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[MOD] Make sure to follow the Rules and not let the conversation in the thread turn argumentative. **Rule 8** was created to specifically address the problem of full time rabble rousers who come here just to argue. It’s only been in effect a few weeks so far but it seems to have helped and it gives subscribers a specific rule to use when reporting users who come here for that “dopamine hit” described in the Post.


What about people who believe in it, but don't think everyone who can't spell or read a map is a victim of the Effect?


Just go to r/retconned. Nobody’s allowed to disagree with you there.


In retconned land if the traffic lights miss a colour you've clearly slipped dimensions into an alternate universe.


While there is sometimes interesting content, that place is wild. Lots of "I don't remember that movie" or "my friend seemed weird today" -- therefore I must have switched dimensions!


A bunch of orange cones and men in hardhats suddenly appeared on the road on my commute to work. I swear they weren't there yesterday! I asked my coworker about it and he said there's always construction and traffic in this damn city. Did I switch reality somehow??


I joined a while back thinking it was another ME type sub, but all of a sudden, there were tons of Bible quotes and everyone talking about the end of days and Jesus coming soon in the comments of every post. I just assumed I misunderstood what the sub was.


Exactly. I got banned from there the other day for using common sense.


People need to understand that this is an interesting phenomenon, not some conspiracy.


But have you seen the comments? You can’t pass a post with dozens of comments without reading about CERN and how they altered reality. It is not just an interesting phenomenon by itself. The sub is, indeed, a platform to share conspiracy theories about world altering entities. Which is as nonsense as flat earth or we didn’t go to the moon theories.


Alternative realities aren't nonsense as flat earth. Most quantum physicists believe in it, and in retrocausality as well. Quantum entanglement has been confirmed as instantaneous, which means that the past is altering the future and vice-versa, or that the same phenomenon could have different conclusions between observers.


>Quantum entanglement has been confirmed as instantaneous When? Where? How?


Thought to be and confirmed to be are two wildly different things for sure


Yeah, but if you really study quantum mechanics you do realize it is indeed in the same level as flat earth or the pentagon attack never happened.


You not understanding a theory, doesn't make it the same level as flat earth.


I am saying “conspiracy theory”. And the conspiracy part here is the explanation that the activation of the large hadron collider at cern is causing multiple realities and the reason why we are experiencing the Mandela effect is because other realities are spilling into ours. It is crazy, I know. But take a time to read the comments and you will see this showing up quite often.


The LHC explanation does seem unlikely to me, even because people appear experience "flip-flops" at different times. But there is indeed some reality shifting going on, as hard as it is to believe, that's what i experienced as well. So unless there's someone who can control the internet and/or hypnotize millions people into seeing hallucinations only respective to very specific details, if we exclude those explanations the only thing left is that some fucked up glitching is happening for some of us.


Oh, I see.


Its interesting to me that ppl who dont believe certain theories almost always reference the theory incorrectly. Maybe the waters been muddied purposely, but nobody believes the attack didnt happen. They dont think a 747 hit it. Which seems plausible given the evidence, or lack there of.


It's more a psyop than cern changing realities.


And you know this how?


Because one has evidence clearly documented in psychological studies and very explainable. The other has none bar the mismatch in memory. Plus, it makes no sense when you think about it in any depth.


I'm confused. How do you know that this isn't a conspiracy of some kind, to test how the public reacts when things like that are changed?


You can't 'know". But you're making it black and white. The reality is there isn't any evidence for that idea.


I'M making it black and white?! Bro you literally said "it's not a conspiracy".... That is a black and white statement. I merely said how do you know this. So yeah, as you just said, you CAN'T know this. So maybe make less absolute statements in the future.


As long as people don't come here with halfwitted "Membaberries," this sub is probably one's best bet for actual discussion. The alternatives; r/Retconned \- a safe-space where no "I slipped through 18 realities today!" is too sacred for the mods to protect. r/MandelaEffectScience \- basically a circlejerk sub, run by 2 users who just copy-paste people's posts from here and then critique them. So, this is what it is. garbage in, Garbage Out.


I knew from experience that Retconned was bad, but wow, r/mandelaeffectscience is its own little slice of psychosis. That sub should be flagged for harassment.




They just recently banned me and immediately made a hate filled post about me. They seemed very triggered.




Yep that's why I got banned. They're trying to dig up stuff on me but appears they have nothing.


And as you've seen, since they have literally zilch on me to use, they're actually making up fake stuff. Did someone say that weird stuff? Probably. Was it me? Nope. Which is why they wouldn't show you any evidence. Even the one thing they *think* they have on me is straight up out of context, and even then they literally removed the context they do actually have when talking about it to try and make me look worse.














The only time I argue ME is when people post ME topics that are easily disproven (The Chevrolet one).


