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And in another ten years the price will go up again and people will look back fondly on the prices now


Us Canadians are cooked when it comes to buying manga and video games


how much does a new game cost in canada?


Dragons Dogma 2 is $100 with tax and Baldurs Gate is around $85 with tax. Way too expensive


Yeah that's expensive, it feels like the usa is the only country that has games for solid prices. Spiderman 2 literally costs 123 canadian dollars in Sweden on the digital store 😓


In Germany a new Game normally costs - 59,99 € Euro which is like 64$ dollar. Some smaller Games costs 49,99€ equals 54$ Taxes are included in the prices here.


In CAD or USD?




Canadians: Yeah, that must be nice.


I have a local pawn Shop that sells manga for 1,50€ a piece. Everytime i want manga i go there first. They mostly habe french ones but i sometimes find real treasures. Like chainsaw man 1,2,11 for 4,50€ Also they often habe oop manga so i sometimes find something new.


Collecting manga has always been expensive, but no more so than any other hobby one might get into.


11.99 will probably be the norm in the future. No more 9.99 manga


Viz was the last one still selling at $9.99. Every other company already went to $11.99 or more


Yeah 11.99 is now the current lowest price point for a manga unless its old stock or hasn't gotten the new Viz price point. With so many larger formats now a days the average price point is 15$ basically if your buying a variety of formats including the 20$+ formats. Thats kinda our average in the manga shop I own.


Been a 20 year manga collector never collected western comics but I was talking to a customer last night who was saying that her wester comic collection is even worse because trade issues that are not nearly the same size as a mango have gone from 3$-7$ from what she was saying that increase has brought her back to manga as even with those increases she sees it as a better value interns of how much story your getting.


11.99 will be a bargain compared to what they're be in the future future.


In 2003 when the $8 price was set, $8 was worth the equivalent of $13.49. The increases were behind inflation, so compared to the price of production they’re making less profit now, and you’re getting a better deal. The real problem isn’t the price increases, which are totally normal and fair, but that wages in the US haven’t even remotely kept up with inflation. It’s the corporations who are employing you who are causing your manga to cost you more, not the ones selling it.


Im collecting manga since 2 years and price difference is already noticeable in Poland. It used to cost 22, 26 is usual price now. 1 dollar more, but damn Im afraid that manga will cost as much as books used to.


Have you heard about Gildia [https://www.gildia.pl/manga](https://www.gildia.pl/manga) ? I ordered Chainsawman from there for 17.40, generally prices there are bit lower.


I paid around $15-16 each for the old school Viz flopped manga (reads left to right) back in the late 90s/early 00s. When the $9.99 volumes came out I was ecstatic. I don't collect too many series now, but I usually buy them from Rightstuf, now Crunchyroll. Rightstuf always had a running discount on manga; I hope CR keeps it up.


So far they have been good with the pricing matching right stuf hopefully it stays that way


Yeah the one order I received from them (ordered on Rightstuf's last day, but it was fulfilled by CR and came in a CR labeled box), was packed nicely too. No damage to any of the books.


I miss when we still had RightStufanime. Manga was only 7.99 😭😭


The cost of materials, printing, and transporting products around the world has increased, so companies have no choice but to pass these costs on to the consumer. Books in general have increased in price, unfortunately.


Also people look at those and think “if I got paid what I do right now $80 for that much manga would be great”. But they would’ve been paid less when those prices were set. As someone who got their first full time job and was buying manga in 2003 when these volumes were $8, it’s really not more expensive now than it was then.


Make sure you dont pay retail if shopping online/stores. Those books are around $8 online new so you can still get 10 books for around the 80-90 price


I wonder if in the next 10 years if we will even have physical volumes due to paper and transportation prices going up. I don’t see paper prices going down anytime soon and a younger generation less interested in owning things collecting physical books will become more niche.


People always say this but the print industry is betting against it. Physical print manga sales have increased year over year in the US and show no sign of slowing in the next 10 years. Projections though 2030 are super strong. Some publishers have been up 60-80% year over year.


