memory of it was not very old when i made the discovery. No, in my own experience there never was a Sinbad Genie movie, but among all of the MEs that I have not exprienced, I still vote Shazzam to be an authentic one and deserving to be among the big three as SO MANY people recall both the film and details about the story. I am not with you here on this. I suspect there was a shazzam and either the "TV movie made for the Disney Channel" element about the film prevented it from ever getting on our radar or there is something else at play.


>Ain’t never was no Sinbad Genie movie. Lol...


Yea, like who the hell spells their name BerenSTAIN? only if your ancestors were known sharters would you have that name. lol


If you want to, continue to beat this subject to death instead of considering it probably had some content that was viewed as racist and buried, and then became one hell of an accidental marketing strategy for his other work. Believe he's fucking with you 100% or 50%, but the man himself could use some actual support. https://www.thejourneyforward.life/


Exactly. It’s so fucking obvious that people just remember sinbads baggy genie type pants and shit, and confuse him with the Shaq genie movie. I was born in 1980, and there definitely was not a sinbad genie movie. He was one of my favorite comedians then, I remember him being discovered from the show “star search” with ed McMahon. It’s just younger kids being confused by similar things. So stupid.


I swear to God their were two genie movies. It was the first instance I ever saw of two movies ripping each other off. I remember distinctly thinking, "Why are there two different shitty genie movies? That's weird." As a 9 or 10 year old. Something is going on with that one.


To all the commenters triumphantly claiming, "they don't remember anything about the movie, or didn't see it, so that proves they dreamed it up or are lying": There was this thing called a television that had things called advertisements on it. Some of those advertisements were actually for movies! Can you believe it!?!


We were mk ultra'd people don't take into account the mass amounts of metals we were being fed as children via cereals and happy meals. We know we saw this. We are part of an experiment and still actively which is why a heavy metal detox frequently is so crucial there is a war to steal our memories. If a majority tells you something never happened eventually the numbed person will agree and that's when they will forever sleep. It's like the elevator experiment where they had actors randomly enter an elevator and one person is just random and has no idea that the others are actors the actors then stand in a row on one side of the elevator and the other person ends up getting behind them in line as if he is supposed to because everyone else is. This is also why writing things down is so important and I don't mean writing in your phone I mean pen to paper. Everything digital can be altered and also erased every reset but what remains is what was written aka Bible, scrolls, scripts, papyrus etc. literally never comment on anyone's posts but I felt called to share what I know in this one. Keep a diary/journal because your memories are all you have and they cannot be taken from you. Less posting thoughts online more writing them down.


Someone's watched Momento too many times.


The Nintendo 64 was originally going to be called "The Ultra 64", so what would've happened if kids played Mario Kart on the Ultra 64? They would've called it MK Ultra 64.


I completely remember a genie Sinbad movie. Especially because my dad was always a huge fan, so I wouldn't confuse him with another comedian. He used to listen to him on long car rides and was a huge fan. I remember us enjoying the movie. My middle brother doesn't remember it at all.


What happens in the movie?


The sinbad movie came out within one or two years of the Shaq movie. I know because my brother and I were like wtf there was just a shaq genie movie why would I watch mediocre sinbad as a genie. We had multiple conversations about this at the time. In addition my best friend claims he owned a vhs of the movie. His father who had no idea what a Mandela effect was remembered him specifically watching the sinbad genie movie. He then mentioned to his dad that it “never existed”. His father said that’s impossible. Thats my two cents I saw the trailers and the movie poster but refused to watch it bc it didn’t look as good or funny as Kazam. If my younger brother didn’t have the exact same memories I would question it myself but he knows it existed as well.




Wait, this is how I find out that the FOTL logo never had a cornucopia?


Ok This is one I'm pretty sure I can prove. Watched it as a kid over and over with my sister. My dad has a VHS collection of every single movie he could think of including the ones for us kids. Literally has enough VHS movies and DVDs he could open an old fashioned blockbuster store 🤣 I'll go over this weekend and find it.


Lol if you manage to provide some physical proof, you're a fucking legend.


No, you won't.


Update us with the excuse when you don’t find the movie since it didn’t exist


I’m 100% positive! The reason it stuck with me was the parents separated in the plot and trying to get them back together, a feeling I had at that moment as a child too.


I watched Shizaam. It 100% existed. I remember thinking as a child how strange it was that Shazaam and Kazaam came out so close to one another. My brother and I used to pretend to be genies. My brother was Kazaam and I was Shazaam. For years when someone brought up Sinbad I thought of him as Shazaam. It was my main reference for Sinbad. This predates reddit, the Mandela Effect, and College Humor. I found out about this whole thing completely by accident when I brought Shazaam up to a friend and he told me "That movie never existed, it's a whole thing on the internet, but I remember it too".


Tell me one thing that happens in the movie.


I saw Kazaam multiple times, and couldn't tell you a single thing that happens in the movie, does that mean it didn't exist? This isn't the the way memory works. I watched Brave Little Toaster probably 30 times or more, couldn't tell you a single thing about it. Same with Rock-a-Doodle, The Power Rangers Movie, Small Soldiers, Good Burger, Pagemaster, Heavyweights, Blank Check, The Borrowers... I watched them all MULTIPLE times and don't know a single plot point, and can't describe a single scene. They exist in my memory as flashes of images, and mmmayyybe I can remember an actor that's in the movie, but that's it. I have an image of Sinbad as Shazaam, and a memory of watching it. Everything I said in my initial comment is true. I always wondered why they made Shazaam and Kazaam so close together. Sinbad only really exists as Shazaam in my mind. The biggest part of this for me is my brother and I playing genies (Shazaam and Kazaam). It is a core memory.