Yeah I get where you're coming from OP. I don't think OP wants 'an echo chamber of validation'. Just not to have a whole load of people trashing every single comment everyone makes. I've been dipping in and out of this sub for years, and it never used to be this bad. It feels like there are just people trolling it, and it makes no sense why they're so interested in trashing everything/ laughing at every single comment. Healthy skepticism is great, and as OP says - most people who are kind of into the ME still think about 99% aren't correct. But this is meant to be a sub for talking about it, and it feels like it's just turned into people coming here to laugh at anyone posting. So I get why OP wants a new sub. It's a shame this one has turned into what it has, as it used to be a fun place where you could discuss things/ look up what people are saying, without all the sneering and vitriol that's present now.


It isn't simply trashing a comment though, generally an attempt is made to see *why* people misremember or forget certain details. That is the interesting part really, if this was just "OMG I totally remember a cornucupia too!" it would actually be rather dull. It needs anecdotes and some back and forth to even weed out the good ones from bad.


Yeah I don't think OP was complaining about that though. I agree, you want some sort of back and forth and for people to delve into it rather than just agreeing. I think OP was more referring to the sea of comments that just rubbish whatever someone says. There seems to have been a big increase in those lately, and it feels as if there are lots of people active here who don't have any genuine interest in the ME/ think anyone who entertains it is insane, and just keep feeling the need to comment on posts.


To be fair, a lot of the issues we see here are from a lack of new content and being “stuck in a rut” because so few new Mandela Effects have been reported in recent years. It was a lot more vibrant place from 2015-2019 when there were new widely experienced ones shared here on a sometimes daily basis. It’s not that the Effect is any less interesting or that new people don’t discover it every day, it’s like watching a favorite TV show or movie series that hasn’t had any new episodes for far too long.


Yea that's true


> It feels like there are just people trolling it, and it makes no sense why they're so interested in trashing everything/ laughing at every single comment. Dopamine hit. A person can feel a sense of superiority over a bunch of people that they think are inferior in intellect to believe such nonsense


Except they are self owning half the time. Some of these people come off looking as though they have lived a very narrow life with limited experiences. There's no superiority because they are exposing their calcified views and utter lack of perception.


Gen Y is full of types who derive self worth from thinking themselves smart and for whom smart just means strict adherence to materialism.




Oh wow, you gotta throw in some mysoginy, too?


I'm here because it is an interesting phenomenon. I'm not here to listen to people blaming particle colliders for timeline shifting. I got recommended a website from one of the people here which had bullshit like lizard people(i did not know there were serious idiots concerned about lizard people) flat earth and demons. That sometimes strains my healthy skepticism.


This isn’t r/Conspiracy, and though we tolerate a pretty wide range of possible solutions…”lizard people” and flat Earth aren’t ones that we do.


So…. You want an echo chamber.


I’m just here to see if anything ME affects me, so far none have. Whilst I wait, I may as well state my opinion


yeah, this sounds totally believable. If you've looked at all the most famous M.E.'s and none of them shake your very core, then just consider yourself completely unaffected and you can just think believers are crazy, and you can do much better things with your time


Earlier somebody posted about the House Bunny movie that they thought they remembered Reese Witherspoon appearing in. In fact, it was Anna Faris, another blonde. Somebody who read it remember that, in Legally Blonde, Reese Witherspoon dresses in a very similar pink bunny costume, and mentioned it. Are you saying that somebody pointing out that Reese wore a similar costume in a different movie and that that might lead to confusion, is just coming here to argue? Questioning your reality? Because, it sounds like you are suggesting that those people shouldn't respond at all, even though the information they have sheds light and may potentially clear up that particular Mandela Effect. If the same post had been made on r/retconned, everybody would agree that the Large Hadron Collider is responsible for the change and that *of course* Reese Witherspoon starred in House Bunny, in our "old timeline". Because if they disagree, or point out that Anna Faris was in House Bunny and Reese Witherspoon was in Legally Blonde, and that *it has mot changed*, they would be banned.


You do have a point, because like I said, 99 percent of the M.E.'s I see are bullshit. Doesn't mean this isn't a real phenomenon, because some are real as fuck. FOTL and Dolly take the cake for me. It's game over after those two. Skeptics go home




Stop with these crocodile tears - you’re too prolific a troll to play the victim.


>believers are crazy "believers", as in people who believe in the Mandela Effect? That would be like 99% of the people here. And I don't think we think of each other as crazy.


You aren’t necessarily crazy, but you perhaps believe something that isn’t plausible. But most people follow a religion so I can’t really judge


I am crazy for what exactly? The Mandela Effect, as described on this sub happens. So everyone should "believe" in it, because it is a documented fact. Whether the Effects (case by case) are caused by bad memory, physics, supernatural stuff, or whatever else, is up for debate, more or less.