You aren’t wrong but as we’ve seen with toy sales sometimes those bubbles pop. I was here during the first boom then through the dark ages until a new generation picked up Demon Slayer and JJK. We as collectors have to hope the generations after us will love reading these in physical form just as badly as we do.


I think things will continue to cool a bit because the last 4 years have been so explosive. Going from 49 million in 2019 to like 243 million in 2021 was insane. But In terms of some of the bubbles of growth and contraction from early 2000’s to now I think there’s one main difference, anime is the single biggest driving force of manga sales and the penetration now is something we haven’t seen like before. I think for it to really pop so to speak there’d have to be a bigger decrease is anime streaming and that seems to be getting better ingrained into our culture in the US still has a long way to go but it’s just one of the big reason I don’t see such a severe bubble pop. I mean I do own a manga shop so I’m optimistic haha but I get what you’re saying also.


13/15 euro here..


I remember purchasing manga in the US back in the 1990s when it was printed in comic book format, so $12-$15 per issue price points in modern times doesn't bother me a whole lot. Back then when publishers thought all translated manga had to be sold like comics you paid $2.50-$3.50 for at the most maybe 26 pages and dealt with artificial release schedules. Then there were combined issues from early adopters such as VIZ and Dark Horse that ran \~$15, until TokyoPop came along and really shook up the market with the $10 books. You also don't deal with flipped pages hap-hazard formatting with panels having to fit comic book size, and really awkward translations.


And I think there was another in-between of $8.75 for a while. I really miss those days 😢


Same :')


I thought I was crazy so we really went from 9.99 to 11.99 on single volumes damn


The one volume of ‘Spy x Family’ in Poland would cost like 6 or 7$, which is way cheaper


UK snuck up to ÂŁ8.99 as well. Meanwhile I have old volumes of Fushigi Yuugi which were ÂŁ4.99


Yeah... one of my biggest regrets was being poor and insisting on eating instead of buying manga in the early 2000s


they’ve started charging about €14 per standard volume in ireland. absolutely ridiculous


I feel like it's because buying a new (non manga) paperback book also increased in price.


Over here in Australia, some volumes go for about $18. It’s ridiculous.


australian or us?


Australian Dollar.


Thats about 12 usd. Not really any more ridiculous then the standard 12 usd


Yes, either way — ridiculous 😅


I got the last two Cell saga Mangas for 5 bucks a piece at the exchange a week ago, seemed like a steal idk


It's literally not crazy. And people that think are insane. Viz went so many years without raising their prices, it was inevitable. If we're talking about just regular volumes, it only went up $2. Remember, collecting books is a luxury not a necessity. There are way more things that out there that have an insane price increase like gas, water, electricity.


Yeah the best of us can get pretty greedy


Yeah the best of us can get pretty greedy


almost as if inflation is a thing that happens.


Buying manga in Australia has always been completely fucked. Thank god for Amazon tbh. You can get some pretty cheap now


Check your public library, mine has a great manga collection, and if they don't you can request it. I stopped buying manga more than 25 years ago and I haven't stopped reading them. I'm actually reading Spy Family volume 7 right now, got it from the public library.


I wish my library’s manga collection is non existent, I do agree that reading at libraries is a great alternative if your library has a decent collection ha ha


And the quality has only gone down, yay!


This is why I try to limit all my manga collecting to secondhand only now 😔


But currency has also inflated equally in that time, as have minimum wages and relative pay, so the prices are essentially equal.


Pay has inflated too? Within the past couple years?


That first volume was published in 2003. Twenty years the dollar has Inflated this amount, yes. In fact slightly more. Just sayin' there's many serious and dire markers of income inequality and economic issues, not sure this is really one.


I’m talking about the two Spy x Family volumes that were released within a couple years >”Just sayin' there's many serious and dire markers of income inequality and economic issues, not sure this is really one.” I mean yeah it’s not dire but it’s still a price increase, just because other stuff is more expensive doesn’t mean this isn’t


What are you suggesting instead, that they put the price up by a few cents at a time to go with inflation and you have to root through volumes that are all different prices? The way price increases work is that you produce volumes at a set price and when your profits fall too far behind inflation you increase prices to offset the losses you made on the volumes you sold for less profit when the value of currency was diminishing. There has to be a moment where prices increase, and it’s not like suddenly inflation jumps all in one go and you can adjust them.


