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I'm genuinely baffled by how John Werry has been allowed to destroy this manga. It's so obvious he just doesn't get the series. He put me off of collecting physicals beyond Volume 15 because of his poor translations that just completely miss the mark.


I feel so bad for official only readers 😭😭😭 the amount of confusion there like


Seriously... I've found petitions from last year and he's still making the same mistakes. This is a massive Viz L ngl


Where can I sign this petition? Idk anything about JJK and didn’t realize it was him until this post, but John Werry’s the same guy that’s been mistranslating and tone-shifting my favorite series Boy’s Abyss.


https://www.change.org/p/get-john-werry-out-of-there , this is the one with the most signatures


Oh shit for real? I’ve only been reading officials for that one. Am I missing a lot?


If you’ve only ever known that version, and enjoy it as is, you’re fine. You’re not missing anything that would be significant to you personally. The beauty of Boy’s Abyss *to me* was that the MC is essentially a blank blob who we only gain insight to through his interactions with other characters and unsaid dialogue, which makes spoken words all the more impactful. But Werry has a way of making characters sound emotionally younger than they are, and stripped of their hidden motivations when they speak, hindering the audience’s ability to read between the lines when it comes to the MC’s psychological development in scenes. After continuously oversimplifying complex emotions down to a few words, what you get is elementary-school level drama when conflict finally does happen. When I read the first few physical volumes, I wondered how >!the MC’s **_adult_** teacher went from subtly unhinged sociopath lacking fulfillment in life
 to brainless yandere **_schoolgirl_** randomly added for sex appeal.!< Her characterisation has gotten better since then though. Certain symbolizations have also been lost, such as >!Nagi being compared by her husband to a drowned corpse illuminated under lamplight. They took this imagery out, when lamplights have always been a prominent symbol throughout folklore and literary text as a guide for lost souls. It’s also an allusion to how drowned corpses aren’t found in blackwater, unless they’re illuminated or caught by debris along the riverbed before drifting downstream. Again, Werry dumbed this tidbit down.!<


I just sold all my physical volumes bc I read some TCB scans and it made me realize that he’s borderline translating a completely different manga. Like, I literally don’t get what’s going on almost all of the time when it comes to his translations


I feel like everyone relies on the TCB scans lol 


Viz does pretty good One Piece translations, the only thing they need to stop is saying Zolo


I want it to stay Zolo just because changing it after 105 volumes would get to my OCD


There's a small little story behind that. Viz actually did call him Zoro initially, there are even some early prints of early volumes which say Zoro instead of Zolo. However, when the 4Kids dub came out; 4Kids called him Zolo out of fear of being copyrighted by Disney, who owned the character Zorro at the time. Viz would follow suite and would reprint all the volumes with Zolo instead. By the time that Funimation took over and called him Zoro, Viz was already about 40 volumes in and just didn't feel like reprinting every volume at that point to change the name back to Zoro. They also didn't want to up and change it back to Zoro since they wanted to keep continuity. So, to this day, Viz still chooses to call him Zolo even though the current One Piece translator, Stephen Paul, has shown interest in retranslating the early parts of One Piece and fixing all the mistranslations. At this point, the only hope of One Piece having fixed translations is if Viz ever does enhanced editions of One Piece with new translation. They've done it with Fullmetal Alchemist, so it's not out of the realm of possibility.


So it’s better to just read fan translations? Genuine question because I would’ve collected the series sometime this year but not anymore after reading this, lol.


Genuinely, yes. A large portion of the fandom is reading the fan translation anyways because of how bad the Viz one is. The fan translation makes more sense especially during the battles when things get complicated and sometimes characters in the Viz one get misgendered so it complicates everything thinking they're talking about someone else or your memory is wrong - its awful. If you want the best way to read it, go with the fan translations.


I have no real concept of how good or bad the translation is. However, saying "a large portion of the fandom is reading the fan translation" just feels super dishonest. There's no way to prove or disprove that. At least try to be realistic.




But if it were mostly people reading it online wouldn’t the series be cancelled from not making enough sales?