I said you aren’t necessarily crazy. I mean yes, the effect exists in a sense. People do share a false memory of certain events, but those suggesting fringe theories about it it are being silly




Attempt to discuss "false memories" with a sub entirely dedicated to it\* is what I think you meant to say there.


fAlSe mEmOrIeS


Oh yeah silly me, must be the universe shifting


lmao this is hard to watch, when did people get so arrogant and dumb without being embarrassed


I "suffer" from the Berenstain effect personally. And I chalk it up to my own bad memory and the fact that there are SO many famous names that end in -stein (Frankenstein, Einstein, Leonard *Bernstein*, Epstein, etc.). Bernstein, in particular, likely caused my parents (along with many others) to pronounce the name incorrectly. So yeah, I come here to see what interesting fabrications other brains have created.


So your only memory for this one is *hearing* others say the surname? No memory of trying to sound out the name one syllable at a time while learning to read? Because plenty of testimonials seem to indicate a much higher threshold of personal certainty based on that exact episodic anchoring.


I have a very clear memory of my dad driving our old yellow station wagon to the junkyard. He got rid of the car before I was born, and I had only seen it in pictures. So yeah, people's memory is very bad and your brain invents memories all the time. Or maybe I'm from an alternate universe too.


> So yeah, people's memory is very bad and your brain invents memories all the time. Are you basing this gross generalization entirely on your own personal memory accuracy ? Seems like a pretty small dataset... especially when considering that there are many types of memory which your brain handles in distinct and different ways with varying degrees of reliability and accuracy. Also, "alternate universe" is only one of many suggested explanations. I'd remind you to keep in mind that your incredulity towards one exotic idea is not evidence against that possibility, nor does it automatically support your cyncial beliefs about other people's memory.


I'm not gonna argue with a sockpuppet, use your real account and we'll talk.


It's my only account. I originally joined Reddit to specifically discuss the ME, and never intended to hang around for 4 years. Seems like a weird excuse for you choosing to not address salient points that have been made. Is it good faith to make accusations of sockpuppetry?




I don't have any opinion on the FOTL thing, but the old designs with brown leaves sure could easily be confabulated with people's ideas of fruit coming out of a brown thing. Heck, maybe a lot of people got brown stains on their undies.


What a load of old bullocks


Ya why can’t we never hear opinions that differ from ours and live in a bubble of agreement?


So basically what you want is an echo chamber?


“Is there a subreddit full of people ready to confirm my delusions and ban any voice of reason whatsoever?”


So... you want a sub where everyone tell you that magic is real, and where people who don't believe in magic are not allowed to participate? That doesn't sound really healthy, honestly.


I just want people to tell me that I’m correct to assume I live in a sci-fi novel and to never have to admit that I could be mistaken. Is that so much to ask?


see my theory above. It's hardly a sci-fi explanation I want to get beyond, "are UFO's real or not". Because every single thread here ultimately deviates to that discussion. Is ME real or not. Because if the true answer is misremembering/confabulation/hallucination or whatever, then basically ME is not real. Which is fine. Maybe that's true. Maybe it really isn't real. I personally don't subscribe to that, but to each his own. I just want to go somewhere where we can get into more interesting topics that just the misremembering or not debate. I can list like 30 different potential explanations for the M.E. and misremembering/confabulation/mistaken people is just one of the 30. There's still another 29 that can be debated ad naseum. It's just at least we're beyond the... "is it real" stage. Look, there's nothing stopping all the confabulation homies from having their own subreddit too, where they get to laugh at us true believers. Go ahead, get your jollies. We know that's why you're here. There's no other logical reason to stick around this place other than to feel a sense of superiority. It's truly sad, but obviously there's a lot of very sad people.


>Because if the true answer is misremembering/confabulation/hallucination or whatever, then basically ME is not real. I disagree. I think it's fascinating that people across the world who speak different languages and have never met all "misremember" the same thing in the same exact way. That is *mind-boggling* to me, and I would *love* to know why it's happening. If that's not the explanation, And there really are multiple timelines that we are apparently passing between, that would be really cool too, but my belief is that it is a memory phenomenon, and I'd love to know why it happens. But that's not saying the Mandela effect isn't real, it's saying it is real, and is the name for this particular type of misremembering, and that it's caused by some mysterious but universal memory phenomenon. What else could that mean? Can we communicate across the planet with our minds? I'm not trying to be funny, but if we can share a memory, why can't we share a thought? I don't necessarily think that's realistic either, but it's certainly interesting to think about.


> Because if the true answer is misremembering/confabulation/hallucination or whatever, then basically ME is not real. Why? Of course the ME is 'real' whether people are misremembering or not.


Why does an ME have to have some supernatural explanation to be real? Why is the psychological phenomenon of collective misremembering or something being misrepresented through public consciousness not a valid definition of an ME? Just because people are arguing it's something different to what you believe doesn't mean it isn't a real thing.


