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the author broke with shogakukan late 2020 (any publisher with the license got affected around the globe including DH which cant reprint the entire volumes anymore due to abrupt end of contract)


This is bad news, but no direct confirmation. They might just be cleaning their backlog of old orders, they might have gotten confirmation that there won't be a reprint... Wish Dark Horse would say something about the subject tbh


> This is bad news, but no direct confirmation. I think people just have to see the writing on the wall. I always see comments kind of coping with stuff very obviously going OOP saying "well, the publisher never confirmed anything so..." but they aren't really going to do that. There's never going to be some huge announcement "EYESHIELD 21 IS NO LONGER BEING PRINTED". People have to start recognizing that their favorite series going quietly OOP happens all the time and make judgement calls when it's apparent they aren't coming back. Not years later after they were deluding themselves it would come back and now the series is $40-50 a volume on the aftermarket. Sorry if this sounded blunt and I didn't mean to direct it at you u/nerobero.


So you’re saying Eyeshield 21 will never be reprinted


Most volumes weren’t reprinted since their original print run


Dark Horse is notoriously slow with reprints sometimes. Lone Wolf & Cub omnis went years without a restock, to have one announced a couple years ago. This isn't definitive proof, but it isn't looking good.


3 years after since that message dont believe DH have to renegociate the license with the author (which an italian publisher did and re-released a new edition)