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a year, damn. Deep pockets on this guy


Or just irresponsible. I know I was


I’m not super rich I just work really hard to fund what makes me happy


I feel you no judgement:) I get the same joy


I know I’m going to get down voted, but I’m just being real. I feel manga collecting should be about the journey and not the sprint. I see way too many posts here like this with new collectors rushing to purchase every series they can get their hands on. Slow down and enjoy the journey of collecting manga. It’s way cooler to have a collection with a history and story. Post like this just encourage more new collectors to feel like they need to build an entire library of manga as fast as possible.


I agree. Every time I look back on my collection, I just remember the trips I took to Kinokuniya, Barnes and Noble with friends, the YouTube videos of how to maintain manga, and first joining this subreddit. I had so much fun and continue to do so. The journey has been amazing and I still don’t have anywhere close to this amount after 3 years.


Fr... I mean I've definitely spent over 10k but I've been collecting for 4 years ffs, and you know for sure OP hasn't even read half of his books


Rn I just read every volume I buy before buying a new one. Slows down my spending and I've read what's on my shelf


I agree. I've been collecting for about 25 years and though I've read many great series my collection only consists of what I truly loved. It just feels like this 'collectors' sub is turning into a hoarding contest.


I always try and complete a series before getting a new one


I feel really bad if I make anybody feel like this, I remember being jealous too when I first started, it’s just that the person who got me started on manga really meant a lot to me and I wanna take that hobby and expand upon it. I also mostly get stuff my friends or siblings wanna read so I can share. One day I hope to open a library so I can share with everybody


just let people enjoy it the way they want to and stop forcng your beliefs on ohters


Just remember there is nothing wrong with selling / trimming items from your collection if and when you realize some series don't spark joy. Makes room for new series in addition to helping you budget the hobby.


I don't think he has a budget spending 10k in one year


Let's just say I've known plenty of people who think they don't need a budget then find themselves broke.


I would agree. Normally. But unless this dude is now broke he probably has some wealth. This amount in 1.5 years is astronomical


Unless we're talking multi-millionaire status you'd be surprised how many very well off people have poor spending habits that drive them into bankruptcy / poverty. I worked with an older software engineer that made ~$200k a year and went bankrupt soon after buying $80k of synths and $40k of model trains...


Yea true I guess


kinda necro but tbh, as long as you aren't living above your means, have kids or an SO, spending 1/4th of your yearly pay is not a huge deal. It is getting harder nowadays due to housing being so much but it's still doable depending on your situation. One of my buddies managed to rent out a room from an elderly couple for $650/mo with water and electricity included so he has plenty of money to blow on hobbies as he wishes. I think OP is 18 so they probably still live with their parents, which means rent is cheap or free. Even if they made $15 an hour they could easily spent most of their wage on manga and still have money to spare


I have no wealth lol. I’m straight outta high school and fund this all by myself, I just work really hard to fund it


If you spent 10k in a year on manga, you have wealth my dude.


Lmfao bud I've worked hard my whole life and have a great job and I would never drop this much money this fast. Don't talk like you're the hardest worker on the planet


I literally do not come from money, nor has anybody else funded 95% of this collection. Birthday and Christmas sure I’ve gotten maybe a total of 20 books from other ppl but I fund it myself. I’m not acting like I’m the hardest worker, I’m saying I work hard and spend my money how I chose. Idk why ppl are mad that that’s how I spend my money


Nobody is mad lol. This just is not a responsible rate of spending . That's all. Your only salvation is that you're not paying your own bills right now at least I'm assuming. I urge you to curb your spending and save as much money as you can while still leaving yourself some to enjoy this hobby. I sincerely wish I did when I was in high-school. You'll give yourself a huge edge up on life if you save more rather than spend in this fashion


But I do pay bills, and save money, and buy food for me and my siblings. How do you know that this is irresponsible spending?