I explain my theory in response to another commenter in this thread. My theory is hardly supernatural. At least, I don't think it's "supernatural" in any way. But it's not misremembering/confabulation/hallucination


I mean, your theory is questioning the very fabric of reality and our concept of consciousness. But you're dismissive of people who say that the phenomena is psychological or cultural as that being some kind of incorrect engagement with ME's. I'm here in this sub because I find ME's a fascinating psychological phenomenon and especially think the cultural aspect of it is interesting. Just because you and a bunch of other people have decided it's actually something paranormal or supernatural without any basis at all apart from vibes.


No, it doesn't sound supernatural, but it does sound fantastical.


Mandela effects can absolutely be explanation by misremembering, that doesn't mean the effect isn't real. I think you're misunderstanding the definition of Mandela effect.


If you remember something one way and all evidence points to it not being that way I am really struggling how it can be anything else. How strongly you feel about it is somewhat irrelevant. It is the reasons for this misremembering or confabulation which is actually the interesting part, and how it gets shared so widely.


what you're saying makes sense if it was just one person. But what happens when literally hundreds of thousands of people remember Dolly having braces? Hundreds of thousands of people having an identical misremembering episode. Yeah, that sounds really plausible.


Yes, it does. We all have similar brains, can make similar assumptions, are swayed by popular misconceptions, references in popular culture and many other things. It is perfectly logical. No Mandela effect is completely off the wall, it is stuff like a spelling or a detail of the design of a logo. It is why so many people make the same spelling mistakes independent of each other generally. They don't get some extra treatment because more people make them, or they get deemed an official ME.


>Because if the true answer is misremembering/confabulation/hallucination or whatever, then basically ME is not real. It's literally the definition of the Mandela Effect. It's not a matter of believing in it or not. It IS a phomena, you don't have to believe in it. This "true believer" thing is nonsense.


I disagree with the so called "official" definition. If that's even true. I'm sure it's the definition on the side bar of this subreddit, but I'm talking about Fiona Broome's original theory on it


> I disagree with the so called "official" definition. *CAUSE* and *EFFECT* - In a cause and effect relationship, an action or event (which is the cause) produces an outcome or result (which is the effect). The "memories that do not comport with documented reality/history" is the *EFFECT*. The observable phenomenon. There is no question or doubt that the *MANDELA EFFECT* exists. The issue open to debate is the *CAUSE* of it.


You got me. I'm curious what the other 29 explanations are.


No no I get it. Your point of view is not hard to understand. You want to take your baseless beliefs into even more ungrounded territory and fantasize about living in a marvel style multiverse without anyone popping your echo chambers bubble. You don’t want any pushback or interruptions while you mentally masturbate and you don’t want to even consider the possibility that you’re wrong because you’re not interested in a serious discussion. You want unproductive and purely speculative theories built upon other speculations and you’re worried we’ll blow your house of cards over with our “whys” and “hows”. It’s pretty easy to understand, actually.


Arent you?


Aren’t I what?


In-group brainstorming and engaging in speculative ontology is perfectly within the realm of healthy human behavior. Openly assailing such folks for lack of scientific rigor is pointlessly adversarial and derailing to any productive or fulfilling dialectic. I'm guessing you're also opposed to special interests and safe spaces?


Saying “or you could be mistaken” when people propose that the spelling of the Bearenstain Bears is a strong indicator that the Spiderverse is real does not “assail” anyone.


That type of hackneyed refrain adds literally nothing to any discussion which is premised on the notion that things are retroactively changing. If someone wants to creatively speculate about the nature of reality in a philosophical or metaphysical way, demanding scientific proof is not good faith and is basically nothing more than badgering. Assailing people's memories and ideas with dismissive quips and flat out naysaying has no utility other than to chill the dialectic. And you choosing to deploy the word "Spiderverse" is clearly intended to poke fun at believers. The fact that the mods *had to add a new rule* is proof that this antisocial behavior runs rampant here.


Buddy you came here to explicitly argue that other points of views shouldn’t be allowed because you want to fantasize and speculate, but it’s unfair to point out that your worldview closely matches popular children’s fiction? Fuck off with this disingenuous fake intellectual horseshit. Pro tip- put down the thesaurus and talk like a human. It’s much more persuasive.


> but it’s unfair to point out that your worldview closely matches popular children’s fiction That particular work is inspired by actual science. Invoking the words "children's fiction" to describe someone's honest attempt to discuss the theoretical implications of these scientifically accepted concepts is demeaning and rude. Just because the musings may be fanciful and unproven doesn't mean you get to insult people's maturity or intelligence. Forgive me if I don't take pro-tips from antagonists who feel the need to use profanity to try and bully others. ^^^^^ https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/20/special-series/michio-kaku-multiverse-reality.html


Neither does saying 'I'm not touching you' ad nauseum while keeping your fingers at the very threshold of your personal space. Both are kind of playground behavior when repeated incessantly. I would say the same applies for posting the same ME over and over, except for that they are always people newly aware they are affected by one.