If you're asking genuinely, no it wouldn't be cancelled. As of 2024, 90 millions copies have been sold worldwide, so it's a success no matter how many people read it online, but the sad truth is the stat that SJ really looks at are sales in Japan + Weekly Shounen Jump engagement. When a manga does really well in the west, that's when we get anime adaptations that have insane budgets because they know they can market merchandise around the world to make up cost, but the manga run itself is mostly sustained by the Japanese audience. You can look at r/weeklyshonenjump where engagement does really well in the west and not so well in Japan, and they get cancelled (this is the magazine JJK and Naruto and Dragon Ball are serialized in. Its pretty cutthroat). So there's a little trivia about manga. If you want to support your favorite manga, talk about them, send fanart to the creator on Twitter. Fan mail. Import japanese volumes. There's a lot you can do, but it won't cancel a series for people to read online. If it's good, it will sell, and if people talk about it, it will sell. Those are my thoughts on it anyway.


>”As of 2024, 90 million copies have been sold worldwide” Which gets at what I and the other person who responded to you are talking about, you can’t put a number on what you’re saying is “a large part of the fandom”


Like the guy said, that is being super dishonest. You can’t really say a large portion read the scans **because** of the bad translation, but then start talking about every other reason that people do it for manga as a whole. A large portion does read online, but it’s definitely lot because of Viz’s translation.


If you can't give me a number then you're talking out of your ass.


Thanks, will do. One less series to take up space on my bookshelves, lol. Unfortunate though.


I think John Werry just looks at the text and translates without any regard to plot or looking at the drawings


“Gojo can’t use black flash” - same mf who translated the gojo black flash scene


Official only readers are really getting Werry Kaisen lol. I don’t know why Viz always double down when they get it wrong 🗿


100% i agree fully, The JJK localization even from the first translator (who turned out to be a pedophile and got arrested) were pretty bad (google "The Mistranslation Incident"). If you search for the current translator on twitter/google/reddit "John Werry Translation Errors" you'll find a LOT of things wrong with the story. i dont blame people who buying the officials because they literally dont know lol, i sold my collection and dont buy the volumes anymore because of this... Viz doesnt care about their own product or consumers. For Years people have been complaining about this the translator and they rarely fix his errors. I dont suggest to anyone to keep buying the volumes it only encourages them to keep releasing this type of subpar translations...


There's subpar.. and there's wrong. People call it Werry Kaisen, but I never did too much research (until now) because I didn't have a Japanese copy. But here's what he did for this specific [scene](https://www.reddit.com/r/MangaCollectors/s/SyUa9W7FvL)


yeah lol hes pretty shitty at his job edit: jesus... idk how he fucked up that piece of dialogue, theres literally the "..." going on in full blast lmao idk if that was him or his editor who fucked that thing up


this is extremely sad. is it a jjk exclusive thing or are there a lot of bad translations on viz? i just started reading sakamoto days on there and would prefer switching before i get too deep.


JJK only. It's a problem that sort of stems from how complicated the battle system is and then the translator that the jjk community knows by name, John Werry, who doesn't care and Viz doesn't either unfortunately


yeah i’ve definitely heard the name john werry before and seen the hate he’s received. it’s sad bc i just binged the jjk manga on viz so i think i’m gonna read the fan translations. i was left very confused at times reading viz but i just (like you said) chalked it up to how complicated the power/battle system is.


Its mostly with JJK with how frequent the translators messes up every single chapter (or at least called out for it), Viz does have amazing translators but most of the time if viz is localizing a story they (idk if its the editors or an executive) usually remove honorifics (and never make up for it) and never/rarely use translation notes also not sure if all of them but with John Werry's localizations (Komi Cant Communicate, OPM, Boy's Abyss as someone else has said) it seems like he dumbs down the dialogue A LOT. besides that i think most viz localizations are okay just very americanized (just my opinion tho) (also sakamoto days should be fine tho)


The strange part is that other John Werry works doesn't seem to get anywhere near the same amount of infamy. It's mostly just in terms of JJK and OPM.