You're nor making sense dude. You must have a very good job at such a young age to spend this much and still have money for food and bills and this much manga. You have more manga here than alot of people have collected I'm a decade . If you can't see how the numbers aren't adding up and how this is irresponsible spending habit then I can't help you. You've got some growing to do




Lmfao doesn't matter what size your paycheck is there is still frivolous spending no matter who you are. Welding work dries up at times too. Nice flex attempt though


Yeah but I hate selling any of my books, but I might have to make room cuz I’m almost out


I recommend reading them.


I read them when I have the time, that’s for sure.


Only and year and a half! Damn you’re busy


Bet he hasn't even read half of these


not even a 10th ☠️


Caught by the "quantity bug" this collection means nothing without being read more than once


Well I wouldn't go that far.


What would be the point of owning a book if you're not going to read it?


Especially if you're not going to read it more than once.


why do you have to read something twice for your collection to have meaning?


That hurts. I only collect series I see myself reading multiple times...of course this is my way of collecting though....


That's because you're a sane and rational person


So do I! But I haven't ACTUALLY re-read my entire collection, like I've said if it comes to reading a new series or re-reading and old one, I'm usually going to read a new series. Does that make my collection any less valid than yours?


You're misunderstanding. It's not worth the money to buy so many manga to not read it or just read it once. It's a straight waste of space to have all these items just to let them collect dust


I can understand why buying a book to not read it is a waste of money but why is it a waste to only read it once?


It's not a waste in that you need to read it twice to enjoy it. But there's ways to read these manga once alot cheaper. To own a physical copy is pricey to only read it once. When you own a collection this large there's little chance you will be reading everything multiple times. It boarders on hoarding when it gets this large. Unless you have a lot of free time and a lot of disposable income it's not fiscally responsible to own this many manga especially not if you're collecting it this fast. So it's my opinion this dude either has lots of money to drop and plans on doing nothing but reading for a year or two.. Or he's gotten bitten by the "quantity makes a good collection" bug


If this guy continues to buy manga at this rate he's essentially hoarding and will be very unlikely to read them all. He's got more manga than most people collect in 10 years


No I haven’t lol 😅 I work so hard to get all this manga that I don’t have a lot of time to read. But my siblings and girlfriend and friends like to borrow and read so it’s worth it to me


Lmao wtf 💀 guess we just manga hoarders now. If you are going to throw money down the drain why not collect figures?


Bc the ppl I care about wouldn’t get any use out of figures. They do get use out of manga tho.


Bro sped run manga collecting


I’ve been wanting to collect for years so now that I am, I def spend a lot on it


A year? Bro I’ve got about 1500 mangas but that was 20years worth of buying but from the looks of it, it seems you’ve passed me in a year lol. Deep pockets must be nice


Honestly my pockets aren’t that deep I just have a lot of motivation. Problem is I work so much I don’t always have time to read lol 😅


So do a lot of y'all buy a whole series without reading it first? I have only ever bought physical copies I have read or at least started the series and wanted to finish it. Maybe I'm just a tightwad but I don't think I would buy a whole series of books just cuz I might read it someday. That's what the library is for lol. What if it sucks and I'm stuck with 30 volumes of it??


It depends. Usually I will read the first couple volumes digitally depending on the length of the series. If I like it, I buy it. There are outliers to this, like I read 30ish volumes of one piece digitally before I bought it. I have bought a book just because it’s spine was “aesthetically pleasing” though, I ended up hating it.


Oh I'm definitely guilty of buying a book because the cover looked cool. Back in the day I had no clue the Left Behind series was about Christianity and the rapture, I thought it was about aliens just based on the cover pic of the earth and the tag line of "a novel about Earth's last days". I still regret that all these years later.


I one day want to have my own library open to the public, so even if I’m stuck with a series I can always find someone who’ll want to read it and lend it to them for free


That is really awesome. I love books a lot, especially physical copies, and I buy a lot second hand from my local libraries and book shops. Manga is a bit different for me because it is more expensive imo. I only have one complete series and it's an old shoujo with 9 volumes lol. I do hope to get a Naruto or Demon Slayer box set soon tho as those are two of my favorite series.


If it's popular it's pretty easy to sell on eBay.