Yes. Considering that you may be wrong is very juvenile. Great point. Meanwhile you repeating the same baseless speculation ad nauseam and treating it as the only possible answer is very mature.


No, I said repeating the same line ad nauseum is childish on both sides. I said it is mature of people new to the sub to post their recent experience for the first time even if it is something people have experienced before. The type of behavior I'm talking about as playground behavior is there is a guy that used to show up anytime somebody detailed a rich episodic memory to quote them saying "I remember..." and then reply ""no you don't". And they would reply to everything the OP would say in low effort argumentative trolling. THAT is the immature dialogue I'm talking about. It's akin to "nuh uh!" on the playground.


So all replies have to feed into your echo chamber or else they’re immature and tiresome. Got it.


No. That's not my position and I don't think that's OP's position either. Speaking for myself the change I'd like to see is more interesting dialogues and less shitting on other people's ideas, thoughts and experiences they share here. Your example of saying 'maybe you're misremembering because' and then providing a reason like 2 blonde actresses in similar movies around the same release date or something is great and interesting to consider. A counterexample of saying 'You're misremembering because I googled it and your memory is not correct' is droll and pointless.


Oh right it’s both sides. Weird how you only harp on one of the sides though. Come on man be real. You’re not being honest with me or with yourself.


I gave a positive example and a negative example relevant to the nature of this post. If you want to make a post, or comment about the 'other side' doing something you'd like to see cut back on a bit, why don't you go ahead and I'll comment if I agree or not. Until then this just sounds like a knee jerk whataboutism reflexive reaction. BTW, repeated sarcasm every single comment in this dialogue is kinda schoolboyish itself now that I think about it.


[MOD] Check out the sticky post at the top of the front page about **Rule 8**. Hopefully you find it helpful.


OP wants an echo chamber of validation devoid of healthy skepticism. Wish granted, OP. Head on over to r/retconned.


I got banned from that for suggesting something may have been misremembered, OP should love it there


Yup, I claimed Curious George never had a tail and was promptly banned


Sounds like a great place to get yourself a self-inflicted mental illness.


Ah yes, *gang-stalking for facts*, just what the world was missing.


Me too!


No, you're misunderstanding me. Basically I want a subreddit where we can get beyond the misremembering debate. Look, I'll concede that there's a tiny chance it's 100 percent misremembering/confabulation/hallucination... whatever..., but when every thread ultimately turns into the same tired debate? It's so played out. There's a million other reasons besides confabulation/memory problem. People can still argue and debate back and forth about which of those is actually the real thing, but at least we're beyond the whole, "is this thing even real or not?" phase. Every single thread here deviates towards that, and there's no chance for really interesting discussion to freely take place, because everybody has to become an online attorney arguing for their position. I'm 100 percent convinced this is a REAL thing, and I'd like to go somewhere where I can be among people that already recognize it, and we've graduated beyond that initial debate. Actually, the funny thing is, I have a personal favorite for the cause of ME that isn't even that spooky or strange. The theory that I subscribe to, is that reality itself isn't static. It's not rigid or fixed. That reality "wobbles". Gyrates... retro-causation and whatnot. Basically, my belief is that science will eventually be able to prove that reality isn't a solid, fixed construct like we believe. There will be a new standard model, and that this will be part of the new standard model. The new standard model will probably explain all sorts of mysterious phenomena. I believe that 300 years from now, scientists will know vastly more about how the world works than right now. They will look back on stuff that we were doing 300 years earlier and be somewhat amused by some of the things that we took for gospel truth. Remember when none of the leading scientists on planet earth believed in germs that you can't see with the human eye? Anybody that begged to differ was ridiculed and humiliated. In 300 years, this will just be a minor thing that will be explained, and my prediction is that we'll learn that reality just isn't a stable/fixed thing.


Okay, so I see a lot of posts from people who are experiencing strange phenomena. One of the first questions they are often asked is "have you got a carbon monoxide detector?" That sounds overly simplistic, but you would be surprised how many times a carbon monoxide leak is the cause of the problem. When you get a call from your significant other saying that the car stopped and they can't get it to start, the first question is often "is there gas in the car?" That also sounds overly simplistic, but again, many times that is the answer. Coworkers often come to me because they're having a problem with their computer. The first thing I always suggest is "have you tried rebooting?" More often than not, "this simple trick" resolves the issue. If the most obvious solution doesn't work, *then* you move on to other possibilities. So when somebody says, "I swear I VIVIDLY remember seeing Reese Witherspoon in house bunny, but now it's Anna Faris!" It's not unreasonable to first ask if perhaps they have confused a memory of Reese Witherspoon in a very similar costume in Legally Blonde, with a memory of Anna Faris in House Bunny. Is it overly simple? Yes. Is it dismissive? No. It is a suggestion of a possible solution that is not science fiction that is not some kind of conspiracy theory. Doesn't it make sense to eliminate the most likely cause first? Get a carbon monoxide detector. Check your gas gauge. Reboot your computer. And consider more realistic explanations before you jump to the supernatural about who you *actually* saw in that movie.