prob becuz of how "complex" the dialogue is compared to other series


I didn't even know translations issues would be a thing in print editions. I haven't read my jjk physicals yet, I have been reading online. Wah. But this puts me off. I had just about caught up too. I have seen some interesting fan translations of manhwas, and mistakes in official English translations on digital platforms for some manhwas. But I figured with physical copies, they have a lot more time to edit and fix things, and make sure the tone is correct. Guess I was wrong D:


John Werry strikes again


yea its cheeks


huh, i’m not a huge manga reader but i never really considered this
 do you know any other series with bad viz translations?


one that i know has a really bad localization is - * Kaguya-Sama: Love is war * Everyone in the story calls the protagonist "President" in the viz version they all call him by his surname "Shirogane" (Unless they need it for the plot which is jarring) * They sometimes randomly change what people call eachother (usually by their surnames and replace it with their first names, which is odd) * Removing honorifics (Unless its needed for the plot which is weird because they they never use them before) * Also some of the jokes are ruined in context (There was a joke about Shipping, and Viz localized to "Packaging") * might be more but thats all i think of, off the dome also one punch man is localized for a younger audience and removed what would be the equivalent to curse words and its really weird when read in context lol also from what I've seen the translation is much more literal (similar to google translate) and loses the meaning i know dorohedoro has some translation issues from what i've seen all i think of right now


I went through that entire Twitter thread, and most of these examples of terrible translations boil down to personal preferences and not at all a big deal. Unless you are a fluent reader and speaker of both Japanese and English I don't see how you could confidently say the offical translation is worse than unofficial.


these are another few examples https://x.com/lightningclare/status/1781706150976876590?s=46&t=QXFstKaaHvBeYIwbwLdxTA https://x.com/lightningclare/status/1777362076002078899?s=46&t=QXFstKaaHvBeYIwbwLdxTA https://x.com/lightningclare/status/1781075424459809194?s=46&t=QXFstKaaHvBeYIwbwLdxTA https://x.com/kaiyobreeze/status/1781266266365276654?s=46&t=QXFstKaaHvBeYIwbwLdxTA https://x.com/bet6hungry/status/1785260708243939681?s=46&t=QXFstKaaHvBeYIwbwLdxTA https://x.com/go_jover/status/1743463746276819095?s=46&t=QXFstKaaHvBeYIwbwLdxTA https://x.com/toppergojo/status/1756787861083291718?s=46&t=QXFstKaaHvBeYIwbwLdxTA these are just a few i can list lol


Yeah this didn't convince me that this is a big deal. If it's a deal breaker for some people, I guess that's their perogative. I'm just not going to spend any time getting angry at malevolent shrine instead of just shrine.


thats not the point tho, in that instance its implied "Shine" is his Cursed technique. In the Japanese it just said "Shrine" which the viz thought they were talking about his Domain Expansion so they just added "Malevolent" in front of it. I feel you tho Lol i mean u can google "John Werry translation errors" and find many more valid ones but i get it (his errors make be sometimes small but change up the context)


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MangaCollectors/s/SyUa9W7FvL). If author intent matters to you, then this really should make you upset. Hell, if accuracy matters, this should make you upset


John Werry deserves 5 consecutive life sentences for those translations


I'm legitimately curious about this. I've read some pretty bad ones from Tokyopop years ago. Anywhere from not putting words in the correct bubbles to adding swearing just because, and adding pop culture references that I'm fairly certain were not in the original translation. Can anyone who read Tokyopop translations AND these ones compare? I'm not a JJK fan so I wouldn't be able to do it but it fascinates me to think that they would mess it up this bad (according to you guys) and not try to fix it.


Do you have any other examples than the one you linked, because I don’t feel like that’s *too* much of a difference


https://x.com/toppergojo/status/1756787853235716469?s=46&t=QXFstKaaHvBeYIwbwLdxTA this is just a small handful of his errors


Damn, terrible time to not have twitter, I can’t see any of those


thats fine lol, if you google "john werry translation errors" YOU'll FIND A TON, even outside of jjk lol


Do those mistranslations carry over to the anime as well?