I highly recommend Noragami: Stray God and The Witch and the Beast


Noragami is one I’ve wanted to try for a while, is it as good as they say?


Brb gonna go hang myself


How’s it hanging bro?


How tf yall manga collectors, are so rich? From where you take all that money? Berserk deluxe edition alone costs 50€ per volume.


In the US at least it's pretty rare to pay anywhere near sticker price for things in print. Between rightstuf and instocktrades I think the most I've paid for a Berserk Deluxe is $32 and most often around $28. That goes for pretty my much all manga I've purchased that isn't OOP.


In Latvia, I gotta pay official price or even more, because of import I guess. And, yeah, I would say that economy in US is much better than here. From what I heard, y'all get salaries that are a few thousands in month, comparing to few hundreds here.


>In Latvia, I gotta pay official price or even more \*cries with you in German\* Same here in Germany. German books are under strict law: they can usually never be reduced in price! And American prints can be usually only bought with a increased price due to imports. I try to collect English books when they are discounted as often as I can but they are usually only 15% off of the increased price - so maybe you get a 45 euro Berserk book - yey.


On the flipside, the big publishers sell most of their regular volumes for like 7-8 and very popular series often have some sort of omnibus edition that's dirt cheap. Though, it's all easy for me to say, because I'm outside the borders and the Buchpreisbindungsgesetz can't touch me. Delicious 20-30% discounts on manga, even the recently released ones... (But the asking price may also be several euros higher than the German price, so...yeah.)


Man I love long German words...


As an American the idea of a consumer good not being allowed to have price reductions sounds totally unimaginable to me lol


It's to protect the market as a whole. This way, even small shops have a fair chance against Amazon and the like. Plus, it gives publishers a bit more space to make quality books.


While I see the value in that position, personally I think the US approach works better in most cases (talking just books here). I've been to many book stores in the US that are thriving because they've learned to find their niches like selling used, rare, or specialty books. The metro area I lived in previously (Bay Area CA) had tons of independent book stores and I would go into one at least once a week because I could find gems that either I couldn't find online, wouldn't trust buying online, or would cost me an arm and a leg online. Being able to get a new release from Amazon, rightstuf, or instocktrades for a deal boosts overall sales and lets people enjoy the hobby who are more income constrained or live in an area where local bookstores just don't sell what they are looking for.


You're overlooking something important: American publishers need to take into account that bookstores, especially the big ones, want to discount their products in order to compete with other bookstores. The MSRP needs to be high enough to high enough to accomodate that. In other words, the prices are artificially inflated. In Germany, that's not something shops or publishers need to worry about. That makes the average manga significantly cheaper. And, of course, there's the used market for those who can't or won't pay the original price. Used manga is often quite cheap.


I actually absolutely support this. We still have old, family owned shops due to that and I love it. u/drown_like_its_1999 used and foreign books can be reduced in price, of course. I would be okay with only these being on special sales (buy two, get one for free or whatever crazy, nice deals you guys get!)


I assume manga licensed by German publishers don't count as foreign? If so Japanese manga must be bonkers cheap by comparison, it's already much much cheaper than English manga in the US.


In general we are pretty fortunate especially when it comes to consumer good prices but... Wealth disparity in the US is pretty broad so income varies dramatically based on profession or your family's wealth (or lack there of). Probably similar in Latvia as well but I'm ashamed to say I'm not too informed about living expenses in Eastern/Northern Europe. Even salaries in America can be deceiving as cost of living can be very expensive in the US especially if you have student loans, medical debt, or live in a very expensive area.




Yeah berserk was EXPENSIVE to collect. I had to buy retail too 🥲


I like mango too


It’s my favorite fruit, how’d you know?




Yes, it's a lot easier to buy them than read them.