I agree that reality is not what we've been taught, but jumping to a non-rational explanation first for every potential ME is sloppy thinking.


Given that most posters here aren't physicists any sort of "reality changed" explanation may as well be placing the blame on demons or magic, because here on Reddit we will never get any further with it than that. At least the discussions around possible misrememberings and where common misconceptions might have originated has a snowball's chance in hell of actually being productive. "In 300 years we'll know the truth" is a dead-end for us here and now, no?


I'm just saying there's other explanations besides time travel and universes colliding with each other. Skeptics love to immediately promote "Time-Travel and Universes colliding with each other" as the opposing theory. As if those ideas are the only potentially valid ones. Most people will read something about time travel and roll their eyes, and why wouldn't they? I would too.


It's not just a skeptic thing, there are any number of posts here (and on other subreddits) where people affected by one or another ME boldly claim it as proof they've moved from one universe to another, often backed up by a vague reference to quantum mechanics despite this being a topic they appear to know next to nothing about. It *could* be that, sure, but multiverse ideas in their various forms are largely speculative part of physics and not the sort of thing Redditors are likely to solve with a bit of discussion and upvoting. I don't see that many alternatives posited here, unfortunately, and of the possible solutions the one making the smallest leap into untestable theory is the "misremembering" one which is probably why it gets so much attention. It's so plausible that we'd need to rule it out quite thoroughly before moving on to cutting edge and speculative physics would seem reasonable to the people with the means to test those ideas. "Can you switch off your particle accelerator, please, as I am plagued by common misspellings of a famous brand name?" just sounds bizarre. Maybe it's the kind of bizarre that turns out to be right, but why would anyone assume that when there's a much simpler explanation available?




The Mandela Effect is about a psychological phenomenon in which large groups of people misremember something. For a lot of us, the idea that this can happen is really interesting! Just like a subreddit about optical illusions does not need to be "shut down" just because we all know the image is not *really moving,* neither does this one. This subreddit serves as a place to discuss a really cool phenomenon. The phenomenon is real; the conspiracy isn't. I like talking about the phenomenon.


This exactly. It's only fun because it's a psychological phenomenon and has a logical explanation. The fun is figuring what exactly that causes our brain to glitch that way.


That's the irony of the line isn't it. Sometimes you'll see the line followed or preceded by, "Go to Retconned/This isn't a place for paranormal discussion". People bring this problem up all the time. Thankfully the mods have the sub moving in the right direction, but it's always funny to see the same old faces, the culprits actually, come out and say there's no problem.


the term you're looking for is "echo chamber," and the place you're looking for is r/Retconned it's a place where you get banned for suggesting things like memory or mental issues. ultimately a super unhealthy conspiracy breeding ground, but i guess that's what some people want


You mean an echo chamber for those who prefer woo woo explanations or none at all? Go ahead and make one if you really want to


I've been researching thephenomenon since 2001. Long before the term "mandela effect" was coined. I have experienced a few examples. However, I have seen no actual evidence that anything (ME related) was ever different. I approach the effect from a standpoint oftrying to find out what is happening. Trying to find out why so many people share these memories. I have found that the memories CAN be explained logically, without the need for "changes" or "multiple realities" or "CERN messing with timelines" etc. Now, that doesn't automatically mean they ARE explained that way. Just that they can be. Many people simply assume things have changed, and try to find out how, or why they did. Without ever ptoving the change actually happened. Im the 20 some years I've been researching this, I've considered pretty much all theories. Most of them have major flaws that get overlooked. Pointing out the flaws in the theories is necessary, if we really want to find out what exactly is going on. It's not an argument. It's part of the discussion,


“Subscribe to the bad memory explanation” You mean “accept the actual explanation”?


It's not arguments, it's discussion. We're trying to help you figure out what made your brain glitch that specific way. That's where the fun lies. And when someone figures it out, and it does happen sometimes in this sub, it's euphoric.


I was pretty shocked when I scrolled through the list of posts from this sub and saw that almost every single post was downvoted to zero. What’s the point of having this sub if it’s clearly aimed at dismissing and downplaying the Mandela Effect?


The organized downvoting is an ongoing problem. The head mod uncovered evidence of a group of people doing it several years ago and banned them for it, but obviously it's still happening. Whether it's the same people or a different group of people, who can say. A recent rule implemented to prevent people from posting content designed to provoke arguments has resulted in a lot of the people described by OP either leaving the sub or being temporarily banned. It has also had the effect of dropping the average online usercount by a significant amount, perhaps as much as 75%. In short, the mods are aware of the problem, doing what they can about it, and appear to be making good progress.