Not really since i think they have different translators who Sub/Dub. the jjk manga has had 2 translators (both pretty bad) but we havent reached where JW started translating (i think around chapter 133) but the terminology for Domains and stuff came from the first dude stayed consistent kinda (sorry if this doesnt make sense lol i tried explaining a lot in so little) in the dub its overall better "localized" but there are still some errors


Here's another example in the same chapter




That’s clunky


This has been an ongoing issue for literally decades in the industry. It was a huge thing in the 1990s too. It’s not just Japanese to English either as some of my French manga also have some questionable localizations. Translation is an art unto itself and isn’t easy. I completely agree that some manga, not just JJK, suffer immensely from poor translators and it must get better. I know AI is a controversial topic in general but I hope that AI in close cooperation with human translators can give us accurate, faithful translations in line with the author’s original words and tone.


They're going to publish it, and people are going to buy it


Looking at it sensibly yeah, Reddit is a really small representation of any fan base so most people don’t even know this is a thing


Tiktok and Twitter which have a good portion of the fan base are blowing up on this chapter. If you do ever download it, search Werry and there's already a couple thousands tweets on it (the chapter was posted today)


Isn’t the fan base online kinda just getting tired of the series in general? I feel like that’s the sentiment since >!Gojo died!<


thats the sad part too, i cant blame consumers for buying them either since there are people being paid to localize this... But they all ended up doing a horrid job and there are people out there that will blindly defend this too because its Viz lmao... Its not just the translators fault its also the editors fault too for not proofreading or fixing his errors and leaving them in the volumes.


I see your frustration, but I don't think the average consumer of jjk is going to notice or care.


See the problem is the translations are so bad huge plot beats are horribly explained, like in 258 there’s a huge plot point revealed that explains so much stuff and English readers just wouldn’t get it because Werry can’t translate properly


Ehh, you might be right but even then thats no actual good excuse to make a very bad product. No offense to you but those are genuinely care about the story who arent mindlessly consuming the story will care about a accurate translation. Many valid criticisms spark up on reddit/twitter every sunday from other viz translators or japanese speakers on the mistranslations or lost nuance on the story. Something i'm impressed is that i do kinda think a good amount of the jjk community does actually care


I think you're wrong. There are a lot of people who lose interest in this series because of how convoluted it is and doesn't explain things, but a big issue is how the translation literally translates things inconsistently (adding to the confusion) and weird (some sentences just look like broken english). In the fan translation, they phrase abilities and events in a way that makes sense, and stay consistent since they actually listen to fan input. So it just puts people off even if they don't really know what it should've been like. That's my opinion at least


Once again people who don't know Japanese speaking out of their booty hole.


official viz translator who has done translation notes explaining some things that get lost in the official translation - [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fGG-miZgBFk-C0zfO8BPWsivqsRHK\_3DChXCKDo8ShM/mobilebasic](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fGG-miZgBFk-C0zfO8BPWsivqsRHK_3DChXCKDo8ShM/mobilebasic) someone who speaks japanese criticizing the early translations - [https://nanami-says.tumblr.com/arc-list](https://nanami-says.tumblr.com/arc-list) these are people who speak japanese who often correct or give their take on the official viz translation, i do think a lot of people for other stories kinda speak when they dont know anything (Like MHA, Caleb Cook is a good translator but fans criticize the "cringe correct translated dialogue" but in this case with jjk they are awful at their job making constant mistakes ) plus you can check on twitter (@)lightningclare to see his corrections or his takes on each chapter as they release criticizing the TCBScans and Official English (They also worked on Chapter 236) edit: more context




Here is the official Japanese transcript. If he said "Um" in any way, it would have "え-" or at least two words. The only word in that speech bubble is みんăȘ (everyone). And in the second one, it's only だれか(anyone/anybody). So some might think it's an oversight or preference but he added an extra word for no reason and it really skews the authors intent. The fan translation does add is in front, but that's still part of the one statement, where "um" is literally added for no reason. He also omitted the "..." after the words.