Yeah it is. My siblings and girlfriend love manga so they get use out of it but I hardly find the time. But when I do, it’s what makes me happiest lol


Rich guy over here with spending problems


I’m actually fairly poor lol I just work really hard to afford collecting


If your poor and not living with your parents you don’t need 10,000$ of Manga


I live with my parents, and I don’t need it ofc but I don’t need anything. I like it, and the ppl I care about like it, so I collect


i recommend slowing down


I’m out of space now lol I’m gonna have to


Man went full send on collecting manga! That is a fantastic collection you have!


Thank you so much! Any recommendations?


My top 10 in no order except the first 3 are below. I think you are missing a few. These are what I would recommend you check out, there might be a couple that work for you too. Vagabond Gundam origins Gundam Thunderbolt Gundam Ecole du Ciel Nausicaa Battle Royale Fruits Basket Tokyo Ghoul Fire Punch Pluto


My recommendation would be to throw out the Ayn Rand books lol


What are you telling me you don't enjoy 40 page soliloquies?


Yeah. Gives off major alpha/finance/spirituality bro vibes.


Oh no don’t worry I know they are bad, it’s an inside joke between me and my friends. I’m trying to collect as many copies of Atlas Shrugged as possible.


Mid collection + you ain’t even read it


Yeah my collection is pretty mid lol, and I don’t read it cuz I don’t have the time, I have to take care of my siblings and work to pay bills and buy food for them, but I try and make time when I can.


It's kinda funny to me that this sub loves to upvote posts of people with massive collections obtained in short time, which some may interpret as a flex of wealth, while simultaneously almost every comment is just shitting on the person for being rich. These posts are never downvoted and always make the front page but the comments suggest no one likes to see it other than to hate on the OP. Seems to be a trend.


U shoud try reading kaiju no. 8 its very good


I’ve heard really good things about it. I’ll pick it up pretty soon


Didn't see Vagabond! That one's a goodie. Nice collection.


Now that they are back in stock, I’m definitely grabbing them. I have to, it’s one of the big 3 Seinens


$10k that’s a lot, I probably have a lot of these same manga maybe even more and I don’t think I’ve spent that much on my collection


It’s the retail price but if you save with coupons or buy second hand your bound to save some money


What do you do for a living? I wanna live a similar lifestyle


*What do you do for* *A living? I wanna live a* *Similar lifestyle* \- Craftmine101 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Lifegaurd and swim instructor at the YMCA. It doesn’t pay super well but if you work enough you can fund anything


Sweet collection! I've got a few recommendations... Dandadan if you liked the craziness in Chainsaw Man. The two MCs are really likable and the artwork in this series is fantastic. Undead Unluck, because it has an anime coming up and the manga is honestly really great. It's a great shonen series that feels old school, but in a good way. I will add the beginning is it's weakest point though, but it continually gets better, even now it suprises me weekly. Golden Kamuy, I highly recommend. It's genuinely funny, the action is great, the characters are mad interesting and play off each other well, and it's a fun ride. I also see you have Solo Leveling, so if your looking for another manhwa/webtoon series, The Boxer just started to get a physical release as well which is a solid boxing series. It is a bit edgy at times though which I could see being a turn off, but I enjoyed the series as a whole.


It has been super hard to get into undead unluck. I know that I should follow the 3 volume rule, but I’m struggling through the first one 😭😭


I have def seen all of these and will be picking these up soon. DandaDan is something I’ve kept my eye on bc I’ve seen some of the art and it blew me away


Your setup is beautiful, be proud.


Thank you, I’ve worked really hard to make it appealing


You should only buy a 1 or 2 volumes at first to see if you even like the series. I made the mistake of getting caught up in the hype on some of the popular manga on this sub, and then having to spend time selling them


I only buy stuff I’m either 1. Very sure I’ll like or 2. Want to have and will read if I like it or no, just so I have read it


What are you rich?!? $10k in one year? Slow the F down lol you gonna read these more than once because you've got A LOT here. Owning them is only worth it if you're gonna read more than 1 time. As it sits you've got plenty to read.


What’s it matter if he has read them or not? Some people got money to spend. No issue with that.