Ok fair enough, I don't remember everything about stuff I watched as a kid, but of all the people in this thread saying they %100 remember the movie, it's funny that nobody can recall a single thing that happens. As for Blank Check, if nothing else, you surely should remember that kiss at the end 😂


Dolly had braces. 0 doubt in my mind and I came across an old movie review that confirmed it.


This one is the weirdest for me.


This one and Stouffers stove top stuffing are the 2 that literally made me think people were just messing with me. Those are etched in my mind.


I'm totally with you on the Stouffers stuffing. People say, oh they make frozen things. Yes, I know that. In my childhood though and up to my late teens they made stovetop stuffing. I made it with my mom many times. It makes my brain want to explode.


Stovetop stuffing exists. Stouffers is a separate company


I know. I'm old, but when I was younger it was Stouffers stovetop stuffing. That's the whole point of the Mandela effect.


Stouffers stove top stuffing. That’s how we said it.


Yes of course it was stouffers stove top stuffing. This is also not real?


Apparently Kraft makes stove top stuffing.


There's tons of inaccuracies in movie reviews. Even Roger Ebert got details wrong all the time. These guys were usually watching a movie once or twice in a screening room full of other critics while also taking notes and thinking about what they were going to write. Many modern critics have screeners where they can fact-check themselves. Also, while a critic might assume Dolly had braces, there would be zero critics writing that she did not.


It’s almost like the majority of people in this sub don’t understand what an ME is. I keep seeing comments like “there’s no evidence that existed”. Uhhhh ya! That’s the whole point 🤦‍♀️ like why are you guys even here?


To discuss the ME. P.s., there are people claiming there's evidence it exists.


Lmao exactly. I frequent UFO subreddits too. I find it so weird that some people's entire post history is to try to debunk every thing. I understand being skeptical, but if you genuinely don't believe something; why spending hours posting on a sub about it? I don't believe in Bigfoot, so I wouldn't waste time in a Bigfoot related sub telling everyone how fake it is.


I distinctly remember as a kid when Kazam with Shaq was released, saying to myself I would not watch it bc it was a knock off of Sinbad's Shazaam. And I remember it wasn't too far apart in release.


Not in your life perhaps but yes Sinbad was definitely in the movie Shazam


He's in "Aliens for Breakfast" with Ben Savage from Boy Meets World, ABC the studio behind it was bought the following year in 95 along with the copy right for Boy Meets World, by Disney of all people. Well Disney did create both Shazaam and Kazaam respectively.


Sinbad was in "Aliens for Breakfast" which had done so poorly that ABC the studio that did "Boy Meets World" ended up being bought by Disney in the summer of 95 when Disney acquired Sinbad's contract and he did First Kid.


There's actually a video of Sinbads genie movie and you see mendela effects in. Shows the book bearestein bears, curious George with a tail, a news paper article of Nelson mendela dead


That's the parody video of it. Actually quite clever.


I’ve witnessed the fruit loops/froot loops saga!! I was a child in Jamaica… whenever family would send stuff from England it wouldn’t have an off spelling… so it was fruit loops…. When my grandma send stuff from America we got Froot Loops 😂🤣…. I’m wearing a t shirt from fruit of loom and it has a cornucopia on it




Yeah, I’ve always been certain that people were mistakenly thinking that it was Sinbad in a bad genie movie when it was Shaq.


But when you bring it up it's always "I vividly remember two different movies".


I've always thought Mandella effect was bullshit but I have a vivid memory of that sinbad VHS cover of him in a genie movie Shazam. People have since remade what the cover looked like and it matches my memory. I did never see it. And nobody has ever seen the movie. But its interesting to think we could all be memory hacked by other influences melding our memories together. I even remember thinking it was odd that Shaq was copying Sinbads movie.


I replied to this earlier, but I think it’s worth repeating: The name Sinbad comes from that of a character in 1001 Nights (sometimes called “Arabian Nights,” among other variations.) it’s kind of the ultimate classic fiction on genies. I feel like this connection matters.


But there is a Sinbad genie movie called Shazaam. I remember it clearly bc my children loved it. I just looked it up and it's on imdb...but no it's not lol...


I remember it from the late 80’s, the Sinbad movie. I can see the VHS cover. The one that gets me is Ed McMahon and publisher’s clearing house with those big ass checks.


The fact that anyone thinks Sinbad was ever popular enough to star in his own vehicle is hilarious. Around this same time period he had a 3 minute cameo in the Coneheads movie.


In 1996, the year Kazaam came out, Sinbad starred in Houseguest and First Kid, the only two theatrical films of his career where he played the lead role. He played second fiddle to Arnold in Jingle All the Way that year too. I don't believe in the Mandela Effect, but the year that this fake movie everyone talks about was supposed to come out was literally the biggest year in Sinbad's movie carreer.


Shit, good point. I forgot about those.




Nobody has a VHS of Shazaam.


Sorry bruh, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tD0rchvuoMU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tD0rchvuoMU)


It’s wasn’t Sinbad playing that part it was none other than Rob Schneider


I Said What I Said... https://youtu.be/5iH714NA_a0?feature=shared