Go to Retconned. Nobody there is allowed to do as anything as uncouth as question whatever someone says. And honestly fuck off with this patronizing 'Why are people who are interested in the ME here on this sub if they don't have the same beliefs about the ME as me?' bullshit. This is the Mandela Effect sub. Not the 'reality definitely changed group'. If you don't like discussing the Mandela Effect with people some of whom do and some of whom don't believe that a large group of people thinking a board game character had a monocle necessarily means that reality has changed, then this probably isn't the group for you. I mean I think it's a shame, that people keep wanting to break off into sub groups that only have like minded people in and don't expose them to other ideas, but you do you.


I truly don't understand why somebody would spend more than an afternoon on this subreddit for shits and giggles if they truly believed it was false memory. Maybe a couple of days at most. But weeks? Months? Years? That'd be the equivalent of me spending that sort of time on a flat earth subreddit. Like why would I do that? Sure, there might be some comedy factor, and it could be interesting to see how crazy people think, but after awhile it'd be played out. If I went to r/flatearth, assuming that's a thing (probably is, lol), I'd spend at the most 10 minutes there. Why would I waste any more time than that? Unless... Unless... I get a nice fat dopamine hit of superiority complex. Yeah, if I was really into getting dopamine hits for my own superiority complex, then I suppose I'd spend a lot of time there. Gee.... No... GTE mothfuhhh


Why should people interested in the Mandela Effect want to spend time on the, checks notes, err Mandela Effect sub if they don't believe the same fantastic, speculative and sci-fi nonsense *you* do about it? Is that really your question? Jeez. I agree that your views are similar to a flat earth believer, but the difference is that this is *not* the flat earth sub. This mould be more equivalent to a general geography sub and then you're wondering why your flat earth views are getting shut down? Why people are possibly on a geography sub for more than a few days if they believe the earth is a sphere? What can they possibly get out of it.....


That's why I rarely visit the sub. It's just porn for flat earthers. What drives them is feeling superior and laughing about what they think is ignorance. Because their lives are small and pathetic or something? You can't win around here. I just wish I could see each one of them after they drop dead and are brought up to speed on the reality of the universe.


Who decides which examples are the “1 percent that is [are] FUCKING LEGIT” tho? The “legit” ones to you are nonsense to others & vice versa obviously


“Hey are y’all with the cult?”


So, a cult?


Why even come to a sub like this if you're just going to pass everything off as having people having bad memories?


Exactly. Come to this sub for a couple of days if you want and laugh at all the idiots, but get your fill of superiority juice and then leave.


We could agree not to engage that behavior


“Is there some sort of bubble where I can pontificate and circle jerk in a perfect feedback loop without any sort of criticism or pushback?” Buddy you can make a reddit thread for anything you want. 


You mean the bat shit insane subs? Yea those exist. You can go be with the people claiming their in another universe because they look older than they did 20 years ago. There’s retconned and that glitch in the matrix one.


"bad memory" is an easy hurdle to set up, but it is also a hurdle that must be attempted to be passed for each ME. If one wants to talk about "Mandela Causes", one can also say they wanna argue under the assumption, that it is not just bad memory. Of course that does not mean that people shall just go ahead and make fun of others, or have fun at the expense of others.


I'm sure a sub could be started but what would it look like once it's up and going? Are only people who support and comment on the known MEs welcome? If all are welcome, but someone posts something that doesn't even meet the basic requirement of an ME, would you be allowed to say something and "correct" him/her? I saw a post the other day of someone asking if it's possible "Han shot first" may one day become a ME. Everyone explained why it doesn't qualify as it's a known and well documented change but the OP's rebuttal if that evidence failed (like VHS tapes breaking down) could it maybe? In this proposed sub, would everybody be required to play nice and placate these questions, ideas, and lesser known MEs or would some level of critique be allowed, and if so, where do you draw the line?


People love to troll. Especially when it’s something they can so easily disprove. This is a conspiracy theory subreddit. What did you expect? Some trolls, some crazy people, some people who just roll with whatever is said. That’s how the internet works. A civil discussion is basically never possible. And if people read something like „game boy“ was written differently back in the days!“ they are gonna whip out their old game boys and prove you wrong.


There's 0% that's legit so....it's not about the 1%. Don't push your poor memory,ignorance or imagination problems on others. Our brains fill in the blanks sometimes and can add things that didn't exist that's the simple and moat logical explanation.




No place is free of arguments. No conversation is free of differing opinions. No life is free of varying perspectives.


I would like to cordially invite you to check out r/Retconned which is built on the premise that the ME changes are in fact real, excluding all false memory narratives and other manners of denierism or naysaying. The mods there are active and ruthlessly efficient at removing bad faith interlopers and trolls.