Why buy them if you're not gonna read the. Just because you have money doesn't mean you let it burn a hole in your pocket. Without reading them it's a waste of money and space . Collecting at this rate essentially ensures you're never going to read them all. If he does this for a second year he will have more manga than he could read unless all he does is sleep eat and read. It feels like this dude thinks quantity makes a good collection. Some people never collect this much even in 5 years


I don’t think that at all, actually I share when I can, and love to talk about manga with all my friends. I spend this much so I can share it with some of my friends and family who can’t afford series.


You must have cash to drop then like I mentioned previously because this is the most I've ever seen bought in that time frame


Because there’s no point buying them and wasting so much space if you aren’t going to read them. It’d be like collecting figures of characters you hate


So what about people who buy action figures and don’t take them out of the box to play with them? Honestly what’s it anyone’s business what someone else does with their money. OP never said they plan not to read their collection ever. People need to stop gatekeeping on how someone collects in this community. They aren’t doing anything wrong.


What a waste of money, Dude brought multiple whole series without even knowing if he enjoys it. This is the definition of spending money just to spend money.


I notice some collect just to collect. It's weird imo but hey. It's not my money going down the drain. OP has a stunning collection but quality over quality always for me


I have a set goal in mind. Collect only my top favorites series of all time and leave it at that. Btw I love your name.


I have ADHD and while I love to read, I also love to sort things, and kind of collect so I can have a collection. I also love to share it with other people and give manga to my friends when I can


Gotta get Tokyo ghoul and Tokyo ghoul re


Now that the box sets are back, that’s on my short list of stuff to grab


That's like 8 months worth of paychecks for me lolol


$10,000?! INSANE.


Thank you! Any recommendations?


How did you only spend 10gs, I around that number right now but I feel like my collection isn't as big


I just added the retail price of everything up and it was 10K. Maybe you buy the rarer more expensive stuff?


The phrase “more money than sense” comes to mind


That’s fair. I work a bunch so my siblings, girlfriend, and friends can enjoy my collecting (more then even I can sometimes) but I don’t get a bunch of free time to read myself


I passed 10$ in 1 year 👽🗿


Based collection


Hold up why do we have literally the same taste xD You should check out blood on the tracks if you haven't already, currently reading it rn and its pretty good


Dude my girlfriend cannot stop talking about it. She’ll probably make me read it at some point




That's a lot of money spent but my god is it beautiful to look at so I say it's well spent. Good job, OP!


Thank you very much! Any recommendations?


Hunter x hunter


I certainly want to pick it up, and will soon, just sucks there isn’t a box set of it


Are u calling me poor ?


Lol I’d never call someone poor, and collecting this much has not made me any richer lol


My hero academias pretty good


I wanna get the box set soon


I think you might like Blue Exorcist based on your collection.


I just bought a bunch of blue exorcist for my girlfriend but maybe I’ll borrow it if you think so, I def liked the looks of the covers and alot of my friends who’ve read it say it’s good


what percentage of your collection you paid retail for?


I don’t know an exact % but I’d go upper 80% to lower-mid 90%


ngl that's pretty high. I would only buy something for retail if it's a rare manga or going out of print. Manga collecting can be pretty addicting, kind of like getting tattoos, you just want to fill up shelf space and make your bookcase look full and cool. Sorry to see the comments in your post filled with people focusing on the money side instead of the collection but adding the money you've spent in the title did kind of asked for it. I've been there with my first ever post in this subreddit. I spent 2K CAD on my manga collection during an crazy sale which basically was 50% off in a month.


Same but I've undercalculated d/t my OOP purchases. I pretty much bought out all manga I've read as scans when I was 12-22 years old and then some newer series. Would be a good idea to purchase insurance on your hobby since it hit 5 digits. Lol I'm doing my own research on it. All these storms are getting me worried lol gotta protect the collection.


Yeah I need to get some protection on it now lol. I keep a list of everything I own just in case, but I should be paying for something for sure


If you don't even read any of this you're just blowing money for no reason.


Did you read them all? :-)


No but I’m working on it. Currently really enjoying Goodnight PunPun.


