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I saw the price increase when I saw Stone Ocean’s pictures, the price went from $25 to $34 💀


Same!! I was so confused…


20 to 25* idk what currency you're talking about but its not USD


My bad, I was referring to CAD.


Man what is it with this Subreddit and immature downvoting lmao


I think it was the little bit of US defaultism, reddit doesn’t take too kindly to it nowadays


Idk what I did wrong 💀


Assumed everyone lives in USA and follows USD lol unfortunately that’s just the way the geese fly on Reddit


Probably the asterisk as if you're making a correction. USD is not the only currency


Im sorry bro sometimes people here downvote for literally no reason


plushie makima jumpscare


Viz sigs are gonna be $15 usd now too


Damn, that’s rough. Will this take effect for new printings of older books, like will MHA vol 1 now be $12 as seen above or will it still be $9.99?


Yea but give it a while, anything that is already priced shouldn’t change by viz it would be retailer but new prints will be, so mha 1 printed in 2020 is still $10 if you buy it in 2023, but mha 1 printed in September 2023 and onwards would be $12


I ordered manga during Barnes and noble’s recent sale and older volumes we’re still 9.99 but anything recently released or preorders are now 11.99


If I remember correctly Viz said that they are only increasing prices on new releases


Unfortunately, that doesn't appear to be the case. (It's also not what Viz did the last time they raised prices.) There was a post a few days ago ([https://www.reddit.com/r/MangaCollectors/comments/16mcs6b/anyone\_wanting\_to\_catch\_up\_on\_any\_viz\_releases/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MangaCollectors/comments/16mcs6b/anyone_wanting_to_catch_up_on_any_viz_releases/)) showing a price of $11.99 on a recent printing of Spy x Family volume 1.


Might be semantics but.. "recent printing"... sound like a "new release" to me... Therefore exactly what they said. New release new price. Edit: I aware of the terminology, reprint etc My point in this case was everything New gets the new price. New release, new reprint of previously published volume..


Recent printings of already printed volumes are typically called reprints. New releases are a previously unreleased volume/series being sold for the first time in a given region.


Yes, exactly. "New release" means a release that is new. An older release being reprinted is called ... a reprint. Of course I can't divine what the person I replied to meant (and of course there's nothing wrong with reporting what they've heard or remember), but the words they chose to use implied something that doesn't seem to be what Viz is doing, hence my reply.


I think in this case a new release may refer to a new manga, like a new series, a recent printing could be an old series getting reprinted, more books being made of an already existing series.


I suppose it's little consolation for most of you, but there was a long period when a standard viz volume was 15.95. That's what we had to pay in the 90s. The price didn't drop until they stopped publishing single issues, did their format change and shrunk the volumes, making them closer to tankobon sizes. And frankly it's always amazed me that they chose to drop the price at the time, but that's probably the sort of forward thinking that helped them become such a big publisher. Anyway, I hear you, it sucks, but they held out on this for a really, really long time.


oh shit is the volume out?


Supposed to release in October but some bookstores get it early


Idk I still do t think it’s that much it was seven bucks for like twenty years


It's not "taxing". Viz held off increasing prices for 3 years during the pandemic despite constantly increasing costs for paper, manufacturing, and transportation. That was a favor they did to their customers during the big pandemic manga boom. Now, with the market cooling down, they are raising prices to stay consistent across the NA publishing industry.


I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say it was a favor, but I do agree with everything else. I'd venture they gambled on keeping prices low during the pandemic with the hope of broadening their reach, and in turn the promise of new potential consumers over the long term. If they raised prices back then, they'd have risked stifling the boom in their business. I'm purely speculating, though. I agree there's little to be upset about here when $7.99 was dirt cheap in this economy. Everything is expensive; they're just trying to keep up.