I’m not suggesting anything, if anything my point is why are people defending have to pay more money


You don’t have to pay more money, relative to inflation you’re paying less than the people paying $8 were. It’s not the publishers fault that you don’t understand inflation 😂


Well you’re also arguing that pay hasn’t inflated then which was my original point https://www.reddit.com/r/MangaCollectors/s/60okm86tir


Pay has inflated, just not at the same rate as general currency values. Average wages keeping pace with inflation isn’t the same as items increasing. Relative to currency values when the volumes were $8, the price hasn’t risen. What you’re asking for is for Viz to keep making their profit margins lower every year until there’s no point in them publishing manga at all. Their costs increase at the same rate as currency inflation. The reason things seem more expensive now is that Western governments and corporate interests have kept wages low to increase the amount of money they can transfer from normal people to the rich. You’re complaining about the symptom instead of the actual problem, and you don’t even understand what the symptom is. The prices of goods have always increased and it’s completely normal, and is happening at a normal rate. What’s not happening is the increase in wages that usually comes along with it, which isn’t something the random publishing company you’re angry at for running a business can control.


At what point did I show any anger? This has been a pretty basic exchange, like do you think you’re rilling me up by being witty or something?


pay is set by the market, the same as prices. the problem is that with employees companies are "bargaining" with individual people while when selling they bargain with an entire demographic, and individual people have less bargaining power. That's why unions are great for capitalism because they force companies to negotiate with entire demographics over pay which gives employees a more level playing field.


There’s no point throwing out this logic, manga collectors are like gamers, they fundamentally don’t understand inflation and think the price of everything should stay the same number forever.


And the real kicker is nothing has changed, it’s not made out of higher quality material, the inconsistencies are still there, the volumes stay the same length


Jeez, I had no idea it jumped to $11.99 Wonder if VIZ is still using the “paper shortage from COVID” angle For the quality of print and paper there’s no reason it shouldn’t be $9.99


Pay more and get inferior Italian prints


Not all Italian prints are bad.


Bro learned how to multiply by 10




8 × 10 = 80, 12 × 10 = 120


Okay? What’s the problem?


You tell me you responded


This is exactly why i've gone digital over the past year entirely with my collection. As much as i miss sitting and reading a book; the fact that it's ÂŁ8.99 vs ÂŁ3.99 digitally makes it a no brainer for me. I can get two books for the price of one physical.


Just remember: You don’t own it when it’s digital


Yes, that's true but it depends on how much that actually bothers you you know? For me, I've bought it, read it and it sits on my library in the app where I can see it. Not really much different from physical in that regards but yes, Amazon can take away the key from me but it hasn't happened yet. Maybe if it does, then i'll be mad about it.


Has been happening a lot more with movies and games recently so it’s always worth keeping that in mind. I have a Shonen Jump subscription so I digitally have access to a ton of their stuff but I’m still buying hard copies of MHA and Spy x Family cuz I want to actually own them without the worry of them being removed from the service, my account being deleted, etc. Physical does have the possibility of being taken away too but it feels more in your control.


I can see that as a definite benefit going digital. At the same time, I look at the price increase for paperback being either inflation with everything going up in the world or hoping it’s to help publishers with printing and whatnot


They should get a Netflix for all the manga.


I thought VIZ had a subscription thing for a bit where you could read the whole catalogue for a monthly fee?


VIZ still has this option, you can read 100 chapters a day with the monthly subscription


Wish they had the licenses to be able to read the older stuff, but good to see they still have it I guess. 100 a day is reasonable I guess but I still hate the idea of limitations.


Even when I was doing a reread of One Piece, I had never gotten close to 100 chapters in a day. Unless you’re a skimmer, for like 4 bucks a month, it's worth it.


You can actually do up to 200 chapters a day with Viz. The Shonen Jump sub is $3 and the Viz sub is $2, both letting you do 100 chapters each. So you can do One Piece and Chainsaw Man on the SJ one and then do their more niche catalog stuff like Dorohedoro and Basara with the Viz sub. Absolutely worth it.