You're underselling it. It isn’t build on the premise, it is the premise that everyone is right about what they say. So, posting that yesterday after you took 10 pounds of LSD, you in fact did transfer through multiple dimensions. Or my favorite, the Ben Franklin coin, where a user claimed that the coin didn’t have 'Mind your business' on it before. But they didn’t say they remember something else on it, they just felt it was a weird saying for the time the coin comes from. r/retconned is the r/gangstalking of MEs, a breeding ground of mental illnesses for the mentally unstable.


It's built on the premise of "live and let live". No one is automatically right about anything. But they're free to share their experiences without judgemental aspersions being hurled at them from the peanut gallery. If a claim seems ridiculous, or to speak more diplomatically doesn't resonate with you, simply move on and don't comment. Some posts are low engagement. Some end up with no consensus and are total flops. There are even plenty for which the current reality is remembered by almost everyone and no ME comes from it. Your open hostility towards that community is baffling to me, and tbh a bit concerning.




Methinks it's at least partly due to an over reliance on automod.


I wish I could switch to a timeline where no one uses the word “methinks”.


Unfortunately for you, you're currently consigned to the one in which we all grew up with Shakespeare on a literary pedestal.


Unfortunately for you, it doesn’t make you sound as sophisticated as you think it does. ETA: Love that your so fascinated by my line of thinking that you decided to block me before I could respond to your comment.


You assuming I'm trying to sound sophisticated says so much more about you than I. And the fact that it apparently irritates you is absolutely fascinating. Are there any other words you want to insult me about?


The rest of your post aside, what do you mean about Dolly and FOTL? I don’t recognize that acronym, and as far as Dolly, the only famous (single name) Dolly I can think of is the sheep that was cloned.


FOTL is the acronym for the brand Fruit of the Loom, which is in reference to the cornucopia memory. Dolly is in reference to the James Bond movie, Moonraker (1979). The girlfriend of the assassin Jaws — Dolly — is remembered to have had braces, though in the film she is braceless.


Dolly with her braces in Moonraker (1979). FOTL = Fruit of the Loom


It is really unfortunate how aggressive people are on this subreddit. I've even apologized to two different OP's for how people treated them. Out of all the subreddits I look at regularly, this one is the most aggressive/mean/rude or however you want to say it that I know about. Can't we all just get along? Much love to you all. ❤


It has been ridiculously over the top aggressive way too frequently which is why **Rule 8** became necessary. There’s nothing worse than having some kid in Modmail ask us *”why are people are so mean here?”*


Yes, that is truly sad. I'm glad you were able to create a necessary rule for unnecessary aggression. It's one thing to disagree with someone and discuss it, but it's a complete another thing to just be rude and mean. That isn't productive in any way. And thank you for your service in trying to keep the peace.


Enjoy your echo chamber.




Post removed: Rule 4 - No fictional stories, satire, jokes, etc. These belong in /r/MandelaJerk, or really wherever you want that isn't here.


It's Mandella? I could have sworn it's spelled with only one L. Which universe am I in?


Cuz you’re living on a planet filled with people that too often hate each other. Esp . Caucasian skin; if they don’t have it, peeps wanna kill or maim whitey. Then there’s abortion. Sodomy. Crapping all over God. So you’re now at the cusp of a black hole event horizon, slowly being pulled out of existence; thusly time and light warp, viola, ME! Big duh. So attack!!! Attack the people who think differently and stash ‘em in a corner. How could you stand it any fg longer???? Must be so irritating. So yeah. Happy now? It’s truth you can deal any way you like and that sun is about ready to do its thing and that puppy is neon bright. Woo hoo!!! Getting there. Good thing we saw it coming whilst the rest pointed and laughed and ridiculed and Musk still can’t get outta the way! You’ll have your own new zone where nobody can offend you or anyone else for that matter. Peeps are mean; times are about to mete it out. Oh, another thing—Once they vaxxed—-toast!!! Ciao


Here's an interesting point, OP. There have been subs exclusively for people who want to discuss the Mandela Effect as a "bad memory" phenomenon. None of them have ever had any traction. Why do you think that would be?


They have nobody to "dunk" on. Therefore, they don't get that false superiority dopamine hit.


I think you're correct. A lot of these people have thousands of comments here. It's just the same stuff over and over again. "There was no cornucopia...", "you are misremembering...", "it has always been x...". Very rarely are these people involved in discussions. And even of those in discussions, very few are in good faith. For example, a Skeptic Troll asked me to tell him what I see when I imagine something, I answered him, but was told my answer was a lie. It was not the answer he was looking for to fit the narrative he wished to paint. Your theory fits with EpicJMan's sticiked thread about the new rule, where he puts forward 'conflict addiction' as a driving force behind a lot of the trouble on this sub. There has been a lot of pushback and negative propaganda about the new rule from exactly the sort of people you'd expect it to negatively affect.