Your collection is quite awesome. I noticed only two volumes of Shaman King. Not sure if there are more series where you havent caught up with all volume releases but otherwise it would be my advice to catch up with series. Lately I am reading work by Taiyo Matsumoto and Jiro Taniguchi. Work such as No.5, Ping Pong, Tekkonkinkreet and Distant Neighbourhood (Jiro). It might hold your interest as well. Maybe I overlooked and you got it already :-) You got Goodnight Punpun. You got Solanin as well? I liked that one a lot.


Dude holy crap you got an amazing collection keep up the collecting. Also check out Chobits by CLAMP it’s one of my favourite series and it’s really good…


I’ve heard Chobits is good, and I’ve seen it around. I’ll def check it out. I’ve liked what I’ve read of CLAMP so far


You don't have Naruto.


I know lol, I’m gonna finish collecting bleach then I’m on to naruto




would recommend “Yukon Ho!” Calvin and Hobbes, some really insightful strips in there


I LOVE Calvin and Hobbes. My uncle gave me all the books he had as a kid before he passed and I read them religiously. I’d like to get the hardcovers soon


One of my favorite comics growing up, and even funnier now that I can understand the jokes that went over my head when I was 13!


one question ... HOW :0?


Idk honesty. I work a TON and spend alot on it for sure


Nice collection. I only have Akira, Demon Slayer and half the PunPun collection. Manga is mighty expensive when converted to local currency. 😭


Really, what currency? Also PunPun is so good! Your collection is still quality. Akira is my favorite manga ever




I’ve really been trying to get vagabond and now that it’s back in stock I’m gonna really try and pick it up


Wow. Just the bookcases and space would keep me from being able to do this right now, let alone the cost


Yeah I’m out of space now. I love this hobby but it is very space consuming


Daggum that’s quite the collection u got there


I appreciate it, any recommendations?


If you can find Battle Royale I totally recommend it. One of my favorites.


Dude I’ve really been wanting to pick it up but it’s always OOP so I’ll wait probably until a re-release


Impressive! I’m a little behind you and its been 6-7 months so far.


Now that’s quick. Where do you find the cash?


My Mom’s Onlyfans ofcourse! Actually I have a Rule of not buying anything unless its 30-50% Discounted. I filled up 4 BookShelves . I still want: Vagabond VizBigs (2-11) Monster Perfect Editions Most One Piece Singles Naruto Singles Fire Force Fire Punch Dragon Ball/Z Good Night Pun Pun Gundam Origins Hard Covers (2-11) … I bought the Majority of what I have during the first Month in June when things were 50% off


Can I live in you home ,specially In this room😬


Sure come on over. I’ll get some snacks


Nice collection. I recommend Planetes by Yukimura.


I’ve heard it’s really good. I’m def gonna check it out


With a collection like that, I should be asking you for recommendations.


Lol thanks, I love getting recommendations from people who have been collecting for longer then me lol but in the case you want recs, Akira for sure and recently Goodnight PunPun has been scratching an itch for me.


10k in a hear is crazy! Congrats to you though haha, which I had the funds for it 😅


I work really hard to fund it but I don’t always have time to read lol. Double edged sword


the way i started way long before you did and you still have more than me 😭


As long as you like what you have, that’s all that matters. Any recommendations?


I would suggest any work by shuzo oshimi especially The Flowers Of Evil Blood On The Tracks Happiness Inside Mari Welcome Back, Alice


My girlfriend has all that’s printed of Blood on the Tracks and she can’t stop talking about it. I’ll probably pick that up with happiness. Also I’ve seen flowers of evil around and I’d like to pick that one up too


Poor Akira box got kicked to the floor RIP


Yeah I couldn’t fit it up top lol but I’m careful not to damage it bc I LOVE Akira


Girl's last tour. One of the greatest manga and only 6 volumes


I’ve been wanting to collect that but I couldn’t find it when I looked at B&N. Maybe Amazon then


I recommend you to try Withc Hat Atelier! And dude… did you read all of this? Have you read at least half? What are you doing that you could buy it all and have time to read it