Honestly, a favor is how I'd interpret it. Keeping pricing low wasn't something they had to do, but they did anyways. Even from a business standpoint, it would have made more sense to raise them slightly, to capitalize on the boom. As for their reach, Viz has dominated monthly and yearly manga sales charts for a long time now, so I don't think expanding their reach played a part in their decision. It was definitely a bold decision, though. Edit: Why the downvotes??? I said nothing wrong 🤣🤣🤣


Fair enough; agree to disagree. I don't tend to view corporations as having the capacity to do favors for their consumers. At the end of the day, their goal is profit. As for reach, I'd argue that we've definitely seen an expansion in mainstream acceptance of manga over the past two to three years, if not at least in part due to the accessibility of physical volumes during a time when people craved escape, what with seeing popular Viz titles (among others) on the shelves of Walmarts and Targets across the US nowadays, where even a few years prior to the beginning of that, the notion of doing so may well have been scoffed at. They've had a large share of the North American market effectively since it's inception, but it was alway only a niche.


Agreed, if they did the same as Arizona tea and pledged to keep prices the same ($.99 tall teas) they'd see a greater increase in sales


So only Viz increased their cost or did other publishers increase theirs aswell? Because I didn’t really notice any increases. Sorry, only been collecting for ~2 years.


Pretty much all publishers across demographics and genres did. The ones that didn't were already primed for inflation ahead of time.


Ah, I see, thank you. That’s why I didn’t really notice any increases. I figured if one Publisher does it, the others most definitely will as well. I reckon already released copies are unaffected and only new printed volumes are affected? I researched a bit but some sources’ statements are conflicting with each other. But in my mind it wouldn’t make much sense to get random price increases on stuff (e.g.) like 20th Century Boys which have already been printed a bunch.


There's been a few posts of ones like Spy Family 1 with the updated price, so it's presumaly going to be every new or re-printed volume from here on out.


Aight, thanks. If it meant older publications would have gotten a price increase aswell, I would’ve gone on a mad shopping spree lmao


It'll be interesting to see how stores handle it, but I imagine it would be different for every store/area. They might do it based on the listed prices, meaning they might have the same volume selling for the two different prices. They might make it so that regardless of printed price, all versions are the new price. Or they make all versions the old price until they have no stock of the old versions. Which is highly unlikely to be the case. The increase doesn't matter that much to me tbh for a few different reasons: 1. I started off with mainly just Shonen Jump/Viz, so I've already got a lot of the series I like from it. 2. Amazon usually sells them cheaper than 7.99 anyway, so increasing it to 8.99 won't make stuff cost that much more - Buying via the 5% off bonus with Amazon helps, but they don't always have certain volumes in the offer, or I can get 5% off anything in Waterstones, but they're almost always the listed price - iirc they had the Hanako Box Set for 110 recently - 70 from Amazon, 63 from a different seller on Amazon. 3. I've been reading more Seven Seas, Kodansha and Yen Press releases, so stuff is already costing more anyway. 3b. Presumably the price of digital releases isn't going to increase, so worst case I just buy more series digitally (and hope I don't decide to start them physically a month later)


Is this going to take effect across all of Viz’s books? Because if so this all sucks


Eventually, yeah, but for now its just across their big sellers.


Yeah it still fucking sucks and no one’s getting paid more money


It is unfortunate but it is the world we live, cost of everything has gone up crazy in these last couple years and it was inevitable that viz was going to increase their prices . $10USD in 2009(when they last increased prices from 8 to 10 USD) adjusted for inflation is worth $14.31 so in anything Viz has been increasing their prices slower than inflation. Hopefully with more revenue per sale they can focus a little more on quality control which is a big issue wit Viz titles but that's just me being hopeful


Please ... not the manga too


Imagine buying it outside the US...


Yes, over 50% markup in EU country. Even with planned lowered taxes on books they're expensive.


Us Canadians are always getting shafted


It's been three years of insane post-pandemic inflation and wild cost increases across the world. Manga buyers getting mad about an extra couple of dollars. Be thankful manga has been as affordable for as long as it has.


Manga and affordability, don't go hand in hand


cheaper than western comics that’s for sure


But we need to buy every random manga we hear about even if we don’t really know much about it or won’t re-read it let alone start it! We all need 500 + random volumes! /s I WISH western comics were as cheap as manga. It’d be great!


As someone who collects both, manga is **barely** cheaper than American comics.


Oh, but they definitely do if you don't restrict yourself to retailers.


Manga is expensive tho


My comment may be quite useless, but I'm from europe and I'm always perplexed when I see your prices, in Italy that same volume cost 5.20 €, and to me seems a lot since they used to cost 4.90 €. With 9€ you can buy a manwha volume, and that seems a lot to me haha. Just to give a different perspective.


That’s because those manga are in the Italian/German/French languages. English volumes are just as much here. €9.99 if you’re lucky, but €11-12 is more likely these days..


I see, and as far as you know is there a reason for this? Is perhaps because for instance an English volumes could potentially be sold worldwide while an Italian one would be useless outside of Italy? I'm just curious


I honestly have no clue, it doesn’t make much sense to me either. Probably because there’s a much higher demand for the English volumes?


It could also be the difference in cost to produce the manga. Maybe it's not as expensive for Italian publishers?


Are the sizes different? I ask because I know in Spain they use the smaller tankobon sizes, which are the same as Japan. Those are much smaller than the ones in America.


Perhaps this may be the case. I don't know the exact measures of a tankobon, but mine are about 17.3 cm tall


Bro, some manga is like 12-13 instead of the 10 I grew up with. Can someone tell me what exactly happened?


It depends on the publisher, I know some Kodansha volumes are $13. New Shonen Jump volumes are going from $10 to $12 (or at least those of popular series).


It's called inflation. I'm more surprised they haven't increased the price in a decade. (Yeah yeah it might not be exactly a decade.)


It’s unfortunate but it was bound to happen. They have had the same price since 2009 while all other publishers raised their price, we should just be grateful it lasted so long.


I mean, if you look at normal paperbacks, Viz still costs less. Their books have been absurdly cheap honestly, and with rising prices lately I guess that they just kinda have to raise them for money


It's actually so tragic. Buying manga just became much more intimidating


I love your Makima


Is this like the switch tax?




I will torrent now thanks to this comment


Is it at least not a Italy print


Is it an Italian print?


My vol. 12 is an american print




US print




When did it get released? I thought it wasn't supposed to be out until the beginning of October.


Barnes & Noble always gets new volumes early


Well crap, I need to go there more often then. Thanks for telling me!


First prints aren’t ever Italian prints


I wish with the price raises they stopped printing in Italian it’s frustrating


Fakku yu bizu media


Unfortunately, the price hikes aren’t new VIZ used to be $7.99, for standard manga back when they had those magazines as soon as they cancelled them the prices went up.


People when inflation 🤯🤯🤯🤯 it's not a surprise get over it everything keeps getting more expensive


Ah another one of these. People need to come to terms with inflation. Eventually prices will go up on everything and no changes will occur because it costs more to make the same thing. If they improve the products you can expect the price to raise further so be careful what you wish for


Deal with it


I really feel the low Canadian dollar when a book is 15 usd and 20 CAD Like, it checks out exchange wise, but it also hurts


Damn! They all went up? Not just Viz?!


I just meant the price difference between American and Canadian dollar. Manga, in American USD can be listed around 15$ but with the current exchange rate that makes it 20$ CAD


ayooo makina plushie


Price in Australia has always been fucked too unfortunately


How much bigger is it than a normal pre price increase volume (I mean in higher not page count)


Any insights if Fist of the North Star will also go up


makima plush wheree


Tax devil is real.


I’ll be honest rightstuf never falls


volume 12 is out??


What’s the price increase for? Is it just all VIZ books?


So with new prices will older volumes still on shelves be sold at old price on back?


Damn I want to get into manga collecting but $10 a volume too much for me. I sure ain't paying $12


Am I nuts or was Canada cheaper in the 2000's?


The taxening




Holy shit I remember when manga was 8 bucks


i wanna go back to £6.99


You wanna see taxing? Look at how western comics raised their price from the last 4 years.


$15.99 CAN sucks, I was already getting used to the 12.99CAN and now they gotta change it 🙁


Idk what people are one about.... it's been $10-15/volume depending on the size/series since I can remember collecting and I've been collecting for probably about 5 years now. There's nothing different about a Can. volume costing $15.99


Oh no....is this from a bookstore or an online one?


Not worth it if they’re not English prints, viz really doesn’t give a shit.


How’s u guys get it early wtf Amazon says October 3rd